Scalding: retaining all fields after groupBy - apache-pig

I'm doing a groupBy for calculating a value, but it seems that when I group by, I lose all the fields that are not in the aggregation keys:
filtered.filterNot('site) {s:String => ...}
.filterNot('date) {s:String => ...}
aggr = filtered.groupBy('id, 'contentHost) { group =>
group.min('timestamp -> 'min)
//how do I keep original fields? (eg: site, date)
} //eg: field "site" won't be here
in pig, it would be something like this:
aggr = group filtered by concat('id, 'contentHost);
result = foreach aggr {
generate flatten(filtered), //how to do this in scalding?
min(filtered.timestamp) as min;

I had the same problem with the tuple API and could only solve it by using the typed API.
You can either use Scala tuples or define your own case class outside your job. E.g.:
case class Data(id: String, site: String, date: String, contentHost: String)
Then you'd process it like this:
val filtered: TypedPipe[Data] = TypedPipe.from(Seq(Data("...", "2014-04-14", "...", "...")))
.filterNot ( data => == "fr" )
.filterNot ( data => == "2014-02-01" )
.groupBy (data => (, data.contentHost)) // (String,String) -> Data
.min // or .minBy { ... }
.write(TypedTsv[((String, String), Data)]("/path/"))


Compare multiple fields of Object to those in an ArrayList of Objects

I have created a 'SiteObject' which includes the following fields:
data class SiteObject(
//Site entry fields (10 fields)
var siteReference: String = "",
var siteAddress: String = "",
var sitePhoneNumber: String = "",
var siteEmail: String = "",
var invoiceAddress: String = "",
var invoicePhoneNumber: String = "",
var invoiceEmail: String = "",
var website: String = "",
var companyNumber: String = "",
var vatNumber: String = "",
I want to filter an ArrayList<SiteObject> (call it allSites) by checking if any of the fields of the objects within the list match those in a specific <SiteObject> (call it currentSite).
So for example, I know how to filter looking at one field:
fun checkIfExistingSite(currentSite: SiteObject) : ArrayList<SiteObject> {
var matchingSites = ArrayList<SiteObject>()
allSites.value?.filter { site ->
site.siteReference.contains(currentSite.siteReference)}?.let { matchingSites.addAll(it)
return matchingSites
But I am looking for an elegant way to create a list where I compare the matching fields in each of the objects in allSites with the corresponding fields in currentSite..
This will give me a list of sites that may be the same (allowing for differences in the way user inputs data) which I can present to the user to check.
Use equals property of Data Class:
val matchingSites: List<SiteObject> = allSites
.filter { it.equals(currentSite) }
If you are looking for a more loose equlity criteria than the full match of all fields values, I would suggest usage of reflection (note that this approach could have performance penalties):
val memberProperties = SiteObject::class.memberProperties
val minMatchingProperties = 9 //or whatever number that makes sense in you case
val matchingItems = allSites.filter {
memberProperties.atLeast(minMatchingProperties) { property -> property.get(it) == property.get(currentSite) }
fun <E> Iterable<E>.atLeast(n: Int, predicate: (E) -> Boolean): Boolean {
val size = count()
return when {
n == 1 -> this.any(predicate)
n == size -> this.all(predicate)
n > size - n + 1 -> this.atLeast(size - n + 1) { !predicate.invoke(it) }
else -> {
var count = 0
for (element in this) {
if (predicate.invoke(element)) count++
if (count >= n) return true
return false
you could specify all the fields by which you want to match the currentSite inside the filter predicate:
fun checkIfExistingSite(currentSite: SiteObject) =
allSites.filter {
it.siteAddress == currentSite.siteAddress
|| it.sitePhoneNumber == currentSite.sitePhoneNumber
|| it.siteReference == currentSite.siteReference
Long but fast solution because of short circuiting.
If the list is nullable you can transform it to a non nullable list like:
// or imho better

