SQL Server Query: Daily Data Snapshot Comparison (Counting Delta Occurrences) - sql

I am working towards counting customer subscription ("package") changes. To do this, I am selecting all data from my package table once, every day. I am calling the daily query results "snapshots" (approx 500k rows). I then load the snapshot data into a new table. After 10 days I have a total of 5 million rows in the snapshots table (500k rows * 10 days). The majority of customers do not changes packages (65%). I need to report which customers, of the remaining 35%, are switching packages, when they are switching packages, what package changes they are making (from "package X" to "package y") and which customers are changing packages most frequently.
The query I have written uses a self-join. I am identifying the changes but my results contain duplicate rows.
This is my query:
select *
from UserPackageDump UPD1, UserPackageDump UPD2
where UPD1.user_id = UPD2.user_id
and UPD1.package_id <> UPD2.package_id
How can I change this query to yield only distinct results?

UserPackageDump UPD1
JOIN UserPackageDump UPD2
ON UPD1.user_id = UPD2.user_id
UPD1.package_id <> UPD2.package_id

You have many options for doing this, and I'm not sure your approach is the right one to take. Firstly to answer your specific question, you could perform a DISTINCT as per #sqlab's answer. Or you could include the date in the join, ensuring that UDP1 only matches a record in UDP2 that is one day different.
However, to come back to the approach, there should be no need to take a full copy of all the data. You have lots of other options for more efficient data storage, some of which being:
Put a "LastUpdated" datetime2 field in the database, to be populated each time the row is changed. Copy only those rows that have a LastUpdated more recent than the last time the copy was made. Assuming the only change possible to the table is to change the package_id then you will now only have rows in the table for users that have changed.
Create a UserPackageHistory table into which rows are written each time a user subscribes to a package, at the same time that UserPackage is updated. This then leaves you with much the same result as the first bullet, but in advance of running the copy job.
Then, with any one of these sets of data, to satisfy the reporting requirements you could populate a cube. Your source would be a set of rows containing user_id, old_package_id, new_package_id and date. You would create a measure group containing these measures:
Distinct count of user_id
Count of switches (basically just the row count of the source data)
This measure group could then be related to the following dimensions:
Date, so you can see when the switches are taking place
User, so you can drill down on who is switching
Switch Type, which is a dimension built from the selecting the old_package_id and new_package_id from your source data. This gives you the ability to see the popularity of particular shifts.


What is the best approach for bulk cleaning a database table that has a large amount of duplicated data loaded every day (snowflake db)

Thanks in advance for reading this, I hope I explain my problem.
In one of our domains, we have a pipeline (Multiple) where data flows from S3 into a snowflake staging table using airflow. The data itself originates from a number of different applications but the process is always the same. The data is extracted from the application by the support teams (multiple support teams across multiple countries, using different technologies), then into AWS S3 and then bulk loaded into snowflake. Due to limitations on the data from source their often isn't any filter on the data itself and effectively the staging table is loaded with the raw CSV every single day, a file date column is added to the data itself. The result is that we have tables that have been loaded with the same data every single day since 2009.
However the data does change, from day to day a column value will change and so the file date is very useful in tracking changed attributes and something that I want to exploit. Further if the data was cleansed we would need approximately 1% of the data.
These tables are huge some contain around 16 trillion rows but can we be quite narrow.
I would like to optimally loop through each days worth of data and then only load into the staging tables new data as apposed to just loading everything each day.
I have tried the following
A query that windows over the entire set and compares the hashed value of each row (minus the file date) and then only returns if it did not appear in the previous dates data set. This works but not for the larger tables as the warehouse starts to write to disk and then it takes hours.
A day by day loop that looks at each file date data set and compares to the previous day and only loads the difference, this takes to long on the initial clean of the tables but is what I am doing once the data has been cleaned and will form the initial load procedure.
The current solution is where I dynamically create multiple minus set statement where I look at each day minus the day before then batch these into blocks of 10-20 based of the average daily row size so as an example
This is not pretty though does work however its taking me around 12 hours to process 70 odd tables.
I would like advice on if their is another approach.
Please bear in mind that I am limited to using snowflake due to resourcing issues and politics.
Any guidance and ideas would be much appreciated.

