Disable auto snapping - windows-8

i have a next question:
In Windows 8 when i tried to launch my other app from another app - there was no snapping by default, 1 application went to background and other went to front.
In windows 8.1 the application that lauched an URI goes to filled mode, but launchable app goes to snap - how to prevent this, and make it work like in Windows 8?

The Launcher that you use to invoke the second app accepts a LauncherOptions parameter. Use the DesiredRemainingView property to control the launch with regards to size.
By default it's the app that launches another app that controls how the view will be shared. It might be possible to override this behavior. Windows grants apps the option to enlarge themselves when requiring more space. It might be possible to invoke this method to enlarge a launched app.


UWP detect if Desktop Bridge app is running

I have a UWP that also contains a desktop bridge component. The UWP contains the interactive code, including handling session management (login and logout). The desktop app runs in the background - it displays no UI most of the time - but must always be running when the app's user is signed in (the UWP and desktop components share auth). If the desktop app is not running when the UWP starts, but the app is signed in, the UWP needs to start the desktop app. Similarly, whenever the UWP signs in a user, it needs to start the desktop component (if it isn't already running). Signing out a user doesn't strictly require exiting the desktop app, though it wouldn't hurt. Critically, the desktop component must not (automatically) exit when the UWP exits, so there's no guarantee on launch of the UWP whether the desktop app was launched by a previous instance (and is still running) or not.
The problem is, I can't find a way for a UWP to detect whether its desktop bridge component is already running, or to kill an already-running instance. The methods in FullTrustProcessLauncher do not return a Process object or any other way to monitor the desktop app.
How can a UWP detect if its desktop bridge component is running? If it is running, can the UWP stop the desktop bridge app?

Windows 8 App with Share contract only

Is it possible to create an app that "only" shows while using Share charm? I do not want the fullscreen app to be opened via live tile as there is no content to be displayed. I want it to be displayed only through Share charm.
No, it is not possible for an app to be shown only as a Share target. All Windows Store apps have a tile on the Start Screen that can be used to launch the app.

Give permissions to a Windows 8 app to block another app

I'm trying to make my windows 8 app block another app from being launched or launch another app depending on user settings. For example block a browser from opening and launch a media player.
Is this possible?
No, Windows Store apps are running in sandboxed environment and you definitely cannot block any app from being used from another app.

How to programmatically lock an iPad app into one single application?

we are doing a product display iPad app and don't want customers to be able to quit the app pressing the home button. We're planning to use only UIGesture to let the admin users to quit. How to programmatically lock an iPad app into one single application without install any third party app or profile?
There is a feature for this added in iOS 6 Beta 2 called Guided Access, see http://www.idownloadblog.com/2012/06/26/ios-6-guided-access/
Install the iPhone Configuration Utility: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1465?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
Make a .mobileconfig with the SBStoreDemoAppLock property set to true
Install the mobile config on the device.
Installation of the mobile config can be done using either the iPCU app or by opening the file with Safari on the device.
Now the device is in kiosk mode and the home button is disabled.
Remove the .mobileconfig file (again using the iPCU app) and reboot the device to re-enable the home button.
I believe that the common solution to this problem is a case that covers the home and power buttons. In practice, you'll want something that is fairly robust to prevent theft of the iPad, and that neatly covers access to the dock connector whilst providing power.
A quick google search of iPad kiosk case turns up plenty of options. Use of iPads as PoS displays in stores and at trade shows is incredibly popular.

Make Cocoa Application Unquittable

I am writing a Cocoa application that needs to NOT have the option to quit in the dock. I was able to take the menu option out application from the menu-bar. I want to take the quit option out of the dock right-click option. How would I go about this? Thanks in advance!
You could make the app a background-only app by adding the LSUIElement key to your Info.plist file and setting its value to YES.
This will prevent your app from appearing in the dock and will also prevent it having a menu bar. You can present a UI to open app configuration windows etc via an NSStatusItem in the menu bar.
However, if this is going to be the sole app running on the system then you should make it a full-screen kiosk app, which will allow you to completely control what users can do with the system, including preventing the quitting of the app. You can read more about kiosk mode here.