Do "return success" methods violate the single responsibility principle? - oop

public class FooList {
public boolean add(Foo item) {
int index = indexOf(item.getKey());
if (index == -1) {
return index == -1;
Since this adds an item and returns a success value, does it violate the single-responsibility principle? If so, does it matter?
An alternative would be to throw an exception:
public class FooList {
public boolean add(Foo item) throws FooAlreadyExistsException {
int index = indexOf(item.getKey());
if (index == -1) {
} else {
throw new FooAlreadyExistsException();
But would this, too, violate the single-responsiblity principle? It seems that the method has two tasks: if the item doesn't exist, add it; else, throw an exception.
Bonus question: Do methods that can return null violate the single-responsibility principle? Here's an example:
public class FooList {
public Foo getFoo(String key) {
int index = indexOf(key);
return (index == -1) ? null : list.get(index);
Is returning either a Foo or null, depending on the situation, "doing two things"?

How about this:
public class MyVector{
private int[] data;
private int count;
public void add(int value){
add does two things - it updates data and increments count. According to the single responsibility rule I should have split it into two functions:
public void MyVector{
private int[] data;
private int count;
public void add(int value){
public void inc(){
which - obviously - breaks the very foundation of OOP. I want data and count to change together - that's kind of the whole point of bundling them together in a class!
You won't get very far if you apply the rule of single responsibility like this. If every method can only do one thing, then the entire program can only do one thing, and when the definition of one thing is like the one used in the above example you're program can't do anything interesting.
The thing is - that's not how the single responsibility rule works:
You shouldn't strive to write methods that can't be defined in a way that specifies more than one thing. Instead, you should write method that can be meaningfully and sufficiently defined in a way that specifies one only thing that they do.
You shouldn't define one thing based on implementation - you should define it based on the abstraction of the class that hosts the method.
This will be a bit controversial: You should be more strict regarding side-effects and less strict regarding return values. The reasoning is that it's easier for the user of your methods to ignore return values than to ignore side-effects.
Exceptions should never be counted as "the method is doing another thing". They are not part of the description of what the method does - they are exception to that, that only happens if something goes wrong. That's the whole point of exceptions.
Now, let's take a look at your method. The implementation is three things: checking for existence, adding the item, and returning the success result. But if you look at the abstraction, you can define it as adding an item if it doesn't exists - and that's one thing!
Yes, it also returns something, but return values can easily be ignored so I wouldn't count it as "another thing". Users of the method will use it for adding items, so they can ignore the return values if they don't need it. If it was the other way around, and they were using your method to check for existence of items, they wouldn't be able to ignore the side-effect of adding the item and that would be bad. Very bad. But since the "additional thing" is the return value(or exception) and not the side-effect - there's no problem with your method.
The most important design rule is to not blindly follow design rules.


When is casting/instanceof a good use?

