Empty response when making a Select with 2 where clauses - sql

My function of XMLRPC works like this, check if content already exists at my website, if it is up-to-date and update it if necessary.
To do it I check for it´s number ( both content types can have same number) it´s hash (unique) and type.
Before I had only one kind of content, and my function was working properly , but now I need to check also content type instead of only number and hash.
that is the problem, whem I try to do it, I got an empty anwser. My Function now is like this:
$query = db_query("SELECT (table_num.field_num) FROM (table_num, table_type) WHERE table_num.entity = table_type.entity AND table_num.field_num = :num AND table_type.field_type = :type", array(':num' => $num, ':type' =>$type));
foreach ($query as $record) {
if($record->rowCount()==0) return 0;
else {
$query = db_query("SELECT (table_hash.field_hash) FROM (table_hash, table_type) WHERE table_hash.entity = table_type.entity AND table_hash.field_hash = :hash AND table_type.field_type = :type", array(':hash' => $hash, ':type' =>$type));
foreach ($query as $record) {
if($record->rowCount()==1) return 1;
$query = db_query("SELECT (table_num.entity_id) FROM (table_num, table_type) WHERE table_num.entity = table_type.entity AND table_num.field_num = :num AND table_type.field_type = :type", array(':num' => $num, ':type' =>$type));
foreach ($query as $record) {
echo $record->field_entity_id;
return $record;
P.S. when it returns 0 it does not exists in my DB, 1 is when it´s up to date and entity when I need to update it.
Sorry for long SQL but I just start to use it, and I didn´t manage to get it shorter.
Does someone have any idea why I am getting an empty anwser?

The way your building your queries is dangerous and lead to SQL injection as your not escaping your variables.
Instead of:
$query = db_query("SELECT (table_num.field_num) FROM table_num WHERE table_num.field_num = $num AND table_type.field_type = $type");
You can use:
$query = db_query("SELECT (table_num.field_num) FROM table_num WHERE table_num.field_num = :num AND table_type.field_type = :type", array(':num' => $num, ':type' =>$type));
This way Drupal will sanitize your variables before inserting them so you know it won't lead to any vulnerabilities.
I don't actually fully understand what your question is asking - if you could clarify it a bit I'll see if I can help with that too...


Object of class PDOStatement could not convert to string

I changed my mysqli connection to PDO statment so i have to much error on my page this is the my code pls help us
if ($fn && $ln && $e && $p) { // If everything's OK...
// Make sure the email address is available:
//$q = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email='$e'";
$q = $dbc->query("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email='$e'");
$r = $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc));
if (mysqli_num_rows($r) == 0) { // Available.
// Create the activation code:
$a = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
Here is your code converted to PDO.
// Make sure the email address is available:
$q = $dbc->query("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email=?");
$r = $q->fetchColumn();
if (!$r) { // Available.
// Create the activation code:
$a = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
Three things has been corrected
You have to always use a placeholder tp represent a variable in the query.
To get a single value from the result, fetchColumn have to be used instead of fetchAll
No need for the manual reporting, as PDO can report its errors automatically, if confugired properly, as described in this tutorial I wrote

Phalcon: specific column on joined PHQL

The below PHQL generates a complex resultset like it should:
$phql = "SELECT User.*, ProductUser.* "
. "FROM ProductUser "
. "INNER JOIN User "
. "WHERE ProductUser.product_id = 5";
Replacing ProductUser.* with an existing column like ProductUser.id causes an error:
MESSAGE: The index does not exist in the row
FILE: phalcon/mvc/model/row.zep
LINE: 67
This is version 2.0.6. Is this a bug or am I making a mistake somewhere? According to the documentation it should be fine.
It was my mistake (expecting the row to always be an object).
I hope this helps someone because looping complex resultsets is not in the documentation.
$result = $this->modelsManager->createQuery($phql)->execute();
if ($result instanceof \Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Complex) {
foreach ($result as $rows) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if (is_object($row)) {
$modelData = $row->toArray());
// this is what I needed
} else {
$id = $row;
First of all you're missing the ON clause in your query.
Anyways, it's easier and more error prone to use Phalcon's query builder for querying:
// modelManager is avaiable in the default DI
$queryBuilder = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder();
$queryBuilder->from(["product" => 'Path\To\ProductUser']);
// Inner join params are: the model class path, the condition for the 'ON' clause, and optionally an alias for the table
$queryBuilder->innerJoin('Path\To\User', "product.user_id = user.id", "user");
$queryBuilder->where("product.id = 5");
// You can use this line to debug what was generated
// $generatedQuery = $queryBuilder->getPhql();
// var_dump($generatedQuery);
// Finish the query building
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
// Execute it and get the results
$result = $query->execute();
// Now use var_dump to see how the result was fetched

