Oracle - How to make auto-increment column with varchar type? - sql

In my assignment with Oracle 11g, I am asked to make a table with column has this structure:
Where NL or TE is inputed when INSERT row and [0-9]^10 is an auto-increment 10 digits number.
NL1234567890 or TE0253627576
When INSERT, the user should only write this:
And the DBMS take care of the rest. So how can I do so? Im still a newbie in this thing.

ON your_tablename
:NEW.your_col := :NEW.your_col || trim(to_char(your_seq.nextval, '0000000000'));
END your_tablename_BI;

Sample code?
'NL' || to_char(yoursequence.nextval)

I would keep them as separate columns. One is a VARCHAR2 that takes NL or whatever, the other is a NUMBER which is populated by the sequence.
You can then concatenate them at query time (put it in a view if you want) or use a virtual column.
Why? I can almost guarantee you that at some point you'll have a requirement to query the table on the character portion, or the numeric portion, or to sort on one or the other. Since you kept them separate, this is easy. If you had squashed them into a single column, you would have had to parse the values out at query time which leads to more complicated code than you need.


SQL: How to apply a function (stored procedure) within an UPDATE-clause to change values?

the following function deletes all blanks in a text or varchar column and returns the modified text/varchar as an int:
select condense_and_change_to_int(number_as_text_column) from mytable;
This exact query does work.
Though my goal is to apply this function to all rows of a column in order to consistently change its values. How would I do this? Is it possible with the UPDATE-clause, or do i need to do this within a function itself? I tried the following:
UPDATE mytable
SET column_to_be_modiefied = condense_and_change_to_int(column_to_be_modiefied);
Basically i wanted to input the value of the current row, modify it and save it to the column permanantly.
I'd welcome all ideas regarding how to solve scenarios like these. I'm working with postgresql (but welcome also more general solutions).
Is it possible with an update? Well, yes and sort-of.
From your description, the input to the function is a string of some sort. The output is a number. In general, numbers should be assigned to columns with a number type. The assumption is that the column in question is a number.
However, your update should work. The result will be a string representation of the number.
After running the update, you can change the column type, with something like:
alter table mytable alter column column_to_be_modiefied int;

How to get unique values from each column based on a condition?

I have been trying to find an optimal solution to select unique values from each column. My problem is I don't know column names in advance since different table has different number of columns. So first, I have to find column names and I could use below query to do it:
select column_name from information_schema.columns
where table_name='m0301010000_ds' and column_name like 'c%'
Sample output for column names:
c1, c2a, c2b, c2c, c2d, c2e, c2f, c2g, c2h, c2i, c2j, c2k, ...
Then I would use returned column names to get unique/distinct value in each column and not just distinct row.
I know a simplest and lousy way is to write select distict column_name from table where column_name = 'something' for every single column (around 20-50 times) and its very time consuming too. Since I can't use more than one distinct per column_name, I am stuck with this old school solution.
I am sure there would be a faster and elegant way to achieve this, and I just couldn't figure how. I will really appreciate any help on this.
You can't just return rows, since distinct values don't go together any more.
You could return arrays, which can be had simpler than you may have expected:
SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT c1) AS c1_arr
,array_agg(DISTINCT c2a) AS c2a_arr
,array_agg(DISTINCT c2b) AS c2ba_arr
, ...
FROM m0301010000_ds;
This returns distinct values per column. One array (possibly big) for each column. All connections between values in columns (what used to be in the same row) are lost in the output.
Build SQL automatically
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_build_sql_for_dist_vals(_tbl regclass)
SELECT 'SELECT ' || string_agg(format('array_agg(DISTINCT %1$I) AS %1$I_arr'
, attname)
, E'\n ,' ORDER BY attnum)
|| E'\nFROM ' || _tbl
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = _tbl -- valid, visible table name
AND attnum >= 1 -- exclude tableoid & friends
AND NOT attisdropped -- exclude dropped columns
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT f_build_sql_for_dist_vals('public.m0301010000_ds');
Returns an SQL string as displayed above.
I use the system catalog pg_attribute instead of the information schema. And the object identifier type regclass for the table name. More explanation in this related answer:
PLpgSQL function to find columns with only NULL values in a given table
If you need this in "real time", you won't be able to archive it using a SQL that needs to do a full table scan to archive it.
I would advise you to create a separated table containing the distinct values for each column (initialized with SQL from #Erwin Brandstetter ;) and maintain it using a trigger on the original table.
Your new table will have one column per field. # of row will be equals to the max number of distinct values for one field.
For on insert: for each field to maintain check if that value is already there or not. If not, add it.
For on update: for each field to maintain that has old value != from new value, check if the new value is already there or not. If not, add it. Regarding the old value, check if any other row has that value, and if not, remove it from the list (set field to null).
For delete : for each field to maintain, check if any other row has that value, and if not, remove it from the list (set value to null).
This way the load mainly moved to the trigger, and the SQL on the value list table will super fast.
P.S.: Make sure to pass all you SQL from trigger to explain plan to make sure they use best index and execution plan as possible. For update/deletion, just check if old value exists (limit 1).

