table results to xml in oracle - sql

Experts, I want to send some results via email in the form of table, for which i need to convert the results into xml format. I want to store the results in a variable and attach to the xml body. The xml result gives me in the form of rows and i am unable to capture the xml results in a single row and convert that into varchar2 so that i can attach the variable.
Need help... I am using Oracle Sql Developer 11g.
Below is the script i am using
select (XMLElement("tr"
,XMLFOREST(d.tablespace_name as "td",
d.file_name as "td", d.bytes/1024/1024 as "td",
h.CREATION_TIME as "td",
d.blocks as "td")))
from dba_data_files d
inner join v$datafile_header h

If I understood the question correctly - please have a look at XMLAGG:
This function allows creating one xml from multiple records.


SQL Error 'ORA-00904' When Retrieving Data From an XML File Via XMLQuery

I've been trying for days now to retrieve data from an XML file with a SELECT statement in SQL Developer but I constantly get the 'ORA-00904' when trying to execute the statement. So far, these are the steps I've been following:
Create the table and directory where I want the XML data to be stored in:
Insert into my PLAYER table said data:
INSERT INTO PLAYER VALUES (XMLTYPE(bfilename('PLDIR', 'InfoPlayersWPT.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')))
So far so good. The issue appears when I try to execute the SELECT statement
What could it be? I've changed the $Name parameter a million times as well as the Name field but nothing changes. The thing is that in the XML file, these are the fields:
I've modified a little bit the structure and this is the new error I get:
enter image description here
I've reached a point where I don't get if there could be a problem with my database connection or if the variable are incorrect.
Any form of help would be much appreciated.
Your table doesn't have a name or id column. Your query is trying to get those, while also transforming the XML to an info node making the id a node rather than an attribute, but you still don't extract the values from that new XML. You don't need to though.
If the document only has one player (which seems unlikely with the outer node 'Players') then you can get the data with an XMLQuery call for each value:
select XMLQuery('/Players/Player/#id' passing p.object_value returning content) as id,
XMLQuery('/Players/Player/Name/text()' passing p.object_value returning content) as name
from player p
Francinsco Navarro Compán
But it's a bit simpler, particularly if you add more data items, to use a single XMLTable instead:
from player p
cross apply XMLTable(
passing p.object_value
columns id number path '#id',
name varchar2(30) path 'Name'
) x
Francinsco Navarro Compán
... which would also handle multiple players in each XML document.

Custom column in Custom SQL on BigQuery

I'm stacking on some issue on Tableau when I'm trying to run Custom query with string parameter. I'd like to query one column dynamically from certain table on BigQuery.
My SQL looks like.:
select <Parameters.column for research> as column,
count(*) as N
from table_name
where date=<>
group by 1
Here I'm trying to use parameter as column name.
But unfortunatlly I'm receive string column with one value of the parameter.
Is it possible to execute my request? If it's doable, so how to write the Custom SQL?

Extract db objects dependencies from SSRS dataset with inline query (Query Type : Text)

I am dealing with a specific problem of identifying the dependent db objects for any SSRS RDL.
I have a good understanding of if any dataset have stored procedure as the query in a RDL then I can reference the associated stored procedure and get all the dependent objects (details can be found here: Different Ways to Find SQL Server Object Dependencies)
But I am looking specifically for the datasets with text query or inline query for any rdl. I am able to extract the CommandText from the XML of the rdl but I am not sure how to extract db objects like sp, table, views columns form a command text which is inline query in the rdl.
For example if I extract below query from XML commandText (this is a hypothetical query, names are not standardized in the database like vw_ for views , udf_ for functions):
-----This query serves Report ABC
,teamID = (SELECT TeamID FROM Sales.[getSalesPerson]( as s WHERE R.[SalesPersonName] = S.[SalesPersonName])
FROM dbo.FactTable AS R
LEFT JOIN sp_Channel C ON R.[Channel_ID] = C.[Channel_ID]
LEFT JOIN Marketing.vw_M M ON R.[M_ID] = M.[M_ID]
Is there a way to identify that this query have dependent object as below:
ObjectName ObjectType
dbo.FactTable Table
sp_Channel Stored Procedure
Marketing.vw_M View
Sales.[getSalesPerson] Function
It is not easy to extract object names from an SQL command since they may be written in different ways (with/without schemas, databases name included ...)
But there are many option to extract objects from an SQL query that you can try:
Using Regular expressions, As example: You have to search for the words located after the following keywords:
The following code is a C# example:
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\bJOIN\s+(?<Retrieve>[a-zA-Z\._\d\[\]]+)\b|\bFROM\s+(?<Retrieve>[a-zA-Z\._\d\[\]]+)\b|\bUPDATE\s+(?<Update>[a-zA-Z\._\d]+)\b|\bINSERT\s+(?:\bINTO\b)?\s+(?<Insert>[a-zA-Z\._\d]+)\b|\bTRUNCATE\s+TABLE\s+(?<Delete>[a-zA-Z\._\d]+)\b|\bDELETE\s+(?:\bFROM\b)?\s+(?<Delete>[a-zA-Z\._\d]+)\b");
var obj = regex.Matches(sql);
foreach(Match m in obj)
Console.WriteLine(m.ToString().Substring(m.ToString().IndexOf(" ")).Trim());
Then you have to clean and join the result with the sys.objects tables from the SQL Server database.
Using a SQL parser, as example:
SQL Parser
SQL Parser - Code Project
You can refer to the following very helpful links for additional information:
Regular expression to find all table names in a query
Parsing SQL code in C#
If your reports are connecting to SQLServer and you have access you could try to get the execution plan with SET SHOWPLAN_XML ON and parse it.
Relevant thread for the parsing:extracting-data-from-sql-servers-xml-execution-plan

How can I generate dynamic images in SSRS 2008 based on the results set of a SQL query?

I am using the following SQL query in SSRS:
select, s.studentid, x.section_number
from students s
inner join sections x
on s.studentid=x.studentid
where section_number = :Section
This query produces a list of 10-20 students depending on which 'section' (class) is entered into the :Section parameter. In addition to this, I also want to produce a picture of each student dynamically that matches up with the list.
I have every student's picture on a webserver, and if there's just one value for student then I could use a parameter for StudentID and set the image expression as follows:
="" & Parameters!StudentID.Value & ".jpg"
However, I need to have a picture for every student that is returned in the results. Is this possible in SSRS?
Yes it is certainly possible. The problem is you need to have those pictures in the database, in order to return them in the result-set.
You can write a CLR stored procedure that goes and fetches the images, then inserts them into a table in the database. Or a stored procedure that calls a windows/web service that does that.
I have a art-report that does that:
0xff[... default image byte-array too large for SO...]
AS varbinary(MAX)
) AS RPT_Thumbnail
By the way, you can get the image mime-type from the file's extension in SQL

OleDbDataReader not giving same results as SQL Developer

The following query on my oracle db gives results that look fine when run in SQL Developer.
select *
from guideline$ a left outer join textfragment$ t
start with a.knowledge$_Code = 71122 and a.guideline$_pcode is null
connect by prior a.guideline$_Code = a.guideline$_pcode
order SIBLINGS by a.tag_order
All rows are populated correctly. When the same exact query is ran in my program using OleDbReader.ExecuteReader() some of the rows contain a null value for a specific column when they didn't in my SQL Developer results. The data type of that column is CLOB. I can not see any pattern as to why some of the rows have a null value and some do not.
Not sure what other information would be helpful...
Does anyone have any ideas on what might be going on?
Your problem may be related to the way that binary data is retrieved with OleDbDataReader.
You should use GetBytes(), and follow this article.