Every time I google instanceof and casting I will always see answers saying to avoid it and use X pattern.
I have an example where I can't see any pattern I think I could use.
We have 2 classes: Order and Payment (CashPayment and CardPayment).
CashPayment has 1 property called amount and and an implemented method pay.
CardPayment has 1 property called cardNumber and an implemented pay that calls 3rd party API.
Now say you would like to compose a view about an Order, how would someone avoid using instanceof or casting here to show the payment details?
With instanceof I can do this:
order = new Order(...);
Payment Details (Cash):
Type: (instanceof CashPayment ? "Cash") or order.payment().type();
Amount: ((CashPayment) order.payment()).amount();
Payment Details (Card):
Type: (instanceof CardPayment ? "Card") or order.payment().type();
Card Number: ((CardPayment) order.payment()).cardNumber();
Question: can we really avoid instanceof and casting? If yes, how can we achieve this the "OO-way"? If no, I assume this is one of the valid cases?
IMO, we can avoid instanceof/casting and favor use of overridden methods however if you want to know about a concrete object it can't be avoided.
I am trying to write my Domain Models which means it is agnostic of infrastructure and application specific stuff.
Imagine we would need to save the Order thru OrderRepository and the Payment has their own tables. Wouldn't it be ugly if it was like:
class OrderRepository {
public function save(Order order) {
// Insert into order query here...
// Insert into orderItems query here...
// Insert payment into its table
order.payment().columnName() => order.payment().value()
If you absolutely want to segregate the operation from the object itself (e.g. to maintain separation of concerns), but the operation is strongly coupled to subclass details then you only have two choices.
You either need to rethink the model and find an homogeneous abstraction, which could be any approach that allows you to treat the various types the same way.
Payment Details:
Type: {{payment.type}}
{{for attr in payment.attributes}}
{{}}: {{attr.value}}
or you need to perform some kind of type matching, whether you are using the visitor pattern, pattern matching, instanceof, etc.
e.g. with the Visitor Pattern
interface IPaymentVisitor {
public void visit(CashPayment payment);
public void visit(CardPayment payment);
class PaymentRenderer implements IPaymentVisitor ...
class CashPayment extends Payment {
public void visit(IPaymentVisitor visitor) {
var renderer = new PaymentRenderer(outputStream);
The obvious object-oriented solution is to add a display() method to the Payment.
In general instanceof/casting is frowned upon, because it usually indicates a less then optimal design. The only time where it is allowed is when the type-system is not powerful enough to express something. I encountered a few situations in Java where there is no better solution (mostly because there are no read-only collections in Java, therefore the generic parameter is invariant), none in Scala or Haskell yet.
You could go with composition over inheritance.
Perhaps something along the lines of:
public class Payment
private CardPaymentDetail _cardPaymentDetail;
public PaymentType Type { get; private set; }
public decimal Amount { get; }
private Payment(decimal amount)
// > 0 guard
Amount = amount;
private Payment(decimal amount, CardPaymentDetail cardPayment)
: this(amout)
// null guard
CardPayment = cardPayment;
public CardPaymentDetail CardPayment
if (Type != PaymentType.Card)
throw new InvalidOperationException("This is not a card payment.");
return _cardPaymentDetail;
IMHO persistence may also be easier. Along the same lines I have also used what equates to an Unknown payment type as the default and then have a method to specify the type: AsCard(CardPaymentDetail cardPayment) { }.

How to respect encapsulation when storing data in domain centric applications?

Let's say I have a class Order. An Order can be finished by calling Order.finish() method. Internally, when an Order is finished, a finishing date is set:
public void finish() {
finishingDate = new Date();
In the application's business logic, there is no need to expose an Order's finishingDate, so it is a private field without a getter.
Imagine that after finishing an Order, I want to update it in a database. For instance, I could have a DAO with an update method:
public void update(Order order) {
In that method, I need the internal state of the Order, in order to update the table fields. But I said before that there is no need in my business logic to expose Order's finishingDate field.
If I add a Order.getFinishingDate() method:
I'm changing the contract of Order class without adding business value, ubt for "technical" reasons (an UPDATE in a database)
I'm violating the principle of encapsulation of object oriented programming, since I'm exposing internal state.
How do you solve this? Do you consider adding getters (like "entity" classes in ORM do) is acceptable?
I have seen a different approach where class itself (implementation) knows even how to persist itself. Something like this (very naive example, it's just for the question):
public interface Order {
void finish();
boolean isFinished();
public class DbOrder implements Order {
private final int id;
private final Database db;
//ctor. An implementation of Database is injected
public void finish() {
db.update("ORDERS", "FINISHING_DATE", new Date(), "ID=" + id);
public boolean isFinished() {
Date finishingDate ="ORDERS", "FINISHING_DATE", "ID=" + id);
return finishingDate != null;
public interface Database {
void update(String table, String columnName, Object newValue, String whereClause);
void select(String table, String columnName, String whereClause);
Apart from the performance issues (actually, it can be cached or something), I like this approach but it forces us to mock many things when testing, since all the logic is not "in-memory". I mean, the required data to "execute" the logic under test is not just a field in memory, but it's provided by an external component: in this case, the Database.
This is an excellent observation in my opinion. No, I don't consider adding any methods just for technical reasons acceptable, especially getters. I must admit however, that the majority of people I've worked with would just add the getters and would not think about it in detail as you do.
Ok, so how do we solve the problem of persisting something we can't get access to? Well, just ask the object to persist itself.
You can have a persist() (or whatever) method on the object itself. This is ok, since it is part of the business. If it is not, think about what is. Is it sendToBackend() maybe? This does not mean you have to put the details of persistence into the object!
The method itself can be as removed from actual persistence as you like. You can give it interfaces as parameters, or it can return some other object that can be used further down the line.
See these other answers about the same problems for presentation:
Returning a Data Structure to Display information
Encapsulation and Getters

How do I make a well designed validation for a complex collection model?

