SQL Server - SKIP DML statements from a given SQL Script file - sql

I have a huge sql server script which has mix of ddl, dml operations and there is a requirement to create a clean db structure (with no data). Is it possible for a transaction to skip DML scripts through some parameter or some other way.
Thanks in Advance.

Out of the box: no. But you can wrap the DML statements in your script with something like:
if ($(RUNDML) = 1)
--your dml here
Where RUNDML is a sqlcmd variable. You'd invoke your script with differing values of RUNDML based on whether or not you wanted data in the database being built.
Alternatively, separate the DML out into another script (or scripts) so you can choose whether to run the data portion of the build or not.


T-SQL equivalent of GO

I'm trying to write a T-SQL script to create a database and the corresponding tables. I'm having a problem where the USE statement complains that the database that I just "created" doesn't exist. If I run the script within SQL Server Management Studio so that I can make use of the GO statement, I don't get this issue.
Is there a T-SQL equivalent of GO that I can use to make sure the CREATE DATABASE gets executed before the USE?
I've tried BEGIN/COMMIT TRANSACTION and BEGIN/END but they didn't help.
Is there a T-SQL equivalent of GO that I can use to make sure the CREATE DATABASE gets executed before the USE?
Yes. Dynamic SQL. Each dynamic SQL invocation is a parsed, compiled, and executed as a separate batch.
exec ('
create database foo
exec ('
use foo
create table bar(id int)
Note that when used in dynamic SQL use database only change the database context for the dynamic batch. When control returns to the calling batch, the database context is restored.
In C# you should use separate calls to SqlComand for each batch.
High level steps.
Open connection to master.
Create new database (just create database statement).
Instead of USE call SqlConnection.ChangeDatabase(String) Method
Execute remaining batches

The real function of the "GO" Statement in SQL?

I heard that GO statement separates the command batches in SQL. And the CREATE transaction should be the only query on a batch.
But when i try:
Create database dbTest
Create table tbSomething(ID int primary key,Name varchar(30))
The output is still SUCCESS.
So how does the GO Statement affect the SQL batches?
GO is used to divide a script into multiple batches.
The word GO is not a sql statement. It is understood by the SQL batch processor (for example SSMS) not by SQL Server.
Simply put, if GO appears on a line on its own, SSMS sends each section delimited by GO as a separate batch. SQL Server never sees the GO lines, only the SQL between them.
Because SQL Server has a syntactic rule that stored procedures must be defined in a batch on their own, you will often find database creation scripts which use GO to delimit the batches so that multiple stored procedures can be created from one script. However it is the client software which understands GO and divides the batches, not SQL server.
'GO' statement in SQL server is to just sends a signal to take the current batch of SQL statements for execution.
To tell in simple words, it works like a delimiter.
It is an indication of end of SQL statement [i.e., 1 batch that needs to be executed].

Alter All Triggers via T-SQL

Is there a way to update/alter all triggers using Looping T-SQL or a C# Code ?. I need it too update all the triggers in my database because the RAISERROR command has changed in sql server 2012.
You can script out all the triggers into a text file. See:
How to Generate Scripts For All Triggers in Database Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Then, you can use a text editor to replace the code you need to replace. Then, you can drop your triggers and recreate them. I don't know if your referring to a production database, or one that you are doing development on. I am assuming from your question that you are prepared to make these major changes to your database. Make sure you back up your database first, in any event.
You can get all trigger using
SELECT [name] FROM [sys].[triggers]
and loop through each trigger and execute
EXEC sp_helptext 'TriggerName'
so you will have the create statement with it...

How can I restore my Stored Procedures again into dababase at once?

