What is the purpose of Unit-returning in functions - kotlin

From the Kotlin documentation:
If a function does not return any useful value, its return type is Unit. Unit is a type with only one value — Unit.VALUE. This value does not have to be returned explicitly:
fun printHello(name : String?) : Unit {
if (name != null)
print("Hello, $name!")
print("Hi there!")
// We don't need to write 'return Unit.VALUE' or 'return', although we could
What is the purpose of Unit-returning in functions? Why is VALUE there? What is this VALUE?

The purpose is the same as C's or Java's void. Only Unit is a proper type, so it can be passed as a generic argument etc.
Why we don't call it "Void": because the word "void" means "nothing", and there's another type, Nothing, that means just "no value at all", i.e. the computation did not complete normally (looped forever or threw an exception). We could not afford the clash of meanings.
Why Unit has a value (i.e. is not the same as Nothing): because generic code can work smoothly then. If you pass Unit for a generic parameter T, the code written for any T will expect an object, and there must be an object, the sole value of Unit.
How to access that value of Unit: since it's a singleton object, just say Unit

The main reason why Unit exists is because of Generic reasons.
Let's use the example from the Kotlin docs.
class Box<T>(t: T) {
var value = t
We can have
var box = Box(Unit)
This is why Unit returns a value so the Kotlin can infer it from the type passed into class initialization. Of course, you could also explicitly write it like this,
var box = Box<Unit>(Unit)
but all the same, it must have a return value.
Now, the void keyword in Java in Kotlin is Nothing. Nothing is the last but one type in the type hierarchy in Kotlin with the last one being Nothing? (Nullable Nothing). This does not return any value at all. Because it doesn't return any value at all, we can't pass it as a type in the above code.
var box = Box(Nothing) //This will return an Error

UNIT actually contains valuable information, it basically just means "DONE". It just returns the information to the caller, that the method has been finished. This is a real piece of information so it can be seen as the return value of a method.


Why "out T" for constructor input?

I found the following code in the Kotlin forum and it works fine.
sealed class JsonValue<out T>(val value: T) {
class JsonString(value: String) : JsonValue<String>(value)
class JsonBoolean(value: Boolean) : JsonValue<Boolean>(value)
class JsonNumber(value: Number) : JsonValue<Number>(value)
object JsonNull : JsonValue<Nothing?>(null)
class JsonArray<V>(value: Array<V>) : JsonValue<Array<V>>(value)
class JsonObject(value: Map<String, Any?>) : JsonValue<Map<String, Any?>>(value)
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
fun main() {
var pi: JsonValue<Any?>
pi = JsonValue.JsonString("pi"); println (pi)
pi = JsonValue.JsonNumber(3.14); println (pi)
pi = JsonValue.JsonNull; println (pi)
But I do not understand why it uses out T.
An answer to a question about out in general states:
out T [...] means functions can return T but they can't take T as arguments.
in T [...] means functions can take T as arguments but they can't return T.
If I take a look at the above code, I can see many constructors (functions), which take T (the value) as an argument. And I see no function which returns T. So my inital impression was: this must be a typo, it should be in T. But it does not even compile with in T.
Why is it necessary to use out T, although the type goes into the constructor?
The constructor doesn't really count :) Only instance members matter - things that you can do to instances of JsonValue.
As explained in the linked answer, the whole idea of (declaration-site) covariance is that you are allowed to implicitly convert an instance of e.g. JsonValue<String> to JsonValue<Any?> if the type JsonValue<T> satisfies some requirements. One of the requirements is that JsonValue<T> should not have any functions that take in any Ts*, because if it did, weird things like this would happen:
val x: JsonValue<Any?> = JsonString("foo")
x at runtime holds an instance of JsonString, but the giveMeSomeT method in JsonString would expect a String, not an Int, but as far as the compiler is concerned, x is a JsonValue<Any?>, so this should compile, and bad things would happen at runtime.
So this is why having a function that takes in Ts stops you from marking JsonValue as out T. However, having a constructor that takes in a T is not problematic at all, since situations like the above cannot happen with just a constructor.
And I see no function which returns T
In fact, the getter of value returns T. Also note that you do not need something that returns T to in order to say out T. You just need to to have nothing that takes in Ts. This is vacuously valid for example:
class Foo<out T>
* More accurately and generally, whenever I say "take in any Ts", it should be "have T in an 'in' position", and whenever I say "return a T", it should be "have T in an 'out' position". This is to account for Ts being used as the type argument of other generic types.

