How to add a completion block to an IOS call - ios7

I need to wait for savePhototoImage to complete before moving on in my processing. I assume a completion block is the way to do this.
I have seen a few completion blocks in IOS code, but do not know much about how they are made up.
Can a completion block be added to any function and if so, what would be the correct syntax to add one to this function?
BOOL saved = [Network savePhotoImage:img :self.description :#"Photo"];

[Network savePhotoImage:img :self.description :#"Photo" withCallback:^(BOOL success)
NSLog(#"executing callback");
if (success)
NSLog(#"got callback success");
NSLog(#"got callback failure");
+ (void)savePhotoImage:(UIImage*)PhotoImage :(NSString*)description :(NSString*)imageName withCallback:(ASCompletionBlock)callback
add workdone code here...
if (workdone)
} else {
typedef void (^ASCompletionBlock)(BOOL success);
+ (void)savePhotoImage:(UIImage*)PhotoImage :(NSString*)description : (NSString*)imageName withCallback:(ASCompletionBlock)callback;


iOS Box API - wait for request to finish

Is there a way to wait for the Box API to finish all requests? So for example, if I make a folder item request, I would like to have my program wait for the completion handler to finish before moving on.
As an example:
BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient defaultClient];
BOXFolderItemsRequest *listAllInRoot = [contentClient folderItemsRequestWithID:BOXAPIFolderIDRoot];
[listAllInRoot performRequestWithCompletion:^(NSArray *items, NSError *error) {
//Do something with the results here
// Wait here for the completion handler to finish before moving on
I had a go at using an NSCondition, however I am wondering if there's a better way.
(Swift 5.x) You can use this code :
var a: [String:Any]
func myFunction(completion:#escaping (Bool) -> () ) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// For example your action on a
myFunction { (status) in
if status {

Converting objective-c block to Swift closure

I am trying to convert this Objective-C block into Swift:
[self.client downloadEntity:#"Students" withParams: nil success:^(id response) {
// execute code
failure:^(NSError *error) {
// Execute code
This is my code in Swift, but the syntax seems to be a bit off:
client.downloadEntity("Students", withParams: nil, success: {(students: [AnyObject]!) -> Void in
}, failure: { (error: NSError!) -> Void! in
print ("here")
This is giving me a few compilation errors:
Value of 'AnyObject' has no member 'downloadEntity'
It is complaining about the lack of commas (,) right after the failure part of the code
Try this:
client.downloadEntity("Student", withParams: nil,
success: { (responseObj) -> Void in
print("success: \(responseObj)")
failure: { (errorObj) -> Void in
print("treat here (in this block) the error! error:\(errorObj)")
You need to switch to the new Swift error syntax, and you can also using trailing closures. I had to use a bool for the example to show how you would call your success closure, or you would throw an error.
var wasSuccessful = true // This is just here so this compiles and runs
// This is a custom error type. If you are using something that throws an
// NSError, you don't need this.
enum Error:ErrorType {
case DownloadFailed
// Hopefully you have control over this method and you can update
// the signature and body to something similar to this:
func downloadEntity(entityName: String, success: ([AnyObject]) -> Void) throws {
let students = [AnyObject]()
// download your entity
if wasSuccessful {
// Call your success completion handler
else {
throw Error.DownloadFailed
When you have a function that can throw an error, you need to call it with try inside a do/catch block.
// Calling a function that can throw
do {
try downloadEntity("Students") { students in
print("Download Succeded")
catch Error.DownloadFailed {
print("Download Failed")
// If you are handling NSError use this block instead of the one above
// catch let error as NSError {
// print(error.description)
// }

Using XCTest, how can one chain together multiple discrete sequences of { expectations -> wait }?

