IBM Worklight, trouble with 2 adapters based authentication - ibm-mobilefirst

I am facing to a trouble with 2 adapters based authentication. My app is agenda (hybrid app). All adapter's functions must be protected by security.
my app uses adapters based authentication, like written in samples on DeveloperWorks.
My first adapter (loginAdapter) is dedicated for login (beginning of the mobile app). I developed a handler (handlerLogin, mobile side) with methods isCustomResponse, handlechallenge, etc.. This adapter works.
This adapter allows to get a userId from login and password.
As soon as connected, the user can download his agenda. The mobile calls an other adapter based auth (calendarAdapter). I have an other handler (handlerCalendar) with methods (isCustomResponse, handlechallenge).
When the mobile calls the method getCalendarData (protected method, CalendarAdapter), the server detects that the user is not registered for this adapter, that is why the server send an error (structure authrequired + errorMessage) via the function onAuthRequired.
At this step, all works fine.
Actually, the trouble comes from, that, the first handler (handlerLogin) catches this error, whereas it schould be the second handler (handlerCalendar).
Given that it is catched by the handlerLogin, isCustomResponse and handlechallenge are called, and I do not have the expected result ! I do not know why.
Why it is not catched by the handlerCalendar ?
I verified my code, variable's names, files, etc.. All things are ok.
For informations, I first declared the handlerLogin before the CalendarLogin.
Do you have any ideas, suggestions ??
Thank you in advance

It looks like you used the same realm.
The isCustomResponse function job is to find out if this challenge-handler should take care of this specific request. If you use the same realm for both adapters then the 2 challenge-handlers will react to it.


Azure Mobile App - Strange API result only on .NET

As of 3/21/2017, even after upgrading from Azure client SDK version 2 to 3.0.1, this is still a problem. So... bump.
I have an Azure Mobile App with custom authentication. I am developing a client for iOS and a client for Windows (VB.NET WinForms).
On iOS, everything works just fine. Registration and Login work, and also a standard API call.
On WinForms, all of the pieces works fine, just not exactly when and how I want (i.e., not all of the time).
Registration works.
Login works.
Standard API call works.
What doesn't work is the standard API call after a Login event.
I have put a console.log() line in my API code, and in all cases, it gets to the line just before the res.json() finishing call.
Here's how I am assigning my user to the client in iOS:
NSString *token = dict[#"token"];
NSString *userId = dict[#"userId"];
MSUser *user = [[MSUser alloc] initWithUserId:userId];
[user setMobileServiceAuthenticationToken:token];
client.currentUser = user;
Here's how I am assigning my user to the client in VB.NET:
Dim token = result.Item("token")
Dim userId = result.Item("userId")
Dim user As New MobileServiceUser(userId)
user.MobileServiceAuthenticationToken = token
MobileService.CurrentUser = user
So, the standard workflow is as follows:
User logs in
Program calls standard API method
On iOS, this works flawlessly. I see the log entry on the API output and it immediately returns the correct information to the iOS app.
On Windows.NET, the following 2 scenarios exist:
If I skip the login process and just call the standard API method (which has been set to access "anonymous"), it works.
If I force the login process and then call the standard API method, the code just hangs forever. The log entry does show up on the API output, but waiting several minutes on the .NET debugger yields no output and no error message. It's just (apparently) hung indefinitely.
So, from what I can tell, the following statements apply:
The API code seems to run the same way every time, no matter which platform is calling the code.
The iOS code seems to run correctly.
Logging in always seems to go fine on either platform.
The .NET code runs fine if the *.json permissions are "anonymous" and no Login attempt has been made.
The .NET code breaks (i.e., hangs indefinitely) if the standard API call is sent after logging in.
This would seem, then, to be related to something happening to the MobileServiceClient during my LoginWithResult method. But, from what I can see, it's the EXACT same code (effectively) on both iOS and Windows.
Does anybody see a flaw in my thinking or code?

How do you get IBM MobileFirst Platform ChallengeHandler to handle very large responses correctly?

When working with a large-sized data response from an HTTP Adapter, the size of the response appears to cause our challenge handler to fire a handleChallenge() method.
My question is, why would the size of the response cause the mobilefirst security challenge handler to fire, when the session is still valid?
More Details:
Our application uses an ISAM security appliance with Header based authentication. When an HTTP adapter call we make comes back with a content-length greater than 20,377, the adapter call triggers the handleChallenge() method of our challenge handler. When inspecting the response, we have seen that the responseJSON is actually populated with our required data, so really the handleChallenge should never have fired.
When we ping the adapter directly through the browser with the same parameters, it works fine. We've been able to isolate that this problem is occurring in the worklight.js / mobilefirst realm.
Does anyone have any idea if, or why, the Challenge Handler in worklight.js would not function as expected with a very large response size?
The bottom line is that it should. There is no reason for it not to.
If you have not been able to resolve this otherwise, my suggestion is to open an IBM PMR (support ticket) to have the development team investigate the issue.
We ended up ( sort of ) diagnosing it. At a certain payload size, the "/*secure {" fell off the response ( of which we're still not certain why. Our loginChallengeHandler function was based off of some example we found in some IBM documentation, and would improperly mark the response as a login form if the /*secure wasn't present. Once we tightened up the challenge handler, it worked.

