Running a complex loop query in PostgreSQL - sql

I have one problem in PostgreSQL.
This is my table (this table does not showing all data in image).
What is my requirement is:
Step 1 : find count of value (this is a column in table) Order by value for today date. So it will be like this and I did it.
Step 2 : find count of value for last 30 days starting from today. I am stuck here. Also one another thing is included in this step --
Example : today has 10 count for a value - kash, this will be 10x30,
yesterday had 4 count for the same value , so will be 4x29, so the total sum would be
(10x30) + (4x29) = 416.
This calculation is calculated for each and every value.
This loop execute for 30 times (as I said before last 30 days starting from today). Take today as thirtieth day.
Query will just need to return two columns with value and sum, ordered by the sum.

Add a WHERE clause to your existing query:
WHERE Timestamp > current_date - interval '30' day;
As far as ordering by the sum, add an ORDER BY clause.
I do not believe that you will need a loop (CURSOR) for this query.


SQL LAG function

I tried using the LAG function to calculate the value of previous weeks, but there are gaps in the data due to the fact that certain weeks are missing.
This is the table:
The problem is that the LAG functions takes the previous found week in the table. But I would like it to be zero if the previous week is not consecutive previous week.
This is what I would like it to be:
I'm open to any solutions.
Thank you in advance
Your example data is baffling. You have multiple rows per time frame. The first column looks like a string, which doesn't really make sense for the comparison.
So, let me answer based on a simpler data mode. The answer is to use range. If you had an integer column that specified the time frame:
ordering sales
1 10
2 20
3 30
5 50
Then you would phrase this as:
select max(sales) over (order by ordering range between 1 preceding and 1 preceding)
This would return the value from the "previous" row as defined by the first column. The value would be in a separate column, not a separate row.

Need column comprised of data from date two weeks ago for comparison

Let me start by saying that I am somewhat new to SQL/Snowflake and have been putting together queries for roughly 2 months. Some of my query language may not be ideal and I fully understand if there's a better, more efficient way to execute this query. Any and all input is appreciated. Also, this particular query is being developed in Snowflake.
My current query is pulling customer volumes by department and date based on a 45 day window with a 24 day lookback from current date and a 21 day look forward based on scheduled appointments. Each date is grouped based on where it falls within that 45 day window: current week (today through next 7 days), Week 1 (forward-looking days 8-14), and Week 2 (forward-looking days 15-21). I have been working to try and build out a comparison column that, for any date that lands within either the Week 1 or Week 2 group, will pull in prior period volumes from either 14 days prior (Week 1) or 21 days prior (Week 2) but am getting nowhere. Is there a best-practice for this type of column? Generic example of the current output is attached. Please note that the 'Prior Wk' column in the sample output was manually populated in an effort to illustrate the way this column should ideally work.
I have tried several different iterations of count(case...) similar to that listed below; however, the 'Prior Wk' column returns the count of encounters/scheduled encounters for the same day rather than those that occurred 14 or 21 days ago.
Count(Case When datediff(dd,SCHED_DTTM,getdate())
between -21 and -7 then 1 else null end
) as "Prior Wk"
I've tried to use an IFF statement as shown below, but no values return.
(IFF(ENCOUNTER_DATE > dateadd(dd,8,getdate()),
count(case when ENC_STATUS in (“Phone”,”InPerson”) AND
datediff(dd,ENCOUNTER_Date,getdate()) between 7 and 14 then 1
else null end), '0')
) as "Prior Wk"
Also have attempted creating and using a temporary table (example included) but have not managed to successfully pull information from the temp table that didn't completely disrupt my encounter/scheduled counts. Please note for this approach I've only focused on the 14 day group and have not begun to look at the 21 day/Week 2 group. My attempt to use the temp table to resolve the problem centered around the following clause (temp table alias: "Date1"):
datevisit1.lookback14 = dateadd(dd,14,PE.CONTACT_Date)
then "DATEVISIT1"."ENC_Count"
else null end
as "Prior Wk"*
I am extremely appreciative of any insight on the current best practices around pulling prior period data into a column alongside current period data. Any misuse of terminology on my part is not deliberate.
I'm struggling to understand your requirement but it sounds like you need to use window functions, in this case likely a SUM window function. The LAG window function,, might also be of some help

