Execute two INSERT statements - sql

I have two seperate INSERT statements that I want to run one after the other,
the first one runs successfully but it seems like it isn't even getting to the second statement any idea why?
resultSQL.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
resultSQL.Text = "Successfully Saved"
Catch ex As Exception
resultSQL.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
resultSQL.Text = ex.Message
End Try
INSERT 2 which is not running:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO [SD_EPOS_Entry]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code] " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code1)"
cmd = New SqlCommand(strQuery)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Trade_Activity_Code1", tcodeVar)
resultSQL.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
resultSQL.Text = "Successfully Saved2"
Catch ex As Exception
resultSQL.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
resultSQL.Text = ex.Message

Right off the bat there seems to be a missing parenthesis in your second query:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO [SD_EPOS_Entry]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code] " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code1)"
It should be:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO [SD_EPOS_Entry]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code]) " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code1)"
I would also advise for proper disposal of any SqlCommand and SqlConnection instances you create, either by using the Dispose() method or declaring them in a Using statement.
If as you say your second query isn't even reached, follow your code at runtime with a debugger and look at which point it stops. That ougth to provide some clue.
This should execute both your INSERT statements in a single operation:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO [SD_T_Code]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code]) " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code)" _
& ";INSERT INTO [SD_EPOS_Entry]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code]) " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code)"
Dim strMessage As String = "Successfully saved"
Dim resultColor As Drawing.Color = Drawing.Color.Green
Using cmd = New SqlCommand(strQuery, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Trade_Activity_Code", tcodeVar)
resultSQL.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
resultSQL.Text = "Successfully Saved"
Catch ex As SqlException
strMessage = ex.Message
resultColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End Try
End Using
// Write results outside of db operation
resultSQL.ForeColor = resultColor
resultSQL.Text = strMessage
Of course the above assumes there's an instanciated, unopen con connection variable present.
Notice that it also only catches SqlException. Catching the basic Exception here seems wrong to me.
If the above code isn't working, the issue may be caused by an Sql Trigger.

Somewhere not shown in your code, you are assigning the connection to the command object (this is for the first query).
When you get to the second query, you're redefining the cmd object as a new object, which is also removing any reference to the connection as established earlier.
Try this for your second block of code:
strQuery = "INSERT INTO [SD_EPOS_Entry]" _
& " ([Trade_Activity_Code] " _
& " VALUES " _
& " (#Trade_Activity_Code1)"
cmd = New SqlCommand(strQuery, cnn) 'Define the connection to be used for the command.


How do I track down an Unclosed reader

I've got a utility function in a much larger project that updates a backend SQL database. It's currently failing most times I use it, with the error:
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
The code for the function is below:
Public Function Update_Data(what As String, Optional where As String = "",
Optional table As String = ThisAddIn.defaultTable) As Integer
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand With {
.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " & table & " SET " & what
If where <> "" Then
cmd.CommandText &= " WHERE " & where
End If
Update_Data = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
Catch ex As Exception
Update_Data = 0
Debug.WriteLine("SQL Error updating data:" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
I've gone through the rest of the code to make sure that whenever I have a SQLDataReader declared I later call reader.close(). I added the cmd.Dispose() line to this and all the other ExecuteNonQuery functions I could find - incase that helped?
Are there any other instances/types of reader that might not be being closed?
In the case of an Exception, you aren't disposing your command.
If you don't want to use Using, add a Finally
Public Function Update_Data(what As String, Optional where As String = "",
Optional table As String = ThisAddIn.defaultTable) As Integer
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
cmd = New SqlCommand With {.Connection = conn}
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " & table & " SET " & what
If where <> "" Then
cmd.CommandText &= " WHERE " & where
End If
Update_Data = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
Catch ex As Exception
Update_Data = 0
Debug.WriteLine("SQL Error updating data:" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
but Using might be simpler
Public Function Update_Data(what As String, Optional where As String = "",
Optional table As String = ThisAddIn.defaultTable) As Integer
Using cmd As New SqlCommand With {.Connection = conn}
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE " & table & " SET " & what
If where <> "" Then
cmd.CommandText &= " WHERE " & where
End If
Update_Data = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
Catch ex As Exception
Update_Data = 0
Debug.WriteLine("SQL Error updating data:" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try
End Using
End Function

