MS SQL Server 2012 returning blank text? - sql

I execute this inside MS SQL Server Management Studio:
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM searchdb.dbo.tblnames;
I get back two posts with full information.
When I execute the same on a webpage I however get all information except for text, which is blank.
The type of the text columns in the database are:
The connection string I'm using:
Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=searchdb;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypass;
I've also tried with:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost;Database=searchdb;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypass;
Getting the same result. I don't know the difference between "SQL Server" and "SQL Server Native Client 11.0", just that "SQL Server" has a newer date in the list of ODBC Data Sources.
What's going on? Why is it returning blank text? How do I fix this?
Edit: Here is the code I'm using on the ASP web pages:
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=searchdb;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypass;"
Set RecSet = Conn.Execute("SELECT TOP 2 * FROM tblnames;")
Response.Write "ID: "& RecSet("ID") &"<br>"
Response.Write "Name: "& RecSet("name") &"<br>"
Response.Write "Mark: "& RecSet("mark") &"<br>"
Response.Write "ID: "& RecSet("ID") &"<br>"
Response.Write "Name: "& RecSet("name") &"<br>"
Response.Write "Mark: "& RecSet("mark") &"<br>"
Set RecSet = Nothing
Both the ID and Mark columns have "int" data type and show up fine, while the "name" column is blank.
Edit 2:
Users with less than 10 reputation can't answer their own question
for 8 hours after asking. You can answer 3/15/2014 4:16:50 AM. Until
then please use comments, or edit your question instead.
It's dumb that you have to make an account on stackoverflow (didn't have to before), and that you can't answer your own questions on a new account. And I hope some mod doesn't edit this post. If things are wrong with your system it's important that people can point it out.
Anyways, here is the answer:
I changed my connection string to:
Provider=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;Server=localhost;Database=searchdb;Uid=myuser;Pwd=mypass;
Now everything works fine.
I have no idea why it didn't work correctly when I used that one as "Driver" but whatever. Note that just "Provider=SQL Server" didn't work at all, while "Driver={SQL Server}" worked exactly the same as "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}" (that is, with blank text).
No idea how Provider is different than Driver. "Provider" isn't even mentioned anywhere in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > ODBC Data Sources.
After some testing it seems like both Driver and Provider is just as fast as each other too, so there's no benefit from using Driver, it is just broken.

It looks like changing your query to use a column list, rather than the asterisk, could take care of the issue. Also, I read that your ntext field should be the last column in your list. Seems strange, but it's worth a shot.
SQL Server text column affects results returned to classic ASP
You also might try converting the ntext to an nvarchar in your sql statement.


Volusion's generic SQL folder, functionality

I found this response very helpful
How to write join query in Volusion API
What I'm looking for is a way to add my own .SQL and .XSD files to the /vspfiles/schema/Generic folder and be able to pass parameters to it. Does anyone know if that's possible.
A very basic example of the SQL would be something like this...
select * from Orders where order_id = "-ORDERID-"
...and I'd be able to pass in the "-ORDERID-" as a variable.
Or even better the SQL file would just be this "-SQL-" and I could pass in the entire SQL string myself. Thanks!
Thanks user357034 for getting me here (I'd "up" your answer but I'm new and don't have any reputation). I wanted to post the code I used in case others run into this. And also get any feedback if you see anything that looks goofy here.
First, I created an ASP file like so
Dim orderid
Dim status
orderid = Request.QueryString("orderid")
status = Request.QueryString("status")
sql = " update Orders " & _
" set OrderStatus = '" + status + "' " & _
" where Orderid in (" + orderid + ") " ;
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("./MY_FILE.sql"),2,true)
set f=Nothing
set fs=Nothing
I FTPed that up to the "generic" folder on Volusion.
Next, in PHP, I call this file, similar to this...
$asp = file("http://MY_SITE/v/vspfiles/schema/generic/MY_FILE.asp?
foreach ( $asp as $line )
echo ($line);
NOTE: I already FTPed an XSD file to the same folder with the same name, like MY_FILE.xsd.
And finally, I make a web service call to my service, like this...
$url = "http://MY_SITE/net/WebService.aspx?
Works great. I go into the Volusion admin site, look at the Orders 11 and 12, and they were updated. I'm using this method for several areas in Volusion where their API is lacking. Thanks!
While technically one could pass in text comprised of a complete SQL query, however I would strongly caution against such practice as it would open up your site to malicious activity and/or possible security issues. I would limit the scope to a specific query and only allow one or more parameters to be used.
To accomplish this you have to create an custom ASP page in Volusion that would gather the parameters from the user, in your case "order id" and then insert them into the set SQL query, write that SQL query as a text file to the server in the correct location as shown in and then execute the query. All this is done in the custom ASP page.
UPDATE: If you just want a simple order id query with all fields returned you don't even have to use the the SQL method as Volusion already has a built in method to return this data. You just have to use a custom ASP page to insert the order id parameter and then execute the URL with the parameter attached. In your ASP page you would insert the order id in place of the xxxxx\Orders&SELECT_Columns=*&WHERE_Column=o.OrderID&WHERE_Value=xxxxx