Counting Datediff between 2 rows from 2 columns

I have a table as below.
Somehow I want to calculate the idle time between End Date and Start Date.
Example: Idle time between 11:38:30 with 11:40:08, 11:49:35 with 12:00:19.
The problem is the station index number 5. It has a null value in 2 columns so I want to calculate base on the previous row
If you only need one value for each station, than grouping will work:
max(Statoin_End_Date) - min(Station_Start_Date) as Duration
from table_name
group by StationIndex
Otherwise please explain logic in greater details.

SQL query that calculates historical average and checks if current value is greater multiple than 3

I am try to calculate the average since the last time stamp and pull all records where the average is greater than 3. My current query is:
FROM cdsData
where Multiple > 3
and SqlUnixTime > 1492225582
group by ID_BB_RT;
I have a table cdsData and the unix time is april 15th converted. Finally I want the group by calculated within the ID as I show. I'm not sure why it's failing but it says that the field Multiple is unknown in the where clause.
I am try to calculate the average since the last time stamp and pull all records where the average is greater than 3.
I think your intention is correctly stated as follows, "I am trying to calculate the average since the last time stamp and select all rows where the average is greater than 3 times the individual bid".
In fact, a still better restatement of your objective would be, "I want to select all rows since the last time stamp, where the bid is less than 1/3rd the average bid".
For this, the steps are as follows:
1) A sub-query finds the average bid divided by 3, of rows since the last time stamp.
2) The outer query selects rows since the last time stamp, where the individual bid is < the value returned by the sub-query.
The following SQL statement does that:
FROM cdsData
WHERE SqlUnixTime > 1492225582
FROM cdsData
WHERE SqlUnixTime > 1492225582
SQL is evaluated backwards, from right to left. So the where clause is parsed and evaluate prior to the select clause. Because of this the aliasing of AVG(BID)/BID to Multiple has not yet occurred.
You can try this.
FROM cdsData
WHERE SqlUnixTime > 1492225582
Select Multiple
FROM cdsData
Where SqlUnixTime > 1492225582 group by ID_BB_R)X
Where multiple >3
Once you corrected the above error, you will be having one more error:
Column 'BID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
To correct this you have to insert BID column in group by clause.

SQL Select statement Where time is *:00

I'm attempting to make a filtered table based off an existing table. The current table has rows for every minute of every hour of 24 days based off of locations (tmcs).
I want to filter this table into another table that has rows for just 1 an hour for each of the 24 days based off the locations (tmcs)
Here is the sql statement that i thought would have done it...
Time_Format(t.time, '%H:00') as time, ROUND(AVG(t.avg), 0) as avg,
tmc, Date, Date_Time FROM traffic t
GROUP BY time, tmc, Date
The problem is i still get 247,000 rows effected...and according to simple math I should only have:
Locations (TMCS): 14
Hours in a day: 24
Days tracked: 24
Total = 14 * 24 * 24 = 12,096
My original table has 477,277 rows
When I make a new table off this query i get right around 247,000 which makes no sense, so my query must be wrong.
The reason I did this method instead of a where clause is because I wanted to find the average speed(avg)per hour. This is not mandatory so I'd be fine with using a Where clause for time, but I just don't know how to do this based off *:00
Any help would be much appreciated
Fix the GROUP BY so it's standard, rather then the random MySQL extension
Time_Format(t.time, '%H:00') as time,
ROUND(AVG(t.avg), 0) as avg,
tmc, Date, Date_Time
FROM traffic t
Time_Format(t.time, '%H:00'), tmc, Date, Date_Time
Run this with SET SESSION sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY'; to see the errors that other RDBMS will give you and make MySQL work properly