Running total SQL server - AGAIN - sql

i'm aware that this question has been asked multiple times and I have read those threads to get to where I am now, but those solutions don't seem to be working. I need to have a running total of my ExpectedAmount...
I have the following table:
| ExpectedDate | ExpectedAmount |
| 1 | 2485513 |
| 2 | 526032 |
| 3 | 342041 |
| 4 | 195807 |
| 5 | 380477 |
| 6 | 102233 |
| 7 | 539951 |
| 8 | 107145 |
| 10 | 165110 |
| 11 | 18795 |
| 12 | 27177 |
| 13 | 28232 |
| 14 | 154631 |
| 15 | 5566585 |
| 16 | 250814 |
| 17 | 90444 |
| 18 | 105424 |
| 19 | 62132 |
| 20 | 1799349 |
| 21 | 303131 |
| 22 | 459464 |
| 23 | 723488 |
| 24 | 676514 |
| 25 | 17311911 |
| 26 | 4876062 |
| 27 | 4844434 |
| 28 | 4039687 |
| 29 | 1418648 |
| 30 | 4366189 |
| 31 | 9028836 |
I have the following SQL:
SELECT a.ExpectedDate, a.ExpectedAmount, (SELECT SUM(b.ExpectedAmount)
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected b
WHERE b.ExpectedDate <= a.ExpectedDate)
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected a
The result of the above SQL is this:
| ExpectedDate | ExpectedAmount | RunningTotal |
| 1 | 2485513 | 2485513 |
| 2 | 526032 | 9480889 |
| 3 | 342041 | 46275618 |
| 4 | 195807 | 59866450 |
| 5 | 380477 | 60246927 |
| 6 | 102233 | 60349160 |
| 7 | 539951 | 60889111 |
| 8 | 107145 | 60996256 |
| 10 | 165110 | 2650623 |
| 11 | 18795 | 2669418 |
| 12 | 27177 | 2696595 |
| 13 | 28232 | 2724827 |
| 14 | 154631 | 2879458 |
| 15 | 5566585 | 8446043 |
| 16 | 250814 | 8696857 |
| 17 | 90444 | 8787301 |
| 18 | 105424 | 8892725 |
| 19 | 62132 | 8954857 |
| 20 | 1799349 | 11280238 |
| 21 | 303131 | 11583369 |
| 22 | 459464 | 12042833 |
| 23 | 723488 | 12766321 |
| 24 | 676514 | 13442835 |
| 25 | 17311911 | 30754746 |
| 26 | 4876062 | 35630808 |
| 27 | 4844434 | 40475242 |
| 28 | 4039687 | 44514929 |
| 29 | 1418648 | 45933577 |
| 30 | 4366189 | 50641807 |
| 31 | 9028836 | 59670643 |
You can tell from the first few values already that the math is all off, but then at some points the math adds up?! I'm Too confused !! Could someone please point me to another solution or to where I have gone wrong with this?
I am using SQL Server 2008.

It is because your ExpectedDate column of type varchar. Try this:
SELECT a.ExpectedDate, a.ExpectedAmount, (SELECT SUM(b.ExpectedAmount)
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected b
WHERE CAST(b.ExpectedDate as int) <= CAST(a.ExpectedDate as int))
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected a
Note that it could be inefficient query.

I think this gonna work:
SELECT a.ExpectedDate,
SUM(b.ExpectedAmount) RuningTotal
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected a
LEFT JOIN UnpaidManagement..Expected b
ON CAST(b.ExpectedDate as int) <= CAST(a.ExpectedDate as int)
GROUP BY a.ExpectedDate, a.ExpectedAmount
SELECT a.ExpectedDate,
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected a
SELECT SUM(b.ExpectedAmount) AS RuningTotal
FROM UnpaidManagement..Expected b
WHERE CAST(b.ExpectedDate as int) <= CAST(a.ExpectedDate as int)
) c


