MS-SQL - Extracting numerical portion of a string - sql

I have an MS-SQL table, with a column titled 'ImportCount'.
Data in this column follows the below format:
[Schedules] 1376 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERA\AA\XX...
[Schedules] 10201 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERZZ\PERS\YY...
[Schedules] 999 schedule items imported from location R:\PERS\FOLDERA\AA\XX...
[Schedules] 21 schedule items imported from location H:\FOLDERA\MM\2014ZZ...
What I would like to do is extract that numerical portion of the data (which varies in length), but am struggling to get the right result. Would appreciate any help on this!

select left(ImportCount, patindex('%[^0-9]%', ImportCount+'.') - 1)

select SUBSTRING(ImportCount,13,patindex('% schedule items%',ImportCount)-13) from table name

Try this..You can declare it as a SQL function also.
DECLARE #textAplhaNumeric varchar(100)
set #textAplhaNumeric = '1376 schedule items imported from location'
SET #intText = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #textAplhaNumeric)
WHILE #intText > 0
SET #textAplhaNumeric = STUFF(#textAplhaNumeric, #intText, 1, '' )
SET #intText = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #textAplhaNumeric)
Select #textAplhaNumeric //output is 1376
It will work in case of NULL or empty values.

Please try:
SELECT LEFT(Val,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', Val+'a')-1) from(
STUFF(ImportCount, 1, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', ImportCount)-1, '') Val
FROM YourTable


SQL to get whole words till end from the keyword

Consider I have text from the field (notes) as below:
Please check
I want a SQL query which fetches the link part only. That is to find keyword http and print till the last.
Also if the text field doesnt have any link, can we print NA?
CASE WHEN sys like '%Clo%'
THEN RIGHT( i.notes,LEN(i.notes) - CHARINDEX('http',i.notes,1)+1)
ELSE "No Link Available" END AS Cl_Link
For SQL Server you can consider this below logic-
DECLARE #T VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Please check'
SELECT RIGHT(#T,LEN(#T) - CHARINDEX('http:',#T,1)+1)
For MySQL-
SET #T = 'Please check';
In case of select query using table, queries will be-
-- SQL Server
SELECT RIGHT(column_name,LEN(column_name) - CHARINDEX('http:',column_name,1)+1) FROM your_table_name
-- MySQL
SELECT RIGHT(column_name,LENGTH(column_name) - POSITION("http:" IN column_name)+1) FROM your_table_name
To apply 'NA' when no link available, please use the below logic-
DECLARE #T VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Please check'
WHEN CHARINDEX('http:',#T,1) >= 1 THEN RIGHT(#T,LEN(#T) - CHARINDEX('http:',#T,1)+1)
Below is the query for your reference, executed on mysql:
SELECT substr(columnname,locate('http',columnname)) as link
FROM `tablename` where column=value
For MySQL try this:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(text_column, 'http\:\/\/([\\w\\.\\S]+)') from mytest

Creating Dynamic Dates as Variable (Column Names) in SQL

First, I have read about similar posts and have read the comments that this isn't an ideal solution and I get it but the boss (ie client) wants it this way. The parameters are as follows (for various reasons too bizarre to go into but trust me):
1. SQL Server Mgmt Studio 2016
2. NO parameters or pass throughs or temp tables. All has to be within contained code.
So here we go:
I need to create column headings that reflect dates:
1. Current date
2. Most recent quarter end prior to current date
3. Most recent quarter end prior to #2
4. Most recent quarter end prior to #3
5. Most recent quarter end prior to #4
6. Most recent quarter end prior to #5
So if using today's date, my column names would be as follows
12/18/2016 9/30/2016 6/30/2016 3/31/2016 12/31/2016 9/30/2015
I can easily do it in SAS but can't in SQL given the requirements stated above.
Help please with same code.
Thank you
Seems like a long way to go for something which really belongs in the presentation layer. That said, consider the following:
Let's assume you maintain a naming convention for your calculated fields, for example [CurrentDay], [QtrMinus1], [QtrMinus2], [QtrMinus3], [QtrMinus4],[QtrMinus5]. Then we can wrap your complicated query in some dynamic SQL.
Just as an illustration, let's assume your current query results looks like this
After the "wrap", the results will then look like so:
The code - Since you did NOT exclude Dynamic SQL.
Declare #S varchar(max)='
Select [CustName]
,['+convert(varchar(10),GetDate(),101)+'] = [CurrentDay]
,['+Convert(varchar(10),EOMonth(DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(QQ,-1,GetDate())),DatePart(QQ,DateAdd(QQ,-1,GetDate()))*3,1)),101)+'] = [QtrMinus1]
,['+Convert(varchar(10),EOMonth(DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(QQ,-2,GetDate())),DatePart(QQ,DateAdd(QQ,-2,GetDate()))*3,1)),101)+'] = [QtrMinus2]
,['+Convert(varchar(10),EOMonth(DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(QQ,-3,GetDate())),DatePart(QQ,DateAdd(QQ,-3,GetDate()))*3,1)),101)+'] = [QtrMinus3]
,['+Convert(varchar(10),EOMonth(DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(QQ,-4,GetDate())),DatePart(QQ,DateAdd(QQ,-4,GetDate()))*3,1)),101)+'] = [QtrMinus4]
,['+Convert(varchar(10),EOMonth(DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(QQ,-5,GetDate())),DatePart(QQ,DateAdd(QQ,-5,GetDate()))*3,1)),101)+'] = [QtrMinus5]
From (
-- Your Complicated Query --
Select * from YourTable
) A
If it helps the visualization, the generated SQL is as follows:
Select [CustName]
,[12/18/2016] = [CurrentDay]
,[09/30/2016] = [QtrMinus1]
,[06/30/2016] = [QtrMinus2]
,[03/31/2016] = [QtrMinus3]
,[12/31/2015] = [QtrMinus4]
,[09/30/2015] = [QtrMinus5]
From (
-- Your Complicated Query --
Select * from YourTable
) A
Here is one way using dynamic query
DECLARE #prior_quarters INT = 4,
#int INT =1,
#col_list VARCHAR(max)=Quotename(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Getdate(), 101))
WHILE #int <= #prior_quarters
SELECT #col_list += Concat(',', Quotename(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), Eomonth(Getdate(), ( ( ( ( Month(Getdate()) - 1 ) % 3 ) + 1 ) * -1 ) * #int), 101)))
SET #int+=1
--SELECT #col_list -- for debugging
EXEC ('select '+#col_list+' from yourtable')