Filter in select using Slick

How can I do the following sql statement in Slick. The issue is that in the select statement there is filter and I don't know how to do that in Slick.
SELECT Sellers.ID,
COALESCE(count(DISTINCT Produce.IMPORTERID) FILTER (WHERE Produce.CREATED > '2019-04-30 16:38:00'), 0::int) AS AFTERDATE,
COALESCE(count(DISTINCT Produce.IMPORTERID) FILTER (WHERE Produce.NAME::text = 'Apple'::text AND Produce.CREATED > '2018-01-30 16:38:00'), 0::bigint) AS APPLES
FROM Sellers
JOIN Produce ON Produce.SellersID = Sellers.ID
WHERE Sellers.ID = 276
GROUP BY Sellers.ID;
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile.api._
case class Seller(id: Long)
case class Produce(name: String, sellerId: Long, importerId: Long, created: LocalDateTime)
class Sellers(tag: Tag) extends Table[Seller](tag, "Sellers") {
def id = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey)
def * = id <> (Seller.apply, Seller.unapply)
class Produces(tag: Tag) extends Table[Produce](tag, "Produce") {
def name = column[String]("NAME", O.PrimaryKey)
def sellerId = column[Long]("SellersID")
def importerId = column[Long]("IMPORTERID")
def created = column[LocalDateTime]("CREATED")
def * = (name, sellerId, importerId, created) <> (Produce.tupled, Produce.unapply)
val sellers = TableQuery[Sellers]
val produces = TableQuery[Produces]
val dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
val ldt2019 = LocalDateTime.parse("2019-04-30 16:38:00", dtf)
val ldt2018 = LocalDateTime.parse("2018-01-30 16:38:00", dtf)
sellers.join(produces).on( === _.sellerId)
.filter { case (s, p) => p.sellerId === 276L }
.groupBy { case (s, p) => }
.map { case (sid, group) =>
.filter { case (s, p) => p.created > ldt2019 }
.map { case (s, p) => p.importerId }
.filter { case (s, p) => === "Apple" && p.created > ldt2018 }
.map { case (s, p) => p.importerId }
libraryDependencies += "com.github.tminglei" %% "slick-pg" % "0.18.0"
I really hope something like #Dymytro's answer can work, but from my testing it all comes down to limitations with the GROUP BY, and here are the issues you will run into:
Trying to use just Slick with a Postgres driver won't work because Slick doesn't support aggregate functions with a FILTER clause. Postgres is one of the few databases that supports FILTER! So you won't get far:
.groupBy { a => a.pivot }
.map{ case (pivot, query) =>
.filter(_.condition === "stuff")
Although it compiles, you'll get some kind of runtime error like:
[ERROR] slick.SlickTreeException: Cannot convert node to SQL Comprehension
Then, if you check out slick-pg you'll notice it has support for Postgres aggregate functions! Including the FILTER clause! But... there's an open issue for aggregate functions with GROUP BY so this sort of attempt will fail too:
import com.github.tminglei.slickpg.agg.PgAggFuncSupport.GeneralAggFunctions._
.groupBy { a => a.pivot }
.map{ case (pivot, query) =>
.map(a => count(a.column.distinct).filter(a.condition === "stuff"))
No matching Shape found.
[error] Slick does not know how to map the given types.
So until those issues are resolved or someone posts a work around, luckily simple single column FILTER expressions can be equivalently implemented with the more primitive CASE statements. Though not as pretty, it will work!
val caseApproach = someQuery
.groupBy { a => a.pivot }
.map{ case (pivot, query) =>
.map{ a =>
Case If a.condition === "stuff" Then a.column
}.min //here's where you add the aggregate, e.g. "min"
select pivot, min((case when ("condition" = 'stuff') then "column" end)) from table group by pivot;

Raven DB filter on subset of array items and sort on the cheapest of the filter results items

