Select Every Date for Date Range and Insert - sql

Using SQL Server 2008
I have a table A which has start date, end date and value. For each date within the start date and end date in Table A, I need to insert (or update if already exists) that date in table B such that the value in this table is value in A/DateDiff(Day,StartDate of A,EndDate of A).
Table A
ID StartDate EndDate Value
1 01 Jan 2014 03 Jan 2014 33
2 01 Feb 2014 02 Feb 2014 20
3 02 Jan 2014 03 Jan 2014 10
Table B
ID Date Value
1 01 Jan 2014 11
2 02 Jan 2014 16
3 03 Jan 2014 16
4 01 Feb 2014 10
5 02 Feb 2014 10
The way values are computed are - For ID 1, there are 3 days which means 11 units per day. So 1st, 2nd, 3rd Jan all get 11 units. Then because there are additional units with date range 2nd Jan to 3rd Jan which amount to 5 units per day, 2nd and 3rd Jan will be (11+5) 16. 1st and 2nd Feb just have one record so they will simply be 20/2 = 10.
I can think of a solution using loops, but want to avoid it entirely.
Is there any way I can achieve this through a set based solution? It is important for me to do this in bulk using set based approach.
I am trying to read through various articles and seems like CTE, Calendar Table or Tally Table might help but the examples I have seen require setting variables and passing start date and end date which I think will work for single record but not when doing all records at a time. Please suggest.

I think this should do it (DEMO):
;with cte as (
,value / (1+datediff(day, startdate, enddate)) as value
,startdate as date
from units
union all
select id, startdate, enddate, value, date+1 as date
from cte
where date < enddate
row_number() over (order by date) as ID
,sum(value) as value
from cte
group by date
The idea is to use a Recursive CTE to explode the date ranges into one record per day. Also, the logic of value / (1+datediff(day, startdate, enddate)) distributes the total value evenly over the number of days in each range. Finally, we group by day and sum together all the values corresponding to that day to get the output:
| 1 | January, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 11 |
| 2 | January, 02 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 16 |
| 3 | January, 03 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 16 |
| 4 | February, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 10 |
| 5 | February, 02 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 10 |
From here you can join with your result table (Table B) by date, and update/insert the value as needed. That logic might look something like this (test it first of course before running in production!):
update B set B.VALUE = R.VALUE from TableB B join Result R on B.DATE = R.DATE
insert TableB (DATE, VALUE)
select DATE, VALUE from Result R where R.DATE not in (select DATE from TableB)


SQL: Find number of active "events" each month

I have an SQL table that contains all events, with each event containing a unique identifier.
As you can see for some IDs the "event" stretches across multiple months. What I'm trying to find is the number of "active events" per month.
For example event ID:342, is active in both the month of Jan and Feb. So it should count towards both Jan and Feb's final count.
Example dataset
Start Date
End Date
01 Jan 2022
12 Feb 2022
12 Feb 2022
26 Feb 2022
20 Jan 2022
10 Apr 2022
Desired output:
Start Date
btw: I'm using Alibaba's ODPS SQL and not MySQL or Postgres. So i appreciate if the solution provided could be SQL system agnostic. Thanks!
Here is an example is MySQL 8, using a recursive CTE to construct the list of months. It would be more efficient to use a Calendar Table.
If you are not using MySQL you will need to modify the syntax of the query.
create table dataset(
ID int, Start_date Date,End_date Date);
insert into dataset values
Desired output:
Month Start Date
Jan 2
Feb 3
Mar 1
Apr 1
from dataset;
min(month(Start_date)) | max(month(End_date))
---------------------: | -------------------:
1 | 4
with recursive m as
(select min(month(Start_date)) mon from dataset
union all
select mon + 1 from m
where mon < (select max(month(End_date)) from dataset)
mon "month",
count(id) "Count"
from m
left join dataset
on month(Start_date)<= mon
and month(End_date) >= mon
group by mon
order by mon;
month | Count
----: | ----:
1 | 3
2 | 3
3 | 1
4 | 1
db<>fiddle here

oracle pivot query suggestion

I have a simple table that has data like the following
FiscalYear Month Value
2013 01 10
2013 02 15
2014 01 15
2014 02 20
using Oracle(11g) Pivot query is it possible to get something like this?
Month 2013 2014
01 10 15
02 15 20
SELECT month, value_2013, value_2014
FROM (SELECT fiscalyear, month, value FROM your_table)
PIVOT (SUM (value) AS value
FOR (fiscal_year)
IN ('2013', '2014'))

Oracle sql split amounts by weeks

So I have a table like:
abc 01
93j 01
acc 01
7as 01
oks 02
ais 02
asi 03
asd 04
I query:
select count(unique_id) as amount, month
from table
group by month
now everything looks great:
4 01
2 02
1 03
is there a way to get oracle to split the amounts by weeks?
the way that the result look something like:
1 01
1 02
1 03
1 04
Assuming you know the year - lets say we go with 2014 then you need to generate all the weeks a year
select rownum as week_no
from all_objects
where rownum<53) weeks
then state which months contain the weeks (for 2014)
select week_no, to_char(to_date('01-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY')+7*(week_no-1),'MM') month_no
(select rownum as week_no
from all_objects
where rownum<53) weeks
Then join in your data
select week_no,month_no, test.unique_id from (
select week_no, to_char(to_date('01-JAN-2014','DD-MON-YYYY')+7*(week_no-1),'MM') month_no
(select rownum as week_no
from all_objects
where rownum<53) weeks) wm
join test on wm.month_no = test.tmonth
This gives your data for the each week as you described above. You can redo your query and count by week instead of month.