sqlite data from one db to another

I have 2 sqlite databases, and I'm trying to insert data from one database to another. For example, "db-1.sqlite" has a table '1table' with 2 columns ('name', 'state'). Also, "db-2.sqlite" has a table '2table' with 2 columns ('name', 'url'). Both tables contain a list of 'name' values that are mostly common with each other but randomized, so the id of each row does not match.
I want to insert the values for the 'url' column into the db-1's table, but I want to make sure each url value goes to its corresponding 'name' value.
So far, I have done this:
> sqlite3 db-1.sqlite
sqlite> alter table 1table add column url;
sqlite> attach database 'db-2.sqlite' as db2;
Now, the part I'm not sure about:
sqlite> insert into 1table(url) select db2.2table.url from db2.2table where
If you look at what I wrote above, you can tell what I'm trying to accomplish, but it is incorrect. If I can get any help on the matter, I'd be very grateful!!
The equality comparison operator in SQL is =, not ==.
Also, I suspect that you should be updating 1table, rather then inserting in it.
Finally, your table names start with digits, so you need to escape them.
This SQL should work better:
update `1table`
set url = (select db2.`2table`.url
from db2.`2table`
where `1table`.name = db2.`2table`.name);

Forcing a datatype in MS Access make table query

I have a query in MS Access which creates a table from two subqueries. For two of the columns being created, I'm dividing one column from the first subquery into a column from the second subquery.
The datatype of the first column is a double; the datatype of the second column is decimal, with scale of 2, but I want the second column to be a double as well.
Is there a way to force the datatype when creating a table through a standard make-table Access query?
One way to do it is to explicitly create the table before putting anything into it.
Your current statement is probably like this:
SELECT Persons.LastName,Orders.OrderNo
INTO Persons_Order_Backup
FROM Persons
ON Persons.P_Id=Orders.P_Id
WHERE FirstName = 'Alistair'
But you can also do this:
----Create NewTable
CREATE TABLE NewTable(FirstName VARCHAR(100), LastName VARCHAR(100), Total DOUBLE)
----INSERT INTO NewTableusing SELECT
INSERT INTO NewTable(FirstName, LastName, Total)
SELECT FirstName, LastName,
FROM Person p
ON p.P_Id = o.P_Id
WHERE p.FirstName = 'Alistair'
This way you have total control over the column types. You can always drop the table later if you need to recreate it.
You can use the cast to FLOAT function CDBL() but, somewhat bizarrely, the Access Database Engine cannot handle the NULL value, so you must handle this yourself e.g.
SELECT first_column,
IIF(second_column IS NULL, NULL, CDBL(second_column))
AS second_column_as_float
INTO Table666
FROM MyTest;
...but you're going to need to ALTER TABLE to add your keys, constraints, etc. Better to simply CREATE TABLE first then use INSERT INTO..SELECT to populate it.
You can use CDbl around the columns.
An easy way to do this is to create an empty table with the correct field types and then to an Append-To query and Access will automatically convert the data to the destination field.
I had a similar situation, but I had a make-table query creating a field with NUMERIC datatype that I wanted to be short text.
What I did (and I got the idea from Stack) is to create the table with the field in question as Short Text, and at the same time build a delete query to scrub the records. I think it's funny that a DELETE query in access doesn't delete the table, just the records in it - I guess you have to use a DROP TABLE function for that, to purge a table...
Then, I converted my make-table query to an APPEND query, which I'd never done before... and I just added the running of the DELETE query to my process.
Thank you, Stack Overflow !
I add a '& ""' to the field I want to make sure are stored as text, and a ' *1 ' (as in multiplying the amount by 1) to the fields I want to store as numeric.
Seems to do the trick.
To get an Access query to create a table with three numeric output fields from input numeric fields, (it kept wanting to make the output fields text fields), had to combine several of the above suggestions. Pre-establish an empty output table with pre-defined output fields as integer, double and double. In the append query itself, multiply the numeric fields by one. It worked. Finally.

