Yii CDbMessageSource doesn't use de database - yii

this is my config/main.php :
'components' => array(
'messages' => array(
'class' => 'CDbMessageSource',
and when i execute the command :
-Yiic messages c:/my...files/protected/messages/config.php
return array(
the system save don't use de database but the files like if i use CMessageSource...
any idea ?
Many thanks

You did not specify de in your array:


shopware 6 upload multiple product variation images

Can we upload multiple image to the variation using API. Single image upload can be possible using below code, but not sure about multiple image upload.
$mediaId ='random string';
$url = $images['url'];
$mediaData = array(
'id' => $mediaId,
'mediaFolderId' => $mediaFolderID,
$mediaDataArr = array(
'payload' => array(
"action" => "upsert",
"entity" => "media",
'payload' => $mediaData,
$createMedia = $shopware6HelperObj->post('_action/sync', $mediaDataArr);
$urlArr = array(
'url' => $url,
$parts = pathinfo($url);
$params = array(
'extension' => $parts['extension'],
'fileName' => $parts['filename'] . '__' . md5(time()),
$uploadImage = $shopware6HelperObj->post('_action/media/' . $mediaId . '/upload', $urlArr, $params);
Please suggest if any idea.
I always recommend to try doing that via the Admin Panel and check the Browser's Dev Tools / Network Tab which requests are made. This can give you a good hint on how do to it programmatically.

Converting SQL query to CakePHP

I have this SQL query that I need to convert to CakePHP. I used this website [http://dogmatic69.com/sql-to-cakephp-find-converter][1] that converts the code but I doesn't work in the way that I want. There is no results.
I think it is because it creates an empty array
here is the SQL code :
SELECT shops.phone1 FROM galleries , albums , shops
WHERE galleries.album_id = albums.id and albums.shop_id = shops.id and galleries.id = 210
and this is the result the website gives me :
$options = array(
'fields' => array(
'joins' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Gallery.album_id = albums.id',
'albums.shop_id = shops.id',
'Gallery.id' => '210',
$data = $this->find('all', $options);
but the code doesn't work.
Any Ideas what could be wrong ?
There are many ways to achieve this.
If you have defined your associations correctly then you can do this:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
->where(['Galleries.id' => 210]);
Otherwise you can use custom join to generate your query:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
'albums' => [
'table' => 'albums',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => 'albums.shop_id = Shops.id',
'galleries' => [
'table' => 'galleries',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => 'galleries.album_id=albums.id',
->where(['galleries.id' => 210]);
Further Reading: Cakephp -> Query Builder -> Adding Joins

BootGridView Filter not working in Yii Framework

I have tried to implement the sorting using BootGridView but it does not seem to work. Here is the line of code.
<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.BootGridView', array(
'value'=> 'CHtml::link($data->firstname." ".$data->lastname, array("view", "id"=>$data->id))'
array('name' => 'status',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => '$data->status == 1 ? "Active" : CHtml::link("In Active", "javascript:void(0);", array("id" => "active_" . $data->id, "onClick"=>"js:activate($data->id)"))'
)); ?>
The code does not seem to sort the table as expected. What could be the possible problem in this. ?
Sorting is configured in the data provider, not in the grid view. So you should look into the search() method of your model. You need something like this:
return new CActiveDataProvider('User',array(
// ...
'sort' => array(
'attributes' => array(
// ...
Have a look at CSort and especially the attributes property there to learn more about sort options you can use here.

yii cgridview dropdownlist value

I am unable to set the value of the column day in the cgrid view :
I am able to see the dropdownlist but all have the same day Monday set irrespective of the value of the day as represented by $data->day
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'value'=> ' CHtml::dropDownList(\'someName\'.$row,\'$data->day\',array(
If you can accept a minor break in MVC then things will get much easier to read if you put a little getter method into your model:
public function getDayDropDown()
$days = array('Mo'=>'Monday', ...);
return CHtml::dropDownList('someName', $this->day, $days);
Now in your gridview you can use it as a column like
'name' => 'Day',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => '$data->dayDropDown',
Just a minor issue resolved the whole episode.
I had put quotes around $data->day in the original post. which was not needed.
array( 'type'=>'raw',
'value'=> ' CHtml::dropDownList(\'someName\'.$row,$data->day,
This is an example of dropdown value and update onchange:
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',
'emptyText'=>'No hay sesiones abiertas.',
array('name'=>'username', 'header'=>'Nombre de Usuario', 'filter'=>CHtml::activeTextField($PSModel, 'username',
array('placeholder'=>'Buscar por usuario...'))),
array('name'=>'product', 'header'=>'Producto', 'filter'=>CHtml::activeTextField($PSModel, 'product',
array('placeholder'=>'Buscar por producto...'))),
array('name'=>'expire', 'value'=>'date("d-m-y H:i:s", $data->expire)','header'=>'Hora de Expiracion', 'filter'=>CHtml::activeTextField($PSModel, 'expire',
array('placeholder'=>'Buscar por expiracion...'))),
'onchange'=>"$.fn.yiiGridView.update('session-grid',{ data:{pageSize: $(this).val() }})",
'class'=>'span1 custom-tb-dropdown-inline',
'htmlOptions'=>array('style'=>'width: 50px'),
'delete' => array(
'label'=>'Terminar sesión',
'deleteConfirmation'=>'Está seguro que desea terminar la sesión seleccionada?',
'deleteButtonUrl'=>'$this->grid->owner->createUrl("productSession/delete", $data->primaryKey)'

Cakephp 1.3 - Ordering a group of results

I have the following model:
$values = $this->PtlUserdata->find('all', array(
'fields' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'PtlUserdata.user_id' => $user->get('id'),
'order' => array('PtlUserdata.timestamp' => 'DESC'),
'group' => array('PtlUserdata.field')
I'm trying to order the results by timestamp and then group the results by field, so I can get the most recent record with that field name.
Does anybody know how to do this is cakephp?
Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated :)
This is the default behavior for the database. You will have to come up with some sort of workaround to do it.
An idea: CakePHP: Group by ID and Order by date
Does this work:
$values = $this->PtlUserdata->find('all', array(
'fields' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'PtlUserdata.user_id' => $user->get('id'),
'PtlUserdata.timestamp' => 'max(PtlUserdata.timestamp)',
'group' => array(
I haven't had the chance to test this but you definitely need to be grouping by PtlUserdata.timestamp.