Why does ATL COM registration defaults to HKCR - com

When creating an COM object through ATL, the default .rgs file always registers the object to HKCR:
If this object is being written to the registry for the first time, writing to HKCR is equivalent to writing to HKLM, which would make the object globally visible to all users.
This seems like a rather poor idea from the stand point of registry maintenance since the HKCR/HKLM will quickly blow up with any COM objects installed by any user on the machine and thus slowing down access for all the users. In addition, any deployment module including COM objects will have to request for admin elevation on Windows with UAC, which would adversely affect deployability. So why is ATL/COM designed this way?
This article suggests that in order to register a COM object under HKCU (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jaredpar/archive/2005/05/29/423000.aspx), DllRegisterServer must be updated. Why wouldn't it work if we simply changed HKCR to HKCU in the .rgs file? Would ATL simply ignore it? If that's the case, why does it insist on using HKCR?

Registration through DllRegisterServer is expected to provide system wide registration and COM class availability by design.
To supersede this registration behavior and register per-user, at some point another registration method was introduced: DllInstall function. Current ATL implements this out of the box offering per-user registration with "user" command line switch provided to the DllInstall function.
Below is code you have on new project generated from template (using wizard):
// DllInstall - Adds/Removes entries to the system registry per user per machine.
STDAPI DllInstall(BOOL bInstall, _In_opt_ LPCWSTR pszCmdLine)
static const wchar_t szUserSwitch[] = L"user";
if (pszCmdLine != NULL)
if (_wcsnicmp(pszCmdLine, szUserSwitch, _countof(szUserSwitch)) == 0)
if (bInstall)
hr = DllRegisterServer();
if (FAILED(hr))
hr = DllUnregisterServer();
return hr;
To register per-user you can use "regsvr32 /i:user MyAtlProject.dll". You are free to choose the registration you want, there are no "poor" and "good" methods - you just have options to choose from.

It is now possible to call AtlSetPerUserRegistration to specify whether the registration is done to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER without having to modify .rgs files.


Registering .net assembly for COM succeeds with regasm but fails using RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly

This is one of the strangest issue I have encountered.
There is a .net assembly, which is exposed to COM.
If you register it with regasm /codebase my.dll - it is sucessfully registered, and can be used.
However, if you register it from code using RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly() :
RegistrationServices regSvcs = new RegistrationServices();
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(path);
// must call this before overriding registry hives to prevent binding failures on exported types during RegisterAssembly
using (RegistryHarvester registryHarvester = new RegistryHarvester(true))
// ******** this throws *********
regSvcs.RegisterAssembly(assembly, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase);
Then it throws exception:
Could not load file or assembly 'Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinTree.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.2083,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' or one of its dependencies.
Provider type not defined. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090017)
This error has very little resource on the net, and looks like related to some security(?) cryptography(?) feature.
After long-long hours, I figured out what causes this (but don't know why):
If there is a public class with a public constructor in the assembly with a parameter UltraTree (from the referenced assembly 'Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinTree.v9.2'), then you cannot register from code, but with regasm only.
When I changed the have a public function Init(UltraTree tree), then it works, I can register from code. So:
// regasm: OK / RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly(): exception
public class Foo
public Foo(UltraWinTree tree) { .. }
Foo foo = new Foo(_tree);
-------------- vs --------------
// regasm: OK / RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly(): OK
public class Foo
public Foo() {}
public void Init(UltraWinTree tree) { .. }
Foo foo = new Foo();
So I could workaround by passing UltraWinTree in a new Init() function instead of constructor, but this is not nice, and I want to know the reason, what the heck is going on?
Anyone has any idea? Thanks.
Okay, but why we want to register from code? As we use Wix to create installer, which uses heat.exe to harvest registry entries (which are added during asm registration), so heat.exe does assembly registration from code.
I've been dealing with this for years so this is the only answer you need to read:
Heat calls regasm /regfile. So does InstallShield when you tell it to. If you read this page:
There's a very important caveat in the remarks section.
You can use the /regfile option to generate a .reg file that contains
the registry entries instead of making the changes directly to the
registry. You can update the registry on a computer by importing the
.reg file with the Registry Editor tool (Regedit.exe). The .reg file
does not contain any registry updates that can be made by user-defined
register functions. The /regfile option only emits registry entries
for managed classes. This option does not emit entries for TypeLibIDs
or InterfaceIDs.
So what to do? Use Heat to generate most of the metadata. Then on a clean machine, (snapshot VM best) us a registry snapshot and compare tool such as InCntrl3 or InstallWatch Pro and sniff out what additional meta regasm writes to the registry. Finally massage that into your Wxs code.
Then on a cleam machine test the install. The result should work and not require any custom actions in the install.

