SELECT Query selecting values based on a value in another table - sql

I have 2 tables
Account(AccountId, Encoding)
DeviceAccountMap(AccountId, DeviceId)
Now I need to fetch the devices from the DeviceAccountMap. I pass a list of AccountId to a stored procedure and while fetching the DeviceId from the DeviceAccountMap table I need to compare the Encoding value for each account with a particular value.
Which is the easy way to do this? I am totally lost.
The select clause in the stored procedure will look something like this:
DECLARE #Accounts [usp].[Array]
and [usp].[Array] is defined as below
AccountEncoding = A.Encoding
usp.DeviceControllerAccountMap DCAM
usp.Account A ON (DCAM.AccountId = A.AccountId)
DCAM.AccountId IN (SELECT Value From #AccountIds)
AND DCAM.IsShared = 1
AND AccountEncoding LIKE A.Encoding + '.%'
In other words I need to fetch the encoding value for each account and use that in this where clause.

So you can look up information on Table-Valued Parameters (TVPs) in T-SQL.
Here is an article by Erland Sommarskog.
You can refer to this StackOverflow answer to see an example of C# code calling a stored procedure that uses a TVP. I believe TVPs require SQL Server 2008 or higher.
TVPs, as far as I understand, provide a way to make your own data type in sql server that gets treated as if it was a table. You're doing this when you declare your Array type and then when you use the #AccountIds in your stored procedure's select statement.
CREATE TYPE [usp].[Array] AS TABLE -- maybe choose a more descriptive name than 'Array'
Value VARCHAR(36) NULL -- choose a more descriptive name than 'Value'
CREATE PROCEDURE [usp].[your_procedure_name]
#AccountIds [usp].[Array] READONLY -- use TVP as a parameter
It is not clear form your question details whether you also mean to have a parameter in the stored procedure for the Encoding. It seems like you're looking for accounts whose Encodings start with a period '.'.
So first, create your type, like you're doing.
Then create your stored procedure.
Then test your stored procedure, something like this:
DECLARE #mylist Array -- make TVP sample data
INSERT #mylist(Value) VALUES(1),(11),(27),(123) -- insert some values
exec your_procedure_name #mylist -- run stored procedure

The following line is completely unnecessary. The JOIN to Account does this filter for you.
DCAM.AccountId IN (SELECT Value From #AccountIds)
Or am I missing something?


Pass a user-defined table as a select statement to a Stored Procedure or Function [duplicate]

