mvc4 partial view used twice on the same view -

I have a partial view for cascading drop downs i.e. Country and State. I am using the following razor view statement to render this partial view
#{Html.RenderAction("PopulateCountriesDropdown", "Helper");}
and it works just fine. Following is the complete code for the partial view that makes an asynchronous call to an action method of the controller
<pre>#model OnlineExamSystem.Models.CountryAndStateViewModel
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.c.CountryName)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.c.CountryId, new SelectList(Model.cntlist, "CountryId", "CountryName"),"--Select Country--", new { #class="aha" })
Note: since i am unable to write HTML i.e. I have a simple html select for displaying 2nd drop down to show states with class="ddlstates"
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".aha").change(function () {
var Url = '/Helper/PopulateStateDropdown';
var catId = $(this).val();
var select = $('.ddlstate');
if (catId != '') {
$.getJSON("/Helper/PopulateStateDropdown", { id: catId },
function (ddl) {
select.append($("<option></option>", { value: 0, text: '--Select State--' }));
$.each(ddl, function (index, itemData) {
select.append($("<option></option>", { value: itemData.Value, text: itemData.Text }));
else {
select.append($("<option></option>", { value: 0, text: '--Select State--' }));
as i said this works just fine. but here is the problem i.e. when I try to render the same partial view again on the same page (view) as following
#{Html.RenderAction("PopulateCountriesDropdown", "Helper");}
the rendering is ok, but changing the country in the 2nd partial view does not select the states properly. Also I have noticed that following action method is called twice for the first partial view
public JsonResult PopulateStateDropdown(string id)
var ls = State.GetStateByCountryId(Int32.Parse(id)).AsEnumerable();
var ddl = ls.Select(m => new SelectListItem() { Text = m.StateName, Value = m.StateId.ToString() });
return Json(ddl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
and interestingly the the above method is not at all called from the 2nd partial view.

(doucment).ready() binds event to the dome elements when the page is loaded first time, it finds the elements in DOM and bind events to them, in your case as its a partial view, html is rendered dynamically on page after page is loaded so event is not binded.
Use live function for event as you html is dynamically added on the view:
Do like this:
$(".aha").live('change',function () {

Related MVC autocomplete with Html.TextBoxFor

I am modifying a preexisting application. I am trying to add the jquery autocomplete functionality. I have it working and calling the controller but the problem is the name attribute in the input field is "someClass.someMethod" so because I can't put this in the controller parameter like this, but still want to satisfy's Model Binding rules, what can I do?
public JsonResult GetPs(string pN, PSModel pS)
List<string> pNs = null;
pNs= pS.PEntryBL.BusinessLayerPS.PS
.Where(x => x.Text.StartsWith(pN)).Select(y => y.Text).ToList();
return Json(pNs, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
$(function () {
source: '#Url.Action("GetPs", "PS", new {pS = #Model})'
In Form:
#Html.Label("Scan PN: ", new { #class = "DFont"})
#Html.TextBoxFor(r => r.PEntryBL.PS, new { #class = "pageFont", id = "autoCompletePNBox" })
Using This Post
I was able to get it working by grabbing the value of the input field and passing it on each function call (or each time a user enters a character).
Now when the user selects the item from the autocomplete list, and selects submit then the frameworks form model binding behind the scenes will still work as originally implemented.
Here is the jquery code change:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var src = '#Url.Action("GetPs", "PS", new {pS = #Model})'
source: function (request, response) {
url: src,
dataType: "json",
data: {
pN: $("#autoCompletePNBox").val()
success: function (data) {
I couldn't figure this out right away as my Jquery skills are not very strong. Hopefully this helps someone.