Setting user credentials on aws instance using jclouds

I am trying to create an aws instance using jclouds 1.9.0 and then run a script on it (via ssh). I am following the example locate here but I am getting authentication failed errors when the client (java program) tries to connect at the instance. The AWS console show that instance is up and running.
The example tries to create a LoginCrendentials object
String user = System.getProperty("user.name");
String privateKey = Files.toString(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.ssh/id_rsa"), UTF_8);
return LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).privateKey(privateKey).build();
which is latter used from the ssh client
responses = compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(
inGroup(groupName), // predicate used to select nodes
exec(command), // what you actually intend to run
overrideLoginCredentials(login) // use my local user & ssh key
.runAsRoot(false) // don't attempt to run as root (sudo)
Some Login information are injected to the instance with following commands
Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard();
Since I am on Windows machine the creation of LoginCrendentials 'fails' and thus I alter its code to
String user = "ec2-user";
String privateKey = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.....-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
return LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).privateKey(privateKey).build();
I also to define the credentials while building the template as described in "EC2: In Depth" guide but with no luck.
An alternative is to build instance and inject the keypair as follows, but this implies that I need to have the ssh key stored in my AWS console, which is not currently the case and also breaks the functionality of running a script (via ssh) since I can not infer the NodeMetadata from a RunningInstance object.
RunInstancesOptions options = RunInstancesOptions.Builder.asType("t2.micro").withKeyName(keypair).withSecurityGroup(securityGroup).withUserData(script.getBytes());
Any suggestions??
Note: While I am currently testing this on aws, I want to keep the code as decoupled from the provider as possible.
Update 26/10/2015
Based on #Ignasi Barrera answer, I changed my implementation by adding .init(new MyAdminAccessConfiguration()) while creating the bootInstructions
Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard().init(new MyAdminAccessConfiguration());
Where MyAdminAccessConfiguration is my own implementation of the AdminAccessConfiguration interface as #Ignasi Barrera described it.
I think the issue relies on the fact that the jclouds code runs on a Windows machine and jclouds makes some Unix assumptions by default.
There are two different things here: first, the AdminAccess.standard() is used to configure a user in the deployed node once it boots, and later the LoginCredentials object passed to the run script method is used to authenticate against the user that has been created with the previous statement.
The issue here is that the AdminAccess.standard() reads the "current user" information and assumes a Unix System. That user information is provided by this Default class, and in your case I'm pretty sure it will fallback to the catch block and return an auto-generated SSH key pair. That means, the AdminAccess.standard() is creating a user in the node with an auto-generated (random) SSH key, but the LoginCredentials you are building don't match those keys, thus the authentication failure.
Since the AdminAccess entity is immutable, the better and cleaner approach to fix this is to create your own implementation of the AdminAccessConfiguration interface. You can just copy the entire Default class and change the Unix specific bits to accommodate the SSH setup in your Windows machine. Once you have the implementation class, you can inject it by creating a Guice module and passing it to the list of modules provided when creating the jclouds context. Something like:
// Create the custom module to inject your implementation
Module windowsAdminAccess = new AbstractModule() {
#Override protected void configure() {
// Provide the module in the module list when creating the context
ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-ec2")
.credentials("api-key", "api-secret")
.modules(ImmutableSet.<Module> of(windowsAdminAccess, new SshjSshClientModule()))

Challenges with Associating files

In my project properties I go to publish, options, and file associations and enter ".cms", "Contact manager File" "pqcms" and "1icon.ico", but when I publish and install it does not appear to associate the files...I want to be able to double click on the file and have it open the program but it does not appear to do so.
I believe there are ways to edit the registry if you run your program as an administrator, but I really need clickonce to be happy with me because I am maximizing the features. Isn't clickonce supposed to set up the file association for me? Why isn't it?
and final question: what can I do without elevating privileges to administrator?
Have you added the code required to handle the user double-clicking on the file?
//Get the ActivationArguments from the SetupInformation property of the domain.
string[] activationData =
if (activationData != null)
Uri uri = new Uri(activationData[0]);
string fileNamePassedIn = uri.LocalPath.ToString();
//now you have the file name and you can handle it
One other thing to beware of. I originally converted this code (provided by RobinDotNet) to vb.net. Now I've converted the project to c# and ran into something interesting. When debugging (and I'd imagine if you chose to have the exe accessible as opposed to the click once reference app) "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments" is null (no activation arguments were assigned) so I modified the code slightly to trap this error.
//Get the ActivationArguments from the SetupInformation property of the domain if any are set.
if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments != null)
string[] activationData =
if (activationData != null)
Uri uri = new Uri(activationData[0]);
string fileNamePassedIn = uri.LocalPath.ToString();
//now you have the file name and you can handle it