Reading SQLite Database with ODBC Provider : Error with fields with float values

Here is the context
I'm building a library in able to quickly handle SQL Database datas, in windows form based front end. I'm using ADODB Connections and recordsets.
I managed to link front end to Access databases, MS SQL server, MySQL and, recently I'm working on SQLite databases to provide quick and portables SQL providers.
Here is the problem
As I understand it, SQLite stores single/double/float with IEEE-7 standards, and for exemple a stored value of 9.95 will be read as 9,94999980926514.
So when I load the record again, I can edit it (other fields), and update it. but if I try to edit the float value (lets say 9,94999980926514 > 10) then update it, then I've got an error see sample code
Dim LocRs as ADODB.Recordset
LocRs.Open("SELECT ID_Montant,Mont_Value,Mont_Date FROM tMontants",SQLConnection)
LocRs.("ID_Montant").Value =666
LocRs.("Mont_Value").Value =9.95
LocRs.("Mont_Date").Value =Date.Today
'No Problems'"SELECT ID_Montant,Mont_Value,Mont_Date FROM tMontants WHERE ID_Montant=666",SQLConnection)
Console.WriteLine(LocRs.("Mont_Value").Value) 'Returns 9,94999980926514'
'No Problem again'"SELECT ID_Montant,Mont_Value,Mont_Date FROM tMontants WHERE ID_Montant=666",SQLConnection)
'Error : Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read. Help Code -2147217864'
The error code seems to be of little help.
I'm using
locRs.LockType = LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic
locRs.CursorType = CursorTypeEnum.adOpenKeyset
locRs.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
But I tried a lot of combination without success.
As for the provider I'm using Werner ODBC Provider
I Had a similar problem with Date fields.
When editing a field with an incomplete date like 2012-03-01 12:00:00 instead of 2012-03-01 12:00:00.000, But I corrected the problem by formating the date in it's complete form.
Now I'm stuck with this because the SQLite database stores approximates float value whether I rounded it or not before storing it with an update.
I'm guessing it's a provider problem while computing the update because I can do
"UPDATE tMontants SET Mont_Value = 10 WHERE ID_Montant = 666"
Without any problem
But I'd really like to force the recordset to work in order to integrate SQLlite solutions to every software I've deployed so far.
Thanks for your time.

Unknown table name in using microsoft Access?

Sorry if my subject isn't clear enough because I don't know how else to put. So here's the thing, I need to debug and test a VB.NET windows application for hotel management system. I'm quite new to VB.NET, so there is a few lines of database query that I didn't get. There is a few lines such as :
Com.CommandText = "Select * from QRoom Order by RoomNo"
Com.CommandText = "Select Floor from QRoom where RoomNo=" & cbo.Text & ""
as you can see the table name there is QRoom but when I check within the Access database, there is no table name QRoom. But if I change the table name to the one that us in the database(which is my case, it is TblRoom), then there will be errors. So I didn't get why is that. Any help is appreciated.
p/s : the guy who wrote this code is unreachable st the moment so I cannot directly ask him. :(

NHibernate SQL query issue with string parameter

I got a problem with this code:
string sql = "select distinct ruoli.c_tip_usr"
+ " from vneczx_ute_app_trn ruoli"
+ " join vnecyd_ent_prf ind"
+ " on ruoli.c_ent = ind.c_ent"
+ " where ruoli.c_app = :appCode"
+ " and ruoli.c_ute_mat = :matricola"
+ " and ind.t_des_ent = :indirizzo";
var ruoli = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql)
.SetString("appCode", Config.Configurator.Istance.ApplicationCode)
.SetString("matricola", user.Matricola)
.SetString("indirizzo", indirizzoCasella)
This code is correctly executed, the query logged is correct, and the parameter passed correctly evaluated... but it doesn't return any result at all.
Copying the query from the debug console and executing it directly in an Oracle client application (SQL Developer), it gets 2 results (the results I expect to be right).
I found out that the problem is in the last parameter indirizzo, and should depend on the fact that it contains a special char # (indirizzo is an email address).
So I ended up using this solution:
string sql = "select distinct ruoli.c_tip_usr"
+ " from vneczx_ute_app_trn ruoli"
+ " join vnecyd_ent_prf ind"
+ " on ruoli.c_ent = ind.c_ent"
+ " where ruoli.c_app = :appCode"
+ " and ruoli.c_ute_mat = :matricola"
+ " and ind.t_des_ent = '" + indirizzoCasella + "'";
var ruoli = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql)
.SetString("appCode", Config.Configurator.Istance.ApplicationCode)
.SetString("matricola", user.Matricola)
But it gives me thrills! Aren't the parameters in a query supposed to handle specifically this situation, and thus handle themselves situations with special char, and so on?
Why here a string concatenation works better that a parametric query?
Isn't there a way to force the NHibernate engine to escape some special char?
I found out how to solve this particular issue: usign the trim command on the field who raise the problem, the problem disappears.
So last line of my sql string now is:
+ " and trim(ind.t_des_ent) = :indirizzo";
I can't understand why it solves the problem thought. Not the field, nor the variable contains empty chars and copying th query on SQL Developer works in both way.
So we have some luck soving the problem, but we have no idea why now it works?
Any thoughts?
even I was facing the same issue, but your hint using TRIM for column saved my day. Since I was looking for a long time, but not able to figure it out.
Along with that, I was able solve my issue by doing the below changes as well:
We were using CHAR datatype some of the columns which used in the query where clause. This was causing the issue to fetch the data from NHibernate. We changed the data type of that column from CHAR to VARCHAR2 and even updated the data with actual size and removed the TRIM from Where clause, the TRICK WORKED!!!! :)
So, any one face this kind of issue, first check whether you are having any column with CHAR and then change to VARCHAR2.
But one more thing you have to remember is: if you are running your application from ASP.Net Development Server, close it and re-run your application. Since if the opening Asp.Net Development Server and if you make any changes to datatype that will NOT be refreshed in your oracle connection. So, better you close the ASP.Net Development server and then re run the application.
Hope my points will help somebody in future!!
Sree Harshavardhana
You are not using parameters in a SQL query if you want SQL parameters use a SQL stored proc