pass value by reference in kotlin

I want to pass a value to a function so when I change the value outside that function I could see it updated in my function as well. I know that when I pass Boxed types like Int, Boolean etc they passed by value. But looks like classes are passed by value as well:
data class TestClass(var b:Boolean)
fun printBooleanIn1sec(b: TestClass) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var testClass = TestClass(false)
testClass.b = true
// prints "false"
Is there a way to pass something by reference but not by value in Kotlin if I need it?
Class instances are always passed by value of the reference. So the reference used in the function is pointing to the same thing as the reference passed to it, but you never have direct access to pointers in Kotlin/Java. It's important to make this distinction because "pass by reference" would mean that the function could end up looking at a different object if the higher code on the stack changed what its variable was pointing at.
The reason your code prints false is that the Thread you're sleeping is the same one that called your function, and printBooleanIn1sec() returns before testClass.b = true is reached. To illustrate the situation you wanted, you would need to spin up a new thread that sleeps and then prints the value, like:
fun printBooleanIn1sec(b: TestClass) {
thread {
Primitives are abstracted away in Kotlin, so you don't have to think of them differently than a class. But like any other immutable class, you can't change their value at all when you pass them into a function. If you want to "see" changes in the function that occur elsewhere, you'll have to wrap them in classes that hold a var property for them.

Collection<KProperty1<I,*>> How to get the property instance

I'm currently using Reflection to inspect an element at runtime using the class.memberProperties function. The type of properties is collection<KProperty1<I, *>> so I run through each of the KProperty objects to find the one that I want by checking if the name is equal to "nameIWant", though I would much rather be able to get the instance of the property from the KProperty by using the .get() method on the property, so that then I could do a check such as:
if (property.get(receiver) is ClassIWant) {
//Do something
My code looks like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
run {
if (property.name.equals("nameIWant")) {
So far I've been trying to use the .get() method on the KProperty1 type but it takes an argument receiver of type Nothing. I'm not able to work out what I need to pass in order to call the .get() method and get the particular instance of the property. I've also checked the documentation here: https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin.reflect/-k-property1/index.html but it hasn't really helped at all.
justPassingBy is right. but the more simple way is to use:
myObj.javaClass.kotlin.memberProperties.foreach { property ->
If you want to get the value of the property, cast the class into invariant type.
instance::class.memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<out Instance, *>
(instance::class as KClass<Instance>).memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<Instance, *>
If your KClass<Instance> is KClass<*>, use Any as Instance.
Why did the KProperty.call take Nothing as receiver?
Because instance::class returns KClass<out Instance>, which propagates the covariant type argument down to the property, which it becomes KProperty<out Instance, *>, which narrows down the possible method receiver to any subtype of Instance, but because we do not know which, we can not safely supply any instance of Instance, as show by the rules of variance, which here limit the generic type argument to Nothing, which means it is impossible to call the method at all.
Why is ::class designed to be covariant?
To guarantee safety. This has been an issue of great debates as it seems somewhat illogical.
If you want to know the type of the value that the property can return, use
It returns a KType, wich is Kotlin's version of Java's Type, which is a more generic concept of a Class (which is one of the implementations of Type).
If you need to 'convert' the KType to a KClass, you need to do the same as if you needed to convert Type to a Class, which is get the raw type of the type. Raw type is type stripped of the any generic information, yes, an erased type. The way to do this is (seemingly) more complicated (involves handling each possible KType/Type implementation) and I recommend checking for answer to this problem separately.
You will be able to reuse Java implementation (that you will surely find on your own) using:
kType.javaType.covertJavaTypeToJavaClass().kotlin // returns KClass<*>
Corrections in your question. I recommend using the proper terms if you wish to receive proper answers:
* I in your question is type of the method receiver, not the value of the property
* collection is not a type, Collection is
* property is ClassIWantis ambiguous as property.type is type of the value in the property and property::class is simply the property implementation, is is also an instanceof check, but in reflection, you need to use KClass.isSubclassOf, or what is known in Java as type.isAssignableFrom (watch the call order), which then makes your condition to be ClassIWant.isSuperclassOf(property.type.getRawType())
* instance of the property properties have values, not instances. Only classes have instances. Instances are values and values are instances (of some class), but you must still say instance representing the value of the property
You can create a KType for your ClassIWant and then check the property's returnType. It will be something like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
val desiredType = ClassIWant::class.createType()
properties.forEach { property ->
if (property.name == "nameIWant" && property.returnType == desiredType) {
btw you can cast your property variable to correct type and use get
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
val value = (property as KProperty1<Payload, *>).get(request.payload)
if (property.name == "nameIWant" && value is ClassIWant) {
prop.getter.call(obj) as String?

