How to apply config file change without Apache Restart? - apache

Is it possible to change Apache config file and somehow I can see the change without stopping and starting Apache?
I am talking about Dev/localhost. So, no need to worry about trouble to visitor etc.


How do you disable "/controlpanel" directory redirect to :2083 in WHM?

I've used WHM and cpanel for years but recently noticed that after an update the "/controlpanel" directory has been automatically added allowing to redirect to
How do you disable this redirect that is public facing?
The /controlpanel and /securecontrolpanel are controlled by ScriptAliasMatch in httpd.conf which cannot by modified directly as WHM/cPanel will rebuild it again as it where before the manual modifications. So it will be better if modifications done through one of the following options:
SSH access is needed to apply any one of these
Modify the yaml file which used in the rebuild apache configuration process, the file can be found under /var/cpanel/conf/apache/local or /var/cpanel/conf/apache/main then rebuild apache configuration by running /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf then restart apache by running /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_httpd
Modify the template file which used to parse the previous yaml file in order to generate the configuration file. First copy this file /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.default to /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.local then start modifying it then rebuild and restart apache.
And my vote goes to the first option to keep it clean and simple as possible but it worth knowing both ways so you can extend the functionality as much as you can.
For more details:
Apache Global Configuration docs
Apache Custom Templates docs

(MacOS Server) Apache File Extension Questions

I am running into some sort of issue when trying to access my local website:
You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.
Apache Server at ffghost.local Port 34580
I'm using macOS X Server 5.2 with Apache 2.4.18. OS X Server automatically creates two default websites (one on port 80 and one on port 443). I created a new website. It was my understanding that Apache would redirect from the default site to the created site automatically once created. This didn't happen. So, in an attempt to begin de-conflicting I replaced the files where the default site was located with the new website files and all of the sudden am getting the above 404 message.
I have read a lot of possibilities as to why this may be happening. I've run a syntax checker for Apache in terminal and terminal says syntax is ok. So from there I was going to check into the config files, but there are several, and I just want to know the gist behind them.
There seem to be about 4 file extension types. I don't know what they all mean or if they are active.
.config (I'm assuming this is the active file)
.config.prev (I'm assuming this is a previous version or copy of an active config file and is no longer active)
.config.orig (original file? and is no longer active)
.config.default (???)
Also, OS X Server and Apache seem to have the same files in two different places and I'm a little confused on which one to change. If I change one of them will it be reflected in the other? Do I need to change both of them? Additionally, I don't have DNS set up and am unsure if that was the original issue of not pulling up the new website over the default site.
You are mixing several aspects in your question which makes it complicated to give a helpful answer. For example, you say you get Forbidden when accessing your site, but later you mention a status 404. The former might be due to configuring a user group being allowed to access the site, while the latter just means Not found.
As to your actual question about the config files:
The file just ending in .conf is the one that is being used.
However, the Server app uses a lot of of different config files which might be relevant:
Path /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2 contains the general config files
httpd.conf - general Apache configuration
httpd_server_app.conf - more general configuration
the other files contain configurations for specific applications or webapps (the latter being defined in plist files in /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/webapps)
Path /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/sites contains config files specific to your websites. They are named something like where 34543 is the configuration for the https (SSL) port, while 35480 would indicate the http port. There is also a file like 0000_127.0.0.1_34543_.conf (no domain name in the file name) which defines the default site.
In addition to these, there are two more configuration file in /Library/Server/Web/Config/proxy which configure the proxy services.
It is not recommended to manually adjust the config files, except for those in the sites subdirectory, because they may get overwritten by the Server app or when updating the Server app.
Important: If you change the files manually, you must re-start the Apache server in order to make the changes effective. Use sudo serveradmin stop/start web to do so.
However, I do not know of a detailed documentation of of all these files, so I try to stay on the safe side and possibly not edit the general config files (only those in sites). I also recommend to write down any manual changes, so they can be reapplied if necessary.
Without exactly knowing what you configured in the Server app and which files you changed how, I'm afraid it is impossible to say what might have gone wrong. I recommend to start all over by removing and re-adding the web sites.

Apache httpd.conf change without restart the server

According to my client requirement every time a user register to software we need to provide a separate URL. For that we are using apache and registering the new url in apache httpd.conf. Now the issue is after every new url entry we need to restart the apache server to reflect the changes. But this approach is bad because restarting the apache server also effecting the existing client. So, I would like to reflect the changes without restarting.
So, an any one help me to do that with apache.
I am also open for other tools if that can solve my issue.
Apache can't update it's configuration without restart (graceful or clean).
It's a bad idea to store generated URLs in Apache config.
Much better is to use rewrite maps or store URLs in database and rewrite them with mod_rewrite

Remove ServerAlias from httpd.conf

I am using WHM/cPanel to manage web hosting and wondering how to remove the "cpanel, whm, webmail" ServerAlias. For example, I DO NOT want anyone to do this {HTTP_HOST}/cpanel in order to get to their cPanel.
These rules are clearly defined in the httd.conf file which is located in
I have already tried to manually modify them and I got the following message:
Nothing really happened even though the file was successfully saved. Users are still able to use these unwanted aliases. What should I do to effectively make the change?
Have you restarted Apache?
service httpd graceful
.. or you can do it through WHM.

is restarting apache service needed with any changes to rewritemap file?

I am using a perl script file as a map file in RewriteMap directive.
As i read the apache load the script once at the beginning, So is it needed to reload or restart apache after any changes to this script file?
Yes, rewrite maps are only registered when Apache is starting. And when using external programs as rewrite maps (i.e. map type pgr) the program files need to be locked with RewriteLock:
This directive sets the filename for a synchronization lockfile which mod_rewrite needs to communicate with RewriteMap programs. Set this lockfile to a local path (not on a NFS-mounted device) when you want to use a rewriting map-program. It is not required for other types of rewriting maps.
But the other map types can be changed afterwards:
For plain text and DBM format files the looked-up keys are cached in-core until the mtime of the mapfile changes or the server does a restart. This way you can have map-functions in rules which are used for every request. This is no problem, because the external lookup only happens once!
I'm not sure if the response above is correct, reload seems to be fine.
You can do "ps aux | grep YOUR_REWRITE_PROGRAM" to check the PID/start time of your rewrite map program.
Apache reload seems to set a new PID/start time for these processes, so I would assume new processes have started, a reload may be fine.