VS2012 Compiler randomly tells that output file can't be written - vb.net

I am compiling a bigger VB.NET project using VS2012.
Randomly, but very often after having run my project in Debug Mode, I get the error
"The output file <mypathhere> could not be written. Permission denied."
I have also tried using MSBUILD to give me more details about this error, but it didn't help.
Also, I have tried disabling the Hosting option because I thought that this might be the cause, but it wasn't.
I used ProcessExplorer to find out which process might have locked my file, but it didn't show anything.
Does anybody have any more ideas?
When I try to set the application's output folder to not-writeprotected using the Windows properties dialog, I get the "Changing attributes denied. Permission denied." error on the output file.
Thank you very much!

There are a couple of reasons why this could happen
An instance of your program is currently running hence Visual Studio can't write over the file. Next time this happens check and see if any instances of your program are running in task manager.
An anti-virus program has a lock on your file to analyze it and prevents VS from overwriting it. Try excluding your project director from analysis and see if the problem dissapears

The solution is to activate the Application Experience service in Windows. This is a known MS bug.


How can I obtain few of vc runtime dll's to include in my installer?

I've tried for many hours to find the solution for my problem and couln't find it even here.
So I have that application.exe that I am writing the Wix Toolset installer for it. Unfortunately I have no access to the source code but I hope I can do my task without it.
The problem is that it runs correctly with vc_redist.x64 installed on the end user's machine, but not without it.
What I've tried:
I was trying to run it without those runtimes and got into "couldn't find vcruntime140.dll error"
So I pasted it in the app's folder and tried to move on with dll's and the next error occured as shown in picture:
the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application
I've read those runtimes after installation go into eg. "C://Windows/System32"
so I tried to go to that location and
dir > before.txt
dir > after.txt
after installing the vc++ runtime.
and copy pasted the files that occured only after the installation.
I tried to use gumpbin.exe from Visual Studio that gave given output:
found some dependencies
and the Dependency Walker gave me kind of similar output.
Dependency Walker output the same libs as direct ones, but also gave imo about hundreds of indirect ones. So I thought copy/pasting all of them is a really hard job without software to help.
I was also thinking about forcing vc_redist.x64.exe to extract files to folder given by me so I could use them for my purpose and the only parameter that looked fine was /layout but it only copied the whole .exe to another folder. Didn't extract it.
My questions is:
is there an easy way of obtaining the vc_redist.x64 libraries so I could author only the needed ones in my installer?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
My goal is to secure newbie end users from being unable to run the application when they accidentally uninstall the VC runtime, therefore having vc_redist.exe as prerequisite in bootstrapper is unfortunetely not the case

Visual Studio 2015 locks DLL during debugging

I have 3 C# projects A, B, and C. Both A and B reference C. The references to C from A and B are set to "Copy Local" implying that after C is built to C.dll (in the output directory of C), it is copied to the output directory of A or B (whichever is being compiled)
I have 2 solutions, SA and SB. SA contains A and C and SB contains B and C. I launch 2 instance's of Visual Studio 2015. I open SA in one instance and SB in the other.
I am finding that if I Start Debugging (F5) A from SA, and then (while A is still debugging), make a change to C from SB and attempt to compile SB, I receive a compile error stating that C.dll can not be over-written because it is in use by another process (the instance of devenv.exe which is running SA).
This does not make sense to me because after compiling C to C.dll and copying to the output directory of A, Visual Studio should release the lock on the file.
I have verified (via the Modules window in SA) that the version of C.dll loaded is the one which has been copied to the output directory of A.
This started occurring yesterday when I began using Visual Studio 2015 (instead of Visual Studio 2013).
Does anyone have any ideas? My current solution is to run SA via CTRL-F5 (start without debugging), but this becomes annoying when I want to run SA and SB in debug mode simultaneously.
I did some research into why the "Edit and Continue" feature could cause the described behavior, and according to this page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms164926.aspx> Edit and Continue allows one to make source code modifications while in a debugging session and have the results take effect without stopping debugging, recompiling, and restarting the debugging session (what a gnarly problem that must have been). With that feature enabled, Visual Studio might be required to recompile any dependent DLL's at any time which explains the lock.
I had the same problem. I changed my VS2015 settings and it seems the problem is gone:
disabled Options\Debugging\Edit and continue
-Options\Sourcecodemanagement from TFS to none-
-disabled Options\Debugging\Diagnostictools while debugging-
Not sure wich one caused the locking, but i suspect the diagnostictools wich I did not have in VS2013.
(The settings names I translated from German to english, don't know if it is exactly how they are called in english VS version.)
As researched by Shea it was the Edit-And-Continue feature that locked the DLL.
in my case this was "Panda free Antivirus" Who was watching on the dll of the "C" project and this caused the error: "the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
I had the same problem and none of the other recommended solutions I came across while searching the interwebs worked for me. Finally after "repairing" Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise, I tried launching Visual Studio in safe mode: devenv.exe /SafeMode
In safe mode I was able to finally build my solution, and when I started again without the switch, I was prepared to shut off extensions one by one until I found which one was the culprit. Luckily that was unnecessary and subsequent builds went off without a hitch.
In my case, the .pdb file was locked. This is not the same as the .exe getting locked as it should be when debugging.
Assuming it's just the .pdb, simply move it to a new folder (I dragged and dropped). Oddly enough, it cannot be deleted, but it can most certainly be moved! Once the .pdb file was gone, the assembly was able to compile again.
The alternative solution (and probably the least convenient) involves closing out of the project entirely, then opening it again (the .pdb file magically unlocks!).
After happening a second time, moving the file did not work; it appears restarting the project is the only reliable way to go.

