Where in my application do I define the worklightServerRootURL element for my Worklight 6.1 Server running on PureApplication System? - worklight-studio

I migrated my application from Worklight 5.0.6 to 6.1. I tested the application in Worklight Studio 6.1 in the local Liberty Test server and Mobile Browser Simulator and the application works fine. I have now deployed my Worklight Server 6.1 on PureApplication System using Mobile Application Platform Pattern 6.1.
In Worklight 6.1 the worklightServerRootURL element that existed in application-descriptor.xml has been removed. In Worklight 5.0.6 I defined the IP address of my Worklight Server running on PureApplication System in the worklightServerRootURL element. With this element removed in 6.1 where do I define the IP address of my worklight server runing on PureApplication System in my application so my application can talk to the Worklight server on PureApplication System ?

Run As -> Build Settings and Deploy Target; Then add a new server other than the localhost.


Worklight 6.2 iOS binary issue with MobileFirst 7.1

I have MFP Server version:
I'm trying to accomplish the following:
MyApp runtime (WAR file) is built using MFP 7.1
My WLAPP's, Adapters and device binaries are built using WL 6.2
Where I need to run 6.2 app inside MFP 7.1 container to mimic my production environment as I can't have two stand alone live server in PROD, one for WL 6.2 and the other for MFP7.1.
My concern is the following for iOS (9+):
The iOS app that is live is built with ATS not configured and bit code disabled using xCode (Version 6.3.1).
What is the configuration on MFP 7.1 that needs to be done to allow the connection from my live application.
WAS security level:
My IHS which is in front of my MFP server has the SSLCipherSpec as:
When I compile the xCode project I'm getting :
[https://IP:PORT/MobileBanking/apps/services/api/MobileBanking/iphone/query] Host is not responsive.
How can I make my 6.2 app works on MFP 7.1.?
Is there a missing configuration I need to add/remove?
I can't make any changes on App level as it is already in PROD. Also I can't migrate the 6.2 app yet as we have timeline/outage issues that we can't meet.
Please see this blog post: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/blog/2015/09/07/preparing-ibm-mobilefirst-platform-server-app-transport-security-ios-9/
7.1 can run wlapp files that were built by 6.2, but those apps (assuming your server is not configured with session independence), but those apps will not benefit of any 7.1 features because you did not re-build them with 7.1 Studio...
Additionally you must have the server configured with TLS 1.2 support and the client application must be configured with TLS. So yes, you must re-build the app even with 6.2 Studio and re-submit to the App Store.

Application Authenticity is not getting enabled

I am using Worklight 6.2 consumer edition. When I deploy my app, following warning flashes on server console:
[WARNING ] FWLSE0259W: Application authenticity protection is not being performed within the Worklight Development Server. In order to fully test Application authenticity protection, deploy the application to a non-development Worklight Server (i.e. external Worklight Server). [project MyProject].
I am using Web Sphere Liberty Profile server. Pls advise how to make this warning make go away?
As the message says, if you are trying to test Application Authenticity Protection in Worklight Studio (the Eclipse development environment of Worklight), Authenticity protection is not supposed to work.
To test Application Authenticity in Worklight 6.2, you must deploy Worklight using IBM Installation Manager to your Application Server (WAS, Liberty, Tomcat), as well as your .war, .wlapp, .adapters, etc... and set it up in Worklight Console belonging to this instance of Worklight.
Only then should it work.

Can I install the Worklight mobile browser simulator on Worklight Server?

When i preview an Android App on Worklight server it still previews as a "common" resource.
Whereas if i do the same on my local machine from eclipse it opens in a Mobile Browser simulator.
What is the way to install the mobile browser simulator on the server as well. My Worklight server is running on a Linux machine with WAS stand alone and DB2.
The MBS is part of the Worklight Development Server (Worklight Studio plug-in for Eclipse) and is meant for development-time only.
The MBS is NOT available in a production environment.
By the time you deploy your .wlapp to your production Worklight Server, you should have already tested your app in the MBS, emulators and actual devices, again, prior to deployment.
The Worklight Console (where the MBS is available at during development) in a production environment is meant less for testing your app and more to managing it - push notifications, remote disable/notify, authenticity check enablement, analytics, etc.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - How to deploy worklight app into Worklight Server?

Is it possible to deploy an app to external Worklight server instance when I don't have the IBM Worklight Server installed on my computer ?. Is there any alternative to use features inside IBM Worklight Developer to allow us to deploy to external worklight server for testing environment ?
You can use Run AS --> Build for Remote Server option to build for external worklight server.
It will give you WLAPP files in bin folder. Copy that and deploy that in Worklight server console.
For more info please use this link
Find the following link for remote server deployment.
Deploying in test and production environment

Worklight Studio 6 - device provisioning and app authenticity

I am running Worklight Studio 6 from Worklight Enterprise Edition download with Eclipse Juno.
My application is using form security with the WASLTPA login module. The application tests correctly.
When I add AppAuthenticity (needed for device provisioning) my client sees the following error in the console. (None in the server log)
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
drilling deeper I see:
{"challenges":{"wl_authenticityRealm":{"WL-Challenge-Data":"o97e2ph8kguqh1vpljbio1o5k3+23.507-9.852-31.807 "}}}*/
I am running this on the Worklight Development Server packaged with Worklight Studio.
You have mentioned both the Enterprise Edition and Developer Edition.
Please clarify your question with the following: You have installed Worklight using the IBM Installation Manager, yes?
You have an application server (Tomcat/WebSphere/Liberty) installed and you've used the supplied Ant scripts to create the Worklight database(s), configure them, deploy the Worklight platform files to the application server, as well as deploy your project's .war file? (and of course the .wlapp /.adapter file(s)...).
If you have done the above, then you will have in your Worklight Server, now installed on the application server, the required components for App Authenticity to work.
Then there is the case of how you actually configured your project for App Authenticity.
Make sure you follow these steps to set up App Authenticity