How do I emit a double value with full precision? - yaml-cpp

The following code did not work for me.
double x = 10.0;
double y = 10.0
double z = 0.0;
out << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginSeq << YAML::Precision(8) << x << y << z << YAML::EndSeq;
which yields [10, 10, 0]. I wanted, for example, to get something like [10.000, 10.000, 0.000].
Let me know how I can emit a double value with full precision.
Thanks in advance.


Calculating the apparent area of a polygon from a view point

I want to calculate the apparent area of a polygon from a view point. Say, you are looking at a 2 x 2 meters square from across, the apparent area for you would be 4 m2.
Now image the square is rotated somehow, then the apparent area would be smaller. To do this, I figured I could use the following logic:
V3_c (center of mass of the polygon)
V3_v (viewer's position)
Construct a plane that goes through V3_v with the normal of (V3_c - V3_v).normalize()
Project the polygon onto this plane and calculate the area
How can I do this in CGAL?
Upon #mgimeno's suggestions I've used the following (almost pseudo) code.
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/centroid.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "print_utils.h"
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Kernel;
typedef CGAL::Polygon_with_holes_2<Kernel> Polygon_with_holes_2;
typedef Kernel::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point_3;
typedef Kernel::Plane_3 Plane_3;
typedef Kernel::Vector_3 Vector_3;
typedef Kernel::FT ValueType;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Point_3 viewer(0, 0, 0);
cout << "Viewer: " << viewer << endl;
Point_3 a(-5, -5, 5);
Point_3 b(-5, -5, -5);
Point_3 c(5, -5, -5);
Point_3 d(5, -5, 5);
cout << "Surface: " << a << ", " << b << ", " << c << ", " << d << endl;
std::vector<Point_3> vertices;
Point_3 center = CGAL::centroid(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), CGAL::Dimension_tag<0>());
cout << "Center of surface: " << center << endl;
Vector_3 normal = center - viewer;
Plane_3 plane(viewer, normal);
cout << "Plane passing thorough viewer orthogonal to surface: " << plane << endl;
Point_3 pa = plane.projection(a);
Point_3 pb = plane.projection(b);
Point_3 pc = plane.projection(c);
Point_3 pd = plane.projection(d);
cout << "Projected surface onto the plane: " << pa << ", " << pb << ", " << pc << ", " << pd << endl;
Point_2 pa2 = plane.to_2d(pa);
Point_2 pb2 = plane.to_2d(pb);
Point_2 pc2 = plane.to_2d(pc);
Point_2 pd2 = plane.to_2d(pd);
cout << "to_2d of the projected plane: " << pa2 << ", " << pb2 << ", " << pc2 << ", " << pd2 << endl;
std::vector<Point_2> vertices2;
ValueType result;
CGAL::area_2(vertices2.begin(), vertices2.end(), result);
cout << "Area of to_2d'ed vertices: " << result << endl;
The output is:
Viewer: 0 0 0
Surface: -5 -5 5, -5 -5 -5, 5 -5 -5, 5 -5 5
Center of surface: 0 -5 0
Plane passing thorough viewer orthogonal to surface: 0 -5 0 0
Projected surface onto the plane: -5 0 5, -5 0 -5, 5 0 -5, 5 0 5
to_2d of the projected plane: -5 1, -5 -1, 5 -1, 5 1
Area of to_2d'ed vertices: 20
I'm not sure how to_2d works but certainly not the way I hope it would. The computed area is 20 instead of the actual 100.
BTW, I've also begin to realize that this goal could be achieved by simple computing the angle between the viewing direction (V_c - V_v) and normal ofthe polyong. sin a * original_area should give the area.
To compute the centroid of your polygon you can use CGAL::centroid().
Then to construct your plane you can use the constructor of Plane_3 that takes a point and a normal.
After that you can project each point of your polygon using Plane_3::projection(), and then I'd propose to use to_2D() on those new points to get Point_2, and be able to use area_2().