Assuming i have an parent class that I filter on various properties, one of which is a property that is an array of items .
Now say that i want to only return the parent item if my array of items as above a min value and below a max value ...that's fine i can work that bit out;
What if i then want to then sort on the filtered result set of those items
I made a c# fiddle example to show what im trying to achieve :
(note that foo2 is returned first even though foo1 has items in its array that are less that those in foo2)
As i need to do this using a index i need the index to be able to compute the order by based on the filter criteria used in my query.
I know elasticsearch has an inner hits function that dose this and mongo has pipelines which also dose this so im sure Raven must have a way of doing this too ?
I was hoping using just index and a transform with prams i could achieve this so I tried it:
my index and transform look like this
public class familyTransfrom : AbstractTransformerCreationTask<ParentItem>
public class Result : ParentItem{
public double[] ChildItemValuesFiltered { get; set; }
public familyTransfrom(){
TransformResults = parents => from parent in parents
let filterMinValue = Convert.ToDouble(ParameterOrDefault("FilterMinValue", Convert.ToDouble(0)).Value<double>())
let filterMaxValue = Convert.ToDouble(ParameterOrDefault("FilterMaxValue", Convert.ToDouble(9999)).Value<double>())
select new Result{
ParentItemId = parent.ParentItemId,
ParentItemName = parent.ParentItemName,
ParentItemValue = parent.ParentItemValue,
//ChildItemValuesFiltered = parent.ChildItems.Where(p => p.ChildItemValues.Any(y => Convert.ToDouble(y) >= Convert.ToDouble(filterMinValue) && Convert.ToDouble(y) <= Convert.ToDouble(filterMaxValue))).SelectMany(t => t.ChildItemValues).ToArray<double>(),
ChildItemValuesFiltered = parent.ChildItems.SelectMany(p => p.ChildItemValues.Where(y => Convert.ToDouble(y) >= Convert.ToDouble(filterMinValue) && Convert.ToDouble(y) <= Convert.ToDouble(filterMaxValue))).ToArray<double>(),
ChildItems = Recurse(parent, x => x.ChildItems).Select(y => y).ToArray()
public class familyIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<ParentItem>{
public class Result : ParentItem {
public double[] ChildItemValues { get; set; }
public familyIndex(){
Map = parents => from parent in parents
select new Result{
ParentItemId = parent.ParentItemId,
ParentItemName = parent.ParentItemName,
ParentItemValue = parent.ParentItemValue,
ChildItemValues = parent.ChildItems.SelectMany(p => p.ChildItemValues.Select(y => y)).ToArray(),
ChildItems = Recurse(parent, x => x.ChildItems).Select(y => y).ToArray()
Index("ParentItemId", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index("ParentItemName", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index("ParentItemValue", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index("ChildItemValues", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index("ChildItems", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
my query is as follows , (this is using the live raven playground so this should just work out of the box it you want to use it)
using (IDocumentStore store = new DocumentStore { Url = "", DefaultDatabase = "altha" })
using (IDocumentSession session = store.OpenSession())
if(1 == 2){
//foreach (ParentItem element in data.OfType<ParentItem>()) {
// session.Store((ParentItem)element);
// session.SaveChanges();
new familyIndex().Execute(store);
new familyTransfrom().Execute(store);
double filterMinValue = 3.0;
