Mapping hasMany relation and saving the related data - grails-orm

I have two domain classes Question and Tag.
Question has 'hasMany relation' with Tag.
I am trying to save a question with some tags, but the error message is
"Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type for property tag; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [] for property tag: no matching editors or conversion strategy found "
from my UI how can i send the list of Tags into QuestionController and how can i save Question with relationship with Tag

Your currently having
static hasMany = [tags:Tag]
But i believe you might be storing it directly as a string
questionInstance.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2',...]
as opposed to
questionInstance.tags = [new Tag(name: tag1), new Tag(name: tag2),...]
I skipped the looping through tag values to show you whats implied. Hope this helps.


Sulu: Entity has no field or association error

I'm following Sulu example here:
trying to set translations for custom entity type.
My entity file has getter for field "home_team" defined like:
* #Serializer\VirtualProperty(name="home_team")
public function getHomeTeam(): ?string
$translation = $this->getTranslation($this->locale);
if (!$translation) {
return null;
return $translation->getHomeTeam();
So field is not actually part of that entity, but of it's translation entity since it suppose to be translatable.
When I try to create new object of that entity type it works well. I can see in database that field values are stored well and I don't get any error.
But on overview page instead of list of all objects I get error:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 73 near 'home_team AS': Error: Class App\Entity\MatchEvent has no field or association named home_team
Any idea what could be wrong here?
If you wanna see the translation in the listView you have to create a real translationEntity, like in the workshop project. In this post it is already explained, how to translate a custom entity correctly.
If you have already created your translationEntity you have to configure the relation of the translation to your main entity via a join. Here is an example in the workshop for this configuration.
Sulu uses optimised queries to create the list-object directly from the database. So the entity itself does not get hydrated or serialised for performance reasons. Thus your virtualProperty is never executed.

One to many mapping in mule data mapper

I have an input xml and it has only one Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
But my output XML has multiple Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
<Telephone type="fax">
I want to map from input element Number to output Number and also Extension element.
I can't change the schema because it is globally used.
I don't see any options to map using Element Mapping.
And I tried using adding Rule to the ContactMethod element, but no luck.
Above I is just example I asked. I need one to many mapping idea in datamapper.
See attached image, that is my actual requirement. Look at the Disclosure/CandidateDisclosure elements in source and destination
My source is XML and target is JSON, but the actual logic I need is similar for all the structures ..
I am maintaining a project which use DataMapper and faced the same issue. To solve it I add Java Transformer (you can use Groovy or other scripting languages) after DataMapper to group the one-to-many relationship.
Following is the pseudo code:
provide empty telpMap
foreach telpXml which is extracted from src/payload {
key = telpXml.get("#type");
if (telpMap.containsKey(key)) {
List number = telpMap.get(key).get("Number");
List extension = telpMap.get(key).get("Extension");
} else {
telpMap.put(key, telpXml);
return telpMap.values();

MongoDB-Rails: insert a json into db using mongomapper and retriving it

I am completely new to Rails and MongoDB. I am using Rails-3 and MongoDB with MongoMapper to create a small application which stores some data and returns the data in json format. The client expects the json in a particular format. But I am not able to create the same format in the saved document.
Reqd Format:
Parent Doc
class Story
include MongoMapper::Document
key :item, String
key :max,
key :min,
What I want is to create a document {"key":"KEY-1","value":"100"} first and then map that document to the parent document's max key and similarly another document to the min key.
I tried many ways, but I am not able to make it work.
The I want to remove the field id (object id) from the response JSON while returning to the client.
Sample JSON:
{"id":"51e64bce44ae8bf1fea3f78f","text":"Text 1","value":"Value 1"}
How can i do that?
Answering one of my own question : "Removing the non-required fields from the json response"
It can be done by defining the as_json method inside the Model class. This will add only the fields 'key' and 'value' to the generated json.
def as_json(options={}){
:key =>self.key,
:value => self.value
Answering to my own question:
I searched around and couldn't find any satisfactory answer for my question.
On a temporary basis, I had created hash for the inner class and was assigning the value. This was a temporary solution which is little dirty.
I had posted the same question to a mongomapper group and got the answer. Sharing that answer here..
Assume that I have a model called Inner and another called Outer
one :max, :class_name => Inner
This will embed the Inner class object to the max attribute of the Outer class

Entity Framework 4.1 Dynamically retrieve mapped column name

I am trying to construct an SQL statement dynamically.
My context is created dynamically, using reflection finding classes deriving from EntityTypeConfiguration and adding them to DbModelBuilder.Configuration.
My EntityTypeConfiguration classes specify HasColumnName to map the Entity property name to db table column name, which I need to construct my SQL statement.
namespace MyDomain {
public class TestEntityConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<TestEntity>{
From What I have researched, it seems I can get access to this information through MetadataWorkspace, which I can get to through ObjectContext.
I have managed to retrieve the the entity I am interested in with MetadataWorkspace.GetItem("MyDomain.TestEntity",DataSpace.OSpace), which gives me access to Properties, but none of the properties, of Properties, give me the name of the mapped db column, as specified with HasColumnName.
Also I am not clear what DataSpace.OSpace is and why my model is constructed in this space.
If Anyone can shed some light on this I would be grateful
Further to #Ladislav's comments. I discovered I can get the information as follows
For the class properties
ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<ClrEntityType>("MyDomain.TestEntity", DataSpace.OSpace)).Members
For the table properties
So given that I only know the type MyDomain.TestEntity and Memeber "Name". How would I go about to get "dbName". Can I always assume that my mapped class will be created in CodeFirstDatabaseSchema, om order to dynamically construct the identity to retrieve it from SSpace and how would I get to the correct Member in SSpace. Can I do something like
var memIndex = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<ClrEntityType>("MyDomain.TestEntity", DataSpace.OSpace)).Members["Name"].Index;
var dbName = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<EntityType>("CodeFirstDatabaseSchema.TestEntity",SSpace).Members[memIndex];
MetadataWorkspace contanis several containers specified by DataSpace. Interesting for you are:
CSpace - description of conceptual model (this should contain properties)
CSSpace - mapping of conceptual model to storage model (this should contain how classes / properties are mapped to tables / columns)

Retrieving Attribute names of an Entity in MS CRM 4.0

I am trying to retrieve the attribute name and type that exist in an entity, Dynamic Entity to be precise. I have the following code.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
contactEntity.Name =;
Property t = null;
foreach (Property prop_Test in contactEntity.Properties)
Response.Write("<br/>Name : " + prop_Test.Name.ToString());
I am getting the properties count as 0.
Is it mandatory for me to pass an id to the contact entity. Because i am trying to map attributes from the entity to the attributes i get from an excel file. The end user themselves would be doing the mapping so all i need are the attribute name and type and nothing else. For instance in SQL we have the query
This query basically returns an empty resultset with only the fieldnames. That is what i am looking for here. Is it even possible ?
In your example above, the dynamic entity does not have any properties set on it. The dynamic entity is a special type in MS CRM that is used when you do not know the CRM type until runtime. If you add properties to the dynamic entity and run your example, you will get however many properties returned that you define.
In order to get the contact attributes, you will need to reference the CRM Metadata Service as explained in the SDK.
There is an example within this download in the HowTo section that shows how to get out the entity and attribute metadata.