NoSql, Sql or Flatfile [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've just started playing around with Node.js and and I'm planning on building a little multi-player game. Probably something simple like each player has a character that they can run around in an arena and try and kill each other.
However I'm unsure how best to store the data. I can imagine there would be some loose relationships between objects such as a character and its weapon but that I would likely load these into the system by id as and when they are required and save them back out when I no longer need them.
In these terms would it be simpler to write 'objects' out to file instead of getting a database involved. Use a NoSql document database or just stick to good old Sql server?

My advice would be to start with NoSQL.
Flatfile is difficult because you'll want to read and write this data very, very often. One file per player is not a terrible place to start - and might be OK for the very first prototype - but you're going to be writing a huge amount. File systems are not good at this. The one benefit at prototype stage is you can debug quick - just cat out the current state of a user. Using a .json file, or similar .yaml format, will start you on your way very rapidly (and you can convert to the NoSQL approach as the prototype starts coming together).
SQL isn't a terrible approach. If you're familiar with this, you'll end up building a real schema, and creating a variety of tables and joining the user data against them quite a bit. This can be a benefit for helping you think through your game, but I think you'll end up spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to normalize your data and writing joins. Since it seems you're unfamiliar with the problem (thus are asking the question), you're likely to do this wrong (and get in the way of gaming awesomeness) and/or just spend too much time at it.
NoSQL - using a document store model - is much like just reading an writing a user object. You'll end up re-writing your user object every time - but this kind of access (key-value, accessed by the user id) is hyper efficient. You'll probably get into a prototype really, really quickly, and to the important aspect of building out your play mechanism. Key-value access is highly scalable in the long run.

If you want to store Player information, use sql. However if you're having a connection based system. As in something where you only need to store information while the player is connected and after the connection is lost you don't need to "save"; then just store it in Memory.
Otherwise, I would say that you should stick with Sql. Databases are optimized, quick, tried, tested and true. You can't go wrong with a Sql database.


How to separate writes from reads to minimize effect of heavy read queries? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have write-heavy tables in my database. There is a need to run read-only queries by someone else. I have no idea about complexity and volume of their queries but I do know when they start doing it, writes become superslow. So separating writes from reads seems the way to go.
Is the replication an answer? What else may I try?
As anything related to performance "It depends".
In general you are overlooking because general speaking the isolation level ill take care of that kind of problem for you. You can hit the books to see how it works. In general it's not wise to meddling with it IF you don't know exactly what you are doing.
IF You ends to handle issues about it you can:
1) Replicate (but you need to delve in details about it).
Advantge is simplicity, disvantages: waste of servers disk and cpu.
2) Create stag tables.
This is s simple solution and suitable when you get lot of heavy writes on heavy read tables. Example. You got a webservice where users sometimes uploads large csv files and those data are persited on stag tables. That simple no indexed tables acts a buffer (or queue) to the raw data. Later in a "window of opportunity" that data is inserted in the real tables. It takes a disvantage of the uploaded data is not readly to be queried. Advantages are it easy to handle bad formated data and let only sanitized data go on your DB. Also very easy to implement You can create a SQL Service to to it after or before dayly full backup for example.
3) Fine tune isolation level query by query: Advantages are if you really know what to do the system ill shine disvantages are: hard to do the right tweeks, prone to let your system down in a hell of deadlocks, ghost & dirty reads and lost data. Also demands a lot of time to implement and maintain in the right way (you must keep an eye on that tunned queries to be sure).
EDIT about the WITH(NOLOCK) comment: Serious guys? it's deprecated since SQL 2000! It's the silver bullet for the Lazy and don't work well. Consider the scenario where you make a dirty read, processed some data and persisted more data related to that dirty one. Now a rollback undo the dirty one you now got a orphan row or worse data integrity hell. Don't use it anymore unless you still working with SQL Server 7. Study isloation level to know how bad and useless NOLOCK become (in the last 15 years!)
For me the correct answer is replication, you can have a snapshot replication, have a different set of index in your insert database and another in your read. One focus on fast inserts and other in fast search.