Executing untrusted code

I'm building a C# application which uses plug-ins. The application must guarantee to the user that plug-ins will not do whatever they want on the user machine, and will have less privileges that the application itself (for example, the application can access its own log files, whereas plug-ins cannot).
I considered three alternatives.
Using System.AddIn. I tried this alternative first, because it seamed much powerful, but I'm really disappointed by the need of modifying the same code seven times in seven different projects each time I want to modify something. Besides, there is a huge number of problems to solve even for a simple Hello World application.
Using System.Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName). This is what I used in the preceding version of the application. I can't use it nevermore, because it does not provide a way to restrict permissions.
Using System.Activator.CreateInstance(AppDomain domain, [...]). That's what I'm trying to implement now, but it seems that the only way to do that is to pass through ObjectHandle, which requires serialization for every used class. Although plug-ins contain WPF UserControls, which are not serializable.
So is there a way to create plug-ins containing UserControls or other non serializable objects and to execute those plug-ins with a custom PermissionSet ?
One thing you could do is set the current AppDomain's policy level to a restricted permission set and add evidence markers to restrict based on strong name or location. The easiest would probably be to require plugins are in a specific directory and give them a restrictive policy.
public static void SetRestrictedLevel(Uri path)
PolicyLevel appDomainLevel = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();
// Create simple root policy normally with FullTrust
PolicyStatement fullPolicy = new PolicyStatement(appDomainLevel.GetNamedPermissionSet("FullTrust"));
UnionCodeGroup policyRoot = new UnionCodeGroup(new AllMembershipCondition(), fullPolicy);
// Build restrictred permission set
PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
permSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
PolicyStatement permissions = new PolicyStatement(permSet, PolicyStatementAttribute.Exclusive);
policyRoot.AddChild(new UnionCodeGroup(new UrlMembershipCondition(path.ToString()), permissions));
appDomainLevel.RootCodeGroup = policyRoot;
static void RunPlugin()
SetRestrictedLevel(new Uri("file:///c:/plugins/*"));
Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom("file:///c:/plugins/ClassLibrary.dll");
Type t = a.GetType("ClassLibrary.TestClass");
/* Will throw an exception */
t.InvokeMember("DoSomething", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static,
null, null, null);
catch (Exception e)
Of course this isn't rigorously tested and CAS policy is notoriously complex so there is always a risk that this code might allow some things to bypass the policy, YMMV :)

Why is COM ignoring my DllSurrogate entry?

I'm aware of this question, but I've followed the steps listed there and I'm still stumped.
I've got a class, registered as follows (this is an RGS file):
NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {5CB1D770-BF72-4F3D-B4DA-85E0542126F4} = s 'ExamplePlugin Class'
val AppID = s '%APPID%'
InprocServer32 = s '%MODULE%'
val ThreadingModel = s 'Free'
I've got an AppID, registered as follows:
NoRemove AppID
'%APPID%' = s 'ExamplePlugin'
val DllSurrogate = s ''
val AppID = s '%APPID%'
I'm passing CLSCTX_ALL to CComPtr<IPlugin>::CoCreateInstance.
In short, as far as I can tell, I've followed the checklist:
I have an AppID value specified under my CLSID. I have a corresponding AppID key.
I've included CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER in the activation call. My CLSID key does not have any LocalServer keys.
My CLSID key contains an InprocServer32 key.
I assume that when the checklist says "the proxy/stub DLL specified in InprocServer32 exists", it means "the implementing DLL". It does exist. My proxy/stub DLL is correctly registered elsewhere.
I have a DllSurrogate value under my AppID key.
If I look at my class in OLE/COM object viewer, it appears to be correct (the Implementation tab has "Use Surrogate Process" checked).
It's still not working: my DLL is loading into the same process as my host EXE.
A clue: If I run Process Monitor, I can't see it looking for the CLSID\{...}\AppID value. If I pass CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER to CoCreateInstance, I get "class not registered" returned.
I'm on Windows 2008 x64, but I've tried with my code compiled for both x86 and x64 with the same result.
What am I missing?
You have to spefify CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER to CoCreateInstance() to enforce out-proc activation. That's peculiarity of DCOM - if your component is registered as an in-proc COM server and you specify a CLSCTX_ mask including any value for in-proc activation the component is activated in-proc - DCOM is not used.
Note that COM+ provides almost the same functionality but if you create a "server application" and add your component there and then specify CLSCTX_ALL the component will be instantiated in COM+ surrogate - out-proc activation will be selected automatically.
It turns out that the documentation is misleading. It's not enough merely to set CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. You also have to remove the CLSCTX_INPROC values from the call to CoCreateInstance. If you don't, COM will always use the in-proc stuff, and will never query for DllSurrogate.