Repeating Data In Access Combo Box - sql

I am having an issue regarding repeating data in my access form, I want to be able to select a tutors name and for it to display all of the students linked to that tutor this does work however in the list view because one tutor sees many students the data is repeated (see images) Is there a SQL statement I should be using to stop this? (I am new to Access and SQLServer so I apologies if this is an obvious) Please see the images below which will make my issue clear.

I solved my problem by adding SELECT 'DISTINCT' to my SQL Statement so from
SELECT "Tutors"."PAT" FROM "Tutors";


Tableau count values after a GROUP BY in SQL

I'm using Tableau to show some schools data.
My data structure gives a table that has all de school classes in the country. The thing is I need to count, for example, how many schools has Primary and Preschool (both).
A simplified version of my table should look like this:
In that table, if I want to know the number needed in the example, the result should be 1, because in only one school exists both Primary and Preschool.
I want to have a multiple filter in Tableau that gives me that information.
I was thinking in the SQL query that should be made and it needs a GROUP BY statement. An example of the consult is here in a fiddle: Database example query
In the SQL query I group by id all the schools that meet either one of the conditions inside de IN(...) and then count how many of them meet both (c=2).
Is there a way to do something like this in Tableau? Either using groups or sets, using advanced filters or programming a RAW SQL calculated fiel?
PS: I add a link to my question in Tableu's forum because you can download my testing workbook there: Tableu's forum question
I've solved the issue using LODs (specifically INCLUDE and EXCLUDE statements).
I created two calculated fields having the aggregation I needed:
Then I made a calculated field that leaves only the School IDs that matches the number of types they have (according with the filtering) with the number of types selected in the multiple filter (both of the fields shown above):
Finally, I used COUNTD([Condition]) to display the amounts of schools matching with at least the School types selected.
Hope this helps someone with similar issue.
PS: If someone wants the Workbook with the solution I've uploaded it in an answer in the Tableau Forum

Why would Access spontaneously start displaying a non-existant table in a query?

I updated a simple Access select query, adding four fields from the single table the query uses. When I then attempted to edit data in the form that references that query, Access did not allow any edits. After poking around at other possible edit rights problems I went back to the query design, and saw this:
The table CC_Tracker_1 does not exist in the database, nor is there a query by that name, as you can see in the object list:
In the design view, CC_Tracker_1 displays as an exact copy of CC_Tracker. Additionally, the four fields I added had CC_Tracker_1 listed as their table of origin.
Deleting CC_Tracker_1 from the query and re-adding the fields from CC_Tracker fixed the problem, but I'm very curious as to how this could happen.
Edit to add: This is the SQL Access generated. As you can see the alias it created isn't used anywhere in the code except in the variable list. Why it would do this is still the question:
SELECT CC_Tracker.LAST_NAME, CC_Tracker.FIRST_NAME, CC_Tracker.MRN, CC_Tracker.RIN,
CC_Tracker.SUBSCRIBER_ID, CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED, CC_Tracker.Letter, CC_Tracker.[1stCall],
CC_Tracker.CHRA, CC_Tracker.[ICP/Review], CC_Tracker.F2F, CC_Tracker.ICTCont,
CC_Tracker.ICTSheet, CC_Tracker.ICP2MD, CC_Tracker.SigPg, CC_Tracker.HTR_1st_cont,
CC_Tracker.HTR_2nd_cont, CC_Tracker.HTR_3rd_cont, CC_Tracker.HTR_Letter,
CC_Tracker.CLOSE, CC_Tracker.Comments, CC_Tracker.CHRA_Next, CC_Tracker.ICP_Next,
CC_Tracker.F2F_Next, CC_Tracker.ICT_Next, CC_Tracker_1.Final_Follow, CC_Tracker_1.BH_SA,
CC_Tracker_1.Readmitter, CC_Tracker_1.CCM, CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED_CARE_COORDINATOR, CC_Tracker.Final_Follow
FROM CC_Tracker, CC_Tracker AS CC_Tracker_1
WHERE (((CC_Tracker.ASSIGNED_CARE_COORDINATOR)=[Forms]![frmCoord_Selector]![cmbCoords]))
Like [Forms]![frmCoord_Selector]![cmbCoords]) Is Null));
If you look at the SQL that is generated for the query, you will see that it has created an alias called CC_Tracker_1 for the CC_Tracker table.
Your query may need to be rewritten to exclude this alias, and any incorrect joins.
If you post the actual query generated, we will be able to help fix it.

