Nhibernate Exception while flushing session - nhibernate

I have parent table "Parent" with column "SpokenlanguageId", "WrittenlanguageId". These two columns are referenced by column "languageid" in child table (both Parent table columns are referred by same child table column).
In parent table hbm file, I have included many to one relationship on parent table columns (SpokenlanguageId, WrittenlanguageId) with cascade = "None"
my scenario would be to insert and update data only in parent table not on child table as it a lookup table. I get the following error with above settings being set on my hbm file
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing or set cascade
action for the property to something that would make it autosave.
I got above error while flushing the nhibernate session.

Based on more information in the comments, there are more details
parent class:
Language SpokLanguages { get; set; }
Language WrittenLanguages { get; set; }
parent.hbm.xml file:
<many-to-one name="SpokLanguages" class="Language"
column="SpokenLanguageID" unique="true" cascade="none" />
<many-to-one name="WrittenLanguages" class="Language"
column="WrittenLanguageID" unique="true" cascade="none" />
And this was the way how to assign property:
SpokLanguages = new Language() { SpokenLanguageID = 5, };
WrittenLanguages = new Language() { WrittenLanguageID = 6, };
Which was almost correct, but what we need is to assign the ID of Language
parent.SpokLanguages = new Language() { ID = 5, };
parent.WrittenLanguages = new Language() { ID = 6, };
because this ID property is what is mapped here
the column, in the Paren table will contain the ID of the Language. The essence of the mapping <many-to-one> is in fact, that NHibernate is trying to put together the information in the Parent table... with the ID of the Language. The element mapped in Langauge as id
<class name="Language" ...
<id name="ID"
is what we need. If this is missing, entity seems to be transient. And that's why NHibernate blames.
The more appropriate solution would be to load the instances of selected Languages from DB and assign them. It could be done even with some trick, the Load method. Please, read:
NHibernate – The difference between Get, Load and querying by id
it could look like this
parent.SpokLanguages = session.Load<Language>(5)
parent.WrittenLanguages = session.Load<Language>(6)


How do I map List<List<EntityClass>> in NHibernate?

I have a Rotation class, which contains references to multiple lists of Advert objects. I would prefer an implementation where Rotation has a property of type List<List<Advert>> to hold these, but I am unable to come up with an NHibernate mapping supporting this.
In the database schema, the many-to-many relation between Rotation and Advert is represented as a table RotationAdvert with the following columns:
Variant ("horizontal position" / index within outer list)
Position ("vertical position" / index within inner list)
The best solution I have found yet, is to implement a fixed number of List<Advert> typed properties on Rotation and extend the mapping with a <list> element for each:
<list name="Variant1" table="RotationAdvert" where="Variant = 1">
<key column="RotationID"/>
<index column="Position"/>
<many-to-many class="Advert" column="AdvertID"/>
<list name="Variant2" table="RotationAdvert" where="Variant = 2">
<key column="RotationID"/>
<index column="Position"/>
<many-to-many class="Advert" column="AdvertID"/>
However, this requires me to specify a fixed number of variants, which I really would like to avoid.
What are my other options? Can I squeeze a RotationVariant class into the model - without creating new tables in the database - and somehow map a List<RotationVariant> property on Rotation? Or will I have to create a new table in the database, just to hold an ID for each RotationVariant?
I just ran into this same problem today. Reading through the Hibernate documentation and found an answer in section 6.1: Collection Mapping https://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/nhibernate/html/collections.html:
Collections may not contain other collections
I couldn't find this exact sentence in the NHibernate docs, but it seems that the same rule applies. Like Stephan and Chris said, you will probably need to have another entity to hold the values.
The best I can think of is to adapt the model to the desired database structure.
class Rotation
IList<AdvertVariant> AdvertVariants { get; private set; }
class AdvertVariant
int Variant { get; set; }
Advert Advert { get; set; }
<class name="Rotation">
<list name="AdvertVariants" table="RotationAdvert" >
<key column="RotationID"/>
<index column="Position"/>
<one-to-many class="AdvertVariant"/>
<class name="AdvertVariant">
<property name="Variant" />
<many-to-one name="Advert" column="VariantId"/>
Then you can easily create properties like this:
class Rotation
IDictionary<int, IList<Adverts>> AdvertsByVariant
return VariantAdverts.ToDictionary(x => x.Variant, y => y.Advert);
I'd propose to have a Rotation class which holds a list of Adverts. An advert then holds a list of child adverts in a parent child relationship.

nHibernate Collections issue ( check your mapping file for property type mismatches)