SQL Server : sort ranking list

I have a table with 3 columns ordernum, username, and amount. I want to select its rows and show an additional column expected.
The rule for calculating the expected column is as follows:
These rows same OrderNum value will be ranking again based on amount column (Desc order). I don't know how I can describe, but the expected result is shown below :(
I tried with RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(), but have not been able to properly apply above algorithm.
This is my table declaration:
ordernum INT,
username NVARCHAR(30),
amount MONEY
This is my table content:
| 1 | test01 | 18382.5079 |
| 1 | test02 | 10476.0000 |
| 1 | test03 | 8128.0000 |
| 1 | test04 | 6680.0000 |
| 1 | test05 | 5388.9673 |
| 1 | test06 | 5356.0000 |
| 12 | test07 | 2806.0000 |
| 12 | test08 | 2806.0000 |
| 12 | test09 | 2806.0000 |
| 14 | test10 | 2530.0000 |
| 15 | test11 | 2330.0000 |
| 16 | test12 | 2183.0000 |
| 16 | test13 | 2182.0000 |
| 17 | test14 | 2000.0000 |
| 18 | test15 | 1621.0000 |
And this is my expected result:
| 1 | test01 | 18382.5079 | 1 |
| 1 | test02 | 10476.0000 | 2 |
| 1 | test03 | 8128.0000 | 3 |
| 1 | test04 | 6680.0000 | 4 |
| 1 | test05 | 5388.9673 | 5 |
| 1 | test06 | 5356.0000 | 6 |
| 12 | test07 | 2806.0000 | 12 |
| 12 | test08 | 2806.0000 | 12 |
| 12 | test09 | 2806.0000 | 12 |
| 14 | test10 | 2530.0000 | 15 |
| 15 | test11 | 2330.0000 | 16 |
| 16 | test12 | 2183.0000 | 17 |
| 16 | test13 | 2182.0000 | 18 |
| 17 | test14 | 2000.0000 | 19 |
| 18 | test15 | 1621.0000 | 20 |
Here is a fiddle for the problem:
This should work.
RANK() over (order by OrderNum) as Expected
from yourTable