double filterMaxValue = 4.0;
var results = session
.WhereBetweenOrEqual("ChildItemValues", filterMinValue, filterMaxValue)
.SetResultTransformer<familyTransfrom, familyTransfrom.Result>()
.SetTransformerParameters(new Dictionary<string, RavenJToken> {
{ "FilterMinValue", filterMinValue },
{ "FilterMaxValue", filterMaxValue } })
What i found was i cant use "ChildItemValuesFiltered" from the transform result as its not index. So unless i can order by the result of a transform ? i couldn't get this to work as although it filters it dosnt order correctly.
Is there another to achieve what i want using projections or intersection or rank or reduce try method ?
I was thinking if i had to perhaps i could use
and do something like this:
public class SortByNumberOfCharactersFromEnd : IndexEntriesToComparablesGenerator
private readonly double filterMinValue;
private readonly double filterMinValue;
public SortByNumberOfCharactersFromEnd(IndexQuery indexQuery)
: base(indexQuery)
filterMinValue = IndexQuery.TransformerParameters["FilterMinValue"].Value<double>(); // using transformer parameters to pass the length explicitly
filterMaxValue = IndexQuery.TransformerParameters["FilterMaxValue"].Value<double>();
public override IComparable Generate(IndexReader reader, int doc)
var document = reader.Document(doc);
double[] childItemValues = (double[])document.GetValues("ChildItemValuesFiltered").Select(double.Parse).ToArray(); // this field is stored in index
return childItemValues.Where(x => x >= min && x <= max).Min();
then do a where filter and order by clause using index and transform passing in the same prams that i use in the where filter . however im not sure if this would work ?
More importantly im not sure how i go about getting the sort dll into the plugins ie what name space should the class go under, what name spaces dose it need to import, what assembly name dose it need to use etc
According to i just need to drop the dll in and raven will this this up , however i cant seem to find what name space i need to reference for IndexEntriesToComparablesGenerator ?
im using linqpad 5 to test my stuff in order to use the custom order i have to reference the class
any tips or advice or how to guild/examples welcome
so it didn't occur to me that i could do the filtering in the transform
TransformResults = parents => from parent in parents
let filterMinValue = Convert.ToDouble(ParameterOrDefault("FilterMinValue", Convert.ToDouble(0)).Value<double>())
let filterMaxValue = Convert.ToDouble(ParameterOrDefault("FilterMaxValue", Convert.ToDouble(9999)).Value<double>())
select new {
ParentItemId = parent.ParentItemId,
ParentItemName = parent.ParentItemName,
ParentItemValue = parent.ParentItemValue,
//ChildItemValuesFiltered = parent.ChildItems.Where(p => p.ChildItemValues.Any(y => Convert.ToDouble(y) >= Convert.ToDouble(filterMinValue) && Convert.ToDouble(y) <= Convert.ToDouble(filterMaxValue))).SelectMany(t => t.ChildItemValues).ToArray<double>(),
ChildItemValuesFiltered = parent.ChildItems.SelectMany(p => p.ChildItemValues.Where(y => Convert.ToDouble(y) >= Convert.ToDouble(filterMinValue) && Convert.ToDouble(y) <= Convert.ToDouble(filterMaxValue))).ToArray<double>(),
ChildItems = Recurse(parent, x => x.ChildItems).Select(y => y).ToArray()
} into r
where r.ChildItemValuesFiltered.Length > 0
orderby r.ChildItemValuesFiltered.Min()
select r;
This gives me what i wanted, here are the sample query:
i cant take credit for this as guys at raven helped me but sharing the knowledge for others