The documentation for XCTest waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler:, states that
Only one -waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:handler: can be active at any given time, but multiple discrete sequences of { expectations -> wait } can be chained together.
However, I have no idea how to implement this, nor can I find any examples. I'm working on a class that first needs to find all available serial ports, pick the correct port and then connect to the device attached to that port. So, I'm working with at least two expectations, XCTestExpectation *expectationAllAvailablePorts and *expectationConnectedToDevice. How would I chain those two?
I do the following and it works.
expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:#"Testing Async Method Works!"];
[AsynClass method:parameter callbackFunction:^(BOOL callbackStatus, NSMutableArray* array) {
[expectation fulfil];
// whatever
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:5 handler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
XCTFail(#"Expectation Failed with error: %#", error);
NSLog(#"expectation wait until handler finished ");
// do it again
expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:#"Testing Async Method Works!"];
[CallBackClass method:parameter callbackFunction:^(BOOL callbackStatus, NSMutableArray* array) {
[expectation fulfil];
// whatever
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:5 handler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
XCTFail(#"Expectation Failed with error: %#", error);
NSLog(#"expectation wait until handler finished ");
let expectation1 = //your definition
let expectation2 = //your definition
let result = XCTWaiter().wait(for: [expectation1, expectation2], timeout: 10, enforceOrder: true)
if result == .completed {
//all expectations completed in order
Assigning my expectation to a weak variable worked for me.
This seems to be working for me in Swift 3.0 as well.
let spyDelegate = SpyDelegate()
var asyncExpectation = expectation(description: "firstExpectation")
spyDelegate.asyncExpectation = asyncExpectation
let testee = MyClassToTest(delegate: spyDelegate)
testee.myFunction() //asyncExpectation.fulfill() happens here, implemented in SpyDelegate
waitForExpectations(timeout: 30.0) { (error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
XCTFail("error: \(error)")
asyncExpectation = expectation(description: "secoundExpectation")
spyDelegate.asyncExpectation = asyncExpectation
testee.delegate = spyDelegate
testee.myOtherFunction() //asyncExpectation.fulfill() happens here, implemented in SpyDelegate
waitForExpectations(timeout: 30.0) { (error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
XCTFail("error: \(error)")
Within a class that extends XCTestCase you can use wait(for:timeout:) like this:
let expectation1 = self.expectation(description: "expectation 1")
let expectation2 = self.expectation(description: "expectation 2")
let expectation3 = self.expectation(description: "expectation 3")
let expectation4 = self.expectation(description: "expectation 4")
// ...
// Do some asyc stuff, call expectation.fulfill() on each of the above expectations.
// ...
wait(for:[expectation1,expectation2,expectation3,expectation4], timeout: 8)

Release block or cancel block objc

Am using a Class to make all the network calls to fetch data.
// Helper Class method for network calls
- (void) dataForUser:user withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(id response)) onComplete {
[[webClient sharedObject] fetchDataForUser:user withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(id response)) onComplete {
// do something to get data
// View Controller's Model Class
- (void) getDataWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(id)) onComplete {
// helperClassObj is a class variable
[helperClassObj dataForUser:userInfo withCompletionHandler:^(id response) {
// process response and store it as response 1.
I cannot make another request until one gets completed. How can I cancel a previous request so that I dont have to wait until I get data. Like I requested data for user1 and request for data for user2 and I need to display user2 data and be able to cancel the previous call.
// Helper Class method for network calls
- (void) dataForUser:user withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(id response)) onComplete {
[webClient fetchDataForUser:user withCompletionHandler:^(id response) {
// do something to get data
if(onComplete) {
// View Controller's Model Class
BOOL isLastRequestCancelled = NO;
- (void) getDataWithCompletionHandler:(void(^)(id)) onComplete {
isLastRequestCancelled = YES;
// helperClassObj is a class variable
[helperClassObj dataForUser:userInfo withCompletionHandler:^(id response) {
// process response and store it as response1
if(!isLastRequestCancelled) {
if(onComplete) {
isLastRequestCancelled = NO;

