Enable Perforce in all IntelliJ windows - intellij-idea

For some reason, Perforce is working on one project window but not the other. Does anybody know what I have do to make intellij recognize that the current project uses perforce. I have checked the Settings -> Version Control -> Perforce settings. Settings are good, I was able to connect.
I am lost, any help is appreciated.

VCS -> Enable VCS Integration
Note that the this option is not visible if VCS Integration is already enabled.


Migrate intelliJ IDE everything useful from one system to another

I have been using the IntelliJ IDE for development on my macbook pro. I am not moving to a new macbook and will be installing the IntelliJ IDE on that system.
How can I migrate everything useful like installed plugins, settings, etc from the older system to the new system.
Use File | Manage IDE Settings... | Export/Import Settings... actions.
Note that this action is unavailable if you have a settings repository configured or if you have enabled Settings Sync.
See more in a related Share IDE settings documentation topic.

How to disable IntelliJ IDEA version control by default?

Every single time I create a new project in IntelliJ IDEA it sets its version control system to Subversion. It's kind of annoying to disable it manually every time. How do I disable it for good, so that the default option for version control is "none"?
There is no setting which disables version control by default for new projects but we can disable the Subversion (or Git or Mercurial or ...) plugin generally.
To do that:
Go to File/Settings/Plugins
Choose tab Installed
Look for the Subversion plugin, disable it by removing the tick and clicking "Apply":
Disable Git version control:
untick Git Integration (this will disable Github and Google Cloud Tools Core, Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio too)
Disable Mercurial version control:
untick Mercurial Integration
Do you use Maven by chance? There is an issue with VCS detection for maven projects. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-115100

How to turn off SonarLint automatic triggering on IntelliJ IDEA

Is there some way of turning-off automatic SonarLint analysis in Intellij IDEA?
I have some 10,000 to 20,000 lines-of-code classes (don't ask, not my fault, trying to refactor). Every time I edit even a single character in the class, the SonarLint plugin makes IDEA unusable for a few minutes.
It is not possible to save the "Automatically trigger analysis" checkbox in the unchecked state in Other Settings > SonarLint General Settings. Is there some other solution to my problem? I really want to use the plugin. I just can't use it in automatic mode.
For intellij:
Go to File -> Settings
New window will open
In new window
Expand tools -> locate SonarLint and click on it.
Under settings tab of SonarLint -> uncheck the box 'Automatically trigger Analysis'.
Go to File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> SonarLint General Settings then
uncheck the Automatically trigger analysis check box
There was a bug in SonarLint for IntelliJ that prevented the configuration to be properly saved.
It was fixed in the latest version 2.3.2:
About the performance, please make sure you are using the Java analyzer 4.2, as you might be experiencing this problem: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SLI-100.
It is embedded in the latest SonarLint, but if you use the connected mode, you also need to check which version of the Java analyzer is installed in the SonarQube server.
We are always trying to improve performance, so feel free to open a topic in the SonarLint Google group with the verbose analysis log so that we can investigate why it takes so long to analyze the file.
In Android Studio 3.5.2:
Go to File -> Settings -> Tools -> SonarLint -> Settings(Tab) then uncheck the Automatically trigger analysis check box.

How do you customize SonarLint rules in IntelliJ IDEA?

Is it possible to have SonarLint for IntelliJ IDEA enforce only the rules I have enabled on my Sonar server?
As it is now possible with the current release of SonarLint (I'm using version, people might be interested in the solution.
File -> Settings -> Other Settings -> SonarLint General Settings
Click on the green + in "SonarQube servers" :
Enter a name (ex : SonarQube / localhost)
Select SonarQube and enter URL like http://localhost:9000
Authentication : select your user token or your login/pwd
Click on Finish
Click on "Update binding" to synchronize with the SonarQube server
Go to SonarLint Project Settings and bind your project to the SonarQube project
Thus, when you open your files, SonarLint will automatically retrieve the SonarQube server's issues.
SonarLint 1.0 for Eclipse and IntelliJ do not allow to edit the quality profile (or set of rules) to be used for the analysis. Moreover, SonarLint 1.x works completely independently of a SonarQube server (having a SonarQube server is not a requirement), and therefore does not have the ability to reuse a quality profile defined there.
SonarLint 2.0 will have an optional mode that connects to a SonarQube server, and will offer this feature - but this isn't available yet.
For Android Studio Chipmunk , Dolphin 2022, Bumblebee and Arctic Fox
File >> Settings >> Tools >> SonarLint >> Rules
Then select your project language and any rule then check/uncheck it, you can edit its options (if exist)
These connections settings for SonarLint in the latest version of IntelliJ (2020.2) are in the Preferences window at Tools>SonarLint>Project Settings.

Any decent Eclipse plugin for monitoring Jenkins?

I have found an old plugin for Eclipse from 2009 to monitor a Hudson server but it has two major drawbacks:
No support for multiple Hudson/Jenkins servers
Clicking on a Job in the view results in a window showing a 404 exception
Does anyone know a newer (maintained) Eclipse plugin for Jenkins?
There is a Mylyn connector for Hudson, which also works for Jenkins (Update site is http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/latest/)
Eclipse Juno includes the Mylyn Builds view. It shows the last built time and a summary of your build plans. You can directly see test results and jump to the corresponding code. Build failures are marked red just as in the Problems view.
Menu -> Windows -> Show View -> Mylyn Builds
If you don't have it, install it:
Menu -> Help -> Install New Software... -> http://download.eclipse.org/mylyn/releases/juno
Mylyn Integrations -> Mylyn Builds Connector: Hudson/Jenkins
Mylyn SDKs and Frameworks -> Mylyn Builds
They are also available for Eclipse Indigo.
Normally the Builds view automatically connects with your Hudson/Jenkins server, just wait a few seconds. If not, add it manually. Just don't add it multiple times, since there is no easy removal mechanism (except removing the plugin's xmi file in your eclipse workspace).
The server preferences allow for adding individual build plans. Click refresh first.
Don't forget to activate "Refresh Automatically" in the view menu.