How to deal with stupid designed databases? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So we just started doing web application for company X. Application have to calculate a lot of information like workers done job, how long he worked, how long device worked, device speed, device quality, parts quality, up-time, downtime, running time, waste and etc... etc... The problem is database is stupidly designed, no IDs(I joining it on multiple columns, but it's so slow), a lot of calculations inside view tables, (i am going to dream nightmares about this) database have a lot of and I mean a lot of tables with millions of records. So my question is how to approach this situation? Try to get the grip of database and try to do my job, even if it takes half a year to make everything work? Or maybe they should hire some database designer and change whole system...(but i guess they will not going to even if i ask to). Is there a software to fast get grip of database I could use? They using Microsoft Server SQL 2012.
P.S. Don't judge my English writing skills, i don't compile it very often.
1. There is no integrity between some tables, so i have to work my way around. And server always busy and crashes from time to time. Sometimes it takes 20min to get 1000 row from view table. 2. Some expensive query executed every time i query something.
There is a lot of data repeated in different tables.
Is there way to make database more efficient?
Let's walk through each point here:
no IDs(I joining it on multiple columns, but it's so slow)
Do you actually mean you have no referential integrity between tables and there are no columns that would form a primary key? If that is what you mean than yes I agree a non-normalized table is quite bad. However, if there is referential integrity (which I would presume there is, this is not an issue). You proceed to say it is slow, define slow. If it takes 10 seconds to query over 2 trillion records, I would hardly call that slow. If however, if takes 10 seconds to query over 5 rows, than yes that is slow.
a lot of calculations inside view tables
Now is this a materialized view? Meaning that the calculation is only executed once and the table is built off of that expensive query? Or do you mean some expensive query is executed every time that it is targeted? In the latter case that is bad, in the former that is correct.
database have a lot of and I mean a lot of tables with millions of
And your point is? Millions of records in 2013 are not that many. Further, if you are melting down over millions of records, it may be time to hang it up. There will only be more data, barring some insane magnetic storm that destroys all technology as we know it.
So my question is how to approach this situation?
Learn set theory and relational design.
You need to understand that changing the database is not trivial. What you need to do is understand this database structure well. Chances are you are not happy with it because you don't know it well. If you get to understand it, you can design views and canned queries for common every day tasks. Once you are comfortable with the database, you could then begin to make a list of what is wrong with the current design and what the business needs are. May be then you could draft a version 1.0 ERD and estimate the cost of building the new system based on business needs and your expertise in the current system.
Actually, contrary to popular belief, missing artificial keys do not automatically make a database "stupidly designed".
So yes, you should try to get the grip of database and try to do your job. Even if it takes you half a year to make everything work, it will probably still be cheaper than adapting the application that generates the data.
Whether your system can be improved by modifying the database can only be determined with an analysis by an expert. It is out of scope for this site.
Make sure that the BD structure is really as bad as you think. Perhaps there is some logic to the design you have missed? Better to check, it will save you time in the long run.
Also, is the database normalised? If there is a lot of data repeated in various tables, then it's not. If there is some attempt to normalise the database (minimising data duplication), then there is some intelligence in the design. Otherwise, you might be right.