Three tables SQL query

I have a table (Vehicles) which contains a list of vehicles.
I also have a table (History) which contains a the driver history for the vehicles:
ReceivedDate (vehicle receiving date)
I have another table (Repairs) which contains the repairs for all the vehicles:
Using SQL Server and based on the History table, I want to get all the RepairCost values between two dates for a given DriverName.
For example, I want to get all the RepairCost values for driver 'John Doe', between 01.01.2013 and 01.05.2013, who was allocated to three different vehicles in that period.
My query so far is:
SELECT H.DriverName, R.RepairCost, R.RepairDate
FROM Repairs AS R
INNER JOIN Vehicles AS V ON R.VehicleID = V.VehicleID
INNER JOIN History H ON H.VehicleID = V.VehicleID
WHERE H.DriverName = 'John'
AND R.RepairDate BETWEEN '01.01.2013' AND '04.01.2013'
There's also some sample data in a SQL Fiddle.
The problem seems to be that I'm getting all the results twice.
My progress so far:
DECLARE #Driver varchar(50),#StartDt datetime, #EndDt datetime
SELECT #Driver = 'John Doe',#StartDt = '20130101' ,#EndDt = '20130501'
;With VehicleAllocation
SELECT h.*,h1.ChangeDate
FROM History h
OUTER APPLY (SELECT MIN(ReceivedDate) AS ChangeDate
FROM History
WHERE VehicleID = h.VehicleID
AND DriverName <> h.DriverName
AND ReceivedDate > h.ReceivedDate
WHERE h.DriverName = #Driver
FROM VehicleAllocation h
INNER JOIN Repairs r
ON r.VehicleID = h.VehicleID
WHERE DriverName = #Driver
AND RepairDate > = #StartDt
AND RepairDate < #EndDt + 1
AND RepairDate BETWEEN h.ReceivedDate AND COALESCE(h.ChangeDate,RepairDate)
I discoverd a problem with the line 'AND DriverName <> h.DriverName'. Why is that line useful? If I had the same driver name, one after the other, in the History table, it skipped to the last car delivery date for that driver name.
Sample data:
'History' table
ReceivedDate DriverName
04.11.2013 Mike
13.11.2013 Dan
15.11.2013 Dan
17.11.2013 Ryan
20.11.2013 Dan
22.11.2013 Ryan
25.11.2013 Mike
26.11.2013 Dan
29.11.2013 Ryan
04.12.2013 Dan
'Repairs' table
RepairDate RepairCost
05.11.2013 2615.30
14.11.2013 135.66
16.11.2013 4913.04
18.11.2013 538.92
21.11.2013 152.48
23.11.2013 5946.89
26.11.2013 3697.64
27.11.2013 734.01
30.11.2013 279.62
Query result
RepairDate RepairCost
07.11.2013 380.00
14.11.2013 135.66
16.11.2013 4913.04
16.11.2013 4913.04
21.11.2013 152.48
27.11.2013 734.01
As you can see in the query result, line 3 and 4 have the same value/date.
The query interval was 01-01-2013 <-> 31-12-2013.
Also, what if I want to get the SUM of different colums from different tables?
For example, SUM(Total) column from 'Repairs' table, SUM(Value) column from 'Tires' table...
How can I adapt the script?
I have no idea why you include you Vehicle table in your query, as you don't want any information from there.
You are getting "double" results because you match every Repair (e.g. the one on jan 15th) with every record with the same Vehicle id is History (there are three of those!). Two of those matches are for drive John, so you get two results.
What you want is to match only on the driver that, according to your history table, was the drive at the time of the repair!
So, I first matched each repairdate with the actually matching Receiveddate in the history table:
SELECT R1.Repairdate, Max(H1.ReceivedDate) as ReceivedDate
FROM Repairs R1
JOIN History H1
ON R1.VehicleID=H1.VehicleID
AND H1.ReceivedDate < R1.RepairDate
GROUP BY R1.RepairDate
I then used that query in a join to receive the wanted data:
SELECT R.RepairDate, H.DriverName, R.RepairCost
FROM Repairs AS R
JOIN History H ON R.VehicleID=H.VehicleID
SELECT R1.Repairdate, Max(H1.ReceivedDate) as ReceivedDate
FROM Repairs R1
JOIN History H1
ON R1.VehicleID=H1.VehicleID
AND H1.ReceivedDate < R1.RepairDate
GROUP BY R1.RepairDate)
ON R.Repairdate = H2.Repairdate
AND H.ReceivedDate = H2.Receiveddate
WHERE R.RepairDate BETWEEN '01.01.2013' AND '04.01.2013'
AND H.DriverName = 'John'
This returns me 6 records :!3/fcebf/62
As a sanity check, leave out the complete WHERE on date and name and include the vehicle number in teh select.
You will get 14 repairs listed with the name of the driver who was drivign the vehicle at that time. You can easily confirm that the driver linked to the vehicle at that time is correct according to your History data:
John 1 January, 15 2013 00:00:00+0000 10
Ryan 2 January, 18 2013 00:00:00+0000 15
Ryan 2 January, 22 2013 00:00:00+0000 15
John 1 February, 03 2013 00:00:00+0000 5
Ryan 2 February, 05 2013 00:00:00+0000 25
John 1 February, 10 2013 00:00:00+0000 10
John 2 February, 26 2013 00:00:00+0000 10
Ryan 1 March, 01 2013 00:00:00+0000 100
John 2 March, 03 2013 00:00:00+0000 30
John 2 March, 08 2013 00:00:00+0000 5
Ryan 1 March, 10 2013 00:00:00+0000 45
Ryan 1 March, 17 2013 00:00:00+0000 25
Ryan 2 March, 25 2013 00:00:00+0000 10
Ryan 2 March, 28 2013 00:00:00+0000 30
if you add HistoryID to your query you will notice that rows are not duplicate, but they have different HistoryID, try this query
SELECT H.DriverName, R.RepairCost, R.RepairDate , H.HistoryID
Repairs AS R
INNER JOIN Vehicles AS V ON R.VehicleID=V.VehicleID
INNER JOIN History H ON H.VehicleID=V.VehicleID
WHERE H.DriverName='John' AND R.RepairDate BETWEEN '01.01.2013' AND '04.01.2013'
so I think it's something wrong with your data.
you can eliminate these duplicate rows using DISTINCT , but I recommend you to double check your History table data