PostgreSQL: Count number of rows in table 1 for distinct rows in table 2

I am working with really big data that at the moment I become confused, looking like I'm just repeating one thing.
I want to count the number of trips per user from two tables, trips and session.
psql=> SELECT * FROM trips limit 10;
trip_id | session_ids | daily_user_id | seconds_start | seconds_end
400543 | {172079} | 17118 | 1575550944 | 1575551181
400542 | {172078} | 17118 | 1575541533 | 1575542171
400540 | {172077} | 17118 | 1575539001 | 1575539340
400538 | {172076} | 17117 | 1575540499 | 1575541999
400534 | {172074,172075} | 17117 | 1575537161 | 1575539711
400530 | {172073} | 17116 | 1575447043 | 1575447682
400529 | {172071} | 17115 | 1575496394 | 1575497803
400527 | {172070} | 17113 | 1575495241 | 1575496034
400525 | {172068} | 17115 | 1575485658 | 1575489378
400524 | {172067} | 17113 | 1575488721 | 1575490491
(10 rows)
psql=> SELECT * FROM session limit 10;
session_id | user_id | key | start_time | daily_user_id
172079 | 43 | hLB8S7aSfp4gAFp7TykwYQ==+| 1575550921 | 17118
| | | |
172078 | 43 | YATMrL/AQ7Nu5q2dQTMT1A==+| 1575541530 | 17118
| | | |
172077 | 43 | fOLX4tqvsyFOP3DCyBZf1A==+| 1575538997 | 17118
| | | |
172076 | 7 | 88hwGj4Mqa58juy0PG/R4A==+| 1575540515 | 17117
| | | |
172075 | 7 | 1O+8X49+YbtmoEa9BlY5OQ==+| 1575538384 | 17117
| | | |
172074 | 7 | XOR7hsFCNk+soM75ZhDJyA==+| 1575537405 | 17117
| | | |
172073 | 42 | rAQWwYgqg3UMTpsBYSpIpA==+| 1575447109 | 17116
| | | |
172072 | 276 | 0xOsxRRN3Sq20VsXWjlrzQ==+| 1575511120 | 17114
| | | |
172071 | 7 | P4beN3W/ZrD+TCpZGYh23g==+| 1575496642 | 17115
| | | |
172070 | 43 | OFi30Zv9e5gmLZS5Vb+I7Q==+| 1575495238 | 17113
| | | |
(10 rows)
Goal: get the distribution of trips per user
psql=> SELECT COUNT(distinct trip_id) as trips
, count(distinct user_id) as users
, extract(year from to_timestamp(seconds_start)) as year_date
, extract(month from to_timestamp(seconds_start)) as month_date
FROM trips
INNER JOIN session
ON session_id = ANY(session_ids)
GROUP BY year_date, month_date
ORDER BY year_date, month_date;
| trips | users | year_date | month_date |
| 371 | 44 | 2016 | 3 |
| 12207 | 185 | 2016 | 4 |
| 3859 | 88 | 2016 | 5 |
| 1547 | 28 | 2016 | 6 |
| 831 | 17 | 2016 | 7 |
| 427 | 4 | 2016 | 8 |
| 512 | 13 | 2016 | 9 |
| 431 | 11 | 2016 | 10 |
| 1011 | 26 | 2016 | 11 |
| 791 | 15 | 2016 | 12 |
| 217 | 8 | 2017 | 1 |
| 490 | 17 | 2017 | 2 |
| 851 | 18 | 2017 | 3 |
| 1890 | 66 | 2017 | 4 |
| 2143 | 43 | 2017 | 5 |
| . | | | |
| . | | | |
| . | | | |
This resultset count number of users and trips, my intention is actually to get an analysis of trips per user, like so:
| user | no_of_trips |
| 1 | 489 |
| 2 | 400 |
| 3 | 12 |
| 4 | 102 |
| . | |
| . | |
| . | |
How do I do this, please?
You seem to just want aggregation by user_id:
SELECT s.user_id, COUNT(distinct t.trip_id) as trips
session s
ON s.session_id = ANY(t.session_ids)
GROUP BY s.user_id ;
I'm pretty sure that the COUNT(DISTINCT) is unnecessary, so I would advise removing it:
SELECT s.user_id, COUNT(*) as trips
session s
ON s.session_id = ANY(t.session_ids)
GROUP BY s.user_id ;

How do I get around aggregate function error?

I have the following sql to calculate a % total:
SELECT tblTourns_atp.ID_Ti,
Sum([FS_1]/(SELECT Sum(FSOF_1)
FROM stat_atp
WHERE stat_atp.ID_T = tblTourns_atp.ID_T)) AS S1_IP
FROM stat_atp
INNER JOIN tblTourns_atp ON stat_atp.ID_T = tblTourns_atp.ID_T
GROUP BY tblTourns_atp.ID_Ti
I'm getting the 'aggregate error' because it wants the ID_T fields either grouped or in an aggregate function. I've read loads of examples but none of them seem to apply when the offending field is the subject of 'WHERE'.
Tables and output as follows:
| stat_atp | | | | tblTourns_atp | | | Output | |
| ID_T | FS_1 | FSOF_1 | | ID_T | ID_Ti | | ID_Ti | S1_IP |
| 1 | 20 | 40 | | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 31.03% |
| 2 | 30 | 100 | | 2 | 1 | | 2 | 28.57% |
| 3 | 40 | 150 | | 3 | 1 | | 3 | 33.33% |
| 4 | 30 | 100 | | 4 | 2 | | | |
| 5 | 30 | 100 | | 5 | 2 | | | |
| 6 | 40 | 150 | | 6 | 2 | | | |
| 7 | 20 | 40 | | 7 | 3 | | | |
| 8 | 30 | 100 | | 8 | 3 | | | |
| 9 | 40 | 150 | | 9 | 3 | | | |
| 10 | 20 | 40 | | 10 | 3 | | | |
Since you already have an inner join between the two tables, a separate subquery isn't required:
select t.id_ti, sum(s.fs_1)/sum(s.fsof_1) as pct
from tbltourns_atp t inner join stat_atp s on t.id_t = s.id_t
group by t.id_ti

