Do-this-next Indicator as Accessory View in UITableView? - objective-c

I want to add a small indicator (like a green arrow or small circle) to indicate to the user what to do next in my iPad app (apparently some of the users can't figure what to do first, even tho' I have instructions in a drop-down help file). The indicator would be visible on the left side of the row and only on the row which would be the next action to take (user should tap that row to get the next sub-view to appear).
Any ideas how to accomplish this? (I looked on SO and Google and didn't find anything that was pertinent).

Add an image view to your prototype table cell. When you want to indicate that a given row is the next thing to do, set the image of the image view for that row to your indicator image.


How to display the full text on hover over cell in UITableView?

In a UITableView, I am having a set of values, some of which have a value longer than the width specified/drawn. I want a way to show the full value on hover over that cell, like we have on web pages.
Please advise a way to achieve this.
Since you really can't hover on a touch phone, I would use a UILongPressGestureRecognizer and have the action display a smaller subset view on the screen over the table view with the cells details.

predict table view scroll destination indexpath

I see UIScrollView has a method to predict final content offset
and since UITableView is also a UIScrollView, So I want to use this value to calculate the destination Cell while the view is still scrolling/decelerating
I'm trying to loop through all the data and sum up the section headers, cell heights, section footers until the sum exceeds target Content offset. Would it work or is there a better way to do so?
Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated!
Don't use that method to predict where your table view will end up and try to guess which cells to load content for. Optimising table scrolling, particularly the loading of images, is a well-known problem. Check out this WWDC Video (developer registration required) and Apple's sample LazyTableImages project. Basically, you start background operations to load your cell contents, and update the cells (if they are still on the screen) once your content is loaded. In the meantime, you show placeholder content.
If you do it the way you intend, you will only ever have the target cells populated,which will look odd as you are scrolling past cells that have never been the target.

How to add empty cells in UITableView without expanding it

I have UITableView with custom looking cells. Now user can scroll past the bottom and see that there are no more rows (cells) and see background. I want to create impression that there are more rows below, but they should not be added to tableview, so when user scrolls down, it bounces back to last useful cell.
TableFooter and subview expands content and user can scroll there (or maybe I was doing it wrong).
Right now I added new empty cells and after any action that may recount contentSize I specifically set contentSize to default setting. But I feel like it's not the right way (although it works). Is there some other way?
I tried searching, but it's hard to explain what I want in few sentences, not to mention in search line.

Remove cell accessories with Mono Touch

How can i remove all the cell accessories within a table with the press of a button?
I wanted to go through all the table rows and set the accessory for each cell to none. To do this you need to know the indexPaths to be able to get the rows. This isn't possible within Mono Touch (but is in native code!).
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Have the button cause a table refresh, and set some flag that will tell GetCell() whether or not the accessory should be drawn.

Animating rows in an NSTableView

Is there a simple way of animating rows in an NSTableView?
I'd like to be able to do something like flash a row, or fade out a row.
Essentially - to provide a bit of visual feedback when rows are added or removed.
Edited to add:
I'd had a quick look over Google before posting this; but I wanted to know if there was some way to do this that I'd missed other than drawing and animating parts of the table view myself.
To flash a row, there are a number of ways to go. You could just grab a cell and play with it's view, such as change the color of the background or font colors. You could also just select the cell and deselect it a few times, if you don't care about removing the existing selection from another cell. Or you could superimpose another view on top of the cell's view and use blend modes...
For animating the deletion, you could do the same as above, dimming the cell, or even move the view up and out, transform it so it shrinks down and move it over to a trash can and shrink it all the way down as it enters the trash. Then after the animation is done, you delete the row.