Would anyone ever recommend storing dates and numbers in the same field? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As background, I'm one of two developers in my department. I got into computers my freshman year in high school (1986) and have no formal education. I got into MS Access a little bit in 1994 and more seriously beginning in 2003. I'm self-educated, have always tried to learn as much as I can about database design, and while I believe I know a lot I also know I don't know everything.
The other developer in my department, according to his resume, has a degree in computer science and has been doing IT work, including web design and database design, for about 8 years. He was hired into my department last December. I've been very surprised by what I see as a very fundamental lack of knowledge about the basics of database design and SQL and have been trying to figure out if at least part of the problem is I'm expecting too much or maybe don't know as much as I think I do.
Hence my question. Please note we are 100% MS Access, but I believe this question applies to about any SQL database. This developer was tasked to take a spreadsheet and convert it into a database. Part of the spreadsheet involved tracking inventory for batteries. In the spreadsheet, the column titles were Date and Count. But the data in the date column was a mix of dates and batch numbers. So this developer created a table with a numeric field to contain both the batch number and the date and a second boolean field called IsDate to indicate what value was in the field.
I disagree with this approach and would have created two separate fields, a date field for the date and a numeric field for the batch number. When I suggested this approach, he seemed to not only not understand why but also to get a bit angry about having to change his design.
Which approach would you recommend? Also, assuming everyone agrees with my approach - of course you will! ;) - if you had a developer with this supposed level of experience, would you consider him worth keeping and worth investing the time and effort to educate him?
My own rule of thumb here is:
Always keep data in a native datatype.
This helps comparing, sorting, finding and grouping - especially in a database - and makes your storage less prone to query errors. Moreover, you're not required to use another predicate (AND isdate) when accessing the data. Hence, I think your approach is correct.
Your colleague's approach seems not to be a matter of high education, but one of a personal approach. I've seen workers with PhD who could well listen to a well-reasoned argument, and freshmen who made grave mistakes and would not listen to a polite advice.
I'd most definitely store the date and the batch number in different fields of the appropriate type - setting each with the relevant content or as NULL if no value was available. By doing this you'd be able to see what data you actually have available and perform meaningful operations on that data.
In terms of you second question, I guess it would really depend on what the developer in question said when you asked them why they'd chosen the approach they did.
You are right.
Only under severe memory restrictions might (note might) this kind of architecture be acceptable.
As to dealing with him, I would first talk to him and fiugre out why he chose the given approach, this is something that might have been common in Access Databases 10 years ago (but even then there was enough disk and memory space to not have to do these kind of tricks).
His reluctance to talk about his design is a worse indicator of his abilities than the design itself. Even the most misguided design should have been based on a structured approach or idea. In my mind it is not a bad thing to be wrong, it is a bad thing to create random structures. But not knowing your requirements it is hard to suggest whether it is worth keeping him or not.
Is one of you the 'senior' hierarchy wise or are you sharing responsibilities ?
Point out that he is breaking first normal form by doing so. Be able to describe 1NF 2NF and 3NF before trying to impress him with you fancy pants knowledge.

maintaining query-oriented applications [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am currently doing some kind of reporting system.the figures, tables, graphs are all based on the result of queries. somehow i find that complex queries are not easy to maintain, especially when there are a lot of filtering. this makes the query very long and not easy to understand. And also, sometimes, queries with similar filters are executed, making a lot of redundant code, e.g. when i am going to select something between '2010-03-10' and '2010-03-15' and the location is 'US', customer group is "ZZ", i need to rewrite these conditions each time i make a query in this scope. does the dbms (in my case, mysql) support any "scope/context" to make the coding more maintainable as well as the speed faster?
also, is there a industrial standard or best practice for designing such applications?
i guess what I am doing is called data mining, right?
Learn how to create views to eliminate redundant code from queries.
No, this isn't data mining, it's plain old reporting. Sometimes called "decision support". The bread and butter of information technology. Ultimately, play old reporting is the reason we write software. Someone needs information to make a decision and take action.
Data mining is a little more specialized in that the relationships aren't easily defined yet. Someone is trying to discover the relationships so they can then write a proper query to make use of the relationship they found.
You won't make a very flexible reporting tool if you are hand coding the queries. Every time a requirement changes you are up to your neck in fiddly code trying to satisfy it - that way lies madness.
Instead you should start thinking about a meta-layer above your query infrastructure and generating the sql in response to criteria expressed by the user. You could present them with a set of choices from which you could generate your queries. If you give a bit of thought to making those choices extensible you'll be well on your way down the path of the many, many BI and reporting products that already exist.
You might also want to start looking for infrastructure that does this already, such as Crystal Reports (swallowed by Business Objects, swallowed by SAP) or Eclipse's BIRT. Depending on whether you are after a programming exercise or a solution to your users' reporting problems you might just want to grab an off the shelf product which has already had tens of thousands of man years of development, such as one of those above or even Cognos (swallowed by IBM) or Hyperion (swallowed by Oracle).
Best of luck.