Crosstab query to show the working hours per day for each Vessel

I have made a Crosstab Query that should give information about the total working hours in each day for every Vessel we had in our small harbor.
my query:
TRANSFORM Sum(Main.WorkingH) AS SumOfWorkingH
SELECT DateValue([DeptDate]) AS [Date]
FROM Vessels INNER JOIN Main ON Vessels.ID = Main.VesselID
GROUP BY DateValue([DeptDate])
ORDER BY DateValue([DeptDate])
PIVOT Vessels.Vessel;
the problem here is this query is returning the total working hours start from departure date
| +---------------+--------+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| +---------------+--------+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| | Date | A1 | A2 | A3 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | |
| | 26-May-17 | | | 32 | 29 | | | | |
| | 27-May-17 | 3 | 13 | | | | | | |
| | 28-May-17 | | | | | | | 73 | |
| | 29-May-17 | | | | 12 | 6 | 27 | | |
| | 01-Jun-17 | | | 10 | | 7 | 41 | | |
| | 02-Jun-17 | | 2 | 15 | 5 | | | | |
| | 03-Jun-17 | | 4 | | | | | | |
| +---------------+--------+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
The desired Result
when a vessel leaves at 6/1 9pm and arrive back at 6/3 10am. This should appear as following:
**NOT** 6/1-->37Hours as in the previous table.
This is how it should look like
| +----------------+-----+----+----+----+--------+----+----+ |
| | Date | A1 | A2 | A3 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | |
| +----------------+-----+----+----+----+--------+----+----+ |
| | 26-May-17 | | | 5 | 7 | | | | |
| | 27-May-17 | 3 | 13 | 24 | 21 | | | | |
| | 28-May-17 | | | 2 | | | | 9 | |
| | 29-May-17 | | | | 12 | 6 | 8 | 24 | |
| | 30-May-17 | | | | | | 18 | 24 | |
| | 31-May-17 | | | | | | | 15 | |
| | 01-Jun-17 | | | 10 | | 7 | 0 | | |
| | 02-Jun-17 | | 2 | 15 | 5 | 24 | | | |
| | 03-Jun-17 | | 4 | | | | 16 | | |
| +----------------+-----+----+----+----+--------+----+----+ |
These values are not accurate (I wrote them by hand), but I think you got the Idea
The Suggested Solution
while trying to fix this problem I made the following code which takes the
Public Function HoursByDate1(stTime, EndTime)
For dayloop = Int(EndTime) To Int(stTime) Step -1
If dayloop = Int(stTime) Then
WorkingHours = Hour(dayloop + 1 - stTime)
ElseIf dayloop = Int(EndTime) Then
WorkingHours = Hour(EndTime - dayloop)
WorkingHours = 24
End If
HoursByDate1 = WorkingHours
Debug.Print "StartDate: " & stTime & ", EndDate:" & EndTime & ", The day:" & dayloop & " --> " & WorkingHours & " hours."
Next dayloop
End Function
It prints the data as following:
which is exactly what I want
But when I try to call this function from my query, It gets only the last value for each trip. as following:
| +-----------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| | Date | A1 | A2 | A3 | F3 | F4 | F5 | F6 | |
| +-----------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ |
| | 5/26/2017 | | | 5 | 7 | | | | |
| | 5/27/2017 | 15 | 19 | | | | | | |
| | 5/28/2017 | | | | | | | 9 | |
| | 5/29/2017 | | | | 8 | 7 | 8 | | |
| | 6/1/2017 | | | 3 | | 6 | 0 | | |
| | 6/2/2017 | | 8 | 8 | 19 | | | | |
| | 6/3/2017 | | 9 | | | | | |
I seek any Solution: From VBA side of things or SQL Query Side.
Sorry for the very long question, but I wanted to show my effort on the subject because every time I am told that this is not enough Information

How can I do this in SQL in a Single Statement?

