How to Authenticate to Azure Active Directory Graph API on a Users behalf? - api

I have setup an AD in Windows Azure and created some users as well. I have also registered/created an application inside AD for third party application to access API(using Client and Secret ID).
I have followed the steps listed in the below links for authenticating to Graph API :
Authenticating to the Graph API
Getting an Application ID and Password for Authenticating to the Graph API
But when i tried with my client and Secret ID i am getting "Invalid Client error" message .
Error validating credentials. Invalid client secret is provided.
Also is it possible to Authenticate to Graph API on a Users behalf (By providing Client Credentials of a User inside AD).
Any help is appreciated.

The response from Azure ActiveDirectory will contain an id_token that contains the user's email in the UPN field. If you use the ADAL library or the libraries from Office 365 API tools, this information is available in the object model.


How to Authenticate a user by recovering a token on their behalf - Azure AD

My I am trying to deploy azure AD to my application because I want to expose some of my APIs to users but I need to make sure only people that are authorized can use the resource.
I have never worked with azure AD before and I am a little lost in all the documentation.
What I need is to be able to recover a token on behalf of the user in order to authenticate them. The application does not have any webpages and I do not want to introduce any. I want to be able to grab the token, authenticate the user, and then release the resource. I expect that the endpoint will be accessed through python, java or postman.
Example of basic flow:
call security function/api in app
validate user cred (or any other type of validation)
return token if authenticated
validate token and return response
5.authentication allows user to call apis
I have just explored the authorization code pattern that azure AD offers but this requires an interactive step from what I was able to test so its no good.
I would like to be able to do something like the example flow
In case my question hasn't clued you in I am very new to this so any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance
I agree with #Gopal you can make use of client credentials flow that does not require user interaction to call an API.
You just need to enter Azure AD client application’s ID, Secret, scope to generate the access token and use that access token to call the API via Postman or in your code.
I created one core API in VS studio and used Azure Ad authentication to call the API.
I tried accessing this API via Postman App with different flows that you can try :-
Client Credentials flow:-
Results :-
API can be accessed by the Access token generated by the client app with its secret and scope.
Alternatively, you can make use of Implicit flow which will ask for user credentials via browser.
Implicit flow :-
Here, Your log in page pops up while asking for access token and you need to enter user credentials to get access token and fetch API.
Get the token and hit the token to fetch the API like below :-
Browser Pop up:-
Access Token:-
Now, copy our API URL from browser and try to access the API :-
Results :-
You can find the code samples below :-

Vue.js + Django + Login with Microsoft

I have a SaaS application using Vue.JS as frontend and Django Rest Framework as backend. I use JWT tokens for authorizing between frontend and backend.
Now I want to add support for our customers to be able to sign in with their Microsoft accounts. So if the signed in user matches a user in our database, it is logged in to our application.
I've set up Azure B2C and can successfully log in and acquire a token in the Vue.JS application using msal library.
Then I send the token to backend server for verification. I use azure_ad_verify_token to verify the token, but I get an InvalidAuthorizationToken exception.
It seems to be working when the user is added to my organization's AD directory. But I would like to verify the token for any Microsoft user, then match it to users in our database. It would be too much work to manually add our customer's users to our AD directory. If it would be possible to add another organization/domain I guess that would be ok.
There's a lot of documentation regarding this but I always end up in examples for separate applications. Just to clearify flow I try to achieve.
The user clicks on login with microsoft
The user is redirected to Microsofts login page, approves my application for their organization
On requests sent to our backend, the token should be verified against Azure Active Directory using authorization class.
If the user's email exists in our database, the request is successful

REST API access from inside SSO

OK so I have an account using SSO credentials and the data within this SaaS app is available via a REST api using OAUTH2 but the API is not SSO friendly or enabled so how do I (if possible) access the data via the API but the only credentials I have are managed by the SSO., I do have my api key and secret and I can generate my access token in python from another non sso account but the sso account even tho I have the username and password I cannot get anything but a 401.. any help?
I might add , I am just an end user and have ZERO access to the actual API or data set but I can create and edit users and access on the SaaS app I cannot however change anything with the SSO or AD
I have tried using , I have also tried org\username and password, I have tried requesting different access-types from the OAUTH2 endpoint and the only recognized type is password. And I have tried every combination of the above trying to get the data from the API
If you are trying to access the third party REST API via OAuth2 then you'll need to check with the third party team if you are authorized to access that API, they may have to provide some additional permission to allow the access. If you are getting 401 then you don't have the correct credentials, please verify.

How would an API call another API with oauth2 if both APIs use different identity providers?

In the past, I have had 2 APIs, both secured with Azure AD. The first API would take the access token and request another access token for the second API with the following param: requested_token_use=on_behalf_of
Info source:
However, this is due to both APIs being on Azure AD. Controlled in the same directory.
If the first API was Azure AD and the second was auth0, how would the second API get an access token without the user being able to login to a authorization screen?
In that case you can use Password Grant Flow or Client Credentials Flow.
You can read more about service to service authentication on Microsoft or Google pages.
Does this give you everything you had with on behalf flow? No. With on behalf flow you had token with user's claims for both systems. This way you access service B with service A credentials and if you have fine-grained per user permissions you need to implement logic in service A.

I want to authenticate an admin using OAuth2 and access data for accounts that are under this admin

I want to authenticate an admin using OAuth2 and access data for accounts that are under this admin.
Primarily something like this, I have an organisation : A --> B, C, D where A is the admin.
If i authenticate A can i access data from B,C,D.
We were able to do this in OAuth1.0 and appending email ids in request URL's.
How do we achieve it in OAuth2.0 ?
(assuming your users are under a Google Apps domain)
This can be achieved in OAuth 2.0 using service accounts. You need to:
Create a service accounts and download private key.
Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account (see the link below for instructions).
Use a signed assertion requesting access to the users data to receive an access token for use in subsequent API calls.
See here for an example using Google Drive API:
See also the "Additional Claims" section here: