Access form: trapping date changes in textbox - vba

On a normal textbox, I usually use the AfterUpdate event to perform some action. That means the user has to press Enter or Tab after typing, or click in another control, and I have always been happy with that behaviour.
Now I am setting up a Date filter in the header of a continuous form in Access 2010, and I realize that changing the date through the little calendar that comes automatically, does NOT fire the AfterUpdate event, forcing to press Enter after selecting the correct date, which is a bit heavy.
Using OnChange would trigger at every character entered, which is not nice either.
Any suggestion ?

It is a bit late reply but I hope it will help the others.
When using textbox as a DatePicker you should use Change Event with your filter.
However when you are checking your textbox like Form_name.TextboxName it will show last picked date. To avoid that and use currently selected one you need to provide current date like Form_name.TextboxName.Text. Careful here because .Text property is sensitive to focus. short:
Form_name.TextboxName - will show last picked date
Form_name.TextboxName.Text - will show currently picked date

well, after you select a date from the date-picker, the Change event occurs for the TextBox control. Then, call a sub or function or set focus to another control... to avoid event fires for each pressed key, put something like:
if Len(me.activecontrol) < 10 then exit sub
I hope this helps

I use LostFocus event in the textbox. It allows to use the calendar tool and alter the content. The User has to leave the textbox sooner or later, isn't it?

I use it in this way
Private Sub txt_FirstDate_Change()
txt_FirstDate = txt_FirstDate.Text
End Sub


In a VBA Userform, which event is triggered when exiting a filed

I'm using Microsoft Office Professional Plus (64 bit) on a Windows 10 (64 bit) platform. I have a subroutine that is processed when I make a change to a Userform field called MyDate. It's called Private Sub MyDate_AfterUpdate(). It's the second field on a form. It works fine as long as the contents of the MyDate field are edited. However, if the user doesn't need to update the contents of the MyDate field because they accept the default of the field and just presses the tab key past that second field, I'd still like the subroutine to be executed. What event can I use to activate code when I simply tab through the field and don't necessarily edit the contents? Thanks for looking at this.
If you look at the top of the code panes, you'll notice two dropdowns. The left one contains all interfaces and event providers you can implement in that class (a UserForm is a class).
Select your MyDate control from that dropdown; the right-side dropdown is now listing every event you could handle for this MyDate control:
In this particular case, the Exit event seems a good candidate:
Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
'make Cancel.Value = True to prevent exiting the control.
'...ideally... make that conditional...
End Sub
By consistently using these dropdowns to let the VBE generate event handler procedures for you (instead of typing them up from memory), you avoid getting it wrong... and getting an event handler signature wrong can do anything from literally nothing at all, to compile errors if you're lucky, or weird and hard-to-diagnose behavior if you're less lucky.

How can I set my ComboBox to allow the user to type in the first few characters and then automatically select the item by pressing ENTER?

I have a feeling this is a very simple thing that I'm overlooking.
I have two ComboBoxes that allow users to search for/select the record that they want to view. One is filled with Customer Names and the other is filled with Customer Numbers, so the user can look for a particular record by either selecting the Name or Number.
Each ComboBox is filled by a Data Table returned from a SQL Server database.
Each ComboBox has DropDownStyle set to DropDown, AutoCompleteMode set to SuggestAppend and AutoCompleteSource set to ListItems.
The user can either select by clicking the DropDown arrow and then clicking on the item they was or they can begin by typing and the ComboBox narrows the number of items in the list based on the characters the user is typing.
Using the mouse to click on the item in the list that they want works fires off a routine to retrieve the selected item from the database.
However, when the user types in the desired selection and presses ENTER, nothing happens. They must click the DropDown arrow and click on the item in order for the program to pull the appropriate record.
How do I get the ComboBox to pull the appropriate record when the user hits enter?
I'm using Visual Basic.
From the sounds of it, you need three events.
You need to use a timer to know when the user has stopped typing. To do that, you need one event would be when that field they're typing in has it's value change (<control's name>.TextChanged). That would start/restart a timer ticking (so that the user has a couple seconds to pause before the next event fires).
The next event would be the Tick event for that timer. That event would stop the timer, and then give focus to the right field so that when the user hits ENTER, they're not hitting ENTER in the field they've been typing in. You'll need to write a function to look up the right item in the ComboBox and call that.
Then you'd have a third event, either KeyPress, KeyDown, or KeyUp on the ComboBox itself. I'd lean towards the KeyUp to avoid issues if the user holds ENTER for whatever reason. That'd be what selects the item.
As a final FYI, I'm assuming you're using Visual Studio to write your code. If not, you should, and if you are/once you are, you can select the field you want to work with in the drop-down at the top left of the editor and then look at the associated events in the top right drop-down.
Thank you to JMichael for getting me on the right track with this one. I'm posting my solution here just in case it helps someone who has a similar question in the future:
The code that I added to the ComboBox's SelectionChangeCommitted event needed also to be added to the ComboBox's KeyUp event:
Private Sub cboPolicySearch_KeyUp(sended as Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles cboPolicySearch.KeyUp
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub 'cboPolicySearch_KeyUp
The GetSelectedPolicySearchRecord() sub contained all of the information I needed to call my SQL Stored Procedure to select the data for the record that the user selected in the ComboBox.
Previously, this was only being called from the ComboBox's "SelectionChangeCommitted" event which is executed when the user clicks the drop down and then clicks a policy number from the drop down list.
I needed to add the same call to the GetSelectedPolicySearchRecord in the ComboBox's "KeyUp" event for when the user presses enter.