Windows Mobile v 6.5 connecting to SQL Server 2008 R2

I have a problem connecting my windows mobile application developed using vb.net in my SQL server 2008 as my back end. Here is my connection string :
Data Source=STEPH-PC\SQL2008;Initial Catalog= MyDB; User ID = myusername; Password = mypassword;
It always give me an error that SQL server does not exist or access denied. Any help on how to solve this issue?
1- Testing connection Server versus Pocket PC:
First at all test if your SQL Server CE mobile agent connects to SQL Server CE Server agent. To do this you have to install SQL Server CE 3.5 in the server and in your Pocket PC. Search in google How to install SQL Server CE 3.5. In the process you create a Virtual Directory in Server and in that directory you got a file sqlcesa35.dll, so to test the connection in your Pocket PC browser write: http://ipserver/virtual_directory/sqlcesa35.dll (of course ipserver must be your server IP and virtual_directory must be your virtual directory name). Doing this you have to get in your Pocket PC the message:
Microsoft SQL Server Compact
Server Agent
At this point I have to mention that always you must have internet connection.
2- Retrieving files from the server (this is a sample code, not debugged, I only have taken some parts from other project and put them here).
Function get_companies(ByVal sSucursal As String, ByVal cn_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection, _
ByVal cmd_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand, ByVal dr_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataReader) As Boolean
get_companies = False
Dim _strRemoteConnect As String
Dim _strLocalConnect As String
Dim _strInternetURL As String = sInternetURL
'The last variable sInternetURL is something like: http://ip_server/virtual_directory/sqlcesa35.dll
_strRemoteConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & sIPSQLServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & sBDSQLServer & ";User Id=" & sUserSQLServer & ";Password=" & sClaveSQLServer
'sIPSQLServer is the server ip where is running SQL Server
'sBDSQLServer is your DataBase server.
_strLocalConnect = "Data Source=" & sPath & "\" & sDataBase_Interface & "; Password=" & sPassword
'sPath is your directory in your Pocket PC, begings with \
'sDataBase_Interface is the database in my Pocket PC, an .sdf file
Dim rda As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeRemoteDataAccess = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeRemoteDataAccess
rda.InternetLogin = sUserInternet 'a valid user in your domain
rda.InternetPassword = sClaveInternet
rda.InternetUrl = _strInternetURL
rda.LocalConnectionString = _strLocalConnect
Do While True
'In server database there is a table: Monedas
rda.Pull("_Monedas", "Select Moneda, Descripcion, Abreviada From Monedas Where Sucursal = '" & sSucursal & "'", _
_strRemoteConnect, System.Data.SqlServerCe.RdaTrackOption.TrackingOff)
Exit Do
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'read the data received, just testing, may be this code not to be here because you process the data outside the function.
cmd_Interface.CommandText = "Select Moneda, Descripcion, Abreviada From _Monedas"
dr_Interface = cmd_Interface.ExecuteReader()
Do While dr_Interface.Read()
messagebox.show("Moneda = " & dr_interface("Moneda") & " - " & dr_interface("Descripcion") & " - " & dr_interface("Abreviada"), _
"Currencies Received", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
get_companies = true
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
'If cn_Interface.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then
' cmd_Interface.Dispose()
' cn_Interface.Close()
' cn_Interface.Dispose()
'End If
End Try
End Function
3- Excecuting a sentence in Database Server from your Pocket PC and Transferring data from Pocket to Server:
Function EnviarClientesNuevos(ByVal sSucursal As String, ByVal sZona As String, ByVal sRuta As String) As Boolean
Dim sLineas As String
Dim nRegs As Integer
Dim cn_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
Dim cmd_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand
EnviarClientesNuevos = False
Dim _strRemoteConnect As String
Dim _strLocalConnect As String
Dim _strInternetURL As String = sInternetURL
_strRemoteConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & sIPSQLServer & ";Initial Catalog=" & sBDSQLServer & ";User Id=" & sUserSQLServer & ";Password=" & sClaveSQLServer
_strLocalConnect = "Data Source=" & sPath & "\" & sDataBase_Interface & "; Password=" & sPassword
Dim rda As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeRemoteDataAccess = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeRemoteDataAccess
rda.InternetLogin = sUserInternet
rda.InternetPassword = sClaveInternet
rda.InternetUrl = _strInternetURL
rda.LocalConnectionString = _strLocalConnect
Do While True
If DropTableE("_NEW_CLIENTES_XX") Then
'_NEW_CLIENTES_XX is a table in your SQL Server (The server, not the Pocket)
rda.Pull("_NEW_CLIENTES_XX", "Select Id, Sucursal, Zona, CodCli, Nombre, Direccion, Ruc, Clase, Ruta " & _
"FROM _NEW_CLIENTES_XX WHERE Sucursal = ''", _strRemoteConnect, SqlServerCe.RdaTrackOption.TrackingOn)
'In where clause I compare to '' because I only need the structure
Exit Do
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Exit Function
Catch ex As Exception
Exit Function
End Try
End If
cn_Interface = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