Check if one has already logged into Bloomberg (via API)

Is there a way to test if current user has been authenticated to BBG? I have my c# program which uses BBG API, and want to check if the user logged in the service before, either via API calls or the BBG Terminal. This check can then be used to distinguish whether the user's network is unavailable or simply he hasn't logged in yet.
There's a couple of ways to interpret your question, so I'll answer both... (I'm speaking from the perspective of using the Java API, but it should be pretty similar on C#.)
1. Can I tell whether the user connect to Bloomberg (i.e. are there network issues / are they are logged in)?
Yes - you can create a new Session, try to start it using .start(). If it fails or returns false, you cannot connect. If it starts, you can call .openService("//blp/apiauth"). Again, if it fails or returns false, you cannot connect.
If you cannot connect, you may or may not be able to determine why you cannot... Nevertheless, I would suggest registering a callback to the BLP API logging framework. In our code, we we-direct these to the logging framework we use throughout our code.
2. The user has created a Session (pre-cursor to a Service) - can I tell if the Session has been started?
Unfortunately - no. There is nothing in the API to allow you to determine the state of the Session. (I suppose you could try starting it, and if it starts it wasn't started, and if it fails, it was started - but that strikes me as an unhelpful or risk appraoch.)

Adapter procedure call, reporting an authentication failure

Client code attempts to invoke adapter. This triggers authentication to the appropriate realm. It is possible that the user does not have suitable credentials and eventually wants to stop trying. I can provide a "Give Up" button, and we can use the challegeHandler to tell Worklight to stop the authentication effort like this:
This works to the extent that the login attempt terminates, but it seems that code calling the adapter gets no callback and hence any Deferred objects that might be waiting for resolution are left in limbo.
The question is whether we can arrange to get the authentication failure back to the caller of the adapter procedure?
I have been informed of a workaround to this issue whereby you call:
Before actually calling:
This will trigger the failure and reject the deferred as intended.
This is a workaround though so it might not work in future versions. I am going to raise a request for enhancement (link pending) and I would appreciate it if you could vote it up as well to ensure this functionality is available in the future.
First of all, submitFailure() will not call adapter. It will notify client side framework that authentication has failed completely so the framework will dispose of any stored requests that are waiting for authentication to finish.
If you want to wipe user identity on a server side you have two options
create an adapter procedure which doesn't require authentication and call WL.Server.setActiveUser("realm-name",null). This will terminate any userIdentity.
call WL.Client.logout("realm-name") in your app

Soft "Restart" Windows 8 App

I'm going to preface this by saying that I understand the new Windows 8 application lifecycle and how it is now 100% up to the user to decide if they want to terminate the app or not. So, I guess what I'm looking to find is a way to pseudo-restart my app, although I'm open to other suggestions as I'm pretty new to designing Modern UI apps.
I'm building an app that interfaces with a Web 2.0 service that requires authentication via OAuth. Fortunately the Windows 8 WebAuthenticationBroker makes this simple: it displays an asynchronous modal window that houses the web frame to allow the user to sign in and I get to provide a callback method when its done.
Now, obviously I only want to display this sign-in screen if I don't already have a session key stored for the user in roamingSettings.values. I used the Grid App template in Visual Studio, and I execute these functions in default.js as soon as the app is activated (checking roamingStorage, calling WebAuthBroker, etc). Now, the Grid App template provides a data.js to allow me to define some of the REST endpoints that I want to fetch. The main problem is that I can't fetch these REST endpoints until the user is authenticated! Yet they still have to (at least, I think) be declared in data.js ahead of time. So what I'm doing now to avoid errors in the event that the user isn't signed in, is the following:
if (roamingSettings.values[sessionKey]){
list = getFeedItems(); // my function that issues all the REST calls
} else {
list = new WinJS.Binding.List();
This works fine if the app is manually restarted after authentication is complete, but I would really rather have a way of completely reloading the app asynchronously after authentication is complete. I've spent a ton of time on this already and I'm getting extremely annoyed because I've seen other apps do this (Instametrogram, for example).
Any ideas?
To answer the core question here, how do you soft restart: window.location.reload() is all you need. This just does the refresh in place.
However, what you are actually looking to do is reset the datasource on the ListView instance -- all you need to do is get hold of that control at runtime, and re-assign the data source to it. E.g.:
var lv = document.getElementById("myListView");
lv.winControl.itemSource = list;
An example of this should also be in the app you have from when it currently assigns the list to the listview.