Google Query Set Field As - sql

What I'm trying to do is create compound table using Google Spreadsheets.
=query('Sheet1'!A:F, "select C")
=query('Sheet1'!A:F, "select C,(C/D) as PerItemCost")
I'm trying to use the Query function because I'm being lazy. I'd rather not add a G field to Sheet1 that's C/D. If I forget to update it, my report sheet won't show the correct values.
Is there away to use the traditional (Select column & ' text ' & column) AS NewColumn in Google Spreadsheets?

I finally figured this one out after some time.
You'll use the following format:
Label Field 'Title',Field 'Title'
So, normally it's
=query(A:F, "Select A,B,C Label A 'Pinky', B 'Brain', C 'Narf'")
The output will be results with Column A labeled as Pinky, Column B labeled as Brain, and so forth.
For my use, I needed something far more complex as I'm calculating fields. So, I needed to reference not just the field, but the calculation I was applying to it. See example below.
=query(A:F,"Select Year(A),Month(A)+1,Day(A),C/D Label C/D 'Cost per Unit', Year(A) 'Year', Month(A)+1 'Month',Day(A) 'Day'")
I was hoping that Google would've made it more intuitive, but c'este la vie.


Retrieving Columns with count greater than 1 - Google Sheet Query

I'm using Google sheets, and I want to get the data from one sheet to another where I want only the columns with count > 1.
Let's say we have 3 columns A, B, and C. I tried the following (the first sheet name is "Form Responses 1"):
I thought about using a query in the second sheet as: =query('Form Responses 1'!A1:Z, "Select A having count (A) >1 union select B having count (B) >1 union select C having count (C) > 1"). But I got a parse error where it seems that union and having are not supported in google sheets query.
How can I achieve this (whether it's using query or any other Google sheets function that can work)?
More details:
The first sheet contains info about exercises conducted during a lecture and it gets its data from a Google Form (so the responses are fed in this sheet). Here is a screenshot of it:
Please note that the form is divided into sections. When the user selects the course, the attendance, the participation, and adds a comment, then they go to the next section, the next section will be based on the selected course, the newly opened section will have the exercise name and rating questions (the exercise name is a dropdown list with items that are prefilled and specific to the selected course). That's why, you can see that "exercise name" and "rate the exercise" columns are repeated because we have 2 sections in this form.
The second sheet should contain the data of a selected course only (either mobile dev or web dev) which can be achieved easily through a query with a where clause. But, in addition to that, it shouldn't contain the empty columns of "exercise name" and "rate the exercise" as they correspond to another section. So, it should have only one exercise name column and one rating column that correspond to the selected course. Here is a screenshot if we only use a query with where clause without removing the extra name and rating columns:
Here is a screenshot with the desired result:
why not use just:
=QUERY('Form Responses 1'!A1:Z, "select A,B,C,D,E,F,G where F is not null", 1)
Use "OR" condition
QUERY(Data!A:R,"select A, N, P where N>0 or P>0")
where A column has country and N, P columns have population values

Convert 2 columns of data in excel power query to one header row with multiple columns

I am trying to figure out how to change 2 columns of data into one header row with multiple columns in Excel Power Query. It's my understanding that Query keeps the Excel file size small, and is less on the processes, as opposed to using tons of vlookups or pivot tables. I'm open to VBA if that's a better option.
For example, I have Column A with a list of names. Then, column B has another list of names with multiple instances of the same name(s). The names in column A are individuals assigned to report to individuals in B.
I'm trying to create a query (or VBA if better) where the names in B become the row headers, and the names in A fall under the corresponding person in each header.
I hope that makes sense. Thank you in advance for your help!
Here's a screenshot, demonstrating what I'm working with, and the end result I'm trying to get:
You can use Power Query:
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
ListEmployees = Table.Group(Source, {"Supervisor Name"}, {{"Employees", each Text.Combine([Employee Name],","), type text}}),
CountEmployees = Table.AddColumn(ListEmployees, "Count", each List.Count(Text.Split([Employees],","))),
SplitEmployees = Table.SplitColumn(ListEmployees, "Employees", Splitter.SplitTextByDelimiter(",", QuoteStyle.Csv),List.Max(CountEmployees[Count])),
Transpose = Table.Transpose(SplitEmployees),
PromoteHeaders = Table.PromoteHeaders(Transpose, [PromoteAllScalars=true])
Make sure your source data is structured as a Table (listobject).