I have the following MySQL table:
| Version | Yr_Varient | FY | Period | CoA | Company | Item | Mvt | Ptnr_Co | Investee | GC | LC |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 1110105000 | 60200 | | | 450000 | 450000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 2110300000 | 60200 | | | -520000 | -520000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 1220221600 | | | | 78080 | 78080 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 2130323000 | | | | 50000 | 50000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 2130322000 | | | | -58080 | -58080 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 3100505000 | | | | -275000 | -275000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 3200652500 | | | | 216920 | 216920 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 23 | 3900000000 | | | | 58080 | 58080 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 1110105000 | 60200 | | | 376000 | 376000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 2110300000 | 60200 | | | -545000 | -545000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 1220221600 | | | | 452250 | 452250 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 2130323000 | | | | -165000 | -165000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 2130322000 | | | | -118250 | -118250 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 3100505000 | | | | -937750 | -937750 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 3200652500 | | | | 819500 | 819500 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 26 | 3900000000 | | | | 118250 | 118250 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 1110105000 | 60200 | | | 777000 | 777000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 2110308000 | 60200 | 43 | | -255000 | -255000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 2130321500 | | | | 180000 | 180000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 2130322000 | | | | -77000 | -77000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 2310407001 | | 1 | | -625000 | -625000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 3100505000 | | | | -2502500 | -2502500 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 3200652500 | | | | 2425500 | 2425500 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 37 | 3900000000 | | | | 77000 | 77000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1110105000 | 60200 | | | 2600000 | 2600000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1140161000 | 60200 | | 23 | 430000 | 430000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1140161000 | 60200 | | 26 | 505556 | 505556 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1140160000 | 60200 | 37 | | 255000 | 255000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1160163000 | 60200 | 99999 | 48 | 49428895 | 49428895 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1160163000 | 60200 | 99999 | 49 | 188260175 | 188260175 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 2310405500 | | | | -237689070 | -237689070 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 2110300000 | 60200 | | | -1000 | -1000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 2110300500 | 60200 | | | -3999000 | -3999000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 1220221600 | | | | 1571112 | 1571112 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 2130321500 | | | | -805556 | -805556 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 2130322000 | | | | -556112 | -556112 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 3100505000 | | | | -836000 | -836000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 3200652500 | | | | 781000 | 781000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 3300715700 | | 99999 | 32 | -440000 | -440000 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 3300715700 | | 99999 | 26 | -61112 | -61112 |
| 201 | 1 | 2010 | 1 | 11 | 43 | 3900000000 | | | | 556112 | 556112 |
I need to take all rows with Mvt = 60200 and multiply every GC and LC record in that row by 1.1 and add a new row containing the changes back into the same table with FY set to 2011.
How can I do all this in 1 statement?
Is it even possible to do all this in 1 statement (I know very little about SQL)?
Can this be done in standard SQL as the database will be ported to another Database Server?
I don't know which server it will be.
In standard SQL (there may be better ways in vendor-specific implementations but I tend to prefer standard stuff where possible):
insert into mytable (
Version, Yr_Varient, Period, CoA, Company, Item, Mvt, Ptnr_Co, Investee,
) select
Version, Yr_Varient, Period, CoA, Company, Item, Mvt, Ptnr_Co, Investee,
2011, GC*1.1, LC*1.1
from mytable
where Mvt = 60200
-- and FY = 2010
You may also want to limit your select statement a little more depending on the results of your testing, such as uncommenting the and FY = 2010 line above to stop copying all your 2009 and 2008 data as well, if any. I asume you only wanted to carry forward the previous year's stuff with a 10% increase on GC and LC.
The way this works is to run the select which gives modified data for FY, GC and LC as per your request, and pump all those rows back into the insert.
insert into mytable (
SELECT Version ,Yr_Varient,"2011" as FY, Period, CoA, Company , Item , Mvt ,Ptnr_Co , Investee , GC*1.1 as GC, LC*1.1 as LC FROM <table Name>
WHERE Mvt = 60200
GC * 1.1,
LC * 1.1
Mvt = 60200
AND FY <> 2011
This statement should work in any SQL-Database.
Edit: Too slow