How to pass mulitple querystring value in MVC 4 -

I want to pass 7 querystring value from one ctroller to another controller action.
In my old applicaiton, I was passing these value into query string in URL.
Now, in MVC 4, please suggest me how i could include in "RedirecttoAction" or any other way ?

you can simply pass parameters of action like this:
return RedirectToAction("Action","Controller", new {id=1,name="test",......})


Dot.NET Core Routing and Controller Processing discrepancy

I am trying to use the asp-route- to build a query string that I am using to query the database.
I am confused on how the asp-route- works because I do not know how to specifically use the route that I created in my cshtml page. For example:
If I use the old school href parameter approach, I can then, inside my controller, use the specified Query to get the parameter and query my database, like this:
If I use this href:
then, in the controller, I can use this:
The above approach works and I am able to work with the parameter. However, if I use the htmlHelper approach, such as:
<a asp-controller="Report" asp-action="Client" asp-route-id="#ulsin.ID">#ulsin.custName</a>
How do I get that ID from the Controller? The href approach does not seem to work in this case.
According to the Anchor Tag Helper documentation, if the requested route parameter (id in your case) is not found in the route, it is added as a query parameter. Therefore, the following final link will be generated: /Report/Client?id=something. Notice that the query parameter is lowercase.
When you now try to access it in the controller as HttpContext.Request.Query["ID"], since HttpContext.Request.Query is a collection, indexing it would be case-sensitive, and so "ID" will not get you the query parameter "id". Instead of trying to resolve this manually, you can use a feature of the framework known as model binding, which will allow you to automatically and case-insensitively get the value of a query parameter.
Here is an example controller action that uses model binding to get the value of the query parameter id:
// When you add the id parameter, the framework's model binding feature will automatically populate it with the value of the query parameter 'id'.
// You can then use this parameter inside the method.
public IActionResult Client(int id)

How to pass custom parameter in Suveyjs save results?

I want to pass custom parameter to surveyjs result data while saving. Currently 2 param available postId and SurveyResult, I want to pass the third one is it possible? How can i do that?

Hiding parameters in createURL - YII Framework

I am trying to pass array of values as parameter to controller action in YII Framework,
My URL is like very hard to see with array values.
Calling Controller Action:
var jString = JSON.stringify(val); ('".$this->createUrl('campaign/reportdrill')."/id/'+jString,'_blank');
URL Formed :
How to hide this parameter from user or is anyother way to pass array of values to controller action ?
This is the only way to pass parameters via the GET method of URLs. If you want to 'hide' the URL, use an AJAX load instead.
var jString = JSON.stringify(val);
However, AJAX load cannot apply to opening a new window. You will still need to use your URL for that purpose.

Multiple GET parameters in UrlManager

I am using Yii 1.1.14.
I want to convert
How to do this in urlManager?
First, check this to hide index.php:
Then, the route in config.php should be like this:
The method myaction should accept $param1 and $param2 in its constructor to be passed automatically by Yii.
This would make your app unable to look for other controllers, because that rule will accept every route with 2 words separated by /

In Yii, is there a way to have urlFormat => path but still pass query params with an ampersand?

Currently (in Yii 1.1.13) all createUrl methods put extra params in the 'path style', which means I cannot then override them by submitting a form, because they take precedence over those that come in a query string. Is there a way to always pass extra parameters in query string but still have the url look normal and not butt-ugly like with the get urlFormat?
You can set appendParams to false in your urlManager component configuration.