As input I have a list of Books. As output I expect a SimilarBookCollection.
A SimilarBookCollection has an author, publishYear and list of Books. The SimilarBookCollection can't be created if the author of the books is different or if the publishYear is different.
The solution so far in PHP:
$arrBook = array(...); // array of books
$objValidator = new SimilarBookCollectionValidator($arrBook);
if ($objValidator->IsValid()) {
$objSimilarBookCollection = new SimilarBookCollection($arrBook);
echo $objSimilarBookCollection->GetAuthor();
else {
echo 'Invalid input';
class SimilarBookCollection() {
public function SimilarBookCollection(array $arrBook) {
$objValidator = new SimilarBookCollectionValidator($arrBook);
if ($objValidator->IsValid()) {
throw new Exception('Invalid books to create collection');
$this->author = $arrBook[0]->GetAuthor();
$this->publishYear = $arrBook[0]->GetPublishYear();
$this->books = $arrBook;
public function GetAuthor() {
return $this->author;
public function GetPublishYear() {
return $this->publishYear;
public function GetBooks() {
return $this->books;
class SimilarBookCollectionValidator() {
public function IsValid() {
return $this->blnValid;
... //actual validation routines
The goal is to have a "special" collection with only books that have the same author and publishYear. The idea is to easily access the repeating information like author or year from the object.
How would you name the SimilarBookCollection? The current name is to
generic. Using a name like SameYearAuthorBookCollection looks a bit
long and strange(if more conditions will be added then name will increase)
Would you use a Validator in SimilarBookCollection constructor using a
defensive programming style?
Would you change the design of the code? If yes how?
It all depends ;)
So if I were to aim for a generic adaptable solution I would do the following:
Validator in constructor
On one hand you are validating twice; that is informative in case of a broken precondition/contract (not giving a valid list), but is double the code to run - for what purpose exactly?
If you want to use this in a system depends on its size, how critical it is, product phase, and likely more criterias.
But then it also is controller logic fitted into a model meaning you are spreading your code around.
I would not put it in the constructor.
Name / Design
I would say keep the BookCollection generic as it is, and have any validation strictly in the controller space, instead of bloating the collection which essentially seems to be an array with the extra field of author.
If you want to differentiate between different collection types use either (multiple) inheritance or some sort of additional field "collectionType"; the former if you expect many derivatives or varying functionality to come (also keeps the logic where different nicely separated).
You could also consider your collection as a set on which you perform queries and for convenience's sake you could maintain some sort of meta data like $AuthorCount = N, $publicationDates = array(...) from which you can quickly derive the collection's nature. This approach would also keep your validator-code minimal (or non-existent), as it'd be implicitly in the collection and you could just do the validation in the controller keeping the effective logic behind it clearly visible.
That would also make it more comfortable for you in the future. But the question really is what you want and need it for, and what changes you expect, because you are supposed to fit your design to your requirements and likely changes.
For your very particular problem the constraints as I understand are as follows:
There is only one collection type class in the system at any given
point in time.
The class's items have several attributes, and for a particular, possibly changing subset of these (called identical attributes), the collection only accepts item lists where the chosen attributes of all items are identical.
The class provides getters for all identical attributes
The class must not be usable in any other way than the intended way.
If not for point 1 I would use a generic base class that is either parametrized (ie you tell it upon instantiation which is the set of identical attributes) or uses multiple inheritance (or in php traits) to compose arbitrary combinations with the needed interfaces. Children might rely on the base class but use a predefined subset of the identical attributes.
The parametrized variant might look something as follows:
class BookCollection {
public function __construct($book_list, $identical_fields=array())
if (empty($book_list))
throw new EmptyCollectionException("Empty book list");
$default = $book_list[0];
$this->ia = array();
foreach($identical_fields as $f)
$this->ia[$f] = $default->$f;
foreach($book_list as $book)
foreach($identical_fields as $f)
if ($this->ia[$f] !== $book->$f)
throw new NotIdenticalFieldException("Field $f is not identical for all");
$this->book_list = $book_list;
public function getIdentical($key)
final class BC_by_Author extends BookCollection{
public function __construct($book_list)
public function getAuthor(){ $this->ia['author']; }
or fooling around with abstract and final types (not sure if it's valid like this)
abstract class BookCollection{
public final function __construct($book_list){...}
abstract public function getIdenticalAttributes();
final class BC_by_Author {
public function getIdenticalAttributes(){ return array('author'); }
public function getAuthor(){ return $this->ia['author']; }
If you rely on getters that do not necessarily match the field names I would go for multiple inheritance/traits.
The naming then would be something like BC_Field1Field2Field3.
Alternatively or additionally, you could also use exactly the same classname but develop your solutions in different namespaces, which would mean you wouldn't have to change your code when you change the namespace, plus you can keep it short in the controllers.
But because there will only ever be one class, I would name it BookCollection and not unnecessarily discuss it any further.
Because of constraint 4, the white box constraint, the given book list must be validated by the class itself, ie in the constructor.