Check whether or not the current thread is the main thread

Is there any way to check whether or not the current thread is the main thread in Objective-C?
I want to do something like this.
- (void)someMethod
NSLog(#"ok. this is main thread.");
} else {
NSLog(#"don't call this method from other thread!");
Have a look at the NSThread API documentation.
There are methods like
- (BOOL)isMainThread
+ (BOOL)isMainThread
and + (NSThread *)mainThread
In Swift3
if Thread.isMainThread {
print("Main Thread")
If you want a method to be executed on the main thread, you can:
- (void)someMethod
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
// Code for the method goes here
if ([NSThread isMainThread])
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
If you want to know whether or not you're on the main thread, you can simply use the debugger. Set a breakpoint at the line you're interested in, and when your program reaches it, call this:
(lldb) thread info
This will display information about the thread you're on:
(lldb) thread info
thread #1: tid = 0xe8ad0, 0x00000001083515a0 MyApp`MyApp.ViewController.sliderMoved (sender=0x00007fd221486340, self=0x00007fd22161c1a0)(ObjectiveC.UISlider) -> () + 112 at ViewController.swift:20, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
If the value for queue is, then you're on the main thread.
The following pattern will assure a method is executed on the main thread:
- (void)yourMethod {
// make sure this runs on the main thread
if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:_cmd/*#selector(yourMethod)*/
// put your code for yourMethod here
void ensureOnMainQueue(void (^block)(void)) {
if ([[NSOperationQueue currentQueue] isEqual:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]]) {
} else {
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
note that i check the operation queue, not the thread, as this is a more safer approach
Two ways. From #rano's answer,
[[NSThread currentThread] isMainThread] ? NSLog(#"MAIN THREAD") : NSLog(#"NOT MAIN THREAD");
[[NSThread mainThread] isEqual:[NSThread currentThread]] ? NSLog(#"MAIN THREAD") : NSLog(#"NOT MAIN THREAD");
For Monotouch / Xamarin iOS you can perform the check in this way:
if (NSThread.Current.IsMainThread)
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => DoSomething());
Swift 5.1, Xcode 11.3.1
Solution 1. Detect any queue
Get current DispatchQueue?
Solution 2. Detect only main queue
import Foundation
extension DispatchQueue {
private struct QueueReference { weak var queue: DispatchQueue? }
private static let key: DispatchSpecificKey<QueueReference> = {
let key = DispatchSpecificKey<QueueReference>()
let queue = DispatchQueue.main
queue.setSpecific(key: key, value: QueueReference(queue: queue))
return key
static var isRunningOnMainQueue: Bool { getSpecific(key: key)?.queue == .main }
if DispatchQueue.isRunningOnMainQueue { ... }
func test(queue: DispatchQueue) {
queue.async {
print("queue label: \(queue.label)")
print("is running on main queue: \(DispatchQueue.isRunningOnMainQueue)")
test(queue: DispatchQueue.main)
test(queue: .background))
test(queue: .unspecified))
Result (log)
queue label:
is running on main queue: false
queue label:
is running on main queue: false
queue label:
is running on main queue: true
Swift Version
if (NSThread.isMainThread()) {
print("Main Thread")
let isOnMainQueue =
(dispatch_queue_get_label(dispatch_get_main_queue()) ==
check this answer from
Here is a way to detect what the current queue is
extension DispatchQueue {
//Label of the current dispatch queue.
static var currentQueueLabel: String { String(cString: __dispatch_queue_get_label(nil)) }
/// Whether the current queue is a `NSBackgroundActivityScheduler` task.
static var isCurrentQueueNSBackgroundActivitySchedulerQueue: Bool { currentQueueLabel.hasPrefix("") }
/// Whether the current queue is a `Main` task.
static var isCurrentQueueMainQueue: Bool { currentQueueLabel.hasPrefix("") }
UPDATE: seems that is not correct solution, according to queue.h header as mentioned #demosten
The first thought was brought to me, when I was needed this functionality was the line:
dispatch_get_main_queue() == dispatch_get_current_queue();
And had looked to the accepted solution:
[NSThread isMainThread];
mine solution 2.5 times faster.
PS And yes, I'd checked, it works for all threads