How to write a simple database engine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am interested in learning how a database engine works (i.e. the internals of it). I know most of the basic data structures taught in CS (trees, hash tables, lists, etc.) as well as a pretty good understanding of compiler theory (and have implemented a very simple interpreter) but I don't understand how to go about writing a database engine. I have searched for tutorials on the subject and I couldn't find any, so I am hoping someone else can point me in the right direction. Basically, I would like information on the following:
How the data is stored internally (i.e. how tables are represented, etc.)
How the engine finds data that it needs (e.g. run a SELECT query)
How data is inserted in a way that is fast and efficient
And any other topics that may be relevant to this. It doesn't have to be an on-disk database - even an in-memory database is fine (if it is easier) because I just want to learn the principals behind it.
Many thanks for your help.
If you're good at reading code, studying SQLite will teach you a whole boatload about database design. It's small, so it's easier to wrap your head around. But it's also professionally written.
SQLite 2.5.0 for Code Reading
The answer to this question is a huge one. expect a PHD thesis to have it answered 100% ;)
but we can think of the problems one by one:
How to store the data internally:
you should have a data file containing your database objects and a caching mechanism to load the data in focus and some data around it into RAM
assume you have a table, with some data, we would create a data format to convert this table into a binary file, by agreeing on the definition of a column delimiter and a row delimiter and make sure such pattern of delimiter is never used in your data itself. i.e. if you have selected <*> for example to separate columns, you should validate the data you are placing in this table not to contain this pattern. you could also use a row header and a column header by specifying size of row and some internal indexing number to speed up your search, and at the start of each column to have the length of this column
like "Adam", 1, 11.1, "123 ABC Street POBox 456"
you can have it like
<&RowHeader, 1><&Col1,CHR, 4>Adam<&Col2, num,1,0>1<&Col3, Num,2,1>111<&Col4, CHR, 24>123 ABC Street POBox 456<&RowTrailer>
How to find items quickly
try using hashing and indexing to point at data stored and cached based on different criteria
taking same example above, you could sort the value of the first column and store it in a separate object pointing at row id of items sorted alphabetically, and so on
How to speed insert data
I know from Oracle is that they insert data in a temporary place both in RAM and on disk and do housekeeping on periodic basis, the database engine is busy all the time optimizing its structure but in the same time we do not want to lose data in case of power failure of something like that.
so try to keep data in this temporary place with no sorting, append your original storage, and later on when system is free resort your indexes and clear the temp area when done
good luck, great project.
There are books on the topic a good place to start would be Database Systems: The Complete Book by Garcia-Molina, Ullman, and Widom
SQLite was mentioned before, but I want to add some thing.
I personally learned a lot by studying SQlite. The interesting thing is, that I did not go to the source code (though I just had a short look). I learned much by reading the technical material and specially looking at the internal commands it generates. It has an own stack based interpreter inside and you can read the P-Code it generates internally just by using explain. Thus you can see how various constructs are translated to the low-level engine (that is surprisingly simple -- but that is also the secret of its stability and efficiency).
I would suggest focusing on
It's recent, small (source code 1MB), open source (so you can figure it out for yourself)...
Books have been written about how it is implemented:
It runs on a variety of operating systems for both desktop computers and mobile phones so experimenting is easy and learning about it will be useful right now and in the future.
It even has a decent community here:
Okay, I have found a site which has some information on SQL and implementation - it is a bit hard to link to the page which lists all the tutorials, so I will link them one by one:
may be you can learn from HSQLDB. I think they offers small and simple database for learning. you can look at the codes since it is open source.
If MySQL interests you, I would also suggest this wiki page, which has got some information about how MySQL works. Also, you might want to take a look at Understanding MySQL Internals.
You might also consider looking at a non-SQL interface for your Database engine. Please take a look at Apache CouchDB. Its what you would call, a document oriented database system.
Good Luck!
I am not sure whether it would fit to your requirements but I had implemented a simple file oriented database with support for simple (SELECT, INSERT , UPDATE ) using perl.
What I did was I stored each table as a file on disk and entries with a well defined pattern and manipulated the data using in built linux tools like awk and sed. for improving efficiency, frequently accessed data were cached.