Npm registry error when installing msgpack-x - npm

When I execute
npm install msgpack-x
I get an error which says 'msgpack-x' is not in the npm registry.
I am very new to this, any idea what I might be missing?

Use the registry JSON dump to see if the file is there:
Search for it in your search engine of choice, for example: msgpack-x msgpack-x
If it's there, find the name that comes after {"_id":
Use that in your npm install, for example:
npm install msgpack-js-browser
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Can't start Framework Qwik project

I have an issue while creating and starting project. I followed the instructions given here and used npm, selected Basic App (QwikCity), but when I start the project I'm given the next error:
Terminal output:
[vite] Internal server error: Failed to load url /src/root_component_vgnegdacmce.js (resolved id: C:/Users/JESUS LOPEZ/Documents/Universidad/Pasantías/qwik-app/src/root_component_vgnegdacmce.js). Does the filnt_vgnegdacmce.js). Does the file exist?
File: /C:/Users/JESUS%20LOPEZ/Documents/Universidad/Pasant%C3%ADas/qwik-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-5e7f419b.js:39304:21
at loadAndTransform (file:///C:/Users/JESUS%20LOPEZ/Documents/Universidad/Pasant%C3%ADas/qwik-app/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-5e7f419b.js:39304:21)
I'm using Windows 10 and node 18.12.0, I tried with yarn and happened the same. I'm just testing this framework because I was required to create a component library, so I wanted to test the waters with a basic app project and then move on with the component library but even if I select this option, I have a similar error.
This is my repo: but it's literally just a brand new qwik project (npm create qwik#latest) so I haven't touch anything.
Your code works fine without any problems. Maybe some node modules or other dependencies would have not been installed properly because of firewall or network issues.
Clean the node_modules manually delete the folder or by the following command
rm -r node_modules/
npm prune
Note: prune command is optional.
Install the package dependencies by
npm i
Make sure the installation happens successfully without any issues or try to install with a different network or turn off the firewall for a while. Or worst case try with different machines.

NPM Publish Registry - 403 Forbidden - "You don't have permission to publish "..."

I've been trying to publish my package to the NPM Registry.
I get an error that I am not allowed to push my package to the registry.
403 Forbidden - PUT - You do not have permission to publish "qdb". Are you logged in as the correct user?
I wonder why.
For me, I received this 403 error message when I had just created my NPM account, but not verified the email address on my account. I found the verification request email from NPM, clicked the link, and magically was able to publish my first package.
It looks like a package with that name was already published by someone else, so you'd need to use a different name in your package.json file and then npm publish again.
Else, you can look if you're trying to publish the same version that's already published.
Happens either because of a duplicate package name or because you never verified your email address.
Check if you are publishing the same version. I needed to update the version of the package and npm publish again. From the Forbidden error that I was getting it was not obvious.
check your email registration and confirm verification
finaly repeat publish your package
and i hope will work 😁
Also happens when an org name is already taken. Use the following URL:
If you're getting a "404 Not Found" error, it means the name is free. Otherwise it is not.
There Could be many reasons for that
Email not verified, so first verify your email with
Someone else is using that same package name, it needs to be unique. So
choose a unique name.
You can change the name under package.json file.
If you are republishing same package with changes you made , you need to change version , eg - 1.0.0 to 1.0.1. You can change the varsion name under package.json file as well.
Don't forget that you need to be logged-in.
npm login to be able to publish packages.
I just verified my email and error gone. Now I can publish my packages.
For me there was another project with the same name. I just change the name and npm publish then it works good.
Another reason for this error is that your package name conflicts with an existing published package. NPM thinks that's the package you're trying to publish, and obviously, you don't have permission for it
change name like that(also the version)
"name": "npm-helloworld-testwwwyy-xx",
"version": "1.0.3"
If you are using scope, the following conditions need to be met:
Publishing to your user scope (example: #username/module)
Publishing to an organization scope (example: #org/module)
For me it was duplicate package name. Changing package name in package.json did the trick. There could be other two reasons:
Try npm whoami . If you do not have username displayed try npm login.
If you are trying to re-publish make sure you run npm version major/minor/patch as per your need.
In my case I had different email in my npm config than what my npm login is set up with.
So basically your email displayed via npm config ls -l should match the email specified in your account.
if you publish with NPM_TOKEN be sure it has publish permission, not read-only
This case of issue happen even though email is verified if you are Ubuntu user.
Add sudo cmd before npm login,
sudo npm login
Also use sudo while publish a module
sudo npm publish

Is the npm install debug output a standard format, and if so, what is it?

Upon npm install, logs such as npm WARN ... are outputted.
These seem to be of the same format, but I have also seen npm notice ...
The standard seems to be npm type text followed by a new line.
Is this correct?
Is there a list of types?
Is there a standard listed
※ I ask this, as I am interested in handling WARN and other events.
There isn't any official documentation about logging in npm anywhere. The best solution to what your trying to do is to find a multitude of use cases and examining the debug log files of each to see what the different types of log messages are (warn, notice, error, info, etc.), and then decide what to do from there. If you want to start writing a library, take what exists as a starting point and start from there.
You can also request some documentation on the official npm issues forum, which I see you've already done. It's an idea worth discussing with the community.

Understanding NPM vulnerability - tunnel-agent

So I have a vulnerability in a package named tunnel-agent. After running npm audit the packages which depend on this package are listed:
OK great, I update this and everything is fine? NO.. Still listing as vulnerable, so now I start on the rabbit hole of looking where this leads.
Running npm list tunnel-agent I get to find out who's depending on this package.
So now the vulnerability is fixed in tunnel-agent#0.6.0but I've got one thing saying it's using tunnel-agent#0.4.3. But this is in the same package gatsby-plugin-sharp so why's it not fixed?
I head off to github issues and find that because gatsby-plugin-sharp uses imagemin-mozjpeg > caw#1.2.0 > tunnel-agent#0.4.3 I'm still stuck right?
So what I'm asking is, without relying on plugin authors to update their dependencies, how would you go about using caw#2.0.1 which then uses tunnel-agent#0.6.0 to remove this vulnerability once and for all?
This is all environment variables.
But you could fork the open pull request that have not been merged published. Then create your on npm packages that have the fixes.
yarn negates these errors.
And ‘yarn’ doesn’t have these issue. Since it is designed for local scope.

JHipster Run Again But Failed

Yeserday I was creating jhipster and create entity (Author and Book) same as tutorial and run perfectly, but however today I run again (using gradlew bootRun) but the result is blank, the command is run without error, but the page is blank (only shows footer) . Please somebody help me to resolve my problem?
the first looking command, could not find specific ehcache for Books, Author, Author Books
after adding ehcache.xml for Book, Author, and Author.books but the result still remain blank page
Make sure that you've started grunt using grunt serve, or the equivalent command for gulp if you're using that.
Open up your web console using F12 and check for any "resource not found" errors. If you see a lot of errors, try deleting your bower_components folder then rerunning bower install.
The ehcache warnings can be safely ignored.