SQL : select a comparison ? eg, a boolean result? - sql

I was wondering if something like this was possible in SQL :
select (
(select count(*) from T) = (select count(*) from T t where t.something = thing)
This is probably very far from the actual SQL if it is possible, I don't write database requests so often.
How could I get the result of my comparison with a single request ? Basically, if I had no time, I would just make two requests and compare the results in Java (boooooo !! I know).

Although your query should work, the following is probably faster because only a single query is needed
select total_count = thing_count
from (
select count(*) as total_count,
sum(case when something = 42 then 1 end) as thing_count
from t
) t
The above is ANSI SQL and should work in any DBMS supporting a real boolean type. In Oracle you would need to use an expression in the outer select:
select case when total_count = thing_count then 1 else 0 end
from (
select count(*) as total_count,
sum(case when something = 42 then 1 end) as thing_count
from t
) t

I would write your query like this:
SELECT (CASE WHEN (select count(*) from T) = (select count(*) from T t where t.something = thing) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
However, if the first T is the same as the second T then what you actually want to check is if there are any records where t.something <> thing .. right ?
In that case you could simply do :
SELECT (CASE WHEN EXISTS (select * from T t where t.something != thing) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)


Can I rewrite this SQL code to the querydsl one?

I have sql code that's counting number of the records in db for different predicates
count(*) as total_count,
count(notAided) as not_aided_count,
count(chatAided) as chat_aided_count
CASE WHEN aided_with IS NULL THEN 1 END notAided,
CASE WHEN aided_with = 'CHAT' THEN 1 END chatAided
FROM sessions
) sessions
Can I rewrite it with querydsl? I take a look to the CaseBuilder, but founded no idea how to use it in the select query
One can write:
new CaseBuilder().when(QSession.session.aidedWith.isNotNull()).then(1).otherwise(Expressions.<Integer> nullExpression()).count().as("not_aided_count"),
new CaseBuilder().when(QSession.session.aidedWith.eq("CHAT")).then(1).otherwise(Expressions.<Integer> nullExpression()).count().as("chat_aided_count")
Which would be equivalent to the SQL:
count(*) as total_count,
count(CASE WHEN aided_with IS NULL THEN 1 END) as not_aided_count,
count(CASE WHEN aided_with = 'CHAT' THEN 1 END) as chat_aided_count
FROM sessions

Using A Count And A Case Statement In One Query

I'm pretty much out of ideas on how to get this to work.I haven't really used SQL in several years so there's a lot I don't remember.
So here is what I would like to happen:
I return the rows where the Code field from table has the value 1208 AND estnumber = 1187216
Run a count on the selection, if 0 run a subquery
If >0 run a different subquery
I didn't get to the subquery part yet because I can't get this to work correctly at all. Right now I just want it to return text.
Here is the latest attempt, I'm actually using db2 but maybe we can ignore that for now and i'll work that part out later because it says the syntax isnt correct, but other validators disagree (if you dont know anything about db2 just use standard sql when giving advice)
count(*) AS t
ESTNUMBER = 1187216
AND CODE = 1208
AND CASE WHEN t = 0 THEN 'it is zero' ELSE 'it is not zero' END;
Are you trying to do something like this?
SELECT count(*) AS cnt
FROM table
FROM subquery1 s1
FROM subquery2 s2
WHERE (SELECT cnt FROM c) > 0;
This assumes that the columns returned by the subqueries are compatible (same number, same types).
There are better ways to write this query (notably using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS), but this conforms directly to how you asked the question.
The string value should come up in the select clause and not in the where filter.
count(*) AS t,
(CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 'it is zero' ELSE 'it is not zero' END) display_str
ESTNUMBER = 1187216
AND CODE = 1208
You're thinking like an imperative programmer, not a declarative one. That is, SQL doesn't have sequential execution: it's all or nothing.
So, here's the start, the bit that works:
SELECT count(*) AS t
FROM table
Now, to check for the value of count(*), you by now know that WHERE isn't going to work. That's because COUNT is an aggregate function. To look at the result of such of function, you use HAVING.
For your CASE to work, you can move it up into the area that can get count(*) results:
SELECT count(*) AS t
(CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 'it is zero' ELSE 'it is not zero' END) as msg
FROM table
Note that "t" is an alias you've given the result of count(*). In most SQL implementations, that alias can't be leveraged in the rest of the statement.
Now, for the either or kind of thing, it would be time to reconsider your approach and what you're really after. You'll probably ultimately have both result sets in your statement and choose how the results are served up.
Something like:
select a.id, a.ct, (case when a.ct=0 then b.amt else c.amt end) as amt
from (select id, count(*) as ct from table1) a
left join (select id, sum(amount) as amt from table2) b on a.id=b.id
left join (select id, sum(amount) as amt from table3) c on a.id=c.id
Hope this helps.