I'm getting the following error:
Unable to cast object of type 'NHibernate.Collection.Generic.PersistentGenericSet to type 'Iesi.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.
Invalid mapping information specified for type [Type], check your mapping file for property type mismatches".
Here's my set definition:
<set name="ProcessTrackerDetails" lazy="true" access="field.camelcase-underscore"
sort="natural" cascade="all" inverse="true">
<key column="ProcessTrackerDetailsID"/>
<one-to-many class="ProcessTrackerDetail"></one-to-many>
And heres the code:
private Iesi.Collections.Generic.SortedSet<ProcessTrackerDetail> _processTrackerDetails = new SortedSet<ProcessTrackerDetail>();
NHibernate requires interfaces. Try to use ISet<ProcessTrackerDetail> instead of SortedSet<ProcessTrackerDetail>
Change your code to define _processTrackerDetails using the ISet interface.
private ISet<ProcessTrackerDetail> _processTrackerDetails =
new SortedSet<ProcessTrackerDetail>();
You can still assign it to a SortedSet, but I am not sure that it does much when lazy loaded as NHibernate will use it's ISet implementation to do the lazy loading. The sort="natural" in your mapping should take care of the sort order.
If you are using the 'Set' relation type (unique set of items, NHibernate.Collection.Generic.PersistentGenericSet) then you can define your mapping with System.Collections.Generic.ICollection and use System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.
I'm using Castle ActiveRecord and this is the code I am using:
// In the Collections entity mapping
Table = "CollectionRegionAssociation", ColumnKey = "CollectionId", ColumnRef = "RegionId", RelationType = RelationType.Set)]
public virtual System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Region> Regions { get; set; }
// Creating and saving a new object
var c = new Collection(); // my own entity
c.Regions = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<Region>();
c.Regions.Add(new Region() { ... });

How best to retrieve and update these objects in NHibernate?