CGAL Cartesian grid

In my code, I organize objects into a regular Cartesian grid (such as 10x10). Often given a point, I need to test whether the point intersects grid and if so, which bins contain the point. I already have my own implementation but I don't like to hassle with precision issues.
So, does CGAL has a 2D regular Cartesian grid?
You can use CGAL::points_on_square_grid_2 to generate the grid points. CGAL kernels provide Kernel::CompareXY_2 functors, which you can use to figure out the exact location of your query point on the grid. For example you can sort your grid points and then use std::lower_bound followed by CGAL::orientation or CGAL::collinear on the appropriate elements of your range. You could also build an arrangement, but this would be an overkill.
Here is a sample code.
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/point_generators_2.h>
#include <CGAL/random_selection.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_2_algorithms.h>
using namespace CGAL;
using K= Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel;
using Point =K::Point_2;
using Creator = Creator_uniform_2<double, Point>;
using Grid = std::vector<Point>;
const int gridSide = 3;
void locate_point (Point p, Grid grid);
int main ()
Grid points;
points_on_square_grid_2(gridSide * gridSide, gridSide * gridSide, std::back_inserter(points), Creator());
std::sort(points.begin(), points.end(), K::Less_xy_2());
std::cout << "Grid points:\n";
for (auto& p:points)
std::cout << p << '\n';
std::cout << "\ncorner points:\n";
Grid cornerPoints{points[0], points[gridSide - 1], points[gridSide * gridSide - 1],
points[gridSide * (gridSide - 1)]};
for (auto& p:cornerPoints)
std::cout << p << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
Point p1{-8, -8};
Point p2{-10, 3};
Point p3{-9, -8};
Point p4{0, 4};
Point p5{1, 5};
locate_point(p1, points);
locate_point(p2, points);
locate_point(p3, points);
locate_point(p4, points);
locate_point(p5, points);
void locate_point (Point p, Grid grid)
if (grid.empty())
std::cout << "Point " << p << " not in grid";
// check if point is in grid
Grid cornerPoints{grid[0], grid[gridSide - 1], grid[gridSide * gridSide - 1], grid[gridSide * (gridSide - 1)]};
auto point_is = CGAL::bounded_side_2(cornerPoints.begin(), cornerPoints.end(), p);
switch (point_is)
std::cout << "Point " << p << " not in grid\n";
std::cout << "Point " << p << " on grid boundary\n";
std::cout << "Point " << p << " is in grid\n";
auto f = std::lower_bound(grid.begin(), grid.end(), p, K::Less_xy_2());
auto g = std::find_if(f, grid.end(), [&p] (const Point& gridpoint)
{ return K::Less_y_2()(p, gridpoint); });
if (CGAL::collinear(p, *g, *(g - 1)))
std::cout << "Point " << p << " on grid side between points " << *(g - 1) << " and " << *g << '\n';
std::cout << "Point " << p << " in bin whose upper right point is " << *g << '\n';
Grid points:
-9 -9
-9 0
-9 9
0 -9
0 0
0 9
9 -9
9 0
9 9
corner points:
-9 -9
-9 9
9 9
9 -9
Point -8 -8 is in grid
Point -8 -8 in bin whose upper right point is 0 0
Point -10 3 not in grid
Point -9 -8 on grid boundary
Point 0 4 is in grid
Point 0 4 on grid side between points 0 0 and 0 9
Point 1 5 is in grid
Point 1 5 in bin whose upper right point is 9 9

mxnet (mshadow) getting the shape of a tensor

I'm a newbie in mshadow, I can not understand why I got those outpus from the following code snippet:
TensorContainer<cpu, 2> lhs(Shape2(2, 3));
lhs = 1.0;
printf("%u %u\n", lhs.size(0), lhs.size(1));
printf("%u %u\n", lhs[0].shape_[0], lhs[0].shape_[1]);
printf("%u %u\n", lhs[0].size(0), lhs[0].size(1));
The output is:
2 3
3 4
3 3
Why are the second and third outputs those numbers? Because lhs[0] is one-dimensional, I think they should be exactly the same, i.e. 3 0. Could anyone tell me where I was wrong? Thanks in advance!
You are right, Tensor lhs[0] is one dimensional, but to answer you question first let me show what is going on under the hood. TensorContainer does not override the [] operator, instead it uses the one from the parent (which is Tensor), more precisely the following one is called:
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, kSubdim, DType> operator[](index_t idx) const {
return Tensor<Device, kSubdim, DType>(dptr_ + this->MemSize<1>() * idx,
shape_.SubShape(), stride_, stream_);
As can be seen it creates a new Tensor on a stack. And while for the most of the cases it will create generic N-dimensional Tensor, here for the 1-dimensional case it will create a special 1-dimensional Tensor.
Now ,when we have established what exactly is returned by the operator [], let's look on the fields of that class:
DType *dptr_;
Shape<1> shape_;
index_t stride_;
As can be seen the shape_ here has only 1 dimension! so there is no shape_1, instead by calling shape_1 it will return stride_(or part of it). Here is the modification to the Tensor constructor that you can try to run and see what is actually going on there:
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, Shape<1> shape,
index_t stride, Stream<Device> *stream)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(stride), stream_(stream) {
std::cout << "shape[0]: " << shape[0] << std::endl; // 3
std::cout << "shape[1]: " << shape[1] << std::endl; // 0, as expected
std::cout << "_shape[0]: " << shape_[0] << std::endl; // 3, as expected
std::cout << "_shape[1]: " << shape_[1] << std::endl; // garbage (4)
std::cout << "address of _shape[1]: " << &(shape_[1]) << std::endl;
std::cout << "address of stride: " << &(stride_) << std::endl;
and the output:
shape[0]: 3
shape[1]: 0
_shape[0]: 3
_shape[1]: 4
address of _shape[1]: 0x7fffa28ec44c
address of stride: 0x7fffa28ec44c
_shape1 and stride have both the same address (0x7fffa28ec44c).