CASE or IF statement in WHERE clause

How can I use CASE statement or IF statement in WHERE clause ?
I am trying to apply a check on the basis of COUNT
SELECT * FROM sometable
WHERE CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sometable s WHERE SP = 2 AND sometable.id = s.id) > 2 THEN sometable.SP IS NOT NULL END
So basically if the count of rows is more than 1 it should apply IS NOT NULL condition else it should not.
Your logic suggests something like:
FROM sometable s
) s
WHERE cnt_2 <= 2 OR s.sp is not null;
That seems equivalent. The logic doesn't seem particularly useful though.

Sqlite optimizing query using case when

I have three tables A,B and C. I have to detect if any of them have zero rows. As soon as any table with zero row is detected, I do not need to check other ones.
So, one way is I execute three queries separately and after each query I check the number of returned rows. If its non-zero then only I execute the query of next table.
Second way is I write a single query using case-when, something like
select case
when (select count(*) from A = 0)
then 1
else (
select case
when (select count(*) from B = 0)
then 1
else (
select case
when (select count(*) from B = 0)
then 1
else 0
end as matchResult;
The second method requires lesser code as I have to write a single query and db will do the comparison for me.
My question is whether its overkilling or can I further optimize the query?
On further study, I realise that the query above is wrong. However, I can simply do it as
select case
when (select count(*) from A) = 0 and
(select count(*) from B) = 0 and
(select count(*) from C) = 0
then 1
else 0
end as matchResult;
and if I am not wrong, and conditions are checked from left to right and if any one is false, conditions to the right are not checked.
Please confirm this point.
Count is kind of expensive
select 1
where not exits (select * from a)
or not exits (select * from b)
or not exits (select * from c)
One query with three resutls:
select (select count(*) from A) as Acount,
(select count(*) from B) as Bcount,
(select count(*) from C) as Ccount
This instead gives name of the fitst table that is empty:
select case
when (select count(*) from A)=0 then 'A'
when (select count(*) from B)=0 then 'B'
when (select count(*) from C)=0 then 'C'
else 'ops, all have records' -- remove this to have a null
end as first_empty_table

How to do a SUM() inside a case statement in SQL server

I want to add some calculation inside my case statement to dynamically create the contents of a new column but I get the error:
Column 'Test1.qrank' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
This is the code I'm working on
when test1.TotalType = 'Average' then Test2.avgscore
when test1.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' then (cnt/SUM(test1.qrank))
else cnt
end as displayscore
I did try to group but it didn't work.
Any hints?
The error you posted can happen when you're using a clause in the GROUP BY statement without including it in the select.
This one works!
SELECT t.device,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 1 then 1 else 0 end) ,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 0 then 1 else 0 end) from t1 t
where t.device in ('A','B') group by t.device
This one not (omitted t.device from the select)
SUM(case when transits.direction = 1 then 1 else 0 end) ,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 0 then 1 else 0 end) from t1 t
where t.device in ('A','B') group by t.device
This will produce your error complaining that I'm grouping for something that is not included in the select
Please, provide all the query to get more support.
You could use a Common Table Expression to create the SUM first, join it to the table, and then use the WHEN to to get the value from the CTE or the original table as necessary.
WITH PercentageOfTotal (Id, Percentage)
SELECT Id, (cnt / SUM(AreaId)) FROM dbo.MyTable GROUP BY Id
WHEN o.TotalType = 'Average' THEN r.avgscore
WHEN o.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' THEN pt.Percentage
ELSE o.cnt
END AS [displayscore]
FROM PercentageOfTotal pt
JOIN dbo.MyTable t ON pt.Id = t.Id
If you're using SQL Server 2005 or above, you can use the windowing function SUM() OVER ().
when test1.TotalType = 'Average' then Test2.avgscore
when test1.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' then (cnt/SUM(test1.qrank) over ())
else cnt
end as displayscore
But it'll be better if you show your full query to get context of what you actually need.