Using SQL Server 2012, is it possible to eliminate the need to declare a table-valued parameter (TVP) just to pass it into a stored procedure? Below is a really simple example of a stored procedure (SP) that takes a TVP and a working example to execute that SP where I have to declare the TVP, populate it and then pass it into the SP. I would like to be able to simply pass in the population criteria directly to the EXEC call. Is this possible?
Scenario Setup:
-- Create a sample Users table
CREATE TABLE Users (UserID int, UserName varchar(20))
INSERT INTO Users VALUES (1, 'Bob'), (2, 'Mary'), (3, 'John'), (4, 'Mark')
-- Create a TVP Type
CREATE TYPE UserIdTableType AS TABLE (UserID int)
-- Create SP That Uses TVP Type
#UserIdFilter UserIdTableType READONLY
SELECT * FROM #UserIdFilter WHERE UserID > 2
Working Method to Execute:
DECLARE #MyIds AS UserIdTableType
EXEC GetUsers #MyIds
Requested Method to Execute:
EXEC GetUsers (SELECT UserID FROM Users)
No, you cannot create a TVP inline or CAST / CONVERT it. It is not a "Data Type" like INT, VARCHAR, DATETIME, etc.; it is a "Table Type" which is entirely different. The User-Defined Table Type (UDTT) is just meta-data that is used as the definition/schema for the declaration of a Table Variable. When such a Table Variable is used as an input parameter, that usage is considered a TVP (Table-Valued Parameter). But the thing is still a Table Variable which has its definition stored in tempdb. This is a physical structure, not a memory structure, and you can't CAST or CONVERT a Table, whether it is real, temporary, or a variable.
While the example given in the Question is simplistic for the sake of just getting the idea across, it does seem like your overall goal is code-reuse / creating subroutines (else you could have easily done SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID > 2). Unfortunately T-SQL doesn't allow for really elegant / clean code, so you will have to accept a certain level of repetition and/or clunkiness.
It is possible, however, to make slightly generic handlers for result sets, provided they at least have the required fields. You could either
pass in an XML parameter, or
dump the results to a temp table and just refer to it in the sub-proc call (doesn't need to be dynamic SQL) and hence no need to pass in any parameter (at least not one for the dataset / results / query)
In both of those cases, the structure is more flexible than using a TVP since the TVP has to be those exact fields. But referencing a temp table that is assumed to exist allows for something similar to the following:
INTO #MyTemp
FROM sys.tables;
EXEC dbo.Proc_4 #StartsWith = 'a', #HowMany = 10;
INTO #MyTemp
FROM sys.columns;
EXEC dbo.Proc_4 #StartsWith = 'bb', #HowMany = 20;
INTO #MyTemp
FROM sys.views;
EXEC dbo.Proc_4 #StartsWith = 'ccc', #HowMany = 33;
SELECT TOP (#HowMany) tmp.*
FROM #MyTemp tmp
WHERE tmp.[name] LIKE #StartsWith + '%'
ORDER BY tmp.[object_id] ASC;

Pass declare table variable to another stored procedure

I am sure the answer is NO, but I'll ask the expert anyway ;)
I've declared a table variable in my stored procedure.
INSERT INTO #OrderMapIds (OrderId, NewOrderId)
SELECT [OrderId], [OrderId] FROM [tblOrder]
EXEC [AS.uspOrder_MoveOrder] #OrderMapIds = #OrderMapIds; --I need to move order ids based on the mapped id
I need to pass #OrderMapIds to [AS.uspOrder_MoveOrder]. The question is how?
CREATE PROCEDURE [AS.uspOrderItem_CopyRecord]
#OrderMapIds AS TABLE -- This thrown error
Now, I can accomplish this problem using Table-Valued Parameter (TVP). But if I could pass it without TVP, then it will be better (so I don't have to create TVP for small stuff).
Now, after looking at Google, I am sure the answer is NO (ie. I need to create TVP to accomplish task above). But I thought to ask the question in hope I might have missed something.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You are correct. The answer is indeed No.
In SQL Server, the only way to pass a table to a stored procedure is using a user defined table type.
You do have some confusion in the terms, though.
TVP is the parameter itself - so even if you could just pass any table variable a stored procedure - it would still be a Table Valued Parameter.
What you want to avoid (but can't) is a User Defined Table Type.
If this was allowed, you would end up with a stored procedure that takes in a table valued parameter with an unknown structure - And this could lead to errors, extremely cumbersome code, and worst of all - silently using the wrong data.
An interesting alternative, especially when the table structure is variable/dependent will be to convert data as JSON/XML ( data type for parameter will be NVARCHAR).
Way to go in your example will be
SELECT [OrderId], [OrderId] FROM [tblOrder] FOR JSON PATH
EXEC [AS.uspOrder_MoveOrder] #OrderMapIds = #OrderMapIds;