regsvr32 Custom ocx file not Registering

I've been asked to install an old VB program on an XP computer, but when I do I get an error when I run the program saying that Component 'filename.ocx' or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
This is a custom file (I did not create it), I have tried regsvr32 and I get no error messages but no successfully registered messages either.
This program also runs on another computer which this ocx file is not registered but opens without error. So my question would be what could cause the file to not be recognized by regsvr32, and run on another client with the same os, but without error. Any ideas, or new paths to look into would be very helpful.
Also if you dislike something about this question, let me know what it is, so I can fix it in the future. Down voting a question gives me no insight on why this upsets the community, it just discourages me to want to help others in areas I do understand.
If you do get the error "Component 'filename.ocx' or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" from a custom dll or ocx file, it may just need that file and its dependent files in the directory that your running the executable, as was the problem in my case.
After adding the file to the root directory, and not registering any files the program opened fine. Maybe this helps someone else.

CMake-Configure: Permission Denied

I am trying to compile my Project with CMake, on one of my Computers it works perfectly (a Linux box), but the other one (Windows 7 Ultimate 64) has really problems.
I have tried multpiple generators:
MinGW (standalone and from CodeBlocks):
Error message:
(Just the part that should lead to a solution)
cannot open output file cmTryCompileExec.exe: Permission denied
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Visual Studio 10 Professional
Error Message:
(Again only the Part that may be interesting, i have translated it from german)
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestCCompiler.cmake:52 (MESSAGE):
The C compiler "cl" is not able to compile a simple test program.
1> testCCompiler.c
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: Datei
"H:\yps_2\VISUAL\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\Debug\cmTryCompileExec.exe" could not be opened.
I have Searched google and SO fpr days now and i think no one had some similar Problem like me...
I would be so glad if you could help me guys!
PS: There is another Issue on SO like mine, but it is unanswered:
First make sure you're computer is not infected with viruses: If any viruses modifying EXE files exist, they can be the main cause you can't write to your own EXE files. Scan your computer with an up-to-date antivirus.
Another problem can be your anti-virus trying to block EXE hijacks. If you're sure your computer is clean, try fully disabling your antivirus.
Another solutions that come to my mind are:
Try right-clicking on Code Blocks or Visual Studio and choosing Run as Administrator.
If you are executing from Command Prompt, make sure you do it in an administrative Command Prompt.
Try putting the CMake and other related tools and also the output folder in your C:\ drive. Maybe you don't have quota or rights to access other drives?
Try disabling all services you see are useless. Maybe some service has just locked the file without using it for no good reason.
Try to dismount your H: volume and mount it again. (Either use diskmgmt.msc or use fsutil volume dismount H: and explore to mount it again)
Create the directory
and make sure that you have write access.

cannot access because it is used from another process

Well suddenly when I’m trying to run my project from the debugger in Visual Studio 2010 It gives me this error:
Error 40 Unable to copy file "obj\x86\Debug\AssetsManagement.exe" to "bin\Debug\AssetsManagement.exe". The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\AssetsManagement.exe' because it is being used by another process.
Please is there someone how knows why that happens?
I have already delete the x86\Debug subfolder and te bin\Debug subfolder but nothing happen
Especially in the second folder the only file which cannot deleted was the the .exe file Also with the same error.
Most of the time when I see this error I go look in task manager and I see a VSHost file for my project running. You can't kill it, it just comes back. It's gotten to the point now I always uncheck enable visual studio hosting on the debug tab when I start a new project.
Try commenting out AssemblyVersion in AssemblyInfo.vb and performing a build.
Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")
This has worked for me.