Retina Images not being loaded on sencha touch - sencha-touch

I've included retina.js in my Sencha Touch application. When watching the network monitor I see
retina.js is loaded
images are loaded normaly example.jpg
no #2x images are loaded example#2x.jpg or even looked for
Using chrome to emulate an iphone this is all I see
I also manually ran Retina.init(window) however nothing happens. All images remain non-retina. Running Retina.isRetina() returns true
I don't actually own a retina device, so I am not sure if that is the issue. However my friend with an iPhone 5s says the image quality has not improved, so I am assuming the retina images are not showing up.
The documentation is not very helpful
I figure this has to do with the fact that images are created and loaded with JS (the images are not there onload)
Using chrome for debugging, how can I make retina.js work for my app?

OK, so I used a small part of the retina.js file and created a new class, it uses the isRetina function to tell weather the devicePixelRatio is higher than 1.
Ext.define('MyApp.Retina', {
singleton: true,
isRetina : function(){
var mediaQuery = "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\
(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),\
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),\
(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)";
if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1)
return true;
if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches)
return true;
return false;
getSrc: function(url){
return this.isRetina()? [url.slice(0, -4), '#2x', url.slice(-4)].join(''): url;
Now throughout my sencha app I create images with MyApp.Retina.('') as src value, when the device is retina the function returns


Why are images in react-native app not rendering after Xcode 12 update

Not sure what to even document here. I update Xcode to 12.0.1, and out of nowhere, after building and running my application, the images inside the app are not rendering, not counting the splash screen, containing an image, which are built out natively.
These images, whether they're coming from firebase storage (remotely) or whether they're icons (locally) are simply not rendering. no changes in any image code or anything, anywhere in the application. the only change was the Xcode 12 update. and also a macOS update to Catalina 10.15.7
Any ideas on whats going on? let me know If I can provide additional details.
This behavior is a known issue with iOS 14 as you can see here.
You need to change the following file:
and add the following line:
- (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)layer
if (_currentFrame) {
layer.contentsScale = self.animatedImageScale;
layer.contents = (__bridge id)_currentFrame.CGImage;
} else {
[super displayLayer:layer]; // add else statement with this line here

ExoPlayer in Android TV plays video in portrait mode instead of landscape

We are using ExoPlayer to play m3u8 files (stream) on Android TV. The streaming is working fine, but the video plays in portrait mode (even if the video is shot in landscape).
Looks like some issue with orientation of the android TV instead of aspect ratio.
private fun initializePlayer() {
if(mPlayer == null) {
playerView = activity!!.findViewById<SimpleExoPlayerView>(
// playerView!!.setControllerVisibilityListener(this)
val bandwidthMeter = DefaultBandwidthMeter()
val videoTrackSelectionFactory = AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter)
mTrackSelector = DefaultTrackSelector(videoTrackSelectionFactory)
mPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(activity, mTrackSelector)
playerView!!.player= mPlayer
mPlayerAdapter = LeanbackPlayerAdapter(activity, mPlayer, UPDATE_DELAY)
mPlayerGlue = VideoPlayerGlue(activity!!, mPlayerAdapter!!)
mPlayerGlue!!.host = VideoSupportFragmentGlueHost(this)
Commenting these lines :
mPlayerAdapter = LeanbackPlayerAdapter(activity, mPlayer, UPDATE_DELAY)
mPlayerGlue = VideoPlayerGlue(activity!!, mPlayerAdapter!!)
mPlayerGlue!!.host = VideoSupportFragmentGlueHost(this)
Plays the video in landscape but the player controls are hidden and it only plays the lowest quality of the video. Please help us with this.
Metadata of the MP4 video contains a property called Rotation=90° but it's ignored by the ExoPlayer. To fix it you need to inject this Java function into your code:
void onVideoSizeChanged(int width,
int height,
int unappliedRotationDegrees, // 90° or 270°
float pixelWidthHeightRatio);
This allows an application using TextureView to easily apply the rotation by making the appropriate call to TextureView.setTransform. Note that on Lollypop+ unappliedRotationDegrees will always be equal to 0.
You can find this function on a line #74 at MediaCodecVideoTrackRenderer page of GitHub.
If the above-mentioned method doesn't work for you, you may find another remedy in Rotation Issue #91 post on a GitHub.
As far i know, exoplayer will generate its size based on texture view size. So try to programmatically resize your texture view by
and also try to resize your player programmatically
Hope this will help.