Multiple between statements in sql builder

I am creating a fairly large query using laravel 4 sql builder. it roughly looks like, get data from table
where(yada yada)and where age between(yada, yada)or between(yada, yada) and where(yad yada).
But what I want is this.
where(yada yada)and where (age between(yada, yada)or between(yada, yada)) and where(yad yada).
some code:
$query = Subject::grabBasic();// start writing query, which results to grab.
$agelength = sizeof($fromAgeValue);
$count = 0;
$ageflag = 0;
foreach( array_combine($fromAgeValue, $toAgeValue) as $from=>$to ){
$query = Subject::addfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to);
}else if(($from!=null)&&($to!=null)){
$query = Subject::orfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to);
... keep adding to $query
Subject code:
static function addfromAgeToAge($query, $fromAge, $toAge){
return $query->whereBetween('Age', array($fromAge, $toAge));
static function orfromAgeToAge($query, $fromAge, $toAge){
return $query->orWhereBetween('Age', array($fromAge, $toAge));
So, is there a way to write the addToAge builder function to take in the arrays of fromage and toage values and create a statement, which when added to the rest of the query, will give the desired results. e-g. the sql query will have parentheses in the correct place.
I would also like to do this without raw queries, I suspect there is a way to do this I just haven't been able to find it.
I buckled and used raw queries :(
Here's what it looks like.
$agecounter = 0;// tells me how many from age to age pairs were filed out coorrectly.
foreach( array_combine($fromAgeValue, $toAgeValue) as $from=>$to ){
$agelength = sizeof($fromAgeValue);
$ageflag = 0;
foreach( array_combine($fromAgeValue, $toAgeValue) as $from=>$to ){
$query = Subject::addfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to, $agecounter); // ages put in for loop when multiple are added.
$ageflag=1; // add or's
$agecounter -=1;
}else if(($from!=null)&&($to!=null)){
$query = Subject::orfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to, $agecounter);
$agecounter -=1;
and in my Model:
static function addfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to, $count){
return $query->whereRaw('( Age between ? and ?', array($from, $to));
return $query-> whereBetween('Age', array($from, $to));
static function orfromAgeToAge($query, $from, $to, $count){
return $query->orWhereRaw(' Age between ? and ?)', array($from, $to));
return $query->orWhereRaw(' Age between ? and ?', array($from, $to));//('Age', array($fromAge, $toAge));
Hope this helps someone else put ()'s in a query builder.

my query take a long time to run ,why?

I have a query that returns c.a 1800 records( not many) but It takes long time to ran (10 seconds) but I can not understand why?
this is my query that takes a long time:
SELECT tb_KonzeptFunktionen.Konzept AS KonzeptID, tb_KonzeptFunktionen.Funktion,
qryFunktionen_Übersicht.Fehlerpfad_Kommentar AS Kommentar,
FROM tb_KonzeptFunktionen RIGHT JOIN qryFunktionen_Übersicht
ON tb_KonzeptFunktionen.Funktion = qryFunktionen_Übersicht.Funktionsname
WHERE (((tb_KonzeptFunktionen.Konzept)=[Formulare]![frm_Fahrzeug]![ID]))
and this is another related query to above query:
SELECT tbFunktionen_Übersicht.*,
tbFunktionen.ID AS FunktionsID
FROM tbFunktionen_Übersicht INNER JOIN tbFunktionen
ON tbFunktionen_Übersicht.Funktion = tbFunktionen.ID
ORDER BY tbFunktionen.Funktionsname, tbFunktionen_Übersicht.Fehlerpfadname;
I added an index to the fields that appear in ORDER oder JOINS but no effect
Would you please help me if possible?
Please refer to this post,hier you can find the answer
for me PDO brought improvement in my sql query's: http://www.php.net/manual/en/intro.pdo.php
//General Example-----------------
//$sqlHandling = new sqlHandling;
//$sqlHandling->connectSQL($sqlArray['host'], $sqlArray['user'],$sqlArray['pass'], $sqlArray['dbName']);
//$tableNameArray = $sqlHandling->showTablesSQL($sqlHandling->dbh);
class sqlHandling{
//PDO - Object/ callItOutside with: $sqlClass->dbh
public $dbh = null;
//example: $dbh = connectSQL('localhost','admin','1admin','test');
//start transaction
//end transaction
//$dbh = null;
function connectSQL($host, $user, $pass, $dbname){
if($this->dbh != null){
$this->dbh = null;
//establish connection
$this->dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$dbname, $user, $pass);
$this->dbh->exec('SET CHARACTER SET utf8');
return $this->dbh;
}catch(PDOException $e){
print 'Error!: ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br/>';
return FALSE;
//example: createColumnSQL($dbh, 'backupexample', array('SomeName1 VARCHAR(30)', 'SomeName2 VARCHAR(30)', 'SomeName3 VARCHAR(30)', 'SomeName4 VARCHAR(30)'));
//1:PDO connection/2:table/3:array holding columns
function createColumnSQL($dbh, $table, $columns){
//cicle through each array
foreach($columns as $tempColumn){
//set query
$query = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` ADD COLUMN '.$tempColumn;
//send the query
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($query);
//send the data
This is only a working example for my PDO sqlHandling Class. I know retrieveAllValues won't help you further but you may adopt this code for your use.

Data retrieval from database using perl with a foreach

$dbh_source2 = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=.......;port=......;sid=......",'..........','..........');
foreach $data_line (#raw_data) {
$SEL = "SELECT arg1,arg2 FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE DATA_NAME = '$data_line'";
$sth = $dbh_source2->prepare($SEL);
while (my #row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
print #row;
print "\n";
$dbh_source2->disconnect if defined($dbh_source2);
I am trying to grab several lines of data from a user. I want to take that data and use it to query a database and grab ARG1 and ARG2 WHERE USER_DATA = $data_line.
It will not display anything.
Here's a quick revision which uses SQL placeholders in order to keep Bobby Tables from destroying your database. It may also fix the problem you're currently having, but I haven't seen enough details of your problem yet to be sure.
my $dbh_source2 = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=.......;port=......;sid=......",'..........','..........');
my $sth = $dbh_source2->prepare($SEL);
foreach my $data_line (#raw_data) {
while (my #row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
print #row;
print "\n";
$dbh_source2->disconnect if defined($dbh_source2);
my $dbh_source2 = DBI->connect
my $sth = $dbh_source2->prepare($SEL);
foreach my $data_line (#raw_data) {
chomp $data_line;
while (my #row = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
print "$data_line\t #row\n";
$dbh_source2->disconnect if defined($dbh_source2);
The issue I was having was the fact that the development database was not updated with the correct information so some of the items came up blank. When using the production database with the correct information it worked great!
Thank you all for your help!