Kinect Facial Recognition and Training Images - kinect

I am using this facial recognition program for the Kinect
The problem is I need it to be able to register and actually keep the images for a training database. Whenever I run it, the program works and is able to detect and recognize the faces but then the images are not kept. What code needs to be changed?
I really need help on this it would be greatly appreciated.
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the MainWindow class
/// </summary>
public MainWindow()
KinectSensor kinectSensor = null;
// loop through all the Kinects attached to this PC, and start the first that is connected without an error.
foreach (KinectSensor kinect in KinectSensor.KinectSensors)
if (kinect.Status == KinectStatus.Connected)
kinectSensor = kinect;
if (kinectSensor == null)
MessageBox.Show("No Kinect found...");
AllFramesReadyFrameSource frameSource = new AllFramesReadyFrameSource(kinectSensor);
this.engine = new KinectFacialRecognitionEngine(kinectSensor, frameSource);
this.engine.RecognitionComplete += this.Engine_RecognitionComplete;
this.TrainedFaces.ItemsSource = this.targetFaces;
private static extern int DeleteObject(IntPtr o);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a bitmap into a bitmap source
/// </summary>
private static BitmapSource LoadBitmap(Bitmap source)
IntPtr ip = source.GetHbitmap();
BitmapSource bs = null;
bs = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(ip,
IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty,
return bs;
/// <summary>
/// Handles recognition complete events
/// </summary>
private void Engine_RecognitionComplete(object sender, RecognitionResult e)
RecognitionResult.Face face = null;
if (e.Faces != null)
face = e.Faces.FirstOrDefault();
if (face != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(face.Key))
// Write the key on the image...
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(e.ProcessedBitmap))
var rect = face.TrackingResults.FaceRect;
g.DrawString(face.Key, new Font("Arial", 20), Brushes.Red, new System.Drawing.Point(rect.Left, rect.Top - 25));
if (this.takeTrainingImage)
this.targetFaces.Add(new BitmapSourceTargetFace
Image = (Bitmap)face.GrayFace.Clone(),
Key = this.NameField.Text
this.takeTrainingImage = false;
this.NameField.Text = this.NameField.Text.Replace(this.targetFaces.Count.ToString(), (this.targetFaces.Count + 1).ToString());
if (this.targetFaces.Count > 1)
this.Video.Source = LoadBitmap(e.ProcessedBitmap);
/// <summary>
/// Starts the training image countdown
/// </summary>
private void Train(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.TrainButton.IsEnabled = false;
this.NameField.IsEnabled = false;
var timer = new DispatcherTimer();
timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
timer.Tick += (s2, e2) =>
this.NameField.IsEnabled = true;
this.TrainButton.IsEnabled = true;
takeTrainingImage = true;
/// <summary>
/// Target face with a BitmapSource accessor for the face
/// </summary>
private class BitmapSourceTargetFace : TargetFace
private BitmapSource bitmapSource;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the BitmapSource version of the face
/// </summary>
public BitmapSource BitmapSource
if (this.bitmapSource == null)
this.bitmapSource = MainWindow.LoadBitmap(this.Image);
return this.bitmapSource;

If you are trying to save the images to a folder, then I would do something like this:
if (this.takeTrainingImage)
this.targetFaces.Add(new BitmapSourceTargetFace
Image = (Bitmap)face.GrayFace.Clone(),
Key = this.NameField.Text
//save image
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
BitmapFrame outputFrame = BitmapFrame.Create(LoadBitmap(e.ProcessedBitmap));
encoder.QualityLevel = 96dpi;
using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite("C://Users//Your Name//Documents//Face Trainer//Images//face " + targetFaces.Count + ".jpg"))
this.takeTrainingImage = false;
this.NameField.Text = this.NameField.Text.Replace(this.targetFaces.Count.ToString(), (this.targetFaces.Count + 1).ToString());
if (this.targetFaces.Count > 1)
Then to load from the files...
string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("C://Users//Your Name//Documents//Face Trainer//Images//");
Bitmap[] images = new Bitmap[files.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
images[i] = (Bitmap) Image.FromFile(file, true);
If you are trying to add the images to an actually database, I would follow this tutorial.
I would recommend saving the images to a file since you are beginning, and using databases requires much more work. However, when you are more experienced databases are very effective at this sort of thing. Good luck!:)