Reducing database load from consecutive queries

I have an application which calls the database multiple times to achieve one simple goal.
A little information about this application; In short, the application scrapes data from a webpage & stores specific information from this page into a database. The important information in this query is: Player name, Position. There can be multiple sitting at one specific position, kill points & Class
Player name has every potential to change or remain the same every day
Regarding the Position, there can be multiple sitting in one position
Kill points has the potential to increase or remain the same every day
Class, there is only 2 possibilities that a name can be, Ex: A can change to B or remain A (same in reverse), but cannot be C,D,E,F
The player name can change at any particular day, Position can also change dependent on the kill point increase from the last update which spins back around to the goal. This is to search the database day by day, from the current date to as far back as 2021-02-22 starting at the most recent entry for a player name and back track to the previous day to check if that player name is still the same or has changed.
What is being used as a main reference to the change is the kill points. As the days go on, this number will either be the exact same or increase, it can never decrease.
So now onto the implementation of this application.
The first query which runs finds the most recent entry for the player name
SELECT TOP(1) * FROM [changes] WHERE [CharacterName]=#charname AND [Territory]=#territory AND [Archived]=0 ORDER BY [Recorded] DESC
Then continue to check the previous days entries with the following query:
SELECT TOP(1) * FROM [changes] WHERE [Territory]=#territory AND [CharacterName]=#charname AND [Recorded]=#searchdate AND ([Class] LIKE '%{Class}%' OR [Class] LIKE '%{GetOpposite(Class)}%' AND [Archived]=0 )
If no results are found, will then proceed to find an alternative name with the following query:
SELECT TOP(5) * FROM [changes] WHERE [Kills] <= #kills AND [Recorded]='{Data.Recorded.AddDays(-1):yyyy-MM-dd}' AND [Territory]=#territory AND [Mode]=#mode AND ([Class] LIKE #original OR [Class] LIKE #opposite) AND [Archived]=0 ORDER BY [Kills] DESC
The aim of the query above is to get the top 5 entries that are the closest possible matches & Then cross references with the day ahead
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [changes] WHERE [CharacterName]=#CharacterName AND [Territory]=#Territory AND [Recorded]=#SearchedDate AND [Archived]=0
So with checking the day ahead, if the character name is not found in the day ahead, then this is considered to be the old player name for this specific character, else after searching all 5 of the results and they are all found to be present in the day aheads searches, then this name is considered to be new to the table.
Now with the date this application started to run up to today's date which is over 400 individual queries on the database to achieve one goal.
It is also worth a noting that this table grows by 14,400 - 14,500 Rows each and every day.
The overall question to this specific? Is it possible to bring all these queries into less calls onto the database, reduce queries & improve performance?
What you can do to improve performance will be based on what parts of the application stack you can manipulate. Things to try:
Store Less Data - Database content retrieval speed is largely based on how well the database is ordered/normalized and just how much data needs to be searched for each query. Managing a cache of prior scraped pages and only storing data when there's been a change between the current scrape and the last one would guarantee less redundant requests to the db.
Separate specific classes of data - Separating data into dedicated tables would allow you to query a specific table for a specific character, etc... effectively removing one where clause.
Reduce time between queries - Less incoming concurrent requests means less resource contention and faster response times to prior requests.
Use another data structure - The only reason you're using top() is because you need data ordered in some specific way (most-recent, etc...). If you just used a code data structure that keeps the data ordered and still easily-query-able you could then perhaps offload some sql requests to this structure instead of the db.
The suggestions above are not exhaustive, but what you do to improve performance is largely a function of what in the application stack you have the ability to modify.

