Floating Notifications: How I can develop it? - notifications

I want learn how to develope floating notifications.
I need any API or Library?, Somebody knows?

Have you tried looking at bootstrap's notifications? You an build your own if you;re keen to do it. Otherwise, you can try NotifyJS. It is simple to understand and easy to use.


how to use kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment in iOS?

I wants to add "Face-wrap" effect in my iOS app. After lots of searching i came to know that there is CoreImage Framework in iOS which provides some constants as kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment. I hope that both will help me in achieving my aim. But, now i am enable to find any example of how to use them. Can you please help me?
Thanks, in advance.

How to read RFID using iPhone SDK

In My application i need to read the RFIDs. How it will be possible. I dont have any idea how to achieve this. Is there any API for this.Please suggest me in this issue.
Thanks in Advance
The easiest way is to buy an rfid reader for iPhone, and use its SDK.
Have a look to iCarte, it could be a good starting point.

Objective-C and designing a plugin mechanism

I need to design a simple plugin system in Objective C. I would like some advice about how to go about this. Thanks!
Cocoa is your girlfriend: http://www.cimgf.com/2008/09/17/cocoa-tutorial-adding-plugins-to-a-cocoa-application/
Awesome tutorial.
There is always going to the Source. Here is the ADC reference to Plug-ins
There are dozens of ways you could do this, so you might need to elaborate a little on what exactly you're trying to achieve. As a starting point, I'd recommend you look into Cocoa delegates which are usually a great way to integrate new code into an existing framework.

Safe to use this?

I'm not that good in understanding apple documentation, but is it "Safe" to use this: http://www.touch-code-magazine.com/tutorial-building-advanced-rss-reader/
In a Xcode project, or will apple reject the app because it is customized?
I understand this might be a stupid question, but since Im not sure of the rules, I thought I ask first.
Also, what is the best way to release it?
Thank you in advance!
All the best,
Absolutely safe to use. I use GData in my project and Apple never rejected it.
You can use without any problem. And you can also use NSXLMParser.

How to use SIP (voip) into my application to make video calls in Iphone sdk?

I need to use SIP(VoIP) in my applications can anyone suggest me how to start with this with an sample code in objective-c or sequence of steps to do.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,
There is one iPhone app which is known as linephone and it's source code is also available at here .This app is using SIP(VoIP).