Can a class return an object of itself

Can a class return an object of itself.
In my example I have a class called "Change" which represents a change to the system, and I am wondering if it is in anyway against design principles to return an object of type Change or an ArrayList which is populated with all the recent Change objects.
Yes, a class can have a method that returns an instance of itself. This is quite a common scenario.
In C#, an example might be:
public class Change
public int ChangeID { get; set; }
private Change(int changeId)
ChangeID = changeId;
private void LoadFromDatabase()
// TODO Perform Database load here.
public static Change GetChange(int changeId)
return new Change(changeId);
Yes it can. In fact, that's exactly what a singleton class does. The first time you call its class-level getInstance() method, it constructs an instance of itself and returns that. Then subsequent calls to getInstance() return the already-constructed instance.
Your particular case could use a similar method but you need some way of deciding the list of recent changes. As such it will need to maintain its own list of such changes. You could do this with a static array or list of the changes. Just be certain that the underlying information in the list doesn't disappear - this could happen in C++ (for example) if you maintained pointers to the objects and those objects were freed by your clients.
Less of an issue in an automatic garbage collection environment like Java since the object wouldn't disappear whilst there was still a reference to it.
However, you don't have to use this method. My preference with what you describe would be to have two clases, changelist and change. When you create an instance of the change class, pass a changelist object (null if you don't want it associated with a changelist) with the constructor and add the change to that list before returning it.
Alternatively, have a changelist method which creates a change itself and returns it, remembering the change for its own purposes.
Then you can query the changelist to get recent changes (however you define recent). That would be more flexible since it allows multiple lists.
You could even go overboard and allow a change to be associated with multiple changelists if so desired.
Another reason to return this is so that you can do function chaining:
class foo
private int x;
public foo()
this.x = 0;
public foo Add(int a)
this.x += a;
return this;
public foo Subtract(int a)
this.x -= a;
return this;
public int Value
get { return this.x; }
public static void Main()
foo f = new foo();
$ ./foo.exe
There's a time and a place to do function chaining, and it's not "anytime and everywhere." But, LINQ is a good example of a place that hugely benefits from function chaining.
A class will often return an instance of itself from what is sometimes called a "factory" method. In Java or C++ (etc) this would usually be a public static method, e.g. you would call it directly on the class rather than on an instance of a class.
In your case, in Java, it might look something like this:
List<Change> changes = Change.getRecentChanges();
This assumes that the Change class itself knows how to track changes itself, rather than that job being the responsibility of some other object in the system.
A class can also return an instance of itself in the singleton pattern, where you want to ensure that only one instance of a class exists in the world:
Foo foo = Foo.getInstance();
The fluent interface methods work on the principal of returning an instance of itself, e.g.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("123");
You need to think about what you're trying to model. In your case, I would have a ChangeList class that contains one or more Change objects.
On the other hand, if you were modeling a hierarchical structure where a class can reference other instances of the class, then what you're doing makes sense. E.g. a tree node, which can contain other tree nodes.
Another common scenario is having the class implement a static method which returns an instance of it. That should be used when creating a new instance of the class.
I don't know of any design rule that says that's bad. So if in your model a single change can be composed of multiple changes go for it.

