Is boost::asio asyn_read with timer a good idea? - boost-asio

My server app needs to keep thousands of TCP connections. One time, I used one timer for each connection. Once a timer is expired, my code will check database to see if there is a message is ready for sending or not, if found then send it to remote client. This design works but the performance is very very slow, because there are thousands of timers in my app. My friend asked me to remove all timers and use one thread to check the database and send them to all remote clients in for(...) loop.
But I see a lot of articles that introcuce how to use dead_line_timer with async_read, see below link
My question is, does this work well when server has thousands of connections? I guess not, how do you think?

I think the timers are not your main performance problem. They have of course some penalty, but by far not in the dimensions that the IO itself has.
I could imagine that your main problem is that you have a a large delay betweeen change-in-db -> timer-expired -> send happens. Another problem could be that you check your whole DB when a timer expires? If yes then you could only set a flag when an update happens, check for that in the timer and reset in when you sent the update.
Can you directly send the changes after they happen so that you avoid the timers at all? You could use io_service->post() to trigger an update function which sends the update to all connected clients. You should also use the async_write methods to avoid that a single client blocks your whole application.
If you don't want to send all updates but only in given intervals then your friends suggestion to use a single timer for checking for changes and sending the updates sounds also good.


Aging of objects in Gigaspaces

I'm fairly new to Gigaspaces. I am using a polling container to fetch events from a space and then dispatch these over a HTTPS connection. If the server endpoint for the connection becomes unavailable, I need to update the state of the event objects to 'blocked' and re-queue them in the space for later retries (for which I have a separate polling container that specifically looks for the blocked events).
What I'm struggling with is finding a good way to ensure the blocked event polling container does not over-rotate on the blocked events (that is, read the events, discover that the endpoint is still blocked, write them back to the space and then immediately re-read them).
Is there a way I could build in a delay in re-reading the events from the space. Options might include:
Setting/updating a timestamp on the object before writing it back, and then comparing this with the current time within the polling process (for this, I expect I would have to use a SQLQuery which includes SYSDATE as the EventTemplate, but would I have to query SYSDATE out of the space every time I want to update the object rather than using System.currentTimeMillias or equivalent, in order to ensure I am comparing apples to apples?)
Applying a configuration setting of some kind on the blocked event polling container or listener that causes it to only poll periodically.
You can use both approach:
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Long polling blocking multiple windows?

Long polling has solved 99% of my problems. There is now just one other problem. Imagine a penny auction site, where people bid. On the frontpage, there are several Auctions.
If the user opens three of these auctions, and because javascript is not multithreaded, how would you get the other pages to ever load? Won't they always get bogged down and not load because they are waiting for long polling to end? In practice, I've experienced this and I can't think of a way around it. Any ideas?
There are two ways that javascript gets around some of this.
While javascript is single threaded conceptually, it does its io in separate threads using completion handlers. This means other pieces of javascript can be running while you are waiting for your network request to complete.
Javascript for each page (or even each frame in each page) is isolated from Javascript on the other pages/frames. This means that each copy of javascript can be running in its own thread.
A bigger issue for you is likely to be that browsers often limit the number of concurrent connections to a given site, and it sounds like you want to make many concurrent connections to the same site. In this case you will get a lock up.
If you control both the sever and client, you will need to combined the multiple long-poll request from the client into a single long-poll request to the server.

Network activity indicator and asynchronous sockets

I have an app which continuously reads status updates from a server connection.
All is working well with a stream delegate to handle all the reading and writing asynchronously.
There's no part of the app that is "waiting" for a specific response from the server, it is just continuously handling status updates as they sporadically arrive from the socket. There are no requests on the client side that are waiting for responses.
I'm wondering what the best practice would be for the network activity indicator in this case.
I could turn it on in the stream event handler, and off before we leave the handler, but that would be a very short time (just enough for an non-blocking read or write to occur). Trying this, I only see the faintest flicker of the indicator; it needs to be on longer than just during the event handler.
What about turning it on in the stream delegate, and setting a timer to turn it off a short time later? (This would ensure it's on long enough to be seen, rather than the short time spent in the stream delegate.)
Note: I've tried this last idea: turning on the network activity indicator whenever there's stream activity, and note the NSDate; then in a timer (that I have fired every 1 second), if the time passsed is >.5 second, I turn off the indicator. This seems to give a reasonable indication of network activity.
Any better recommendations?
If the network activity is continuous then it sounds like it might be somewhat annoying to the user, especially if it's turning on and off all the time.
Perhaps better would be to test for lack-of-response up to a certain timeout value and then display an alert view to the user if you aren't getting any response from the server. Even that could be optional if you can provide feedback (like "Last update: 5 mins ago") to the user instead.

Use Redis to track concurrent outbound HTTP requests

I'm a little new to Redis, but I'd like to see if it can be used to keep track of how many concurrent HTTP connections I'm making.
Here's the high level plan:
INCR requests
// request begins
// request ends
Then at any point, just call GET requests to see how many are currently open.
The ultimate goal here is to throttle my http requests to stay below some arbitrary amount, say 50 requests/s.
Is this the right way to do it? Are there any pitfalls?
As for pitfalls, the only one I can see is that a server that goes down or loses connection to Redis mid-request may never call DECR.
Since you don't know which server does which request, you can never reset the count to the correct value without bringing the system to a halt and reset to 0.
I'm not clear what you'd gain by using redis in this situation. It seems to me it would be more suitable to use just a global variable in your server. If your server goes down, so does your counter, so you don't have to put complicated things in place to deal with disconnection, inconsistencies, etc...

Desing pattern for background working app

I have created a web-service app and i want to populate my view controllers according to the response i fetch(via GET) in main thread. But i want to create a scheduled timer which will go and control my server, if there becomes any difference(let's say if the count of an array has changed) i will create a local notification. As far as i read from here and some google results, i cant run my app in background more then ten minutes expect from some special situations(Audio, Vo-IP, GPS).. But i need to control the server at least one per minute.. Can anyone offer some idea-or link please?
I will not sell the app in store, just for a local area network. Let's say, from the server i will send some text messages to the users and if a new message comes, the count of messages array will increment, in this situation i will create a notification. I need to keep this 'controlling' routing alive forever, whether in foreground or background. Does GCD give such a solution do anyone have any idea?
Just simply play a mute audio file in loop in the background, OR, ping the user's location in the background. Yes, that will drain the battery a bit, but it's a simple hack for in-home applications. Just remember to enable the background types in your Info.plist!
Note: "[...] I fetch (via GET) in main thread." This is not a good approach. You should never fetch any network resources on the main thread. Why? Because your GUI, which is maintained by the main thread, will become unresponsive whenever a fetch isn't instantaneous. Any lag spike on the network results in a less than desirable user experience.
Answer: Aside from the listed special situations, you can't run background apps. The way I see it:
Don't put the app in the background. (crappy solution)
Try putting another "entity" between the app and the "server". I don't know why you "need to control the server at least one per minute" but perhaps you can delegate this "control" to another process outside the device?
iOS app -> some form of proxy server -> server which requires
"babysitting" every minute.