ABP: How to re- load Localization text dynamically without restarting API app

I am using ABP v4.7.0 (.NET CORE 2.1) with angular client.
I built some custom localization providers. These providers get translation dictionaries from Azure Blob Storage. I add localization sources on startup with these providers.
new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource(InductothermMVPConsts.LocalizationSourceName,
new BlobEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider(
On StartUp, I call this method and localization dictionaries are built correctly.
Now, I created one api endpoint which will update data in Azure Blob Storage, after files are updated, I am again initializing the dictionaries
public class BlobEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider : LocalizationDictionaryProviderBase
#pragma warning disable GCop406 // Mark {0} field as read-only.
private const int Count = 50;
#pragma warning restore GCop406 // Mark {0} field as read-only.
private readonly Assembly _assembly;
private readonly string _rootNamespace;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="BlobEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider"/> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assembly">Assembly that contains embedded xml files</param>
/// <param name="rootNamespace">Namespace of the embedded xml dictionary files</param>
public BlobEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider(Assembly assembly, string rootNamespace)
_assembly = assembly;
_rootNamespace = rootNamespace;
protected void InitializeDictionaries()
var sourceName = "XXXXXX";
var allCultureInfos = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures);
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnection"]);
var blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("xxxxxx");
var res = container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var count = BlobEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider.Count;
var listBlobs = container.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(null, true, BlobListingDetails.None, count, null, null, null).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var item in listBlobs.Results)
var blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(((Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlob)item).Name);
string path = _assembly.Location.Replace("xxxxx", "");
path += ((Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlob)item).Name;
blockBlob.DownloadToFileAsync(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
var xmlString = Utf8Helper.ReadStringFromStream(stream);
InitializeDictionary(CreateXmlLocalizationDictionary(xmlString), isDefault: ((CloudBlob)item).Name.EndsWith(sourceName + ".xml"));
protected virtual XmlLocalizationDictionary CreateXmlLocalizationDictionary(string xmlString)
return XmlLocalizationDictionary.BuildFomXmlString(xmlString);
protected void InitializeDictionary<TDictionary>(TDictionary dictionary, bool isDefault = false)
where TDictionary : ILocalizationDictionary
if (Dictionaries.ContainsKey(dictionary.CultureInfo.Name))
throw new AbpInitializationException(SourceName + " source contains more than one dictionary for the culture: " + dictionary.CultureInfo.Name);
Dictionaries[dictionary.CultureInfo.Name] = dictionary;
if (isDefault)
if (DefaultDictionary != null)
throw new AbpInitializationException("Only one default localization dictionary can be for source: " + SourceName);
DefaultDictionary = dictionary;
internal static class Utf8Helper
public static string ReadStringFromStream(Stream stream)
var bytes = stream.GetAllBytes();
var skipCount = HasBom(bytes) ? 3 : 0;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, skipCount, bytes.Length - skipCount);
private static bool HasBom(byte[] bytes)
if (bytes.Length < 3)
return false;
if (!(bytes[0] == 0xEF && bytes[1] == 0xBB && bytes[2] == 0xBF))
return false;
return true;
This Provider is executed as expected.
But When I Refresh my client(Angular) Application, I still see the old Translations.
If I restart my API application, new translations are reflected correctly.
Can someone help me to understand, what am I missing here.
Thanks for the help in advance.