What is the real significance(use) of polymorphism

I am new to OOP. Though I understand what polymorphism is, but I can't get the real use of it. I can have functions with different name. Why should I try to implement polymorphism in my application.
Classic answer: Imagine a base class Shape. It exposes a GetArea method. Imagine a Square class and a Rectangle class, and a Circle class. Instead of creating separate GetSquareArea, GetRectangleArea and GetCircleArea methods, you get to implement just one method in each of the derived classes. You don't have to know which exact subclass of Shape you use, you just call GetArea and you get your result, independent of which concrete type is it.
Have a look at this code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Shape
virtual float GetArea() = 0;
class Rectangle : public Shape
Rectangle(float a) { this->a = a; }
float GetArea() { return a * a; }
float a;
class Circle : public Shape
Circle(float r) { this->r = r; }
float GetArea() { return 3.14f * r * r; }
float r;
int main()
Shape *a = new Circle(1.0f);
Shape *b = new Rectangle(1.0f);
cout << a->GetArea() << endl;
cout << b->GetArea() << endl;
An important thing to notice here is - you don't have to know the exact type of the class you're using, just the base type, and you will get the right result. This is very useful in more complex systems as well.
Have fun learning!
Have you ever added two integers with +, and then later added an integer to a floating-point number with +?
Have you ever logged x.toString() to help you debug something?
I think you probably already appreciate polymorphism, just without knowing the name.
In a strictly typed language, polymorphism is important in order to have a list/collection/array of objects of different types. This is because lists/arrays are themselves typed to contain only objects of the correct type.
Imagine for example we have the following:
// the following is pseudocode M'kay:
class apple;
class banana;
class kitchenKnife;
apple foo;
banana bar;
kitchenKnife bat;
apple *shoppingList = [foo, bar, bat]; // this is illegal because bar and bat is
// not of type apple.
To solve this:
class groceries;
class apple inherits groceries;
class banana inherits groceries;
class kitchenKnife inherits groceries;
apple foo;
banana bar;
kitchenKnife bat;
groceries *shoppingList = [foo, bar, bat]; // this is OK
Also it makes processing the list of items more straightforward. Say for example all groceries implements the method price(), processing this is easy:
int total = 0;
foreach (item in shoppingList) {
total += item.price();
These two features are the core of what polymorphism does.
Advantage of polymorphism is client code doesn't need to care about the actual implementation of a method.
Take look at the following example.
Here CarBuilder doesn't know anything about ProduceCar().Once it is given a list of cars (CarsToProduceList) it will produce all the necessary cars accordingly.
class CarBase
public virtual void ProduceCar()
Console.WriteLine("don't know how to produce");
class CarToyota : CarBase
public override void ProduceCar()
Console.WriteLine("Producing Toyota Car ");
class CarBmw : CarBase
public override void ProduceCar()
Console.WriteLine("Producing Bmw Car");
class CarUnknown : CarBase { }
class CarBuilder
public List<CarBase> CarsToProduceList { get; set; }
public void ProduceCars()
if (null != CarsToProduceList)
foreach (CarBase car in CarsToProduceList)
car.ProduceCar();// doesn't know how to produce
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CarBuilder carbuilder = new CarBuilder();
carbuilder.CarsToProduceList = new List<CarBase>() { new CarBmw(), new CarToyota(), new CarUnknown() };
Polymorphism is the foundation of Object Oriented Programming. It means that one object can be have as another project. So how does on object can become other, its possible through following
Overriding/Implementing parent Class behavior
Runtime Object binding
One of the main advantage of it is switch implementations. Lets say you are coding an application which needs to talk to a database. And you happen to define a class which does this database operation for you and its expected to do certain operations such as Add, Delete, Modify. You know that database can be implemented in many ways, it could be talking to file system or a RDBM server such as MySQL etc. So you as programmer, would define an interface that you could use, such as...
public interface DBOperation {
public void addEmployee(Employee newEmployee);
public void modifyEmployee(int id, Employee newInfo);
public void deleteEmployee(int id);
Now you may have multiple implementations, lets say we have one for RDBMS and other for direct file-system
public class DBOperation_RDBMS implements DBOperation
// implements DBOperation above stating that you intend to implement all
// methods in DBOperation
public void addEmployee(Employee newEmployee) {
// here I would get JDBC (Java's Interface to RDBMS) handle
// add an entry into database table.
public void modifyEmployee(int id, Employee newInfo) {