cn_Interface.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & sPath & "\" & sDataBase_Interface & ";Password=" & sPassword
cmd_Interface = cn_Interface.CreateCommand()
cmd_Interface.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'here I have an open connection to another database in my Mobile Device. Here I have to mention that I work with 2 databases in my mobile device:
'One database for getting the data from server, I only use it when I get data from server and when I send data to server
'and other database which is my main database, the database that is used all the day storing customers transactions.
'here I already have open (outside this function) the connection to this second database, but the sentence are the same above,
'something like this:
' cn = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
' cn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & sPath & "\" & sDataBase_Ppal & ";Password=" & sPassword
' cn.Open()
' cmd = cn.CreateCommand()
' cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Read the data from my main Pocket PC database
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT CodCli, Nombre, Direccion, Ruc, Clase From CLIENTES WHERE CLASE IN ('N', 'M')"
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Do While dr.Read()
'Insert the data in the table structure that I get above.
'remember that this table is in the database that only is used when transferring data, its a temporal database.
cmd_Interface.CommandText = "INSERT INTO _NEW_CLIENTES_XX (Sucursal, Zona, CodCli, Nombre, Direccion, Ruc, Clase, Ruta) " & _
"VALUES('" & sSucursal & "', '" & sZona & "', " & dr("CodCli") & ", '" & _
dr("Nombre") & "', '" & dr("Direccion") & "', '" & dr("Ruc") & "', '" & _
dr("Clase") & "', '" & sRuta & "')"
nRegs = cmd_Interface.ExecuteNonQuery()
dr.Close() : dr.Dispose()
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Exit Function
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
Exit Function
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'If cn.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then
' cmd.Dispose()
' cn.Close()
' cn.Dispose()
'End If
If cn_Interface.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
End Try
Do While True
'I excecute a sentence in the Server. I delete the data in _NEW_CLIENTES_XX which is a work table in SQL server.
rda.SubmitSql("Delete From _NEW_CLIENTES_XX Where Sucursal = '" & sSucursal & "' AND Zona = '" & sZona & "' And Ruta = '" & sRuta & "'", _strRemoteConnect)
'I send the data to server
rda.Push("_NEW_CLIENTES_XX", _strRemoteConnect, System.Data.SqlServerCe.RdaBatchOption.BatchingOn)
EnviarClientesNuevos = True
Exit Do
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Exit Function
Catch ex As Exception
Exit Function
End Try
End Function
Function DropTableP(ByVal sTabla As String) As Boolean
'Dim cn_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection
'Dim cmd_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand
'Dim dr_Interface As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeDataReader
Dim nRegs As Integer
'cn_Interface = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" & sPath & "\" & sDataBase_Ppal & "; Password=" & sPassword)
'cmd_Interface = cn_Interface.CreateCommand()
'cmd_Interface.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "Select TABLE_NAME From INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES Where TABLE_NAME = '" & sTabla & "'"
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If dr.Read() Then
cmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE " & sTabla
nRegs = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
DropTableP = True
DropTableP = True
End If
Catch exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException
Catch ex As Exception
'If cn_Interface.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then
' cn_Interface.Close()
' cn_Interface.Dispose()
'End If
End Try
End Function
Sub ShowErrorSqlServerCE(ByVal exc As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException)
Dim bld As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim err As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeError
Dim errorCollection As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeErrorCollection = exc.Errors
Dim errPar As String
Dim numPar As Integer
' Loop through all of the errors.
For Each err In errorCollection
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Error Code: " & err.HResult.ToString("X"))
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Message : " & err.Message)
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Minor Err.: " & err.NativeError)
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Source : " & err.Source)
' Loop through all of the numeric parameters for this specific error.
For Each numPar In err.NumericErrorParameters
If numPar <> 0 Then
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Num. Par. : " & numPar.ToString())
End If
Next numPar
' Loop through all of the error parameters for this specific error.
For Each errPar In err.ErrorParameters
If errPar <> [String].Empty Then
bld.Append(ControlChars.Cr & " Err. Par. : " & errPar)
End If
Next errPar
' Finally, display this error.
MessageBox.Show(bld.ToString(), "SQL Server CE")
' Empty the string so that it can be used again.
bld.Remove(0, bld.Length)
Next err
End Sub
As I said above: the code that I put here needs to be debugged...I have only extracted some parts from my project and put here. Hope this will help you!