Getting a variable end of year date and value from MS Access table using SQL

I have some data is that is daily (day on day) closing figures for a tracked supply and is in one MS Access table that has 2 columns - Dates (the date), PXLast(the day's closing figure)).
I have daily data from Jan 1991 to Aug 2013 and I wanted to get the percentage change of PXLast at every year end compared to last year year end as follows:
Year | Percentage Change of PXLast(Year on Year)
1991 | 15.2%
1992 | 9.2%
The year end date varies (not always 31st ) and I am going about getting the last PXLast value by:
1.Get the max date in Dec every year: results in MyYear, MyMonth, MyDay
2.Combine it using DateSerial(MyYear, MyMonth, MyDay)
3.Join the resulting query to the table and inner join on the date column
4.Get the PXLast value
SELECT EndDates.EndDates, NSE20.PX_LAST AS LookPoint
(SELECT DateSerial([MyYear],[MyMonth],[MyDay])
AS EndDates FROM (SELECT 12 AS MyMonth, MyDay, MyYear FROM
(SELECT Max(Day([Dates])) AS MyDay, Year([Dates]) AS MyYear
FROM NSE20 WHERE (((Month([Dates]))=12))
GROUP BY Year([Dates])) AS EndYearValues)
AS EndValueDates)
AS EndDates ON NSE20.Dates = EndDates.EndDates;
Could anyone assist me get the corresponding value using a query for previous year end
eg for 29 Dec 2006, it should show the current value and show the value for 31 Dec 2005
in the same row ie
Year | Current Year End| Previous Year End
2005 | 3449.00 | 4611.19
2006 | 9.2% |3449.00
Any help is appreciated.
Any suggestions to a better way of doing this is very very welcome....
Let's assume that you have some test data in a table named [NSE20] that looks like this
Dates PXLast
---------- ------
2010-07-01 131
2010-12-31 130
2011-11-12 123
2011-12-30 125
2012-01-03 127
2012-12-31 129
I'd start by creating a saved query in Access named [NSE20_year_ends] that identifies the year-end dates by (calendar) year:
SELECT Year(Dates) AS CalendarYear, Max(Dates) AS YearEndDate
GROUP BY Year(Dates)
That will produce
CalendarYear YearEndDate
------------ -----------
2010 2010-12-31
2011 2011-12-30
2012 2012-12-31
Then I'd create another saved query named [NSE20_year_end_balances] to extract the closing balances for each year:
SELECT NSE20_year_ends.CalendarYear, NSE20.PXLast
ON NSE20.Dates = NSE20_year_ends.YearEndDate
That will give us
CalendarYear PXLast
------------ ------
2010 130
2011 125
2012 129
Now we can do a self-join on that query to calculate the percentage change
(y1.PXLast - y0.PXLast) / y0.PXLast * 100 AS PctChange
NSE20_year_end_balances y1
NSE20_year_end_balances y0
ON y0.CalendarYear = y1.CalendarYear - 1
resulting in
CalendarYear PctChange
------------ -----------------
2011 -3.84615384615385
2012 3.2