I previously asked a question regarding modeling of a situation with Users, Items, and UserRatings. In my example UserRatings are associated with one User and one Item. A good answer was provided by Nathan Fisher and I've included the model he suggested below.
But I now have a question regarding retrieval of these objects.
The model links the entities by holding references to the entities.My question is, how best do I retrieve a particular UserRating to be updated? In this situation I would have the userID (from the asp.net auth session), and the itemID (from the URL). Also, there could be 1000s of ratings per user or item.
Back in the old school this would be as simple as one update query 'where x = userID and y=itemID. Easy. However the best way to accomplish this in NHibernate using a proper object model is not so clear.
A) I understand that I could create a repository method GetRatingByUserAndItem, and pass it both a User and Item object, which it would do an HQL/criteria query on to retrieve the Rating object. However to do this I assume that I would first need to retrieve User and the Item from the ORM before passing these back to the ORM in the query. I would then get the UserRating object, update it, and then have the ORM persist the changes. This seems ridiculously inefficent to me, compared to the old school method.
B) Maybe I could just new-up the UserRating object, and do a createorupdate type call the ORM (not sure on exact syntax). This would be better, but presumably I would still need to first retrieve the User and Item, which is still pretty inefficient.
C) Perhaps I should just retrieve the User (or the Item) from the ORM, and find the correct UserRating from its UserRatings collection. However, if I do that, how do I make sure that I'm not retrieving all of the UserRatings related to that User (or Item), but just the one related to the specific item and specific user?
D) It occured to me that I could just drop the full-blown references to User and Item from UserRating in the model, and instead have primitive references (UserID and ItemID). This would allow me to do something as simple as the oldschool method. Very tempting, but this just doesn't seem right to me - not very Object Oriented (and surely that's the main reason we are using an ORM in the first place!)
So, can anyone offer some sage advice? Am I on the right track with any of the options above? Or is there a better way that I have not considered?
Thanks in advace for your help! :)
I've just posted a bounty for this, and understand this better, I would also like to know, using a similar approach, how best to perform the following queries:
Retrieve all the Items which a user had NOT rated.
Retrieve the Item(s) and Item rating(s) which the user had rated the lowest.
The Model follows below:
public class User
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
public class Item
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual string ItemName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
public class UserRating
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public virtual Item Item { get; set; }
public virtual Int32 Rating { get; set; }
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Test" namespace="Test" >
<class name="User">
<id name="UserId" >
<generator class="native" />
<property name="UserName" />
<bag name="Ratings" generic="true" inverse="true" table="UserRating">
<key column="UserId" />
<one-to-many class="UserRating"/>
<class name="Item" >
<id name="ItemId" >
<generator class="native" />
<property name="ItemName" />
<bag name="Ratings" generic="true" inverse="true" table="UserRating">
<key column="ItemId" />
<one-to-many class="UserRating"/>
<class name="UserRating" >
<key-many-to-one class="User" column="UserId" name="User" />
<key-many-to-one class="Item" column="ItemId" name="Item" />
<property name="Rating" />
Normally, when you use an ORM, you want to implement the business logic (say: changing data) object oriented. This requires to load the objects from the database. NH allows you to load them once, and change it without any reference to any database related stuff, but just changing property values.
This said, it is not always as easy as that. Sometimes there are performance reasons which requires other ways to update data.
You could use HQL updates or even SQL updates.
Another, more classical way to accomplish this is to only load UserRatings. This requires to make it an independent entity (it needs an id, avoid the composite id anyway, replcae it with many-to-one references). Then you filter the UserRatings by user and item, load the items you want to change in the database, and change them using object oriented programming.
It is always a trade-off between performance and object oriented programming. You should try to make it as OO as possible, and only do optimizations if it is needed. Maintainability is important.
I would avoid moving foreign keys to the domain model.
I would choose option C. Your concerns about performance indicate you may be optimizing prematurely. I think it would be fine for you to have a GetUser(int userId) method, then look for the appropriate item in its Ratings collection, and update it.
This does, however, bring up a common problem that ORMs suffer called the N+1 SELECT problem. Looking at each UserRating to find the appropriate one would likely result in one SELECT statement per UserRating. There are several ways to address this. One being to change your mapping file to either disable lazy loading of the Ratings collection, or else load it using 'join' fetching - see this section of the NHibernate documentation.
Using HQL your query would look like this
Select From UserRating
Where ItemId=: #ItemId
and UserId=: #UserId
This will give you the UserRating object that you are after then you can updated in and save it as necessary
And alternative would be
This was the simplest way I could get this to work. I am not happy with the embedded strings but it works.
public void UpdateRating( int userId, int itemId, int newRating, ISession session )
using( var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var ratingCriteria = session.CreateCriteria<UserRating>()
.CreateAlias( "Item" "item" )
.CreateAlias( "User" "user" )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "item.ItemId", itemId ) )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "user.UserId", userId ) );
var userRating = ratingCriteria.UniqueResult<UserRating>();
userRating.Rating = newRating;
You will need to test this as it has been a while since I used the criteria api but essentially what this does is creates alias for two association paths and then using those aliases, adds restrictions to the User and Item so that you only get the UserRating you are interested in.
Everything is done inside a transaction and by relying on NHibernate's dirty-state tracking, the change will be flushed to the database when the transaction commits.
Depending on the version of NHibernate you are using, you could also query using NHLinq or the NHLambda stuff that has been integrated and is now accessible via session.QueryOver<T>.
To retrieve a list of all the items that a user has not rated, you will need to use a subquery to identify all of the items the user has rated and then apply a not in clause to all of the items ( essentially get me all the items not in the items the user has rated ).
var ratedItemsCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<UserRating>()
.CreateAlias( "Item" "item" )
.SetProjection( Projections.Property( "item.ItemId" ) )
.CreateCriteria( "User" )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "UserId", userId ) );
var unratedItemsCriteria = session.CreateCriteria<Item>()
.Add( Subqueries.PropertyNotIn( "ItemId", ratedItemsCriteria ) );
var unratedItems - unratedItemsCriteria.List<Item>();
In general, I think most of your problems could be resolved by judicious application of google, nhforge and the nhibernate user mailing list.
Query the database (using HQL, Criteria, SQL query, etc.) for the UserRating you want to modify
Change the UserRating however you like
Commit your changes
In pseudocode, this would look something like this:
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
UserRating userRating = userRatingRepository.GetUserRating(userId, itemId);
userRating.Rating = 5;
This will involve two queries (as opposed to the one query "old school" solution). The first query (which happens in the GetUserRating call) will run a SQL "SELECT" to grab the UserRating from the database. The second query (which happens on transaction.Commit) will update the UserRating in the database.
GetUserRating (using Criteria) would look something like this:
public IList<UserRating> GetUserRating(int userId, int itemId)
session.CreateCriteria(typeof (UserRating))
.Add(Expression.Eq("UserId", userId))
.Add(Expression.Eq("ItemId", itemId))
I see that this Q has not been marked as answered, so I'll give it a shot. In my opinion, you have to look a lot at how the objects are used. It seems to me that you'd relate a UserRating more to an Item than to a user, simply because you'd display it next to the item in a UI. It doesn't feel that important to always display it for a user.
That is why I would remove the list of ratings from the user:
public class User
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
If you want the ratings for a user, you'd get that through a repository.
I'd leave the Item class unchanged, since you always want to see the ratings with an item:
public class Item
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual string ItemName { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserRating> Ratings { get; set; }
The UserRating class could be completely disconnected from the Item and User classes. Just keep the ids in there, so you could retrieve an Item or User from a repository if you need to:
public class UserRating
public virtual int UserId { get; set; }
public virtual int ItemId { get; set; }
public virtual Int32 Rating { get; set; }