"variable" is not declared error

Image of the error
I am new to Vb.net programing and I need a little help here, I pretend to send info to my database, the first query gives me the id I need and I declare it as "postoid", when I later try to call it (in the insert into part) it says it is not declared, I have googled the problem a hundred times but I couldn't find the answer.
Ps: this code is all in the same private sub
queryrow = "Select * from postos where postos_nome ='" & TextBox1.Text & "'"
COMMANDuser1 = New MySqlCommand(queryrow, mysqlconn)
READERuser = COMMANDuser1.ExecuteReader
While READERuser.Read
Dim postoid = READERuser.GetString("postos_id")
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim sqlquery As String = "INSERT INTO computadores VALUES (0,'" & pcname.ToUpper & "','" & ip & "','" & so & "','" & cpu & "','" & ram & "','" & gc & "','" & wserial & "','" & mnome & "','" & mserial & "','" & "--- ,,'Inativo','" & empresaid & "','" & postoid & "','" & userid & "')"
Dim sqlcommand As New MySqlCommand
With sqlcommand
.CommandText = sqlquery
.Connection = mysqlconn
End With
MsgBox("Computador Adicionado")
Your variable postoid is out-of-scope outside the block it is declared in.
All you need to do is declare it outside the Try structure:
Dim postoid As String = ""
queryrow = "Select postos_id from postos where postos_nome = #PostosNome"
Using COMMANDuser1 As New MySqlCommand(queryrow, mysqlconn)
COMMANDuser1.Parameters.Add("#PostosNome", TextBox1.Text)
READERuser = COMMANDuser1.ExecuteReader()
While READERuser.Read
postoid = READERuser.GetString("postos_id")
End While
End Using
If postoid <> "" Then
' perform the insert...
I did not actually use Try in that, as you have no code in your Catch block - having no code in the Catch block has the effect of hiding errors. You want to see the errors.
For using SQL parameters, see, e.g., Inserting data into a MySQL table using VB.NET but please use .Add instead of .AddWithValue - the latter will not always work as intended.