Comparison between 2D and 3D Affine transforms

Is it expected that the following test should fail?
The test compares results of a 2D and a 3D AffineTransformation. Both are constructed to have unit scaling and zero offsets in the y and z direction, but to have non-zero and non-unity scaling and offset in the x direction. All other off-diagonal elements are zero. It is my belief that these transformations are identical in the x and y directions, and hence should produce identical results.
Furthermore I have found that the test passes if I use this Kernel:
using K = CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel;
Is it to be expected that the test passes if I use this Kernel? Should the test fail with either kernel or pass with either kernel?
TEST(TransformerTest, testCGALAffine) {
using K = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel;
using Float = typename K::FT;
using Transformation_2 = K::Aff_transformation_2;
using Transformation_3 = K::Aff_transformation_3;
using Point_2 = typename K::Point_2;
using Point_3 = typename K::Point_3;
double lowerCorner(17.005142946538115);
double upperCorner(91.940521484752139);
int resolution = 48;
double tmpScaleX((upperCorner - lowerCorner) / resolution);
Float scaleX(tmpScaleX);
Float zero(0);
Float unit(1);
// create a 2D voxel to world transform
Transformation_2 transformV2W_2(scaleX, zero, Float(lowerCorner),
zero, unit, zero,
// create it's inverse: a 2D world to voxel transform
auto transformW2V_2 = transformV2W_2.inverse();
// create a 3D voxel to world transform
Transformation_3 transformV2W_3(scaleX, zero, zero, Float(lowerCorner),
zero, unit, zero, zero,
zero, zero, unit, zero,
// create it's inverse: a 3D world to voxel transform
auto transformW2V_3 = transformV2W_3.inverse();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
EXPECT_EQ(transformV2W_2.cartesian(i, j), transformV2W_3.cartesian(i, j)) << i << ", " << j;
EXPECT_EQ(transformW2V_2.cartesian(i, j), transformW2V_3.cartesian(i, j)) << i << ", " << j;
std::mt19937_64 rng(0);
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> randReal(0, resolution);
// compare the results of 2D and 3D transformations of random locations
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(1e4); ++i) {
Float x(randReal(rng));
Float y(randReal(rng));
auto world_2 = transformV2W_2(Point_2(x, y));
auto world_3 = transformV2W_3(Point_3(x, y, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(world_2.x(), world_3.x()) << world_2 << ", " << world_3;
auto voxel_2 = transformW2V_2(world_2);
auto voxel_3 = transformW2V_3(world_3);
EXPECT_EQ(voxel_2.x(), voxel_3.x()) << voxel_2 << ", " << voxel_3;

Finding the nearest multiple of a number to another number - Objective C

I have an integer which is the length of a text field, lets say the length is 6. I need to find the nearest multiple of 16 to this number and then get the difference between the two numbers. So in this case it would be 8 (It could also be 4 but I'm only interested in going up).
I have an implementation of this in C#:
int padding = 16 - (txtUserPwd.TextLength % 16);
However I can't work out how to do this in Objective-C (especially without RoundUp).
It's probably quite simple to do but I can't work it out, any help is appreciated!
Try this:
unsigned int v = n;
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
return v - n;