Foreign Key Constraint is preventing NHibernate from saving child record

I have two tables:
With a foreign key constraint so I don't have any unassociated Notes...in sql that constraint is working properly.
On my SupportTicket class I have an IList SupportTicketNotes property and have it mapped as a bag (probably really should be a set but that's not important at the moment). The load works just fine. The problem is if I new up a SupportTicket, new up a SupportTicketNote, add the note to the ticket and save the ticket. NHibernate is inserting the SupportTicket, then inserting the SupportTicketNote with a SupportTicketID of zero which blows up of course because of the FK constraint. If I delete the constraint it will insert with the SupportTicketID of zero and then go back and do an update on the SupportTicketNote with the proper ID value...but that seems....wrong. Is there anything I might be doing in the mapping that is causing that?
UPDATED to include Many to One mapping on child object
Here's my current mapping for SupportTicket:
<bag name="_supportTicketNotes" table="SupportTicketNotes" access="field" cascade="save-update" inverse="true" >
<key column="SupportTicketID" foreign-key="FK_SupportTicketNotes_supporttickets" ></key>
<one-to-many class="NhibernateSample.DomainModel.SupportTicketNote, NhibernateSample.DomainModel" />
Here is my mapping for SupportTicketNote (note my SupportTicketNote class has both the SupportTicketID and SupportTicket object properties):
<many-to-one name="SupportTicket" class="NhibernateSample.DomainModel.SupportTicket, NhibernateSample.DomainModel" column="SupportTicketId" cascade="all"/>
I haven't seen your full mapping, but the first thing that pops into my head is this section from the documentation:
Very Important Note: If the <key>
column of a <one-to-many> association
is declared NOT NULL, NHibernate may
cause constraint violations when it
creates or updates the association. To
prevent this problem, you must use a
bidirectional association with the
many valued end (the set or bag)
marked as inverse="true". See the
discussion of bidirectional
associations later in this chapter.
How have you mapped the parent SupportTicket property on SupportTicketNote? Are you setting the SupportTicket property when you add a SupportTicketNote to the collection? I almost always follow this pattern:
public class SupportTicket
private IEnumerable<SupportTicketNote> _notes = new List<SupportTicketNote>();
public IEnumerable<SupportTicketNote> Notes
get { return _notes; }
public void AddNote(SupportTicketNote note)
note.SupportTicket = this;
public void RemoveNote(SupportTicketNote note)
note.SupportTicket = null;
Edited to add:
Your mapping for SupportTicketNote looks wrong. It should be many-to-one to SupportTicket and you shouldn't be mapping SupportTicketId at all. I've been using Fluent NHibernate for a while but I think the XML mapping should look like:
<many-to-one name="SupportTicket"
class="NhibernateSample.DomainModel.SupportTicket, NhibernateSample.DomainModel"
column="SupportTicketId" cascade="all"/>
You'll need to write your function in such a way that the persistance of the New SupportTicket happens prior to you adding the SupportTicketNote
SupportTicket st = new SupportTicket();
SupportTicketNote stn = new SupportTicketNote();
///Code to set properties on both objects

Creating a NHibernate object and initializing a Set

I have a Table called Product and I have the Table StorageHistory.
Now, Product contains a reference to StorageHistory in it's mappings
<set name="StorageHistories" lazy="false">
<key column="ProductId" />
<one-to-many class="StorageHistory" />
And it works, when I retrieve an object from the ORM I get an empty ISet.
What gives me a headache is how to construct the object in the first place.
When I do the following:
var product = new Product();
the product.StorageHistories property is NULL and I get a NullReferenceException.
So, how do I add items to that collection, or should I go the way to add the StorageHistory items themselves to the DB?
I always do the following in the ctor of the parent object:
histories = new HashedSet();
This covers the Save() use case. The Load()/Get() etc usecase is covered by NHibernate as you stated.
Why not?
private ISet _StorageHistories;
public virtual ISet StorageHistories {
protected set { _StorageHistories = value;}
get { if (_StorageHistories == null) _StorageHistories = new HashSet();
return _StorageHistories;
Of course if you go through the trouble of having a private anyway you might as well put it in the constructor.