TileMill looses fonts and color boxes in legend while uploading to MapBox. How can I fix this? - legend

So it is: Colorboxes and fonts disapear from legend after uploading to Mapbox. How can I fix it?

Had this same problem and it turns out it came down to TileMill (or at least the way I'm running it on OS X Mavericks) replacing ' with ’
Make sure that all single quotes are the former (') not the latter (’) and it should take care of your problem!


Font Not Displaying Properly in PDF

I am trying to save a pdf from illustrator and I have never had this issue, the font looks fine in illustrator, but when I save the pdf and open the pdf in a pdf viewer the "i" character now has a box beneath the text but the dot of the i stays there.
When viewed in illustrator:
When viewed in a PDF viewer:
I know that when the square shows up it means the font you are trying to use isn't there however the other characters appear fine, it just seems to be the I which is odd. The font passed verification (for reference it is Playfair Display
Does anyone know how to fix this or why this could be occurring? Am I exporting wrong(I've never had this issue before with exporting)?
Thanks in advance!
Update: I solved my question while writing it. The font that was installed was a variable font type (I downloaded it from Google), for some reason it doesn't seem to want to play nicely in a pdf (maybe I'm saving it incorrectly?). I deleted the variable font and installed the static versions of the font and now the issue has gone away.
I don't know too much about variable fonts but it seems like they are maybe a bit finicky?
Hope this can help others!

Wrong bullet train oh-my-zsh theme render

I have like an encoding error when the prompt is rendered.
I just installed the bullet-train theme for the oh-my-zsh plugin.
I installed the Powerline fonts as it is indicated in the bullet-train.zsh-theme file but though, my terminal doesn't seems to care.
It seems to be the right colors but there is "?" characters instead of the normal rendering.
Whereas it should be rendered like this: https://github.com/caiogondim/bullet-train-oh-my-zsh-theme
I have a MacBook Pro and I use iTerm2.
Install powerline font and pick one of those
For iTerm 2 users, make sure you go into your settings and set both the regular font and the non-ascii font to powerline compatible fonts or the prompt separators and special characters will not display correctly.
I finally fixed it by changing my settings for iTerm2:
simply change the font to a compatible one (powerline fonts)

False dots around circles in pdf export of libreoffice draw

When i draw a small circle in LibreOffice draw and export it to pdf i get some extra dots around the circles. Especially in the upper left and lower right outer corner of the circle.
See example PDF here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/233922/example-dots-circle.pdf
or as a Screenshot here:
You have any idea how i can get rid of this?
It is old bug and has not been fixed yet. I can reproduce it under Linux and Windows. My version: LibreOffice 4.1.0.
Create new file in LO Impress or LO Draw.
Draw ellipse (or rounded rectangle, or smile etc.).
Set line width e.g. 5mm (for better view).
Export as PDF.
I propose two workaround:
Export to MS PowerPoint and export in it :/
Print to PDF (using e.g. cups-pdf).
ad 1) You must have MS PP and you graphics may look bad.
ad 2) I use cups-pdf and PDF look very well, but:
Text is stored as bitmap graphics (small rectangles)! You can not extract text without using OCR.
You must use paper format from list (A4, A0, Letter etc.). If you use unstandardised paper format you must use bigger format and you get white bars on PDF. However you can use pdfcrop and remove white bars.
PDF is always orienter horizontally. If you print as vertically you can rotate pdf using pdf270 command line tool.
In Adobe Reader (version 11 at least) -> Go to "Preferences" => "Page Display" => uncheck "Enhance thin lines"
Libre Office seems to add dots of 0 size and practically no visibility. When "Enhance thin lines" is checked, Adobe Reader will make these dots visible.
Best wishes,
Similar to the https://stackoverflow.com/users/1797782/dzwiedziu-nkg 's answer, I need a multi-step process to fix this issue.
Open the file in a pdf viewer (Document Viewer for me in Ubuntu.)
Print the pdf to a file (also a pdf) from the viewer. I assume this also uses cups-pdf, as it modifies the image size. (I don't mind, because I use the next step to eliminate all margins anyways.)
Use pdfcrop to remove all the extra space around the actual content's bounding box. If you just give pdfcrop one argument, it doesn't overwrite the old file, so use the same argument twice:
$ pdfcrop monkey.pdf monkey.pdf
Another "workaround" that worked for me:
Go without outline. You can set the line style in Draw to "none" and just work with flat solid objects.
PS: I see these dots also in Draw, not just in the exported pdf.
A simple workaround is to "patch" the dot in Libreoffice Draw using a white object -- say, a square with white area and white outline. Note that you can not see the dot in Draw. So you first generate the pdf with the orginal drawing, see where the dot appears in the pdf, go back to Draw, and a add a white patch where it is required.
Searching for a workaround myself, I've found this awk script called odg2epsfix that will fix the exported EPS to not contain those ghost dots anymore.
I stumbled upon it in this launchpad bug entry.
Fixed in LibreOffice pre-export.
Right click on the circle in LibreOffice and select "Line"
On the "Line" page, set "Corner Style" to "-none-"
Save document and Export as PDF.
The dot is gone without removing line enhance. Mine still shows in preview but doesn't print.
The bug is still present in LO 6.0. But if you set "Cap style" to "flat" in the "Line" tab of the "Graphic Styles", the dots disappear from the screen and from the exported pdf.

TTF webfont to desktop-useable TTF

I'm using a CC-BY FontAwesome typeface for icons on my Twitter Bootstrap-driven website. Now I want to use it in an image editor for a prototype of another website. But it does not work. I cannot use its webfont-TTF with my image editing application. How can I convert it to a normal font?
Please dont give me links to free-/shareware closed-source utilites. I want to know, why does this happening and implement my own script which would "fix" this font.
FontAwesome should work out of the box. Heres how to use it:
Download FontAwesome. Then open fonts/FontAwesome.otf and install it (either with fontbook on osx or by adding it to your fonts folder on windows).
Use the Cheatsheet to actually use specific icons. Find the icon you want there, select the icon and copy it.
Switch to your image editor, create a text item, set the font to FontAwesome, and paste the symbol you copied.
I assume you are talking about http://fontawesome.io/ .
If so there is nothing wrong with the TTF version of this font and no reason to convert it. I have tested the font on linux by dropping the .ttf file in /usr/share/fonts/ and it is useable in LibreOffice, Gimp and Terminal.
You problem is almost certainly one of:
The process you used to install the font
You aren't entering the correct Unicode characters or your image editor doesn't support Unicode.
However you failed to provide enough details. You haven't even defined what you mean by "it does not work". Please update your question with details like the process you used, a link to the actual font you downloaded and the operating system and image editor you're using.
In case you're still looking for a solution: the easy way is to convert the included SVG font to usable TrueType or OpenType, using e.g. FontForge or an online service.
AFAIK SVG fonts have no DRM flags, unlike TrueType.

Change console text kerning in vb.net

I'm trying to make each letter a "square" essentially, so each letter is no more tall than it is wide, in vb.net. Is this possible? If so, how? I can't seem to find anything, and I've been searching hard.
Thanks for the help!
Why dont you just use a fixed size font ? Or create your own font ?
The Windows API has a function called SetCurrentConsoleFontEx which you could pinvoke. It accepts a width and height, font etc. Depending on how it handles these you may also need to make and add a 'square font' to the registry list of allowed fonts (example of adding a new font to the console here.)