how to pass value ember view to controller

I am new in pretty ember js development .
I have done view below code
{{view "select" content=model prompt="Please select a name" selectionBinding="" optionValuePath="content.body" optionLabelPath="content.title"}}
using following Json
posts = [{
title: "Raja",
body: "There are lots of à la carte software environments in this world."
}, {
title: "Broken Promises",
body: "James Coglan wrote a lengthy article about Promises in node.js."
and Router
App.InRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
return posts;
My Requirement is passing that combo box selected value to controller
App.InController = Ember.Controller.extend({
alert("combobox selected item")
And how an i access that value apicontoller in .net mvc 4
public class ValuesController : ApiController
string value= combo box selected value
Your "select" view's value attribute needs to be bound to a property on the controller:
add the following to your view's attributes: value=selectedItem
In your controller:
Add "selectedItem"
App.InRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
selectedItem: null,
model: function () {
return posts;
Now your all set to send it to your Api end point. You could create an action handler and make it happen there. Here is a quick example:
App.InRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
selectedItem: null,
model: function () {
return posts;
actions: {
submit: function(){
$.ajax('/api/yourEndPoint', {type: 'POST', data: {body: this.get('selectedItem')} })
In your Handlebars template
<button {[action 'submit'}}>Submit</button>
In your .NET API Controller
public IHTTPActionResult Post(string body){
//.NET's Model Binder will correctly pull out the value of the body keyvalue pair.
//Now do with "body" as you will.
You should really look into using Ember-Data, it's freaking awesome.
You only need to set the selectionBinding="someModelAttribute" and the two way data binding will take care of setting the selected value on the model.

TableView 'click' listener being ignored

I am dynamically building a TableView in my controller, which works fine: The initial table displays the initial collections data as expected.
The problem is that the TableView's 'click' event listener is ignored when I click on the table rows. I am testing in the browser, and I never even see the console event file (see comments in controller file). All relevant code snippets below:
In my alloy.js I setup a backbone collection:
function defaultTodo(name) { return {name: name, done: false}; }
function doneTodo(name) { return {name: name, done: true}; }
Alloy.Collections.todos = new Backbone.Collection();
defaultTodo('Apples'), // create not yet done todo
defaultTodo('Paper Towels'),
doneTodo('Beans'), // create already done todo
doneTodo('Stir Fry')
Here is my index.js controller:
var todos = Alloy.Collections.todos;
function redrawTable() {
// clear all the old data
// See
// Create and add the TableViewSections
var alreadyDone = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Already Done" });
var needsDoing = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Needs Doing" });
// Add the todo to the appropriate sections
todos.forEach(function(todo) {
var section = todo.get('done') ? alreadyDone : needsDoing;
addEntry(todo, section);
// Add the click listener
// THIS LISTENER IS IGNORED ********************************
$.table.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
console.log(e);'done', true);
// Helper function to add a row to a section
function addEntry(todo, section) {
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
title: todo.get('name'),
className: "row"
// Redraw our table each time our todos collection changes
todos.on('change', redrawTable);
// Trigger a change event to draw the initial table
And here is index.xml view file:
<Window class="container">
<Label id="test" class="header">My Grocery List</Label>
<TextField id="newItem"/>
<TableView id="table">
UPDATE: Working Code
In addition to the changes below, I also added onClick="markDone" to the xml.
function markDone(e) {
e.row.todo.set('done', true);
function redrawTable() {
// clear all the old data
// See
var rows = [];
var done = [];
var doing = [];
// Add the todo to the appropriate sections
todos.forEach(function(todo) {
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
title: todo.get('name'),
className: "row"
row.todo = todo;
todo.get('done') ? done.push(row) : doing.push(row);
// Create and add the TableViewSections
rows.push(Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Needs Doing" }));
rows = rows.concat(doing);
rows.push(Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Already Done" }));
rows = rows.concat(done);
I created brand new project using files which you provided and eventListener is working perfectly fine. However there are couple other bugs:
Creating listener inside redrawTable() function, which is executed every time you click on something in TableView. As a result at the beginning you have one eventListener but after every click all listeners are duplicated.
Using index property in event handler to find index of Backbone model object to update. index property is indicating at which place given row was displayed in your TableView. When you are moving rows between sections their index are changing. In your case it's better to check property and use Backbone.Collection.findWhere() method. If user can have two items with the same name on the list, then you have to create additional property to determine which object in model should be changed.
You should add rows to section before section are added to table. In your case table is very simple so instead of doing loops you can just create one simple array of objects (with title and optional header properties) and pass it to $.table.setData().
It's good to wait for postlayout event triggered on main view before triggering any custom events to make sure that the whole view was created and all objects are initiated.
Check rewrote index.js code below to see how it could be done.
var todos = Alloy.Collections.todos;
function redrawTable() {
var done = todos.where({done: true}).map(function(elem) {
return { title: elem.get('name') };
if (done.length > 0) {
done[0].header = 'Already Done';
var notdone = todos.where({done: false}).map(function(elem) {
return { title: elem.get('name') };
if (notdone.length > 0) {
notdone[0].header = 'Needs Doing';
$.table.setData( done.concat(notdone) );
$.table.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
todos.where({ name: e.row.title }).forEach(function(elem){
elem.set('done', !elem.get('done'));
todos.trigger('change'); // Redraw table
// Redraw our table each time our todos collection changes
todos.on('change', redrawTable);
// Trigger a change event to draw the initial table
$.index.addEventListener('postlayout', function init(){
// Remove eventListener, we don't need it any more.
$.index.removeEventListener('postlayout', init);
redrawTable() could have a little more refactor but I left it so it's easier to read.
To read more about manipulating TableView check this Appcelerator documentation page.

