JSSOR slider - difference btwn div class="c" and div u="caption" - slider

I got confused trying to create a hybrid between the 'List Slider' theme (which uses classes of "t" and "c" for title and caption), and the 'Slider-with-caption' example (which uses u="caption"). What's the difference? And how can I style the titles to appear over the slide and the caption alongside the thumbnails?
I surmise that u="caption" is for animating the caption, but I'm still stuck on how to integrate the two approaches. Simply replacing the div class="c" with the div u="c" busts the whole slider!

re: (which uses classes of "t" and "c" for title and caption)
it's not caption, it is custom thumbnail in html format,
<div u="thumb">
caption is another way to play text/image/content animation,
see slider with caption

Just create a ID or CLASS intiator after.
ex. div u="thumb" id="right" class="hand">


how to make complete 100% row(device width) inside col-lg-3 using bootstrap

[here i have 2 scenarios, 1) first is image one. there i have 4 cards in a each row(that will change based on screen size 4->2->1). it is in respective classes like col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12, i have only one html markup to render the card, many cards are displaying dynamically based on back end data.
2) on clicking button in a each card, their respective extra details will come up in bottom to that in complete row.
here problem is since it is in column class, that extra details occupying only that much space(like parent div), i want that in single row. 1)http://i.stack.imgur.com/d8xEC.jpg 2) http://i.stack.imgur.com/N8ewg.jpg]1
because it's too long, i created a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/gxyud676/1/
I'm not too happy with that solution, as it is not responsive.
my first thought was to just use the bootstrap collapsable features to use the cards as collapsible triggers, and place the preview markup outside the rows.
but this approach would open the preview on a xs screen always below the 4th element:
CARD 2 <-- clicking
my fiddle solution was then to detect the screen size (hence the number of used cols) and to move the preview markup to the correct position.
another way could be to duplicate the preview markup on the correct positions (for card 1 there is the preview with class "col-xs-12 visible-xs" just after the card, and the same object with "col-sm-6 col-md-6 visible-sm visible-md" after an evenly positioned card and with "visible-lg" after the current row)
it's more complicated than I initially thought :-/

Selenium find all the elements which have two divs

I am trying to collect texts and images from a website to help collect missing people related tweets. Here is the problem:
Some tweets don't have images so the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has only one <div>...</div>.
Some tweets have images, so the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has two <div>...</div>, as shown in the following codes:
<div class='c' id="M_D*****">
<div class='c' id="M_D*****">
I intend to check whether a tweet has an image, i.e. find out whether the corresponding <div class='c' ....> has two <div>...</div>.
PS: The following codes are used to collect all the texts and image URLs but not all tweets have images so I want to match them by solving the above problem.
tweets = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[#class='ctt']")
graph_links = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//img[#alt='img' and #class='ib']")
This is a public welfare program, which aims to help the missing people go back home.
By collecting the text and the images separately, I think that it's going to be impossible to match the text with the related image after the fact. I would suggest a different approach. I would search for the <div class='c'...> that contains both the text and the optional image. Once you have the "container" DIV, you can then get the text and see if an image exists and put them all together. Without all the relevant HTML, you may have to tweak the code below but it should give you an idea on how to approach this.
containers = browser.find_elements_by_css_selector("div.c")
for container in containers:
print container.find_element_by_css_selector("span.ctt").text // the tweet text
images = container.find_elements_by_css_selector("img.ib")
if len(images) > 0 // see if the image exists
print images[0].get_attribute("src") // the URL of the image
print "-------------" // separator between tweets
The html you provided is probably not enough, but basing on it I suggest xpath: //div[#id='M_D*****' and ./div//img] which find div with specified id and containing div with image.
But answering directly to your question:
//div[./div[2] and not(./div[3])] will find all divs with exactly 2 div children

How to verify text across HTML elements in Selenium

Given the following code, how would I verify the text within using Selenium?
<div class='my-text-block>
<p>My first paragraph of text</p>
<p>My second paragraph of text</p>
I am wanting to, in one verifyText statement to capture all the text:
My first paragraph of text
My second paragraph of text
Is it possible?
Since you've tagged this with selenium-webdriver, I'm assuming you want a code example but because you've not stated what language you're using, I'll give you a python example. It should be easy to translate that to a different language if needed.
ok(driver.find_element("class", "my-text-block").text == "What I expect it to be")
The text attribute on a WebElement object simply contains all visible text within that element and all children elements.
And some lovely docs, of course.

Overwrite data-dojo-props for title attribute in dijit/TitlePane

I have created a TitlePane and wish to load data dynamically from a get method into the Title property. As of the current this all works. However, now when the data is loaded (4 separate types), its all getting mushed together. I wish to divide this received data evenly (25%) across the title.
For example:
<div id="tp2" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane" data-dojo-props="title: 'I'm a TitlePane
Click arrow to close me.
In this example the title is set to "I'm a TitlePane Too".
I wish to change the title so that each of the four words is evenly distributed across the title section of the pane. However there are no extra properties for doing this sort of thing.
Use the "set" method to set the new title.
<div id="tp2" data-dojo-type="dijit/TitlePane" data-dojo-props="title: 'I'm a TitlePane
Click arrow to close me.
//For this above example, title is replaced as follows in JS
dijit.byId('tp2').set('title','New title');
Update: If this title pane is created dynamically without an ID, then get the widget object using the css query.
dijit.getEnclosingWidget(dojo.query(".dijitTitlePane")[0]).set('title','New title');
dojo.query(".dijitTitlePane") => will give array of all titlepane domNodes. From this chose the one you need. I chose at "0"th index i.e. 1st title pane node in the page.
Then I get the widget object of that domNode and then set the title.

dijit.InlineEditBox with highlighted html

I have some dijit.InlineEditBox widgets and now I need to add some search highlighting over them, so I return the results with a span with class="highlight" over the matched words. The resulting code looks like this :
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea</div>
This looks as expected, however, when I start editing the title the added span shows up. How can I make the editor remove the span added so only the text remains ?
In this particular case the titles of the books have no html in them, so some kind of full tag stripping should work, but it would be nice to find a solution (in case of short description field with a dijit.Editor widget perhaps) where the existing html is left in place and only the highlighting span is removed.
Also, if you can suggest a better way to do this (inline editing and word highlighting) please let me know.
Thank you !
How will this affect your displayed content in the editor? It rather depends on the contents you allow into the field - you will need a rich-text editor (huge footprint) to handle html correctly.
These RegExp's will trim away XML tags
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
Here's a running example of the below code: fiddle
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea
<script type="dojo/method" event="onFocus">
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.
replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").
replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
The renderAsHtml attribute only trims 'off one layer', so embedded HTML will still be html afaik. With the above you should be able to 1) override the onFocus handling, 2) set the editable value yourself and 3) call 'old' onFocus method.
Alternatively (as seeing you have allready set 'titles.save_*' in props, use dojo/connect instead of dojo/method - but you need to get there first, sort of say.