SAP Client unable to access server "Internal Error 1102 131-183" - sql

I've been trying for a few days to work out what's wrong with connecting to our SAP server from a workstation installed with a client.
My setup:
Win 2008 R2
SQL Server 2008 R2
SAP B1 8.82 PL 14
Win 7 64bit
SQL Native Client 2008 R2 (same as on the server as recommended)
I can see the companies\DBs from the client side but when I enter the right credentials it stalls for a few seconds then throws out the dreaded "Internal Error 1102 131-183".
Firewall has been completely turned off.
Communication is working perfectly fine on all ports.
I made sure both TCPIP and Piping have been enabled on CLICONFG.
When using Process Monitor I noticed 2 missing keys the SAP Business One.exe attempts to access but fails as they do not exist:
I have no idea where to get them from...
I'd appreciate all help I can get.


Cannot login to SQL Server 2008

I recently upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10. But since the update I cannot connect to the SQL SERVER 2008.
I've already checked:
The services, they are all running.
Windows firewall exceptions, 1433 is already added. Also the application added.
I've ping the server, and it works.
I've no problem with local connection
**The error message **

SQL Server 2012 Compatibility with New TLS 1.2 Standards

I'm trying to switch off TLS 1.0 on my SQL Server 2012 server in order to comply with PCI standards.
Initially I had some trouble with the SQL Server service not starting.
I've found help online on other sites and discussions but I'm having mixed results:
This is what I've done so far:
I have downloaded SQL Server 2012 Cumulative Update 7 (CU 6 also works) and the SQL Server Service then starts correctly.
I had a problem not being able to sign in to the DB instance through SQL Server Enterprise Manager which was fixed by installing .Net 4.6.
Next problem, client computer running IIS Application is unable to connect to SQL instance because of a 'handshaking SSL error'. I followed advice and installed the latest SNAC native client.
This was difficult to track down and the latest version available as a download from Microsoft was from 2014. I then obtained sqlnclient.msi dated 9/7/2015 revision number {E6CB4138-3D1C-4ADC-95C4-88322B60FC14} from a sub folder generated by the extract of CU 7 - "Path to Extract Folder \1033_enu_lp\x64\setup\x64".
I've updated this version of the Native client on my IIS server (and .Net 4.6) and I'm still unable to connect remotely to the SQL instance. If I enable TLS 1.0 I'm able to connect.
The exact error I'm getting is 'A connection was sucessfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake'.
My diagnosis is I don't have the correct version of SNAC on my machine compatible with TLS 1.2 and the CU 7 as the client and server cannot handshake. However, this sqlnclient.msi was extracted from the CU 7 and I cannot find a more up to date copy.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? What version of the SNAC are you using? Where did you get it?
As of January 29th, Microsoft SQL Server supports TLS 1.2 for SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014 and major client drivers like Server Native Client, Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server, Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server and ADO.NET (SqlClient).
Blog post about the release:
List of builds that support TLS 1.2 along with the client and server component download locations (KB3135244):
Did you get the client update from the KB (
Package name: 2012_SP2_SNAC_CU6_3052468_11_0_5592_x64
Download link:
What is the provider name in your IIS site?
You will need the KB3052468 update both for the client and the server. They are available on the hotfix download link provided.

Why does the SQL connection get blocked randomly?

SQL Server 2008 R2 runs on Windows Server 2008 R2 in a domain and using the same
domain accounts (Windows authentication) to allow the connection between the client PCs and the SQL Server, created and ODBC source(System DSN named Renta_Equipos) which connects to the database and and the solution. Example: BD <---- DSN <---- WinForm Solution.
The Connection String is an Application.Settings:
Name: ConnectionString_RentaEquipos
Type: (Connection string)
Scope: Application
Value: DSN=Renta_Equipos
Now this is, normally the users log in without problems, but sometimes the connections gets closed for them (not all at the same time, 1-2 of 6 users experiment this) and the only way they can connect again is restarting the client's PC, it happens randomly.
Error it gaves me:
ERROR [08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] the SQL
server does not exist or access has been denied. ERROR
[01000][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]Connection Open
I cannot find the problem, I know nothing about configuring an SQL server nor a professional programmer (all I know is from the Internet, books and some little help from other people), so I'm guessing it might be the server, but I can't get it, everything seems to be perfect (for me)
Here is a link for the Github source code:
The error:
Are all 6 of your client PCs desktops? If so, do the 1-2 users whom are having issues use a wired and/or wireless connection (some of the newer desktop towers have wireless capabilities)?
If it's going as far as denying access, you might be hitting your SQL user license cap (hard to say for sure)... Might want to review your SQL Server 2008 R2 environment with your IT guys.
EDIT: Check this site

Windows 2003 to Windows 7 Pro Classic ASP Connection String

I have been searching on this topic and trying different variations for the last 3 days and can not see what I am doing wrong.
I have a site written in Classic ASP (was written long ago, just got involved, and I know nothing about Classic ASP) that calls to a SQL database. Right now it goes through an ODBC connector to connect using this snippet of code:
MM_CMS_STRING = "Provider=MSDASQL; Driver={SQL Native Client}; Server=lawdata02; Database=ALG; UID=user; PWD=pass"
I am trying to migrate them to a new server. I have setup IIS on a Windows 7 Pro machine. I have successfully moved over all the files, and migrated the SQL DB to SQL Server 2012 Express. I have installed System DSN File (SQL Server) and configured that to connect to the database. When I try to use the same connection string above, I get:
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.
I have gone through so many configurations, and tried to all the debugging guides I have found around the internet and I think I am super close, but brain power is low at this point. This is what my connection string looks like now:
MM_CMS_STRING = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Data Source=ALG-CMS-SERVER;Initial Catalog=ALG; Integrated Security=SSPI;"
This is the error I am getting:
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 error '80004005'
TCP Provider: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Files and DB are all on same machine.
IIS 7.5 | Windows 7 Pro | SQL Server Express 2012 | Classic ASP | Connection String

Cannot connect to SQL server - client side issue

I might be the million'th person posting about this, but others' solutions haven't helped me. I have a database on Microsoft SQL Azure. I an trying to connect to it using the Visual Studio 2010's "Connect to Database" Tool.
From my Windows 7 machine, I can connect to it very easily. But from my Windows Server 2008R2 machine i am getting the classic error -
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
All the posts around the web seem to be focussing on the problems on the server side, no one cares if the client goes rogue. :(
Thanks for the replies.
I have seen similar problems with VS2010 DB Tool and Windows Server so I would not suggest try using SSMS 2008 R2 (must be R2). Once you have download SSMS 2008 R2 and configured properly to work on Windows Server it sure will work. In most of the case you really need to open SSMS settings to get it workon on Windows Server.
Next a few points to check:
Verify that the telnet is working from your Windows Server Machine:
c:>telnet 1433
Disable your real time security and the try again
Finally following the link to keep applying settings in your Windows Server and SSMS which are applicable and I am sure it will work:
One issue is that you need to connect via tcp, not named pipes (per your error message).
Are both servers behind the same firewall (e.g. the same external IP address)? The SQL Azure firewall needs to be configured to allow access from remote IP addresses.