Can Multiple Parameter be used with LIKE in SQL

I am getting data from database in a format like "chem*,bio*" what i want to do is after i split the string into two i want to fetch all records containing "chem" and "bio" .. using LIKE with multiple parameter is something i want since CONTAIN will bring in irrelevant data too. Kindly help.
its something like this
#cwork2 ='chem*,bio*'
#cw1=#cw1 +'OR contains (name,'''+#Cwork1+''')'
#cw1=#cw1 +'OR name LIKE ('''+#Cwork1+''','%')'
Try this:
You can use pipeline (|) to achieve Or Condition
select * from Tablename where name like '[chem|bio]%';
just add them in an OR condition.
#cw1 = #cw1 OR name like '%chem%' OR name like '%bio%'
i found another way... although he answers provided are right on track but when talking about variables we cannot simply add on variables in the code. Hence forth i decided to put the variable in a #temp table, loop it through and then accordingly fetch data
insert into #publication select item from fsplit(#Work,',')
Declare #loopc int=1
while (#loopc <= (SELECT count(*) from #pub))
set #Cwork1= (select name from #pub where id= #loopc);
if CHARINDEX(#Cwork1,'*')<0
set #cw1='or ='''+#Cwork1+''')'
set #Cwork1 = REPLACE(#Cwork1,'*','%');
set #cw1=#cw1 +'OR LIKE ('''+#Cwork1+''')'
set #loopc= #loopc +1;
set #cw1= (SELECT STUFF(#cw1, CHARINDEX('or', #cw1), LEN('or'), ''))
set #cw1= '('+#cw1+')'
set #Au2= #Au2 + ' and '+ #cw1

Extracting a portion of a value out of a database column using SQL server

I'm trying to extract a portion of a value out of a database column using SQL server.
The example below works in a simple context with a varchar field. The result is: &kickstart& which is what I want.
I now want to do the same when retrieving a column from the database.
But SQL does not like what I am doing. I'm thinking it is something easy that I am not seeing.
Declare #FileName varchar(20) = '&kickstart&.cfg'
Declare #StartPos integer = 0
Declare #FileNameNoExt varchar(20)
SELECT #FileNameNoExt = Left(#FileName,( (charindex('.', #FileName, 0)) - 1))
SELECT #FileNameNoExt
Here is the SQL statement that I can't seem to get to work for me:
Declare #FileNameNoExt as varchar(20)
i.InstallFileType AS InstallFileType,
o.OSlabel AS OSLabel,
SELECT #FileNameNoExt = (LEFT(oi.FIleName,( (charindex('.', oi.FIleName, 0) ) - 1) )) AS FileNameNoExt,
oi.FIleName AS FIleName
dbo.OperatingSystemInstallFiles oi
JOIN dbo.InstallFileTypes i ON oi.InstallFileTypeId = i.InstallFileTypeId
JOIN dbo.OperatingSystems o ON oi.OperatingSystemId = o.OperatingSystemId
Why do you need the variable at all? What's wrong with:
i.InstallFileType AS InstallFileType,
o.OSlabel AS OSLabel,
LEFT(oi.FIleName,( (charindex('.', oi.FIleName, 0) ) - 1) ) AS FileNameNoExt,
oi.FIleName AS FIleName
dbo.OperatingSystemInstallFiles oi
JOIN dbo.InstallFileTypes i ON oi.InstallFileTypeId = i.InstallFileTypeId
JOIN dbo.OperatingSystems o ON oi.OperatingSystemId = o.OperatingSystemId
You've put a SELECT inside another SELECT list without nesting, which is a syntax error in SQL Server.
You are also attempting to assign a variable while performing a data-retrieval operation. You can select all data to be shown, or all data into variables but not both at the same time.
When the two issues above are resolved, I think you may still run into issues when committing filenames into a variable which only allows 20 characters - but then I don't know anything about your dataset.

How to replace a value in Bracket with negative value in ssis

I have imported data into a database from an excel file and some of the columns contain values are like (392.03), (2.25), (65.00). Actually these values should be -ve values can you guys help me to convert these into -392.03,-2.25,-65.00
DECLARE #NumValue DEC (9,3) = 0
DECLARE #StrValue varchar(15) = '(392.03)'
IF LEFT(#StrValue,1)='(' and RIGHT(#StrValue,1)=')'
SET #StrValue = SUBSTRING(#StrValue,2,LEN(#StrValue)-2)
SET #NumValue = convert(DEC (9,3), #StrValue)
SELECT #NumValue
Try this in the derived column
SUBSTRING([Paid Amount],1,1) == "(" ? REPLACE(REPLACE([Paid Amount],"(","-"),")","") : [Paid Amount]
Then use a Data conversion step to convert the value yo Float DT_R4