// here I use JDBC handle to modify employee, and id to index to employee
public void deleteEmployee(int id) {
// here I would use JDBC handle to delete an entry
Lets have File System database implementation
public class DBOperation_FileSystem implements DBOperation
public void addEmployee(Employee newEmployee) {
// here I would Create a file and add a Employee record in to it
public void modifyEmployee(int id, Employee newInfo) {
// here I would open file, search for record and change values
public void deleteEmployee(int id) {
// here I search entry by id, and delete the record
Lets see how main can switch between the two
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Employee emp = new Employee();
... set employee information
DBOperation dboper = null;
// declare your db operation object, not there is no instance
// associated with it
if(args[0].equals("use_rdbms")) {
dboper = new DBOperation_RDBMS();
// here conditionally, i.e when first argument to program is
// use_rdbms, we instantiate RDBM implementation and associate
// with variable dboper, which delcared as DBOperation.
// this is where runtime binding of polymorphism kicks in
// JVM is allowing this assignment because DBOperation_RDBMS
// has a "is a" relationship with DBOperation.
} else if(args[0].equals("use_fs")) {
dboper = new DBOperation_FileSystem();
// similarly here conditionally we assign a different instance.
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Dont know which implemnation to use");
// now dboper is refering to one of the implementation
// based on the if conditions above
// by this point JVM knows dboper variable is associated with
// 'a' implemenation, and it will call appropriate method
You can use polymorphism concept in many places, one praticle example would be: lets you are writing image decorer, and you need to support the whole bunch of images such as jpg, tif, png etc. So your application will define an interface and work on it directly. And you would have some runtime binding of various implementations for each of jpg, tif, pgn etc.
One other important use is, if you are using java, most of the time you would work on List interface, so that you can use ArrayList today or some other interface as your application grows or its needs change.
Polymorphism allows you to write code that uses objects. You can then later create new classes that your existing code can use with no modification.
For example, suppose you have a function Lib2Groc(vehicle) that directs a vehicle from the library to the grocery store. It needs to tell vehicles to turn left, so it can call TurnLeft() on the vehicle object among other things. Then if someone later invents a new vehicle, like a hovercraft, it can be used by Lib2Groc with no modification.
I guess sometimes objects are dynamically called. You are not sure whether the object would be a triangle, square etc in a classic shape poly. example.
So, to leave all such things behind, we just call the function of derived class and assume the one of the dynamic class will be called.
You wouldn't care if its a sqaure, triangle or rectangle. You just care about the area. Hence the getArea method will be called depending upon the dynamic object passed.
One of the most significant benefit that you get from polymorphic operations is ability to expand.
You can use same operations and not changing existing interfaces and implementations only because you faced necessity for some new stuff.
All that we want from polymorphism - is simplify our design decision and make our design more extensible and elegant.
You should also draw attention to Open-Closed Principle ( and for SOLID ( that can help you to understand key OO principles.
P.S. I think you are talking about "Dynamic polymorphism" (, because there are such thing like "Static polymorphism" (
You don't need polymorphism.
Until you do.
Then its friggen awesome.
Simple answer that you'll deal with lots of times:
Somebody needs to go through a collection of stuff. Let's say they ask for a collection of type MySpecializedCollectionOfAwesome. But you've been dealing with your instances of Awesome as List. So, now, you're going to have to create an instance of MSCOA and fill it with every instance of Awesome you have in your List<T>. Big pain in the butt, right?
Well, if they asked for an IEnumerable<Awesome>, you could hand them one of MANY collections of Awesome. You could hand them an array (Awesome[]) or a List (List<Awesome>) or an observable collection of Awesome or ANYTHING ELSE you keep your Awesome in that implements IEnumerable<T>.
The power of polymorphism lets you be type safe, yet be flexible enough that you can use an instance many many different ways without creating tons of code that specifically handles this type or that type.
Tabbed Applications
A good application to me is generic buttons (for all tabs) within a tabbed-application - even the browser we are using it is implementing Polymorphism as it doesn't know the tab we are using at the compile-time (within the code in other words). Its always determined at the Run-time (right now! when we are using the browser.)