Translate nested join and groupby query to Slick 3.0

I'm implementing a todo list. A user can have multiple lists and a list can have multiple users. I want to be able to retrieve all the lists for a user, where each of these lists contain a list of the users for which it's shared (including the owner). Not succeeding implementing this query.
The table definitions:
case class DBList(id: Int, uuid: String, name: String)
class Lists(tag: Tag) extends Table[DBList](tag, "list") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) // This is the primary key column
def uuid = column[String]("uuid")
def name = column[String]("name")
// Every table needs a * projection with the same type as the table's type parameter
def * = (id, uuid, name) <> (DBList.tupled, DBList.unapply)
val lists = TableQuery[Lists]
case class DBUser(id: Int, uuid: String, email: String, password: String, firstName: String, lastName: String)
// Shared user projection, this is the data of other users which a user who shared an item can see
case class DBSharedUser(id: Int, uuid: String, email: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, provider: String)
class Users(tag: Tag) extends Table[DBUser](tag, "user") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) // This is the primary key column
def uuid = column[String]("uuid")
def email = column[String]("email")
def password = column[String]("password")
def firstName = column[String]("first_name")
def lastName = column[String]("last_name")
def * = (id, uuid, email, password, firstName, lastName) <> (DBUser.tupled, DBUser.unapply)
def sharedUser = (id, uuid, email, firstName, lastName) <> (DBSharedUser.tupled, DBSharedUser.unapply)
val users = TableQuery[Users]
// relation n:n user-list
case class DBListToUser(listUuid: String, userUuid: String)
class ListToUsers(tag: Tag) extends Table[DBListToUser](tag, "list_user") {
def listUuid = column[String]("list_uuid")
def userUuid = column[String]("user_uuid")
def * = (listUuid, userUuid) <> (DBListToUser.tupled, DBListToUser.unapply)
def pk = primaryKey("list_user_unique", (listUuid, userUuid))
val listToUsers = TableQuery[ListToUsers]
I created an additional class to hold the database list object + the users, my goal is to map the query result somehow to instances of this class.
case class DBListWithSharedUsers(list: DBList, sharedUsers: Seq[DBSharedUser])
This is the SQL query for most of it, it gets first all the lists for the user (inner query) then it does a join of lists with list_user with user in order to get the rest of the data and the users for each list, then it filters with the inner query. It doesn't contain the group by part
select * from list inner join list_user on list.uuid=list_user.list_uuid inner join user on user.uuid=list_user.user_uuid where list.uuid in (
select (list_uuid) from list_user where user_uuid=<myUserUuuid>
I tested it and it works. I'm trying to implement it in Slick but I'm getting a compiler error. I also don't know if the structure in that part is correct, but haven't been able to come up with a better one.
def findLists(user: User) = {
val listsUsersJoin = listToUsers join lists join users on {
case ((listToUser, list), user) =>
listToUser.listUuid === list.uuid &&
listToUser.userUuid === user.uuid
// get all the lists for the user (corresponds to inner query in above SQL)
val queryToGetListsForUser = listToUsers.filter(_.userUuid===user.uuid)
// map to uuids
val queryToGetListsUuidsForUser: Query[Rep[String], String, Seq] = { ltu => ltu.listUuid }
// create query that mirrors SQL above (problems):
val queryToGetListsWithSharedUsers = (for {
listsUuids <- queryToGetListsUuidsForUser
((listToUsers, lists), users) <- listsUsersJoin
if lists.uuid.inSet(listsUuids) // error because inSet requires a traversable and passing a ListToUsers
} yield (lists))
// group - doesn't compile because above doesn't compile:
queryToGetListsWithSharedUsers.groupBy {case (list, user) =>
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance
I put together this emergency solution (at least it compiles), where I execute the query using raw SQL and then do the grouping programmatically, it looks like this:
case class ResultTmp(listId: Int, listUuid: String, listName: String, userId:Int, userUuid: String, userEmail: String, userFirstName: String, userLastName: String, provider: String)
implicit val getListResult = GetResult(r => ResultTmp(r.nextInt, r.nextString, r.nextString, r.nextInt, r.nextString, r.nextString, r.nextString, r.nextString, r.nextString))
val a = sql"""select (, list.uuid,,, user.uuid,, user.first_name, user.last_name, user.provider) from list inner join list_user on list.uuid=list_user.list_uuid inner join user on user.uuid=list_user.user_uuid where list.uuid in (
select (list_uuid) from list_user where user_uuid=${user.uuid}
val result: Future[Vector[ResultTmp]] =