Sharing video and photo in metro apps through share charm

i am trying to take a picture and video from within the app and trying to share it through share charm but i am having a problem doing that. After i take the pic ,the share charm says it has trouble sharing the image. This is my code .Can anybody please let me know what i am doing wrong.
namespace Temp
/// <summary>
/// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class Page1 : Page
private StorageFile _photo; // Photo file to share
private StorageFile _video; // Video file to share
private async void OnCapturePhoto(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
var camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
var file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo);
if (file != null)
_photo = file;
private async void OnCaptureVideo(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
var camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
camera.VideoSettings.Format = CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat.Wmv;
var file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Video);
if (file != null)
_video = file;
void OnDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
var request = args.Request;
if (_photo != null)
request.Data.Properties.Description = "Component photo";
var reference = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(_photo);
request.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = reference;
_photo = null;
else if (_video != null)
request.Data.Properties.Description = "Component video";
List<StorageFile> items = new List<StorageFile>();
_video = null;
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView().DataRequested += OnDataRequested;
In order for your app to share, you must set the Title of the DataPackagePropertySet and at least one of the "SetXXX" methods. If you do not, you'll see the following message when trying to share "There was a problem with the data from ."
So add request.Data.Properties.Title = "Title_of_photo_or_video"; in OnDataRequested event.

Windows 8 Emulator Snap State

How do I enter snap state using the Windows 8 emulator? I received a notice from the Windows 8 store that my software crashes in snap mode only. Does anyone know why switching modes would cause my software to crash? Here is my code behind:
namespace MenuFinderWin8.Pages
public sealed partial class RestaurantHomePage : MenuFinderWin8.Common.LayoutAwarePage
MenuFinderAppServiceClient serviceClient;
RestaurantRepository repository;
Geolocator _geolocator = null;
ObservableCollection<RestaurantLocation> items;
public RestaurantHomePage()
if (!Network.IsNetwork())
repository = new RestaurantRepository();
serviceClient = new MenuFinderAppServiceClient();
_geolocator = new Geolocator();
items = new ObservableCollection<RestaurantLocation>();
void btnAbout_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Flyout f = new Flyout();
LayoutRoot.Children.Add(f.HostPopup); // add this to some existing control in your view like the root visual
// remove the parenting during the Closed event on the Flyout
f.Closed += (s, a) =>
// Flyout is a ContentControl so set your content within it.
SupportUserControl userControl = new SupportUserControl();
userControl.UserControlFrame = this.Frame;
f.Content = userControl;
f.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 223, 58, 51));
f.Width = 200;
f.Height = 200;
f.Placement = PlacementMode.Top;
f.PlacementTarget = sender as Button; // this is an UI element (usually the sender)
f.IsOpen = true;
void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Flyout f = new Flyout();
LayoutRoot.Children.Add(f.HostPopup); // add this to some existing control in your view like the root visual
// remove the parenting during the Closed event on the Flyout
f.Closed += (s, a) =>
// Flyout is a ContentControl so set your content within it.
RestaurantSearchUserControl userControl = new RestaurantSearchUserControl();
userControl.UserControlFrame = this.Frame;
f.Content = userControl;
f.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 223, 58, 51));
f.Width = 600;
f.Height = 400;
f.Placement = PlacementMode.Top;
f.PlacementTarget = sender as Button; // this is an UI element (usually the sender)
f.IsOpen = true;
void btnViewFavorites_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
App.DataMode = Mode.SavedRestaurant;
if (repository.GetGroupedRestaurantsFromDatabase().Count() == 0)
MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog("You have no saved restaurants.", "No Restaurants");
private async void BindData()
items = await serviceClient.GetSpecialRestaurantsAsync();
List<RestaurantLocation> myFavs = repository.GetRestaurantLocations();
foreach (var a in myFavs)
this.DefaultViewModel["Items"] = items;
catch (Exception)
MessageDialog messsageDialog = new MessageDialog("The MenuFinder service is unavailable at this time or you have lost your internet connection. If your internet is OK, please check back later.", "Unavailable");
btnAbout.IsEnabled = false;
btnSearch.IsEnabled = false;
btnViewFavorites.IsEnabled = false;
myBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
/// <summary>
/// Populates the page with content passed during navigation. Any saved state is also
/// provided when recreating a page from a prior session.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="navigationParameter">The parameter value passed to
/// <see cref="Frame.Navigate(Type, Object)"/> when this page was initially requested.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pageState">A dictionary of state preserved by this page during an earlier
/// session. This will be null the first time a page is visited.</param>
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
// TODO: Assign a bindable collection of items to this.DefaultViewModel["Items"]
private void itemGridView_ItemClick_1(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
App.CurrentRestaurantLocation = e.ClickedItem as RestaurantLocation;
if (App.CurrentRestaurantLocation != null)
Order order = repository.AddOrder(DateTime.Now, string.Empty, App.CurrentRestaurantLocation.ID);
App.CurrentOrder = order;
App.DataMode = Mode.Menu;
In response to "How do I enter snap state using the Windows 8 emulator?" - I find the easiest way to snap in the simulator is to use the keyboard shortcut, which is Windows key + . (period).
The error might be in your XAML, more than in the code behind. If you used a template but deleted or modified the name in one of the elements, the KeyFrame refering to that element is failing getting the element, so an exception is thrown.
Search in your XAML for something like
<VisualState x:Name="Snapped">
And delete the ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames tags which Storyboard.TargetName property is equal to a non-existant element.
Refering on how to enter Snapped Mode on the emulator, is the same as in PC, just grab the App from the top and slide it to a side while holding the click.

