Register opencover with typemock isolater 7.1 - typemock

I have installed Typemock Isolater 7.1 and OpenCover 4.5 installed on my development machine.
When I go into TypeMock configuration and list the installed profilers Opencover does not appear.
What do I need to configure to get Typemock to recognise the presence of opencover as a linked profiler?

There are two steps required to use OpenCover with Typemock.
In a command prompt window with administrator access execute the following command, of course changing the PATHTOOPENCOVER to your installation directory for OpenCover.
regsvr32 "%PATHTOOPENCOVER%\x64\OpenCover.Profiler.dll"
Open the Isolator Configuration program found under Typemock\Isolater on the All Programs menu. This must be started with Administrator access.
Check the "Show only available profilers" checkbox
Select OpenCover from the list (if it is not showing in the list the first step has not been performed.
Click on the "Link with Typemock Isolater" button.
All should work well then.


How can I install the VS2017 version of msbuild on a build server without installing the IDE?

Historically, this has been done with the Microsoft Build Tools. But it seems that the Build Tools may not be available for versions after 2015. The replacement appears to be the Visual Studio build tools, which doesn't seem to have a real homepage yet.
I downloaded the VS2017 Professional installer, and went to the Individual Components tab. Right away, the summary is telling me that the Visual Studio core editor is there, taking up 753MB. I don't want the editor. Just msbuild. There is no way to unselect the editor.
Is there a way I can install the latest version of msbuild without also installing the Visual Studio IDE?
The Visual Studio Build tools are a different download than the IDE. They appear to be a pretty small subset, and they're called Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 (download).
You can use the GUI to do the installation, or you can script the installation of msbuild:
vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --quiet
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools is a "wrapper" ID for the three subcomponents you need:
You can find documentation about the other available CLI switches here.
The build tools installation is much quicker than the full IDE. In my test, it took 5-10 seconds. With --quiet there is no progress indicator other than a brief cursor change. If the installation was successful, you should be able to see the build tools in %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin.
If you don't see them there, try running without --quiet to see any error messages that may occur during installation.
For MsBuild 17, which is part of VS2022, you need to download the Build tools for VS2022 here (which is actually just the installer):
(This link can be found by going to and scrolling all the way down to "Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022".)
Once downloaded you can install by typing:
vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --quiet --wait
Depending on your needs you might also need to specify --includeRecommended and possibly --includeOptional.
If you are doing web development you probably also want to add --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WebBuildTools.
Input parameters and return codes are available here:

Export orderedtest to .exe

I'm writting test of user interface in VB.Net for my web application. I use Selenium to do it. I made one orderedtest and I want to export it in .exe.
But I don't find .exe when I compile my test unit project in VS. (I use Visual Studio 2012).
I want to export it because I want to launch this test suite when I deploy my application on one server.
This is simply not possible. Microsoft Test projects always produce (set of) assemblies.
You can execute the tests by deploying the TFS Test Agent on the system (or installing Visual Studio Premium), which installs the commandline tools that allow you to run these tests. Installation is enough, you don't need to configure it or even connect it to a TFS environment. The installation will deploy the tools required to run the tests.
You can run your ordered test using either the old or the new test runner:
The new: vstest.console.exe YourOrderedTest.orderedtest /logger:trx
The old: mstest.exe /TestContainer:YourOrderedTest.orderedtest
You would need to copy all items in the Bin folder of your Test project to your target system. You may need to include extra assemblies that have been installed on your development system and may not be available on your target server (references of the test project or projects referenced by the test project).
Running automated tests from the command line
MsTest command-line options
VsTest.Console command-line options
For running any ordered test using vstest.console following command can be used.
e.g. if you want to execute mytest.orderedtest then run following command
vstest.console mytest.orderedtest /Logger:trx
Run from the folder where the ordered test is present.

Firebreath plugin installation available for all users

i have a problem with the installation of a Firebreath plugin on Windows XP machine.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 setup project to place generated plugin dll in program folder to get the plugin work but when i run the installer the plugin is usable only by the user who install the plugin and if i log in the machine with another user with limited privileges Firefox cannot see the plugin.
What i'm doing wrong with this process?
Should i use Wix installer instead of Visual studio 2008 setup project to get the plugin work for all users in the machine ?
What is the correct "Firebreath" way to install a plugin and to make it visible to all users in the machine?
Thank for your time!
1) Nothing. This is as designed; FireBreath installs per-user by default, always has. This is a feature, since it means you don't have to have administrator privileges to install.
2) Not by default, no.
3) Uncomment the following line in your PluginConfig.cmake file and rerun the prep script:
# If you want to register per-machine on Windows, uncomment this line

Build Servers, build agents, com registration and Windows 7 permissions

I am trying to build a continuous integration server on a Windows 7 machine. I can run the msbuild script cleanly on that machine but when I attempt to run it via a build agent the registration of certain COM (.NET and c++) components fail seemingly to do with write permissions to the registry. I have turned off UAC but it makes no difference. Normally if I build the msbuild script locally I have to run the command prompt with elevated permissions, but on a build server I am not sure what to do.
I have seen posts suggesting that the way is to remove the automatic registration from the project setup, and rely on the install to do this. This seems to make it this option rather limited and the solution incompatible with running from an IDE. Has anyone found a way through this?
We are using vs2010 as the client on the build server, and the TFS server is vs2008
Add your build service user into Administrators user group. It seems like your account has more permissions as build agent/service user.

how can I call MsBuild.exe within a ClickOnce winforms app and known the correct path? (i.e. it runs on a users machine)

I want to run MSBuild on a users PC as part of a WinForms ClickOnce deployment. That is after the application is downloaded and run (via clickonce) the application needs to kick off an MsBuild to handle database updates (using MigratorDotNet).
Q - How can my application robustly kick off MsBuild? i.e. how can it be sure what path it is installed, what if it is not installed, should I be including the MSBuild.exe in the clickonce package so that I know it is there for sure myself?
You can look at the values for MSBuildToolsPath under
But with ClickOnce I don't think you will be able to execute MSBuild scripts.
I don't think you are allowed to redistribute MSBuild. Since MSBuild is distributed with the .NET Framework you can just check to see if v2+ is installed. If not then you can prompt them to install it.