Indexing Service empty filename property

I'm using the Windows Indexing Service for the first time and I need to return the doctitle and filename from the query.
My query is;
select doctitle, filename, vpath, rank, characterization from scope() where FREETEXT(Contents, '" & searchText & "') order by rank desc
I setup a fairly basic catalogue just pointing to a folder. I'm using this code from a website, the files are on the local machine and authentication shouldn't be a problem.
My search returns results but nothing in the filename property. The doctitle is populated but nothing else.
I know it's been a few months since this has been answered, but I'm currently using WIS on Windows Server 2008 R2 using C# and came across this on a search. Sometimes I can't take no for an answer, so I had scoured the internet and came up with this solution.
I'm sure you can convert the code as necessary, but...
You'll have to install the Windows Server 2003 File Services Indexing Service from the Server Manager's Roles.
For the catalog properties, I disabled the Inheritable Settings and set the WWW Server appropriately. I also generated 250 character abstracts to be stored in the Characterization column.
When I set up my catalog, I included/excluded certain folders of my web site's directory (include the site root) and when I queried it, I used the below SQL statement:
EDIT: Note the use of FREETEXT(Filename, '\""+q+"\"')) to query the name of the file
String fileTypes = "\".aspx\" OR \".doc*\" OR \".xls*\" OR \".ppt*\" OR \".txt\" OR \".pdf\" OR \".rtf\"";
String q = query.Text.Replace("'", "''");
sSqlString = "SELECT Filename, DocTitle, Size, VPath, Path, Rank, Write, Contents, Characterization ";
sSqlString += "FROM SCOPE() ";
sSqlString += "WHERE (CONTAINS(Contents, '\""+q+"\"') ";
sSqlString += "OR FREETEXT(Filename, '\""+q+"\"')) ";
sSqlString += "AND CONTAINS(Filename, '"+fileTypes+"') ";
sSqlString += "ORDER BY rank DESC, write DESC";
I create my connection using the using statement:
using(OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=MSIDXS.1;Data Source='"+catalog+"'"))
//your connection and data collection code here
One of the issues that I have run into is with certain filetypes. If the document creator didn't include a document title in their MS Office product, you won't get the DocTitle. If the pdf doesn't have any recognizable text in it and the document properties are not filled out, the docTitle and Content will be empty. The way I look at it, is if the business doesn't make their files 508 compliant, they won't show up in the results properly.
Here's a quick snippet of the ListView template that I am using.
<h3><%# Eval("DocTitle").ToString().Trim() == "" ? Eval("Filename").ToString().Split('.')[0] : ProperCase(Eval("DocTitle").ToString()) %></h3>
<p><span style="color:#0083be;">
<%# Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"].Length+vFilePath(Eval("Path")).Length > 100 ? (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"]+vFilePath(Eval("Path"))).Substring(0,100)+"..." : Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"]+vFilePath(Eval("Path")) %></span><br />
<span style="color:#4d4e53"><%# String.Format("{0:MMMM dd, yyyy}",Eval("Write")) %> - </span>
<%# Eval("Characterization").ToString().Trim() == "" ? "..." : Eval("Characterization").ToString().Length == 250 ?
Eval("Characterization").ToString().Substring(0,250)+"..." : Eval("Characterization")%>
Since the docTitle in my case is used for the results header, I figured that if it's empty, I can take that empty string and replace it with the filename, minus the extention.
When making the query, make sure that you also properly use your meta tags using the keywords and description. This and the static content on the .aspx pages does get read by WIS. You'll note my use of Characterization to retrieve the contents.
This link provides instructions on setting up the W2k8 WIS along with code.
This link is a good source for the multitude of properties that can be queried and/or displayed.
I found the answer in this article;
You cannot index Internet Information Services (IIS) Web sites in
Windows Server 2008 because of the design changes that were made to
IIS 7.0.
The successor or the Indexing Service is Windows Search.
Windows Search Wiki
Looks like I'm going to have to change the site to use Windows Search.