Checking existing table rows

Can somebody tell me what I've done wrong inside my coding? I am trying to match the user login name and password with the one inside the database. If got row and matched then user will be able to login into the system but it seems like my system can only read the first row of my data table (inside database).
Here is my coding that I currently use.
Private Sub CheckLogin()
Dim lCnn As New SqlConnection
Dim lCmd As New SqlCommand
Dim lRd As SqlDataReader
Dim lsCmd As String
If TextBoxLogin.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Username.")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
ElseIf TextBoxPass.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Enter your Password.")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
lCnn.ConnectionString = GetConnString()
lCmd.Connection = lCnn
lsCmd = "SELECT * FROM UserInfo..UserInfo "
lsCmd &= " INNER JOIN UserInfo..UserAccess ON UserLogin = UA_UserLogin "
lsCmd &= " WHERE (UserLogin = " & SQLQuote(Trim(TextBoxLogin.Text)) & " AND UserPassword = " & SQLQuote(Trim(TextBoxPass.Text))
lsCmd &= " AND UserActive = 1"
lsCmd &= " AND UA_AICode = 'MENU')"
lCmd.CommandText = lsCmd
lRd = lCmd.ExecuteReader()
If lRd.HasRows Then
lbLoginSuccess = True
gsLoginID = Trim(TextBoxLogin.Text)
gsUserPass = Trim(TextBoxPass.Text)
lnCurRetry += 1
Alert("Wrong Username or Password.")
End If
End If
If Not lbLoginSuccess Then
If lnCurRetry >= 3 Then
End If
End If
End Sub
I appreciate your help. Thanks.
Your code is not really bad, but can be better if utilize that sintax:
Using LCnn As New SqlConnection
LCnn.ConnectionString = GetConnString()
Using LCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM UserInfo " & _
"INNER JOIN UserAccess ON UserLogin = UA_UserLogin " & _
"WHERE (UserLogin = '" & TextBoxLogin.Text.trim & "' " & _
"AND UserPassword = '" & TextBoxPass.Text.Trim & "' " & _
"AND UserActive = 1 AND UA_AICode = 'MENU')", LCnn)
Dim LRdr As SqlDataReader
LRdr = SQL_Cmd.ExecuteReader
If Not SQL_Rdr.HasRows Then
msgbox("Empty Results...")
<your code>
catch ex as Exception
msgbox("Error: " & ex.message)
end try
end using ' Lcmd
catch exConn as Exception
msgbox("Error: " & exConn.message)
end try
end using ' LCnn
Remember: the Using/End Using syntax can help you to manage resources. End Using always close and dispose resources.
Good luck

NullReferenceException was Unhandled "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

I have a problem sending data to my access database.
I get this error
NullReferenceExeption was Unhandled - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."on this part of my codemaxrows = ds.Tables("asdf").Rows.Count
What would that mean?
Here is my code :
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
ID = TextID.Text
FName = Textfname.Text
LName = Textlname.Text
If con.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
If TextID.Tag & "" = "" Then
cmd = New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO asdf(ID,fname,lname) " & _
"VALUES(' " & TextID.Text & "', '" & Textfname.Text & "', '" & Textlname.Text & "')", con)
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE asdf" & _
"SET ID=" & TextID.Text & _
", fname='" & Textfname.Text & "'" & _
",lname ='" & Textlname.Text & "'" & _
", WHERE ID =" & TextID.Tag
End If
MessageBox.Show("Data successfully saved!")
maxrows = ds.Tables("asdf").Rows.Count ' <---- Exception occurs here
inc = 1
End Sub
Put a break-point (F9 or click in the margin) on this line of code: maxrows = ds.Tables("asdf").Rows.Count and run it.
Take these steps:
Hover over ds or right-click and select Quick Watch and see if it
says null.
If it doesn't, highlight ds.Tables("asdf") and Quick Watch it and
see if it's null.
If not, then highlight ds.Tables("asdf").Rows and see if that's
One of these has to be null if it's crashing there. If that's the case, then you didn't fill it correctly or there wasn't nothing to fill it with.