DataBinding Snapped Mode Windows 8

Using a GridView, I bind to several items in an observable collection. When I enter snapped mode, my GridView fails to load any data and none of the items are clickable. See attached screenshot. My app is on the left and it says featured and favorites. Here is my code:
public sealed partial class RestaurantHomePage : MenuFinderWin8.Common.LayoutAwarePage
MenuFinderAppServiceClient serviceClient;
RestaurantRepository repository;
Geolocator _geolocator = null;
ObservableCollection<RestaurantLocation> items;
public RestaurantHomePage()
if (!Network.IsNetwork())
repository = new RestaurantRepository();
serviceClient = new MenuFinderAppServiceClient();
_geolocator = new Geolocator();
items = new ObservableCollection<RestaurantLocation>();
void btnAbout_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Flyout f = new Flyout();
LayoutRoot.Children.Add(f.HostPopup); // add this to some existing control in your view like the root visual
// remove the parenting during the Closed event on the Flyout
f.Closed += (s, a) =>
// Flyout is a ContentControl so set your content within it.
SupportUserControl userControl = new SupportUserControl();
userControl.UserControlFrame = this.Frame;
f.Content = userControl;
f.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 223, 58, 51));
f.Width = 200;
f.Height = 200;
f.Placement = PlacementMode.Top;
f.PlacementTarget = sender as Button; // this is an UI element (usually the sender)
f.IsOpen = true;
void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Flyout f = new Flyout();
LayoutRoot.Children.Add(f.HostPopup); // add this to some existing control in your view like the root visual
// remove the parenting during the Closed event on the Flyout
f.Closed += (s, a) =>
// Flyout is a ContentControl so set your content within it.
RestaurantSearchUserControl userControl = new RestaurantSearchUserControl();
userControl.UserControlFrame = this.Frame;
f.Content = userControl;
f.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 223, 58, 51));
f.Width = 600;
f.Height = 400;
f.Placement = PlacementMode.Top;
f.PlacementTarget = sender as Button; // this is an UI element (usually the sender)
f.IsOpen = true;
void btnViewFavorites_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
App.DataMode = Mode.SavedRestaurant;
if (repository.GetGroupedRestaurantsFromDatabase().Count() == 0)
MessageDialog messageDialog = new MessageDialog("You have no saved restaurants.", "No Restaurants");
private async void BindData()
items = await serviceClient.GetSpecialRestaurantsAsync();
List<RestaurantLocation> myFavs = repository.GetRestaurantLocations();
foreach (var a in myFavs)
this.DefaultViewModel["Items"] = items;
catch (Exception)
MessageDialog messsageDialog = new MessageDialog("The MenuFinder service is unavailable at this time or you have lost your internet connection. If your internet is OK, please check back later.", "Unavailable");
btnAbout.IsEnabled = false;
btnSearch.IsEnabled = false;
btnViewFavorites.IsEnabled = false;
myBar.Visibility = Windows.UI.Xaml.Visibility.Collapsed;
/// <summary>
/// Populates the page with content passed during navigation. Any saved state is also
/// provided when recreating a page from a prior session.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="navigationParameter">The parameter value passed to
/// <see cref="Frame.Navigate(Type, Object)"/> when this page was initially requested.
/// </param>
/// <param name="pageState">A dictionary of state preserved by this page during an earlier
/// session. This will be null the first time a page is visited.</param>
protected override void LoadState(Object navigationParameter, Dictionary<String, Object> pageState)
// TODO: Assign a bindable collection of items to this.DefaultViewModel["Items"]
private void itemGridView_ItemClick_1(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
App.CurrentRestaurantLocation = e.ClickedItem as RestaurantLocation;
if (App.CurrentRestaurantLocation != null)
Order order = repository.AddOrder(DateTime.Now, string.Empty, App.CurrentRestaurantLocation.ID);
App.CurrentOrder = order;
App.DataMode = Mode.Menu;
When you switch to snapped view, your gridView hides, and a ListView shows up. You can see this by checking the Visual State Manager that handles going from one to another in your XAML.
So, Solution is: adapting the ItemTemplate from your ListView as you did with your GridView by Binding to the proper attributes; you may also want to change the Foreground color of your Font. Also, you want to include the IsItemClickEnabled and ItemClick (or SelectionMode and SelectionChanged) on your ListView.

