Run time error 3075 syntax error on update query - sql

i am having an issue with writing an update query in SQL where there are two clauses one of which has two scenerarios identified with an AND function.
The run time error i am getting is 3075 stating there is syntax errors on the where expression. Loooking at it and after doing a lot of research, i imagine i am almost there.
Thanks, A
st_sql = "UPDATE tblSearchEngine01 SET tblSearchEngine01.Query01OpenItems =""" & _
"WHERE (((tblSearchEngine01.Status)='open')) OR (((tblSearchEngine01.Overall_status) <>'complete') AND ((tblSearchEngine01.Status) Is Null))"

Well, the error is not where you suspect. Two quotes inside a quoted string are interpreted as one quote. You need to double your quotes here :
st_sql = "UPDATE tblSearchEngine01 SET tblSearchEngine01.Query01OpenItems =""""" & _
Consider using single quotes for SQL statements, as this will improve readability.
st_sql = "UPDATE tblSearchEngine01 SET tblSearchEngine01.Query01OpenItems = ''" & _


Syntax error in where clause in Access

The error I am getting is Syntax error in where clause in Access.
Here is the code:
SQL = "Select * FROM tblPermitAgencyInformation & WHERE [RecordID] = " & Me.AgencyInfoRecordID.Value
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
RecordID is an autonumber field and the AgencyInfoRecordID is an integer.
It looks like you misread the article you state. It appears to be attempting to format the adhoc query in the text variable.
Note: it says
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" & vbCrLf & " WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
You need to make sure that you have the ampersands outside of the quotes, (they are used to append variables and strings together in this case)
Follow June7 advice and remove the ampersand there. It should help you get running.
Make your code this:
SQL = "Select * FROM tblPermitAgencyInformation WHERE [RecordID] = " & Me.AgencyInfoRecordID.Value
Hope that helps

MS Access sql - Update query syntax

Seems a small issue with an sql update query. But I can not get my head around this issue. Not very much acquainted with sql.
Based on a selection, selected rows from a table (7DARphases) are copied and inserted to another table (7tblDAR). And the Project ID (PRJID column) for all the inserted rows should be updated with a fixed value (PID) taken from the form.
Issue is: I am facing syntax issue in the part where the fixed value needs to be inserted in the PRJID column of added rows.
Code is:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
PID = Me.PRJID.Value
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO 7tblDAR (Phase, Deliverable, Link_PIM_temp, Link_PIM_WB, Description, Accept_criteria, Deliv_type, TollgateID, Workstream, Accountable, ClientRACI) SELECT [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable, [7DARphases].Link_PIM_temp, [7DARphases].Link_PIM_WB, [7DARphases].Description, [7DARphases].Accept_criteria, [7DARphases].Deliv_type, [7DARphases].TollgateID, [7DARphases].Workstream, [7DARphases].Accountable, [7DARphases].ClientRACI FROM 7DARphases WHERE ((([7DARphases].SolType) Like '*2PP*')) ORDER BY [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable;"
sqlUpdt = "update 7tblDAR set PRJID = '" & Me.PRJID.Value & "' from 7tblDAR where tblDAR.PRJID = """""
dbs.Execute sqlstr, dbFailOnError
dbs.Execute sqlUpdt, dbFailOnError
The 'sqlstr' works fine and inserts rows.
But 'sqlUpdt' gives error:
"Run-time error 3075: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ..."
Can you please help me out with this.
Plus, if possible, can you suggest to perform this action in one query itself.
Why not put the value in when you insert the values?
sqlstr = "INSERT INTO 7tblDAR (Phase, Deliverable, Link_PIM_temp, Link_PIM_WB, Description, Accept_criteria, Deliv_type, TollgateID, Workstream, Accountable, ClientRACI, PRJID)
SELECT . . .,
'" & Me.PRJID.Value & "'
WHERE [7DARphases].SolType Like '*2PP*')
ORDER BY [7DARphases].Phase, [7DARphases].Deliverable;"
This saves the trouble of having to update it later.

Syntax on SQL statement with multiple conditions in WHERE clause

I am getting a run time 3075 issue on the following SQL string below. Is it possible I am missing parentheses?
sql_get =
"SELECT [tblCompetency02].[HighLevelObjective],
FROM [tblCompetency04]
INNER JOIN [tblCompetency02]
ON [tblCompetency04].[HighLevelObjective] = [tblCompetency02].[ID]
WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>"""
Form_frmStaticDataSkills02.Form.RecordSource = sql_get
Examine the WHERE clause of the statement your code creates.
Here's an Immediate window session:
sql_get = "WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>"""
Debug.Print sql_get
WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>" or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>" or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>"
Notice there is just one double quote character in each of these cases: <>"
If you want to have double quotes inside the string, use two to get one ...
sql_get = "WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>"""" or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>"""" or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>"""""
Debug.Print sql_get
WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>"" or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>""
But I think it is less confusing and less error-prone to use single quotes inside the string ...
sql_get = "WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>'' or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>'' or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>''"
Debug.Print sql_get
WHERE [tblcompetency04].[self]<>'' or [tblcompetency04].[team]<>'' or [tblcompetency04].[organisation]<>''

