Missing Section in POLINK warning from HLA code - hla

I have an error that I looked around the internet quite a bit yet I have yet to find a real solution to this problem. Here is the error message I get from my computer (Win 7):
POLINK: warning: /SECTION:.bss ignored; section is missing.
With this error, obviously comes some code. So what I am trying to do with the code is see what happens wham you mix signed and unsigned variables in the same calculation. I am sure this error shows up in other situations as well, but I haven't bothered to do too much about it. Anyways, here's the code:
program example;
#include ("stdlib.hhf")
unsigned: uns16;
begin example;
stdout.put ("Enter an int between 32 768 and 65
mov (ax, unsigned);
stdout.put (
"You entered",
". If this were a signed int, it would be: "
stdout.puti16 (unsigned);
end example;
Any help would be appreciated as to where this problem originates so anything would be appreciated.
Thank you

Firstly this is not an error message it is a warning.
As evident from POLINK: warning: /SECTION:.bss ignored; section is missing.
The linker called POLINK complains that the BSS section is missing, because in the assembly your HLA code snippet generates it is.
In order to make it go away, you can change HLA to use another linker that doesn't generate the warning message or you can add HLA code which populates the BSS with a dummy or placeholder variable.
The code to add would be
before the begin example line.
- POLINK: warning: /SECTION:.bss ignored; section is missing. from MASM forums


How can I see why a file is listed in "syntax error files" in vivado

Syntax error files:
I want to know where I can see the exact error info.There's no hint in vivado.
You can usually check the message tab at the bottom of the screen. Anyhow Vivado is not particularly good at telling you what's wrong with your code (I'm not sure if this has to do with Vivado or parsing HDL in general), so be aware that your error may be "cascading" from an error above in your code than where the message indicates there's something wrong).
For instance, when making the following mistake in line 13:
13 reg [15:0] test_reg_0
14 reg [15:0] test_reg_1;
it will tell you test_reg_1 is not declared and mark it as an error everywhere it's referenced.

Can't find libgfortran-3.dll in Fortran

I am new to mingw32-gfortran, and I am finding it hard to statically link the specific dll's. I am trying to write a code on finding large factorials,the code compiles without any errors on code::blocks but gives an error about missing dll's when opened from cmd. Is there anyway to statically link these dll's to my exe (I don't mind if it is bloated,I just want my code to be portable).
Does gfortran provide similar libraries for static linking? I have also posted my code for any reference. It would really mean much to me if someone here helped me out, I have already tried code blocks forums,and read numerous posts on other websites. Still no luck.
Note : I use Win 7 64-bit
! A fortran95 program for G95
! By WQY
program main
implicit none
integer ,allocatable,dimension (:) :: a
integer :: re_i,n,digit=1,temp=0,zero=0,i,j,beg,rate,ends
print*,'please enter the number'
read *, n
call system_clock(beg,rate)
do j=2,n
do i=zero+1,digit
end do
do while (temp>0)
a(digit) = temp-(temp/10)*10
temp = (temp/10)
end do
do while(a(zero+1)==0)
end do
end do
call system_clock(ends,rate)
write(*,1,advance='no') a(digit)
write (*,2,advance ='no') '.'
write (*,1) ( a(i),i=digit-1,digit-50,-1)
1 format(120i1)
print *,' X 10^' ,digit-1
2 format(100a1)
print '("computation time ",f6.3," seconds")',real(ends-beg)/real(rate)
Does anyone know how to compile a program in gfortan from command line? Errors seems to pop up every time I try to do so.

Parse issue Expected identifier or ')' in _types.h

Suddenly I'm getting an error in _types.h on the line with typedef. How can I track this down?
#ifdef __GNUC__
typedef __signed char __int8_t;
#else /* !__GNUC__ */
This is pretty much always caused by a syntax error just prior to whatever included the file with the actual error.
So, have a look in the file that (indirectly) included _types.h. You likely have an unbalanced (.
Usually these cryptic errors in system header files result from your having other code (perhaps in another header file which was #import'ed earlier) that is missing a closing parenthesis. Often whenever you get strange compile errors, you have to look at the lines of code that the compiler encountered before the reported line and see if that earlier code was properly terminated.

Code does not compile for extra large implementation file

The compiler exits by throwing following error.
/var/folders/2t/jkh9ngsn6f9bnmz8l0mz0zm80000gs/T/xsdLocal20-ZhAiH9.s:1895977:branch out of range
clang: error: assembler command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
The file has 98341 number of lines.
using compiler Apple LLVM 3.1
The code builds for simulator but not for iOS device
Save the original file.
Comment out out #implementation after another, til the file compiles properly. Npw you know the class that is giving you the problem.
Then take the very biggest method, adding '#if 0' around the code, and at the top before the '#if 0', return a proper value - YES, NO, nil, whatever so the file will compile.
Compile. Do you still get the problem? Then comment out the next largest method, or just do the methods sequentially, or use a binary search technique (ie comment out one half of the methods, then the other half, to drill down on the culprit.
Once you find the problem method, you will need to refactor it into two or more methods, which probably can be private to the class, so your public interface does not change.

In an ELF file, how does the address for _start get detemined?

I've been reading the ELF specification and cannot figure out where the program entry point and _start address come from.
It seems like they should have to be in a pretty consistent place, but I made a few trivial programs, and _start is always in a different place.
Can anyone clarify?
The _start symbol may be defined in any object file. Normally it is generated automatically (it corresponds to main in C). You can generate it yourself, for instance in an assembler source file:
.globl _start
// assembly here
When the linker has processed all object files it looks for the _start symbol and puts its value in the e_entry field of the elf header. The loader takes the address from this field and makes a call to it after it has finished loading all sections in memory and is ready to execute the file.
Take a look at the linker script ld is using:
ld -verbose
The format is documented at: https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs-2.25/ld/Scripts.html
It determines basically everything about how the executable will be generated.
On Binutils 2.24 Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, it contains the line:
which sets the entry point to the _start symbol (goes to the ELF header as mentioned by ctn)
And then:
. = SEGMENT_START("text-segment", 0x400000) + SIZEOF_HEADERS;
which sets the address of the first headers to 0x400000 + SIZEOF_HEADERS.
I have modified that address to 0x800000, passed my custom script with ld -T and it worked: readelf -s says that _start is at that address.
Another way to change it is to use the -Ttext-segment=0x800000 option.
The reason for using 0x400000 = 4Mb = getconf PAGE_SIZE is to start at the beginning of the second page as asked at: Why is the ELF execution entry point virtual address of the form 0x80xxxxx and not zero 0x0?
A question describes how to set _start from the command line: Why is the ELF entry point 0x8048000 not changeable with the "ld -e" option?
SIZEOF_HEADERS is the size of the ELF + program headers, which are at the beginning of the ELF file. That data gets loaded into the very beginning of the virtual memory space by Linux (TODO why?) In a minimal Linux x86-64 hello world with 2 program headers it is worth 0xb0, so that the _start symbol comes at 0x4000b0.
I'm not sure but try this link http://www.docstoc.com/docs/23942105/UNIX-ELF-File-Format
at page 8 it is shown where the entry point is if it is executable. Basically you need to calculate the offset and you got it.
Make sure to remember the little endianness of x86 ( i guess you use it) and reorder if you read bytewise edit: or maybe not i'm not quit sure about this to be honest.