MySQL - Set default value for field as a string concatenation function

I have a table that looks a bit like this actors(forename, surname, stage_name);
I want to update stage_name to have a default value of
forename." ".surname
So that
insert into actors(forename, surname) values ('Stack', 'Overflow');
would produce the record
'Stack' 'Overflow' 'Stack Overflow'
Is this possible?
Thanks :)
MySQL does not support computed columns or expressions in the DEFAULT option of a column definition.
You can do this in a trigger (MySQL 5.0 or greater required):
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
You may also want to create a similar trigger BEFORE UPDATE.
Watch out for NULL in forename and surname, because concat of a NULL with any other string produces a NULL. Use COALESCE() on each column or on the concatenated string as appropriate.
edit: The following example sets stage_name only if it's NULL. Otherwise you can specify the stage_name in your INSERT statement, and it'll be preserved.
CREATE TRIGGER format_stage_name
IF (NEW.stage_name IS NULL) THEN
SET NEW.stage_name = CONCAT(NEW.forename, ' ', NEW.surname);
According to 10.1.4. Data Type Default Values no, you can't do that. You can only use a constant or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
OTOH if you're pretty up-to-date, you could probably use a trigger to accomplish the same thing.
My first thought is if you have the two values in other fields what is the compelling need for redundantly storing them in a third field? It flies in the face of normalization and efficiency.
If you simply want to store the concatenated value then you can simply create a view (or IMSNHO even better a stored procedure) that concatenates the values into a pseudo actor field and perform your reads from the view/sproc instead of the table directly.
If you absolutely must store the concatenated value you could handle this in two ways:
1) Use a stored procedure to do your inserts instead of straight SQL. This way you can receive the values and construct a value for the field you wish to populate then build the insert statement including a concatenated value for the actors field.
2) So I don't draw too many flames, treat this suggestion with kid gloves. Use only as a last resort. You could hack this behavior by adding a trigger to build the value if it is left null. Generally, triggers are not good. They add unseen cost and interactions to fairly simple interactions. You can, though, use the CREATE TRIGGER to update the actors field after a record is inserted or updated. Here is the reference page.
As of MySQL 8.0.13, you can use DEFAULT clause for a column which can be a literal constant or an expression.
If you want to use an expression then, simply enclose the required expression within parentheses.
(concat(forename," ",surname))
There are two ways to accomplish what you are trying to do as per my knowledge:
(important: consider backing up your table first before running below queries)
1- Drop the column "stage_name" all together and create a new one with DEFAULT constraint.
ALTER TABLE actors ADD COLUMN stage_name VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname))
2- This will update newer entries in the column "stage_name" but not the old ones.
ALTER TABLE actors alter stage_name set DEFAULT (concat(forename," ",surname));
After that, if you need to update the previous values in the column "stage_name" then simply run:
UPDATE actors SET stage_name=(concat(forename," ",surname));
I believe this should solve your problem.