Set Text Box equal to Query

I have a query in an Access Db that counts the number of observations that meet a certain criteria as defined by two comboboxes. The query works fine, and I can get the result of the query to display and update live with the comboboxes using subforms, but the subforms are an extremely ugly way to represent a single number.
I would like to use a textbox to display that single number from the query instead of a subreport. I've tried inputting the SQL of the query into the Control Source and the Default Value, but no success.
After reading through the forum it appears I can write a function and then set my control source equal to that function.
Here is my VBA:
Public Function AdultCount()
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs=CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select Count([name]) as [# Vars] from Masterdb where ((masterdb.year=[forms]![Masterform]![NavigationSubform].[form]![year]) and (masterdb.recipient=[forms]![Masterform]![NavigationSubform].[form]![recipient]) and ("adult"))")
Set rs=Nothing
End Function
I get "compile error: Expected:list separator or )"
and it highlights "adult" at the end of my SQL query.
I don't know why this isn't working. Does anyone know why I'm getting this error, and tell me if I'm even doing the right thing to get what I want?
I now have
Dim strSQL AS String
strSQL = "Select Count([name]) as [# Vars] from Masterdb where [year] = " & Me.NavigationSubform.year.value & " and [recipient] = " & Me.NavigationSubform.recipient.value & " and [group]='adult'"
Set rs=CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
AdultVar=rs![# Vars].Value
Set rs=Nothing
End Function
But the textbox reads "#Name?"
Any ideas?
The double quotes for "adult" are throwing the error because you're closing and reopening a string without telling VB what to do with adult"))"). SQL needs single quotes anyway, so change it to 'adult' and the error will go away.
A second option is to build your string first, like so:
Dim strSQL AS String
strSQL = "Select Count([name]) as [# Vars] from Masterdb where [year] = " & Me.NavigationSubform.year.value & " and [recipient] = " & Me.NavigationSubform.recipient.value & " and [group]='adult'"
Set rs=CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If you're not familiar with using the Me keyword, do a bit of reading up as it will shorten your code and save you time.

VBScript not executing sql statment properly

I write you this time because a VBScript that one of the application my company uses to retrieve information from an Oracle database does not seem to be working properly. Here are the facts:
There's part of the code that does the following:
" WHERE 1=1" & _
" AND SLEUTEL = " & sKeyPrestatiegroep
Set oRSGBPrest = connADO.execute(sSql)
If Not oRSGBPrest.EOF Then
sRequestPaymodeKey = oRSGBPrest("REQ_PAYMODE")
//error handling
End If
Using a Statement Tracer for Oracle ( I can capture that same statement with its corresponding value:
SLEUTEL = 1572499
Now, the VBScript is supposed to take that value and execute another query:
sSql = "SELECT PAM_CODE" & _
" WHERE 1=1" & _
" AND PAM_KEY = " & sRequestPaymodeKey
Set oRSPaymodes = connADO.execute(sSql)
Right in this last line of code, the script throws an error that says:
ORA-00936: missing expression at line XXX --> Set oRSPaymodes = connADO.execute(sSql) <--
Which basically means that the query in (3) is not correct, which also means that for some reason sRequestPaymodeKey is empty. I cannot tell this for sure because this failing sql statement does not appear in the statement tracer, but that's the only explanation I could find. However, the worst part is that when running the query (2) on SQLDeveloper (that's where value sRequestPaymodeKey comes from) it shows a row with a value other than null or zero.
I can't think of anything else that might be happening here, maybe it's just a server thing... no idea.
Any suggestions from you guys? Any way I can actually debug a VBE file?
Your help is much appreciated!
You need to cast sRequestPaymodeKey as a vbLong which corresponds to sql's INT. I'm assuming PAM_KEY is an INT. A recordset will return a string value. So, your code would look like this:
If IsNumeric(sRequestPaymodeKey) Then
sSql = "SELECT PAM_CODE" & _
" WHERE 1=1" & _
" AND PAM_KEY = " & CLng(sRequestPaymodeKey)
Set oRSPaymodes = connADO.execute(sSql)
'do error handling due to bad returned data(empty string?)
End If
Also, consider parameterizing your queries to prevent sql injection.
A few ideas to try:
Before Set oRSPaymodes = connADO.execute(sSql), put in a MsbBox and see what SQL is being executed. Is it valid? Will it run in a Oracle query analyzer(if there is one)?
Hard code a valid value in place of sRequestPaymodeKey. Does it work then?