Best Side menu option for StoryBoard - ios7

I have started to implement a right side menu on storyboard with autolayout, I am searching I am getting many options like:
However I am not sure which is best way to accomplish this. What is the best option for a right side menu in my iOS7 app?

It depends on your use case. The AMSlideMenu looks pretty decent. Other options are:
Alternatively, you could write your own sliding menu. Just depends what you're looking for,
I like the above two options as they also control pan gesture speed - so menu opens / closes at the speed you swipe it.


Simple way to create a pop-up window with react-native?

The goal is a simple and clean implementation to build a pop-up window similar to the search-filters from the YouTube-App, see picture. Tapping on the half-transparent border should close the pop-up. The same pop-up is supposed to be called from several screens (within nested navigation-structures) and just give back the choices to the respective screen.
I did quite some search and documentation reading, so I seem to have the following four options:
Use an Alert window and heavily modifying the alert message, but this option does not allow me to cancel by clicking on the transparent area.
Using some promising-looking component which is very beta like react-native-popupwindow is not really an option either.
Use a modal component which claims to be a simple way to present content above an enclosing view. According to How to dim a background in react native modal? and Tap outside of modal to close modal (react-native-modal)" this seems to be a possible option.
However, some people say that you should rather use Overlay and use Modal only as a last resort.
Please advice which of the solutions you tested in real life. What do you suggest? Maybe there is even an easier solution?
Related question(s) here on StackOverflow:
Transparent overlay in React Native
Modal is totally your way to go.
My personal choice would be which has the best performances and flexibility overall.

Creating semi-transparent, round cornered with border Window in Cocoa?

What would be the best approach for creating a Window that is semi-transparent, has round corners and an outline around its border and the arrow, but without the the title bar and buttons.
The window will pop up from the Menu Bar when a use clicks on the menu bar icon.
I'm looking to have an effect similar to the "Applications" and "Downloads" windows:
I guess I will need to do the drawing myself. But I'm wondering what's the best way to do this and whether there is anything already built into Cocoa that can minimize the effort? Or maybe a 3rd party project that has already done that (couldn't find anything exactly like that)?
You can create your window with
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)deferCreation
with a style-mask of NSBorderlessWindowMask which will give an unadorned window. Its how the Dock does its mechanics too.
Note that you must init with this style , you can't change an already init'ed windows style.
Place a custom NSView via the contentView accessor with your desired background custom drawing at the top of the windows view stack.
You might need also to setOpaque to NO
What you are looking for has been done a lot. Too much really.
The classes you want to look into are as follows.
This is something that appears in the status bar section of the menu bar to the right side.
If you want this from a menu in the application menus, you'll need to do some clever things with views in menus.
As the other poster notes a borderless window is one way to achieve this.
This is another way. Combined with the above, a fancy technique is to use a clear window called a cover window then, when clicking on the menu or status menu, invoke a popover from a point below that in the clear cover window.
That should be enough to get you started with what you should look into.
Beyond that, peruse the Mac App Store and also look at and GitHub.

Customizing UIToolBar the foursquare way

I'd like to customize my UIToolBar, so the centered button looks something similar to the check-in foursquare button.
I've seen a commercial source code called ALToolBar, wich is similar to the effect I want on my UIToolBar. So in resume, changing the height of a button, and the background of a specific button, if that is the right way to go.
I'm pretty new to iOS, but comfortable enough to dig ideas the community can bring on.
Thanks for your help.
One approach is to just write your own Tabbar/Toolbar instead of using the built-in classes. Subclass UIView and add UIButtons for each item, which you can then customize as you wish.
The downside to this approach is, you loose the "More" functionality, that allows you to drag-and-drop items into the Tabbar, but if you just have 5 or fewer items, that's fine.

Garageband like carousel for iPad

I'm looking for a way to achieve a menu kind of like the one you see in the "my songs" menu in Garageband. I've seen this menu in some other Apps (Omnigraffe, for example). I think it is a pretty common thing.
It will be for, like in the case of Garageband, a project menu, in the way that you can slide from one project to the next and when you tap one of them it zooms and opens it.
No questions on the zooming, I guess I'll have to build my own segue for that.
Is there a component for that?
If there's not, any thoughts on what would be the best way to build it?
Take a look to Nick Lockwood's carousel -

iOS: popover over popover?

I'm developing a iPad app which has a popover which appears to show you a list of items. I need the ability to delete one of the items, so I'm considering adding the ability to press-and-hold (a.k.a. long tap) on one of the list items which would show another popover for that item, with an action list showing a delete button.
Two questions:
In terms of iPad UX, is this a good idea? Haven't seen it anywhere, and I guess it could be a little confusing...but how else can I do this?
Is this possible, code wise? I haven't tried it, but I am still pretty new to iOS development so I could see myself fumbling round for hours before finding out there's a technical reason why it's not possible.
It's not a good idea, and I don't think it's possible even though it's possible.
Apple's Human Interface Guidelines clearly state that you should not do it. This is as definitive an answer as there can be regarding UX.
For inspiration on how to delete items without requiring a popover, look at how UITableView does it, for instance.
Often, you'll have an Edit button in the top toolbar inside the popover to trigger edit mode.
If you want some kind of confirmation dialog, use UIActionSheet. They look good and work well enough, especially in popovers. In your case, I think these are the way to go.