Access Check If DataSet contains string via vba Macro

Hello Stackoverflow community!
I am currently confronted with writing somthing, that automatically cleans up a database after certain requirements. Here is what I have to do:
If a cell in one table contains a certain substr (lets say "Mrs."), in another table a Togglebox is supposed to be checked (Yes if "Mrs." is contained and No if not)
I already worked out something that sets The Toggleboxes to -1 in that column, but I have to include a check, if it even has to be changed and in which row. For that I wanted to bring up an If-construction and a variable that would contain the ID of the first table's row to determine, which of the Rows in the second table have to be changed.
So the thought is like this:
If 1st_Table contains "Mrs." Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE 2nd_Table SET gender = -1 WHERE foo = 1st_Table.ID_Var"
1st_Table.ID_Var would contain the ID of the row of the first table
Now the more or less obvious question: How do I accomplish that?
This is bascally the first time working with VBA/Access AND SQL so I have no closer thoughts on how to do that.
Thanks in advance
P.S. The variable names will be changed in the final version; they are just to visualize. Just saw that they were colored by SO.
Try this (SQL update query):
UPDATE 2nd_Table INNER JOIN 1st_Table ON 2nd_Table.ID = 1st_Table.ID
SET 2nd_Table.gender = -1
WHERE 1st_Table.PersonName LIKE '*Mrs.*'
ID -> reference between both tables
PersonName -> column in 1st table containing Mrs.

Concatenation and proportion in access

A little background:
I have two tables imported from excel. One is 300k + rows so when I do updates to it in excel it just runs too slow, and often doesn't process on my comp. Anyways, I used a 'outer' left join to bring the two together.
Now when I run the query, I get the result which works fine but I need to add some fields to these results.
I am hoping to mimic what Ive done in excel, so I can create my summary pivots in the same manner.
First, I need a field that just concatenates two others after the join.
Then I need to add a field the equivalent of:
1/Countif($T$2:$T$3330,T2) from excel to access. However, the range does not need to be fixed. I will get it so that all the text entries are at the top of the field, so in theory, i need the equivalent of Sheets("").Range("T2").End(xldown). This proportion is used to eliminate double counting when i do pivot tables.
I am probably making this much more complicated than it has to be but I am new to Access as well, so please try to explain some things in explanations.
Edit: I currently have:
Select [Table1].*, [Table2].PlaySk, [Table2].Service
From [Table1] Left Join [Table2] On [Table1].Play + [Table1].Skill
= [Table2].PlaySk
And in a general case, what I am trying to solve is something to get ColAB and ColProportion.
ColA ColB ColAB ColProportion
a 1 a1 .5
b 1 b1 1
a 1 a1 .5
b 2 b2 .3333333
b 2 b2 .3333333
b 2 b2 .3333333
Sounds to me like you'll need to make a couple queries in sequence to do everything you need.
The first part (concatenate) is relatively easy though -- just take the two field names you wish to concatenate together, say [Play] and [Skill], and, in design view, make a new field like "PlaySk: [Play] & [Skill]".
If you want to put a character between them (I often do when I concatenate, just to keep things straight), like a semicolon for example, you can do "PlaySk: [Play] & ';' & [Skill]".
As for the second part, I think you'll want to build a "Group By" query on top of the other one. In your original query, make another field in design view like this: "T2_Counter: Iif([The field you're checking, i.e. whatever column T is] = 'whatever value you're checking for, i.e. whatever T2 is',1,0)". This will result in a column that's a 1 when the check is true, and a zero otherwise.
Then bring this query into a new one, click "Totals" at the top in the Design tab, then bring the fields you want to group by down. Then create a field in design view like this: "MagicField: 1/Sum(T2_Counter)".
Hopefully this helps get you started at least.

How to make a drop down list (list box)in an MS Acess Query with values from two different tables

I need the drop down box above to display the date as shown and the ClassTypeDesc as you can see above the dropdown list shows 1/12/2010 twice. They have different ClassTypes Assigned to them.
The drop down list should show:
1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One AM
1/12/2010 ACLS-I Day One PM
I need to know the statement to put in the Row Source Box on the lookup tab in the Field Properties to make this work.
Related Question on Making a drop down list
There's no need to concatenate the two columns. Based on the diagram, the SQL for your lookup combo box should look like this:
SELECT tblClassSession.SessionID, tblClassSession.Date, tblSessionType.ClassTypeDesc
FROM tblClassSession INNER JOIN tblSessionType
ON tblClassSession.SessionTypeID = tblSessionType.SessionTypeID;
Then in the properties for your lookup combo box, change ColumnCount to 3, and Column Widths to 0 (if you want to size the other columns, change Column Width sto something like 0";.75";1.5", and the List Width property to 2.25").
I may have gotten some of the field names wrong, but that's the basic idea.
(also, you probably really ought to rename tblClassSession.Date to tblClassSession.SessionDate so you don't run into problems with the fact that Date is a reserved word)
As you already have the right number of rows, you just need to concatenate enough fields to make it more useful, so your query would be something like:
SELECT c.Date + ' ' + s.ClassTypeDesc AS YourFieldName