Store Report Data in a SQL table

I have a report that is ran every quarter. The report is based on current values and creates a score card. We do this for about 50 locations and then have to manually create a report to compare the previous run to the current run. I'd like to automate by taking the report data and saving it to a table for each location and each quarter, then we can run reports that will show the data changes over time.
Data Sample:
Employees Active
Employees with ref checks
Clients Active
Clients with careplans
The reports are fairly complex and pulling data from many different tables so creating this via a query may not work or be just as complex. Any ideas on how to get the report data to a table without having to export each to a CSV or Excel file then importing manually?
If each score card has some dimensions (or metric names) and aggregate values (or metric values) then you can just add a time series table with columns for:
location or business unit
or instead of date and location, a scorecard ID (linking to another table with scorecard metadata)
dimension grouping
Then, assuming you're creating the reports with a stored procedure, you can add a flag parameter to the stored procedure to update this table while generating a specific report on a date. This might be less work and/or faster than importing from CSVs, if you store intermediate report data into a temporary table that you can select from when additionally storing the data into the time series table described above.

Doubleor triple timestamp issue

I am using SQL assistant and my data brings in snapshots from a huge database in the form of timestamps. Occasionally the snapshots bring in multiples per hour. The data is correct, multiple snapshots do happen from time to time within an hour, not always but it does happen.
I am bringing this into Spotfire and viewing by an hour and when more than one snapshot happens in the hour, the data shows as doubled.
I only want to display one per hour preferably the last(max) timestamp for the hour. Example; for the 7 am hour the data has a snapshot for 7:10 am and one for 7:55 am.
These are correct but I only want to display the last(max) timestamp, 7:55 am in this case. I can't figure the issue out in Spotfire so I am leaning towards a fix in SQL. How can I display only 1 for each hour?
You'd do this similarly to how you'd probably do it in SQL -- using a ranking/rownumber function.
The basic way Rank in Spotfire works is Rank(Order columns, order direction, partitioned columns, tie method)
You need to partition by the combination of Date and Hour, and then sort descending by your timestamp column.
So the code to identify the rows that you want to isolate should be something along the lines of:
Rank([TimestampColumn], "desc", Date([TimestampColumn]), Hour([TimestampColumn]), "ties.method=first")
What you do with it from here is going to depend on how you plan to use the data - for example, you can Limit Data Using Expression and set the code above = 1 which will limit your table accordingly (helpful if you don't want your users to accidentally forget to filter), or you can create a calculated column which turns it into a flag of some form like here:
If(Rank([TimestampColumn], "desc", Date([TimestampColumn]), Hour([TimestampColumn]), "ties.method=first") = 1, "Latest", "Duplicate")
Which allows your users to filter by this property. This way, they have the option to look at the extra rows.
Ultimately, though, if you want to only ever see these rows, and have no use for the earlier records, I'd probably do it in SQL, if you have that ability. This reduces the number of rows you have to load into your analytic.

Use a Query from the Destination db to limit OLE DB Source task in SSIS 2008

I have a package that I'm building as a data importer so I can copy sets of data from my production environment and develop on another instance.
I have two tables that contain header and detail rows for service tickets. Those service tickets are tied back to orders.
I am pulling the service tickets from a certain time window, however, the originating orders fall outside of the date range that I'm pulling for the tickets.
I want to be able to take the following steps in an SSIS package:
Import the header and detail rows within the given date range from prod to dev
Select the relevant order numbers from dev tables
Use the list of order numbers to import only the relevant orders from prod
I poked through other answers and couldn't find answers that addressed this directly, so I apologize if there is an answer out there and I missed it. I may not have been asking the question correctly. I'm assuming that I would need to pull those order numbers into a temp table or variable in order to apply them as a filter.
As I write this, it just crossed my mind to use a join on the source system with the ticket to order tables and still use the date range to limit, but I'm still posting the question to see if anyone has dealt with this before.
Your steps are already fairly clear, are you asking how to actually implement them? It looks like you can do all three steps by using SELECT statements in your data sources:
Build a SELECT statement dynamically with the correct dates to use in your data source. The dates could be programmatically generated in a script task, or saved in a database table and populated into variables. Then you copy the data across to the dev system.
Run a SELECT statement in the dev system that returns the order numbers, and copy the results to a table in the prod database.
Run a SELECT statement in the prod database that joins on the table from step 2 and copy the results back to dev.
An alternative to the table in steps 2 and 3 would be a lookup transformation, but if you have a large number of rows then using a table will probably be faster.