SQL query / SQL Reporting Services

Been rattling my brain for a while and I could not get pass how to do the SQL query that will show the relationship/connections between my two tables.
I'm working on an IT equipment inventory program. I have two tables;
SELECT serial_number, model, ship_dat, status FROM items_list
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial FROM connections
All items like desktops, laptops, monitors, etc are on the items_list table. To track down the relationship/connections of the items, I created the connections table. IE, Monitor with serial_number=Screen#1 is connected to a Desktop with serial_number=Serial#1. It works ok with my Window Form application because I
used a datagridview control to list all devices simple SQL query.
However, when trying to show the relationship/connection on SQL Reports I've ran out of ideas how to do it. I'm aiming to get the report look like below or something along the lines. I just need to show the connections between the items.
Thank you
You should be able to do this with a table in SSRS if that is what you are using. The query you would need to drive the table of all related items would be:
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial, mainItem.*, connectedItem.*
FROM connections
INNER JOIN items_list mainItem ON connections.item_serial = items_list.serial_number
INNER JOIN items_list connectedItem ON connections.connected-to_serial = connectedItem.serial_number
You can of course tailor the SELECT statement to your needs, mainItem.* and connectedItem.* will not give you the most descriptive column names. Using column aliases (found under column_alias here) you can give a more descriptive name to each column.
From here you should be able to use a table and create a row group on the main item (either name or serial number) to get the type of look you are looking to achieve here. I believe the Report Wizard actually has most of the functionality you are looking for and should handle the bulk of this. You may have to move some of the cells around to get the look you are going for though.

How to remove row that exists in another table?

I have two tables. Main table is "CompleteEmailListJuly11" and the second table is "CurrentCustomersEmailJuly11". I want to delete rows in CompleteEmailListJuly11 table that CurrentCustomersEmailJuly11 has based off email.
I've tried this following Delete example, but it doesn't do anything close to what I'm trying to do. This only shows me the ones that EXIST in the database, it doesn't show me the the list of emails that AREN'T matching.
DELETE * FROM CompleteEmailListJuly11 AS i
SELECT 1 FROM CurrentCustomersEmailJuly11
WHERE = i.EmailAddress
Help is greatly appreciated.
This is the query I think you need:
DELETE FROM CompleteEmailListJuly11
WHERE EmailAddress IN (SELECT email FROM CurrentCustomersEmailJuly11)
Ps: The DELETE query does not delete individual fields, only entire rows, so the * is not necessary, you will also need to "Execute" this query rather than "Previewing" or "Exporting"
If you're building your DELETE query in Access' query designer, notice there are two different modes of operation which seem similar to "go ahead and do this".
Datasheet View (represented by the grid icon labeled "View" on the "Design" section of the ribbon). That view enables you to preview the affected records, but does not actually delete them.
The "Run" icon (represented by a red exclamation point). "Run" will actually execute the query and delete the affected records.
If you already know this, my description may seem insulting. Sorry. However, it seems that folks new to Access can easily overlook the distinction between them.
You can use something like this adapted to delete
SELECT ... // complete
SELECT ... // current
I am not sure exactly how it maps to delete but take a look at that.
I fond it in a similar question: How do I 'subtract' sql tables?
We can use Correlated Query to resolve the issue like

Access database query locks ability to edit table?

I created a query in Microsoft Access like the one below:
SELECT Deliverables.ID, Deliverables.Title, Deliverables.Summary,
Deliverables.Header_Code, Deliverables.Header_Code.Value, Deliverables.Sort_order,
Deliverables.Pillar, Deliverables.Pillar.Value, Deliverables.Misc_ID
FROM Deliverables
WHERE (((Deliverables.Pillar.Value)="Link Building"));
But my problem is that this query locks my fields and I cannot make changes to the table using the query view.
Any suggestions? I am using Microsoft Access 2007
I'm not very experienced with multi-value fields. However, I experimented with it a little, and I think the fields in your query might be editable if you can eliminate Header_Code.Value and Pillar.Value from your output field list. Can this version work for you?
SELECT d.ID, d.Title, d.Summary, d.Header_Code, d.Sort_order, d.Pillar, d.Misc_ID
FROM Deliverables AS d
WHERE (((d.Pillar.Value)="Link Building"));