cascading dropdown on partial view mvc4

I have a partial view with a few textboxes along with 3 ddl for city/state/country. I have one view model to load country/state/city data initially. I load this partial view based on value from one of my dropdown change event on my main view. My problem is the change event of the dropdownlist on partial view rendered on my main view is not firing.
partialview :
#model CarrierClaims.Web.ViewModels.CarrierLocationViewModel
#Html.DropDownListFor(model=>model.CarrierLocation.CountryId,Model.CountryList,"-Select Country-")
my js on my main view
$("#CarrierLocation_CountryId").change(function () {
var url = '#Url.Content("~/")' + "Claims/GetStateList";
var ddlsource = "#CarrierLocation_CountryId";
var ddltarget = "#CarrierLocation_StateId";
$.getJSON(url, { id: $(ddlsource).val() }, function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, optionData) {
$(ddltarget).append("<option value='" + optionData.Value + "'>" + optionData.Text + "</option>");
Any suggestions?
I think the problem is jquery not triggers the event because you create the second dropdown dinamically, try to change this:
$("#CarrierLocation_CountryId").change(function () {
For this:
$(document.body).on('change', '#CarrierLocation_CountryId', function() {

how to call a controller method in mvc and show the details in labels in the view

I have a view with a text box, when I type and enter a service number then it should retrieve the data from the database and show those in labels in the same view, This application is MVC application. Can some one tell me how to do this. Thanks
Further more
can I call controller methods without javascript
Is that possible to call controller methods in view and show the results in the same view
If can the show me how to do it, Thanks
You could use AJAX. Let's have an example:
#Html.LabelFor(x => x.FooBar, htmlAttributes: new { id = "fooBarLabel" })
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.FooBar, new { id = "fooBar", data_url = Url.Action("CalculateValue") })
and then in a separate javascript file you could subscribe to the .change event of the text field and trigger an AJAX call to the controller action:
$(function() {
$('#fooBar').change(function() {
var url = $(this).data('url');
var value = $(this).val();
$('#fooBarLabel').load(url, { value: value });
and all that's left is the corresponding controller action:
public ActionResult CalculateValue(string value)
// The value parameter will contain the text entered by the user in the text field
// here you could calculate the value to be shown in the label based on it:
return Content(string.Format("You entered: {0}", value));