How can I pass property getter as a function type to another function

How can I pass property getter to a function that accepts function type?
Here is an example of what I want achieve:
class Test {
val test: String
get() = "lol"
fun testFun(func: ()->String) {
// invoke it here
fun callTest() {
// error: Type mismatch: inferred type is
// KFunction1<#ParameterName Int, Char> but () -> String was expected
Is there a way?
You can reference the getter by writing ::test (or this::test).
When you write test::get, you are actually referencing the get method on String. That method takes an index and returns the character at that index.
If the property was a var and you want a reference to its setter, you can write ::test::set.
For more info on property references, see here: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/reflection.html#bound-function-and-property-references-since-11
As already mentioned, you can use this::test to refer to the getter. Alternatively, if you have kotlin-reflect, you can do this::test.getter.
When you pass the field as a function, it assumes you mean the getter. As a result, if you want the setter, you have two options:
The latter, just like this::test.getter requires kotlin-reflect, or the program will crash (tested locally with Kotlin 1.2.50)
You can, however, get the getter in another way. But I recommend you just stick with this::test because it's shorter.
You can do:
With just something::get it refers to the method inside the String class, which returns a char at an index. For reference, the method declaration:
public override fun get(index: Int): Char
If you don't mind, just use { test } (e.g. testFun { test }). This will exactly translate to your () -> String. The next best alternative is probably ::test (or this::test) as was already mentioned.
The second has probably only minor (negligible?) impact on performance. I did not test it myself, nor did I found any source which tells something regarding it. The reason why I say this, is how the byte code underneath looks like. Just due to this question I asked myself about the difference of the two: Is the property reference (::test) equivalent to a function accessing the property ({ test }) when passed as argument e.g. `() -> String`?
It seems that you are doing something wrong on logical level.
If you are overriding get method of a variable, then you can access it's value through this get method. Thus, why bother with test::get (which is totally different method, by the way, all you are doing is trying to access char from string), when you can just access variable by it's name?

Difference between Any type and Generics in Kotlin

Suppose I have the following function definition.
fun<T> parse(a: Any): T = when (a) {
is String -> a
else -> false
I guessed it should be valid. However, the IntelliJ IDEA linter shows a type mismatch error
That being said, I would change the return type of my parse function to Any, right? So that, what is the difference between using Any type and Generics in Kotlin? In which cases should use each of those?
I did read the following question but not understood at all about star-projection in Kotlin due to the fact I am quite new.
Your return type it defined as T, but there is nothing assuring that T and a:Any are related. T may be more restrictive than Any, in which case you can't return a boolean or whatever you provided for a.
The following will work, by changing the return type from T to Any:
fun<T> parse(a: Any): Any = when (a) {
is String -> a
else -> false
Any alternate option, if you really want to return type T:
inline fun<reified T> parse(a: Any): T? = when (a) {
is T -> a
else -> null
Your example does not use T and thus it's nonsense to make it generic anyways.
Think about this: As a client you put something into a function, e.g. an XML-ByteArray which the function is supposed to parse into an Object. Calling the function you do not want to have it return Any (Casting sucks) but want the function return the type of the parsed object. THIS can be achieved with generics:
fun <T> parse(xml: ByteArray): T {
val ctx: JAXBContext = JAXBContext.newInstance()
val any = ctx.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(ByteArrayInputStream(xml))
return any as T
val int = parse<Int>("123".toByteArray())
val string = parse<String>("123".toByteArray())
Look at the method calls: You tell with generics what type is expected to be returned. The code is not useful and only supposed to give you an idea of generics.
I guessed it should be valid
Why would it be? You return a String in one branch and a Boolean in the other. So the common type for the entire when expression is Any and that's what the compiler (and IDEA) says is "found". Your code also says it should be T (which is "required").
Your generic method should work for any T, e.g. for Int, but Any isn't a subtype of Int and so the code isn't valid.
So that, what is the difference between using Any type and Generics in Kotlin?
This is like asking "what is the difference between using numbers and files": they don't have much in common in the first place. You use generics to write code which can work with all types T (or with all types satisfying some constraint); you use Any when you want the specific type Any.