SQL Server Stored Procedure Multiple Insert in a single table from Array

I am using a stored procedure to insert records into a table. And do this at least 12 times in a loop to insert multiple records which is very inefficient.
here is the procedure as CREATED
#GameID INT,
#ScoreID INT
(#GameID, #ScoreID)
I pass on the values ex(1,3) and loop with more values from the website.
I want to however pass on all the values at one time like (1,3),(4,5),(8,9)
and then alter the above procedure to receive and insert multiple rows.
#totalinsert nvarchar(Max)
with #totalinsert being like (1,3),(4,5),(8,9) pushed from the webpage.
any help is greatly appreciated
What you're going to have to do is write a table valued function which accepts the multi-value string and breaks it out into a table object. If you can change your source to use a record delimiter instead of having comma sets it would be slightly easier to process. An example of that would look like this.
The below is pure psuedo and has not been validated in any way, just meant to give you a rough idea of where to go.
ex: #TotalInsert = 1,2|4,5|8,9
value1 INT,
value2 INT
DECLARE #setlist VARCHAR(max);
WHILE Len(#TotalInsert) > 0
SET #setlist = LEFT(#totalinsert, Charindex('|', #totalinsert))
INSERT INTO #results
SELECT LEFT(#setlist, Charindex(',', #setlist) - 1),
RIGHT(#setlist, Charindex(',', Reverse(#setlist)) + 1)
SET #totalinsert = RIGHT(#totalinsert, Len(#totalinsert) - Len(#setlist))
I'm assuming you're using .NET for your website since you're also using SQL Server.
Have a look at table valued parameters, this page also includes a nice example of how to use the table valued parameters in .NET.
Check here for a better example of making a stored procedure with a table valued parameter in T-SQL.
Here is the full discussion:
Personally, I sent xml to the stored procedure, I "shred it" into #variable or #temp tables, then I do my INSERT/UPDATE/MERGE/DELETE from there.
Here is a fuller discussion on xml-shredding.
My personal trick is to create a strong dataset, populate the strong dataset with rows, and use the ds.GetXml() to send the xml down to the TSQL. With a strong dataset, I get strong-typing when populating the values. But at the end of the day, dataset is just some super fancy xml.

Insert into table stored procedure results plus variable

I need to insert into a table the results of a stored procedure(SP) plus a couple of other variables.
I know how to insert the SP results but not the variables as well. Is there a way I can do this without having to write a separate update query or pass/return the variable into the SP.
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum)
EXEC GetContactDetails #ContactId
UPDATE contacttable SET linkId = #LinkId where id = #ContactId
Can I pass the #linkId variable into the INSERT in anyway rather than having to do the separate update?
You can't do this the way you explain your current scenario is.
You either modify the proc to receive the extra parameter and you return it from there so that the insert statements already has this parameter, or you continue doing what you are doing.
Another possibility would be to change that proc into a table-valued function in a way that you can specifically select the columns you need from the resultset and you add the extra parameter in the insert. Something like:
INSERT INTO contacttable(name, address, telnum,linkid)
select name, address,telnum,#linkid from fnGetContactDetails(#ContactID)

SQL Server - Selectively inserting fields into temp table

I am executing a SP within a SP. The SP returns say 10 params. I am interested in only 5 of them. How do I insert only these 5 into the temp table.
The code I have so far:
UnionCode VARCHAR(10),
UnionPosition VARCHAR(30),
UnionInitFees BIT,
UnionDues BIT
--getDetails returns 10 params. I need only these 5
(UnionCode, UnionDate, UnionPosition, UnionInitFees, UnionDues)
EXEC getDetails
#iUserId = #OriginalLoginId
Put the result of getDetails into a tablevar that contains all of the return values, then do your insert off of the additional table.
You might also check out this site for more information on how to share data between stored procedures.
Use OPENROWSET like so:
from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=Server_name;Trusted_Connection=yes;
Integrated Security=SSPI','Execute yourdb..get_orders')
Now you can easily filter the resultset
OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=Server_name;Trusted_Connection=yes;
Integrated Security=SSPI','Execute yourdb..get_orders')
orderdate>='19960101' and orderdate<'19970101'
You don't need to create a temp table and you also don't need to worry about the structure of the procedure.
Found here
EDIT: Final solution moved from comments after discussion.
You can't. The table variable must match exactly the structure of waht is being returned.