VB .net datetimepicker reporting wrong value

Ok, so I'm experiencing some strange behavior in datetimepicker fields in my program. I use Short format usually, and use a pair of them for date range selections.
The problem i'm experiencing is if a user is using the keyboard for input. they can tab and arrow through the field like normal to key in a date. However if the date part they are entering doesn't fill it's section of the mask and then they press enter to activate the formdefault without shifting focus away from that portion of the date, then the value of the DTP when the event is run is whatever value it had in it BEFORE they typed their change.
to give a specific example:
A user tabs into the date field. the default date in the field is today's date, 4/14/2015. They type in 1, arrow to the day, put in 1, then arrow to the year and type 14, then press enter. The reported value of the DTP is going to be 1/1/2015. Had they instead actually typed out 2015, or used the arrow to move to another date part or tab to shift focus to another control, the DTP will auto update to fill in the rest of the year.
The same problem would exist if they had typed in a 1 for the month and then hit enter, but would NOT happen if they put in a 12 for the month.
The only solution I can think of, and I haven't yet tried to implement it because it sounds like a real kludge and would require me to go through at TON of forms in the project, would be to change the keypress event for enter to shift focus to the OK button, and THEN invoke the formdefault.
I will say that most of the datetimepicker fields on my forms are actually contained within a user control, so if this is a property that can be changed in the control or tied to an event in the control, it would make updating much, MUCH easier.

monitor combobox for change

How can I monitor a ComboBox for changes?
The SelectedIndexChanged event only firnges when selection is changed by choosing a different value from the combobox, I would like to monitor chaes when the selection is manually deleted and no value was chosen.
Thanks in advance!
Easy, simply use the event TextChanged:
Occurs when the Text property value changes.
See the MSDN Documentation about it.
Just extend combobox class and override SelectedIndexChange event to fit your needs.
You can select to Indexchange or Valuechange or Textchange
Then, you can try to put some code. Like record it for every change.
like adding below code to the Valuechange
listbox1.items.add = combobox1.selecteditem
Of course you must made the visible to false

Make VB.Net DatePicker Required

I have a datepicker in a clickonce application. I need to make sure that in order to use the application that selecting a valid date is required. Ideally, I would be able to set the value of the datepicker to null and then programatically create Try Catch logic based on datepicker1.value still being null. Unfortunately, it will not allow me to assign a null or blank value to the datepicker. I cannot create my logic based on any real values of the datepicker because who's to say the value picked is not valid. I've tried setting the value to some outrageous date that no one would pick for the application like 1/1/1970, but then the datepicker opens up at 1/1/1970 and drops that date in as soon as it gains focus. I need a way to validate whether or not someone has selected a date, but am stuck and can't find any real help online. I am not looking to set the customformat = "", so please do not respond with that solution. I need the actual value to be blank or something I can run validation against to know that the user has in fact selected a date.
Set the ShowCheckBox property to true. That will make the control look like this...
When the user selects a date, it will check the checkbox. Then when you need the value...
If datePicker.Checked Then
'user has selected a value
'user has NOT selected a value
End If
Can you use the ValueChanged event to set a flag to tell you they've clicked on a date?
You could also use the OnClick method to set a flag to verify the user actually clicked on the DateTimePicker.