C# Web Cam with Remoting

My project is about Remoting and i want to add a webcam component to it. Here it goes: I have 3 project in my solution... Client, Server, Remote.dll. In Remote.dll is a common class which has methods works in server machine. When i call these methods from Client it executes in server side. So now my question is i put the code of Webcam in remote.dll and it has an event called "video_NewFrame" which it works everytime when webcam catch an image. But i cant reach to the images from my Client side because when code drops to this event it executes infinitely
and my timer in Client side doesnt work as well. I tried to assing image to my global variable but whenever code goes to client and comes to Remote.dll again my variable is null...
How can i reach simultaneously captured images from my client? here is my code:
(i use AForge framework for webcam)
private bool DeviceExist = true;
private FilterInfoCollection videoDevices;
private VideoCaptureDevice videoSource = null;
public bool WebCamStart(int DeviceIndex)
if (DeviceExist)
videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
//string myDevice = videoDevices[0].Name;
videoSource = new VideoCaptureDevice(videoDevices[0].MonikerString);
videoSource.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(video_NewFrame);
videoSource.DesiredFrameSize = new Size(640, 480);
//videoSource.DesiredFrameRate = 10;
return true;
else return false;
public Bitmap lastImg;
private void video_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
Bitmap img = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
//in executes infinitely when execution comes here and i cant reach from Cliend side...
public string getFPS()
return videoSource.FramesReceived.ToString();
public void CloseVideoSource()
if (!(videoSource == null))
if (videoSource.IsRunning)
videoSource = null;
public string getCamList()
string result = "No Device Found";
videoDevices = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
if (videoDevices.Count == 0)
throw new ApplicationException();
DeviceExist = true;
foreach (FilterInfo device in videoDevices)
result = device.Name;
return result;
//comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; //make dafault to first cam
catch (ApplicationException)
DeviceExist = false;
//comboBox1.Items.Add("No capture device on your system");
return "No capture device on your system";
return result;
// and my client side...
private void timerWebCam_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//lblFPS.Text ="Device Running... " + remObj.getFPS() + " FPS";
pictureBox1.Image = remObj.lastImg;