Copy data from one table to another without duplicates based on more then one column comparision - sql-server-2005

I am stuck in the following query. This was working properly on mySQL but it gives error on MSSQL-2005. The main purpose of the query is to copy data from one table to another without duplicates based on multiple columns comparison from both tables.
I can do this to compare one column for duplication, but I can't do when I compare more then one column for duplication.
Here is my query.
INSERT INTO eBayStockTaking (OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
SELECT OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID
FROM tempEBayStockTaking WHERE (OrderLineItemID,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
Not In (SELECT OrderLineItemID,SubscriberID,eBayUserID FROM eBayStockTaking)
Note: I have been through many similar questions but all in vain.

Rather try NOT EXISTS
Something like
INSERT INTO eBayStockTaking (OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
SELECT OrderLineItemID,
FROM tempEBayStockTaking t
FROM eBayStockTaking e
WHERE e.OrderLineItemID = t.OrderLineItemID
AND e.SubscriberID = t.SubscriberID
AND e.eBayUserID = t.eBayUserID)
I know MySQL allows Row Subqueries, nut SQL Server does not allow this.


Optimize view that dynamically choose a table or another

So the problem is that I have three huge table with same structure, and I need to show the results of one of them depending on result from another query.
So my order table looks like that:
code order
A 0
B 2
C 1
And I need to retrieve data from t_results
My approach (which is working) looks like this:
select *
from t_results_a
where 'A' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
select *
from t_results_b
where 'B' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
select *
from t_results_c
where 'C' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
Is there anyway to not scan all three tables, as I am working with Athena so I can't program?
I presume that changing your database schema is not an option.
If it were, you could use one database table and add a CODE column whose value would be either A, B or C.
Basically the result of the SQL query on your ORDER table determines which other database table you need to query. For example, if CODE in table ORDER is A, then you have to query table T_RESULTS_A.
You wrote in your question
I am working with Athena so I can't program
I see that there is both an ODBC driver and a JDBC driver for Athena, so you can program with either .NET or Java. So you could write code that queries the ORDER table and use the result of that query to build another query string to query just the relevant table.
Another thought I had was dynamic SQL. Oracle database supports it. I can create a string containing variables where one variable is the database table name and have Oracle interpret the string as SQL and execute it. I briefly searched the Internet to see whether Athena supports this (as I have no experience with Athena) but found nothing - which doesn't mean to say that it does not exist.

Sql loop through the values on a table

first off, noob alert! :))
I need to construct a query that runs on many tables. The tables vary on name just on the last digits as per client code. The thing is, the values that change aren't sequential so looping as in i=1,2,3,... does not work. A possible solution would be to have those values on a given field on an other table.
Here is the code for the first two clients 015 and 061. The leading zero(s) must are essential.
SELECT LnMov2017015.CConta, RsMov2017015.DR, RsMov2017015.NInt, "015" AS CodCli
FROM LnMov2017015 INNER JOIN RsMov2017015 ON LnMov2017015.NReg = RsMov2017015.NReg
WHERE (((LnMov2017015.CConta)="6" And (LnMov2017015.CConta)="7") AND ((RsMov2017015.DR)=9999))
UNION SELECT LnMov2017061.CConta, RsMov2017061.DR, RsMov2017061.NInt, "061" AS CodCli
FROM LnMov2017061 INNER JOIN RsMov2017061 ON LnMov2017061.NReg = RsMov2017061.NReg
WHERE (((LnMov2017061.CConta)="6" And (LnMov2017061.CConta)="7") AND ((RsMov2017061.DR)=9999))
So for the first SELECT the table Name is LnMov2017015, the ending 015 being the value, the client code, that changes from table to table e.g. in the second SELECT the table name is LnMov2017061 (061) being what distinguishes the table.
For each client code there are two tables e.g. LnMov2017015 and RsMov2017015 (LnMov2017061 and RsMov2017061 for the second set client shown).
Is there a way that I can build the SQL, based upon the example SQL above?
Does anyone have an idea for a solution? :)
Apparently it is possible to build a query object to read data in another db without establishing table link. Just tested and to my surprise it works. Example:
SELECT * FROM [SoilsAgg] IN "C:\Users\Owner\June\DOT\Lab\Editing\ConstructionData.accdb";
I was already using this structure in VBA to execute DELETE and UPDATE action statements.
Solution found :)
Thank you all for your input.
Instead of linking 100 tables (password protected), I'll access them with SLQ
FROM Table2 IN '' ';database=C:\db\db2.mdb;PWD=mypwd'
And merge them all with a query, before any other thing!

Oracle Selecting Columns with IN clause which includes NULL values

So I am comparing two Oracle databases by grabbing random rows in database A, and searching for these rows in database B based off their key columns. Then I compare the rows which are returned in java.
I am using the following query to find rows in database B using the key columns from database A:
select * from mytable
Where (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C)
in (('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''));
This works just fine for the first two sets of keys, but the third key('3','C', '') does not work because there is a null value in the third column. Changing the statement to ('3','C', NULL) or changing the SQL to
select * from mytable
Where (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C)
in ((('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''))
OR (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C) IS NULL);
will not work either.
Is there a way to include a null column in an IN clause? And if not, is there a way to efficiently do the same thing? (My only solution currently is to create a check to make sure there are no nullable columns in my keys which would make this process rather unefficient and somewhat messy).
You can use it this way. I think it would work.
select * from mytable
Where (NVL(Key_Column_A,''),NVL(Key_Column_B,''),NVL(Key_Column_C,''))
in (('1','A', 'cat'),('2','B', 'dog'),('3','C', ''));
I am not sure about this (Key_Column_A,Key_Column_B,Key_Column_C) IS NULL. Wouldn't this imply that all of the columns (A,B,C) are NULL ?

Inserting a new column into SQL

I have these queries:
FROM dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory
select right(CostCategoryId,14) as CostBreak
from dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory
They work well in that they give me the correct data, but I would like to know how to combine the new column CostBreak into the table of results rather than as a separate query result.
An example of the results I get are as below:
Where I want them in the same table
The data is coming from the same table so you should be able to just add that value to your initial query. You do not even have to perform a join to get it:
SELECT name,
right(CostCategoryId,14) as CostBreak
FROM dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in ms access

how to convert result of an select sql query into a new table in msaccess ?
You can use sub queries
SELECT a,b,c INTO NewTable
FROM TheTable
WHERE a Is Null)
Like so:
INTO NewTable
FROM OldTable
First, create a table with the required keys, constraints, domain checking, references, etc. Then use an INSERT INTO..SELECT construct to populate it.
Do not be tempted by SELECT..INTO..FROM constructs. The resulting table will have no keys, therefore will not actually be a table at all. Better to start with a proper table then add the data e.g. it will be easier to trap bad data.
For an example of how things can go wrong with an SELECT..INTO clause: it can result in a column that includes the NULL value and while after the event you can change the column to NOT NULL the engine will not replace the NULLs, therefore you will end up with a NOT NULL column containing NULLs!
Also consider creating a 'viewed' table e.g. using CREATE VIEW SQL DDL rather than a base table.
If you want to do it through the user interface, you can also:
A) Create and test the select query. Save it.
B) Create a make table query. When asked what tables to show, select the query tab and your saved query.
C) Tell it the name of the table you want to create.
D) Go make coffee (depending on taste and size of table)
Select *
Into newtable
From somequery