I am connected to remote Oracle server from my local machine & dropped all the table in one of the db schema. Now I need to import a dmp file located in the same remote machine from my machine. How can I achieve that?
Note - RDC to the server its not an option.
I can't use impdp as that utility is not available in my local machine.
Please help
I achieved this by SSH. I configured a SSH server on the Oracle DB machine then from my local machine ran impdp command via ssh using paramiko client.
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(server, username=username, password=password)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command('<impdp command here>')
err = ssh_stderr.read()
print "err", err, len(err)
I have to access an aws rds from a remote server. So far I have had no problems accessing the mysql databases from the command line.
I ssh to the server like: ssh username#XX.XXX.XXXX.XX
Once I'm in the server I use mysql -hrds_host.amazonaws.com -uuser -ppassword
And then I am able to call sql queries for the different databases from my terminal.
I have been trying to set up this connection through python using an ssh tunnel but fail to do so successfully. I expect the code to look something like:
with SSHTunnelForwarder(
(server_host, 22),
remote_bind_address=(rds_host, 3306)
) as server:
conn = sql.connect(host=rds_host,
I continuously get errors like:
Could not establish session to SSH gateway
or An error occurred while opening tunnels.
The logging level of my SSHTunnelForwardes always shows an error.
I have also been successful setting up a connection with a paramiko ssh.client, just not the tunnel to call queries.
conn = sql.connect(host=rds_host,
Change this connection to localhost, it should work
I'm trying to copy task1.zip from my desktop /Users/myname/desktop if I pwd, to a remote server. I'm connected to the remote server via ssh. I would like to copy the file to /its/home/jt463/task1(pwd path from the directory) on the remote server.
I have used the command below in the terminal when I'm connected to the server via ssh and tried it on the terminal on my machine:
scp Users/myname/desktop/task1.zip username#inf900179.inf.susx.ac.uk:its/home/username/task1
Error that I get when I try to use the terminal that's connected to the remote server:
Users/jonatantibarovsky/desktop/task1.zip: No such file or directory
Error that I get when I try to use my local terminal:
ssh: connect to host inf900179.inf.susx.ac.uk port 22: Operation timed out lost connection
First scp to the intermediate server, using your credentials. Then, you should be able to scp from that server to the target.
I'm trying to mount a remote directory From a server B on my local machine.
The connection to server B is possible only from a server A ( I can connect to using ssh ).
It's like making the server A as a proxy for the server B.
So i'm asking if there is a way to do this ?
You can use a Proxy Jump.
For that you can add server B in your local machine's ssh config file:
Host ServerB
HostName serverb.adress
User usernameInServerB
ProxyJump server.a.adress
Then you can just use any usual ssh command on ServerB, for example:
ssh ServerB
sshfs ServerB:Path/To/Dir
I was given a Redis server that is set up remotely.
I can access data in that and I can do CRUD operation with that server.
But I want the replica of the same database in my local.
I have Redis desktop manager setup in my local. And also redis-server setup running.
Things I have tried:
using SAVE command.
I have connected to the remote server and executed save command. It ran
successfully and created dump.rdb file on that server. But I can't access that file as I don't have permission for server FTP.
using BGSAVE
same scenario here also
using redis-cli command
redis-cli -h server ip -p 6379 save > \\local ip\dump.rdb
Here I got an error The network name cannot be found.
Can anyone please suggest me on how can I copy the .rdb file from the server to local?
I have managed to connect to a remote server through ssh tunneling. No how can I copy files from remote server to my local computer. Considering that I just want to do it from remote server to my local computer.
I dont know how to write this command
"scp file/I/want/to/copy localhost/home/folder"
thanks a lot
scp username#server:/home/username/file_name /home/local-username/file-name
check this:
scp -r (source)hostname:/(location of the file to be copied)/(file name) (Destination)hostname:/(location of the folder where the file should be copied to)
For example:
scp -r ram.desktop.overflow.com:/home/Desktop/Ram/abcd.txt rajesh.desktop.overflow.com:/home/documents/