Captured photos are black when using MediaCapture on Windows Phone 8.1

I am using MediaCapture to capture photos and store them. It works in the emulator. But when running the app on a real phone (Nokia Lumia 530) the captured photos are just black. They have a correct size and the file has a certain byte length, but when displaying the photo it's black. Please note that I do not use Silverlight and am fixed on using MediaCapture. The camera on the phone works when using the default camera app. The App's manifest includes the capabilities "Pictures Library" and "Webcam".
Does someone know what could be wrong?
Here is the test code I use:
using (var mediaCapture = new MediaCapture())
await mediaCapture.InitializeAsync();
ImageEncodingProperties imageFormat = ImageEncodingProperties.CreateJpeg();
StorageFile photoFile = await KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.CreateFileAsync("TestPhoto.jpg", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName);
await mediaCapture.CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync(imageFormat, photoFile);
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
using (var photoStream = await photoFile.OpenReadAsync())
I found a solution. The photo is captured correctly if we have a CaptureElement, set it's source to the MediaCapture object, invoke MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync before taking the photo, take the photo (using CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync) and finally invoke StopPreviewAsync. It seems that MediaCapture needs an existing (and displayed) preview to be able to capture photos. Strange that this is not documented and using CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync without a preview does not throw an Exception.
The photo is captured correctly if we have a CaptureElement, set it's source to the MediaCapture object, invoke MediaCapture.StartPreviewAsync before taking the photo, take the photo (using CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync) and finally invoke StopPreviewAsync. It seems that MediaCapture needs an existing (and displayed) preview to be able to capture photos. Strange that this is not documented and using CapturePhotoToStorageFileAsync without a preview does not throw an Exception.

Playing different Sound files in Appcelerator Titanium makes the audio got noise

I have created an app using appcelerator for Iphone , which buy click on buttons it will play a relative sound , here is the code, but the problem is when i play the audio many times and play different audios using this function the sound starts to lag and have noise inside, can anybody help me with it , Thanks.
var soundplaying = 0;
var sound;
function playaudio(url) {
if (soundplaying == 0) {
sound = Ti.Media.createSound({});
sound.setUrl('../assets/audio/' + url);
sound.addEventListener('complete', function() {
soundplaying = 0;
soundplaying = 1;
(i have tried to release the sound object after each time but still no use, I tried to createSound only once but seems the titanium dose not support changing url for Media.Sound) dynamically.
I could have solve this issue temporary , by changing the audio files format to .m4a (aac).
i was using mp3 earlier.

View Switch doesn't work with 51Degrees

I have got a MVC4 application where I used 51Degrees (Lite) to detect device and accordingly select the mobile (.mobile.cshtml) or desktop (.cshtml) view. 51Degrees can properly do that job. However if I want to switch from Mobile to Desktop view (on a mobile device) using HttpContext.SetOverriddenBrowser(BrowserOverride.Desktop) it doesn't work. FYI, it works without 51Degrees.
Here is the code to select display mode (Application_Start() in Global.asax.cs):
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("mobile")
{ContextCondition = Context =>Context.Request.Browser["IsMobile"] == "True"
Here is the view switcher controller action code:
public class ViewSwitcherController : Controller
public RedirectResult SwitchView(bool mobile, string ReturnUrl="/Login/Login")
// If the mobile user has requested to view the mobile view
// remove any overridden user agent for the current request
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice == mobile)
// Otherwise override the browser setting to desktop mode
HttpContext.SetOverriddenBrowser(mobile ? BrowserOverride.Mobile : BrowserOverride.Desktop);
return Redirect(ReturnUrl);
Here is the code in the view to switch to Desktop view:
#Html.ActionLink("Desktop view", "SwitchView", "ViewSwitcher", new { mobile = false, ReturnUrl = Request.Url.PathAndQuery }, new { rel = "external" })
Please let me know if I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my long delayed answer.
The following solution was provided by one of the developers at 51Degrees:
DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes.Insert(0, new DefaultDisplayMode("mobile")
ContextCondition = Context => Context.GetOverriddenBrowser()["IsMobile"] == "true"
So replacing Context.Request.Browser["IsMobile"] with Context.GetOverriddenBrowser()["IsMobile"] fixes my problem.
Hope that helps.
I know this is a bit dated, but I ran into this tonight. Same symptoms. Works without Mobi51, does not with. My working theory is that Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice is touched by Mobi51 and it takes control of that property and sets its value regardless of what you would expect .NET to do with it.
My current solution is this. When I check in my viewstart file to switch layouts I check that both Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice and Context.GetOverridenBrowser().IsMobileDevice are true.
When it's truly Mobile, both will be true. When it's truly desktop, both are false. When it's a mobile view requesting desktop, Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice will be true (because Mobi51 says so) and Context.GetOverridenBrowser().IsMobileDevice will be false. Here's my viewstart
Layout = Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice && Context.GetOverriddenBrowser().IsMobileDevice
? "~/Views/Shared/_LayoutMobile.cshtml"
: "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
I'm still vetting this and have to add desktop to mobile switching still (which I can already see a problem, but the change to make that direction work as well is easy enough , but in my five minutes of testing so far tonight this has worked. I'm curious if you found another reason/way to work with this, or if this solution is satisfactory for you.