val res: Future[Seq[DBListWithSharedUsers]] = {resultsTmp =>
val myMap: Map[String, Vector[ResultTmp]] = resultsTmp.groupBy { resultTmp => resultTmp.listUuid }
val r: Iterable[DBListWithSharedUsers] = {case (listUuid, resultsTmp) =>
val first = resultsTmp(0)
val list = DBList(first.listId, listUuid, first.listName)
val users: Seq[DBSharedUser] = { resultTmp =>
DBSharedUser(resultTmp.userId, resultTmp.userUuid, resultTmp.userEmail, resultTmp.userFirstName, resultTmp.userLastName, resultTmp.provider)
DBListWithSharedUsers(list, users)
But that's just horrible, how do I get it working the normal way?
Edit 2:
I'm experimenting with monadic joins but also stuck here. For example something like this would get all the lists for a given user:
val listsUsersJoin = for {
list <- lists
listToUser <- listToUsers
user_ <- users if user_.uuid === user.uuid
} yield (list.uuid,, user.uuid, user.firstName ...)
but this is not enough because I need the get also all the users for those lists, so I need 2 queries. So I need to get first the lists for the user and then find all the users for those lists, something like:
val queryToGetListsForUser = listToUsers.filter(_.userUuid===user.uuid)
val listsUsersJoin = for {
list <- lists
listToUser <- listToUsers
user_ <- users /* if list.uuid is in queryToGetListsForUser result */
} yield (list.uuid,, user.uuid, user.firstName ... )
But I don't know how to pass that to the join. I'm not even sure if groupBy, at least at database level is correct, so far I see this used only to aggregate the results to a single value, like count or avg. I need them in a collection.
Edit 3:
I don't know yet if this is right but the monadic join may be the path to the solution. This compiles:
val listsUsersJoin = for {
listToUser <- listToUsers if listToUser.userUuid === user.uuid // get the lists for the user
list <- lists if list.uuid === listToUser.listUuid // join with list
listToUser2 <- listToUsers if list.uuid === listToUser.listUuid // get all the users for the lists
user_ <- users if user_.uuid === listToUser2.userUuid // join with user
} yield (list.uuid,, user.uuid,, user.firstName, user.lastName)
Ah, look at that, I came up with a solution. I still have to test if works but at least the compiler stopped shouting at it. I’ll edit this later if necessary.
val listsUsersJoin = for {
listToUser <- listToUsers if listToUser.userUuid === user.uuid
list <- lists if list.uuid === listToUser.listUuid
listToUser2 <- listToUsers if list.uuid === listToUser.listUuid
user_ <- users if user_.uuid === listToUser2.userUuid
} yield (, list.uuid,,, user_.uuid,, user_.firstName, user_.lastName, user_.provider)
val grouped = listsUsersJoin.groupBy(_._2)
val resultFuture = {groupedResults =>
val futures: Seq[Future[DBListWithSharedUsers]] = {groupedResult =>
val listUuid = groupedResult._1
val valueQuery = groupedResult._2 {valueResult =>
val first = valueResult(0) // if there's a grouped result this should never be empty
val list = DBList(first._1, listUuid, first._3)
val users = {value =>
DBSharedUser(value._4, value._5, value._6, value._7, value._8, value._9)
DBListWithSharedUsers(list, users)

get list of decision for a specific meetingtitle using linq

I have a database table. What I want is to get data using group by clause as I have used in below code.
Note that Decision is another table. now I want that all the decisions related to a specific Meeting Title should be shown in
but below code returns only one decisiontitle.
public List<NewMeetings> GetAllMeetings()
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
//join mp in Meeting on m.MeetingId equals mp.MeetingId
//where m.MeetingId == 2
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new NewMeetings
// meetingid = grp.Key.MeetingId,
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
total = grp.Count()
List<NewMeetings> list = xyz.ToList();
return list;
public class NewMeetings
public int meetingid;
public string meetingtitle;
public string decision;
public int total;
Can somebody please tell me how to return a list of decisions to a specific Meetingtitle?
You are doing a FirstOrDefault on the list of decisions which obviously means you are only getting a single value. Instead you can join them all together into one longer string (separated by commas as you indicated in the question) by changing this line:
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
To this:
decision = string.Join(",", grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle)),
However, as the string.Join is not recognised by Linq to Entities, you need to do the string.Join after the data has been retrieved (i.e. after the ToList):
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decisions = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle),
total = grp.Count()
.Select(m => new NewMeetings
meetingtitle = m.meetingtitle,
decision = string.Join(",", m.decisions),
total =