I had done generate script and take out my 100+ stored procedures into a separate 100 files like we take backup now i made changes into those files.
but now i need to alter all those original stored procedures
from database.
i mean to say now all those 100 files i need to again load into database.
How can I do this like I had generate script to take out those sp's from database
is there any way to restore all new sp's into same database at once?
please help.
If you wish to take out the scripts of stored procedures, you can take out them using "Generate Script" you shall get CREATE scripts. Once you change the scripts' body, you can rerun the scripts on the DB. But before that you can either drop the SP in the database or change the CREATE statement to ALTER in the script file.
One more way is to generate ALTER script when you take out the script. But this works with one proc at a time. You can right-click the SP and select "Script Stored Procedure as -> ALTER to -> File..." from the context menu.
You can backup your database stored procedures into a file, and restore them to your new database server using Backup and Restore tool.
ApexSQL Build does exactly what you need. It executes SQL scripts against new or existing databases, and you can specify to drop the object first, so there will be no conflicts when executing CREATE PROCEDURE statements
You can create T-SQL, C# or exe
Please use this script for execute in your database...
Convert(varchar(Max), Substring([RowLog Contents 0], 33, LEN([RowLog Contents 0]))) as [Script]
fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
You will see script stored procedure are dropped.
Good luck :)

Can the use or lack of use of "GO" in T-SQL scripts effect the outcome?

We have an SSIS package that ran in production on a SQL 2008 box with a 2005 compatibility setting. The package contains a SQL Task and it appears as though the SQL at the end of the script did not run.
The person who worked on that package noted before leaving the company that the package needed "GOs" between the individual SQL commands to correct the issue. however, when testing in development on SQL Server 2008 with 2008 compatibility, the package worked fine.
From what I know, GO's place commands in batches, where commands are sent to the database provider in a batch, for efficiency's sake. I am thinking that the only way that GO should effect the outcome is if there was an error in that script somewhere above it. I can imagine GO in that case, and only that case, effecting the outcome. However, we have seen no evidence of any errors logged.
Can someone suggest to me whether or not GO is even likely related to the problem? Assuming no error was encountered, my understanding of the "GO" command suggests that it use or lack of use is most likely unrelated to the problem.
The GO keyword is, as you say, a batch separator that is used by the SQL Server management tools. It's important to note, though, that the keyword itself is parsed by the client, not the server.
Depending on the version of SQL Server in question, some things do need to be placed into distinct batches, such as creating and using a database. There are also some operations that must take place at the beginning of a batch (like the use statement), so using these keywords means that you'll have to break the script up into batches.
A couple of things to keep in mind about breaking a script up into multiple batches:
When an error is encountered within a batch, execution of that batch stops. However, if your script has multiple batches, an error in one batch will only stop that batch from executing; subsequent batches will still execute
Variables declared within a batch are available to that batch only; they cannot be used in other batches
If the script is performing nothing but CRUD operations, then there's no need to break it up into multiple batches unless any of the above behavioral differences is desired.
All of your assumptions are correct.
One thing that I've experienced is that if you have a batch of statements that is a pre-requisite for another batch, you may need to separate them with a GO. One example may be if you add a column to a table and then update that column (I think...). But if it's just a series of DML queries, then the absence or presence of GO shouldn't matter.
I've noticed that if you set up any variables in the script their state (and maybe the variables themselves) are wiped after a 'GO' statement so they can't be reused. This was certainly the case on SQL Server 2000 and I presume it will be the case on 2005 and 2008 as well.
Yes, GO can affect outcome.
GO between statements will allow execution to continue if there is an error in between. For example, compare the output of these two scripts:
SELECT * FROM table_does_not_exist;
SELECT * FROM sys.objects;
SELECT * FROM table_does_not_exist;
SELECT * FROM sys.objects;
As others identified, you may need to issue GO if you need changes applied before you work on them (e.g. a new column) but you can't persist local or table variables across GO...
Finally, note that GO is not a T-SQL keyword, it is a batch separator. This is why you can't put GO in the middle of a stored procedure, for example ... SQL Server itself has no idea what GO means.
EDIT however one answer stated that transactions cannot span batches, which I disagree with:
INSERT #foo(id) SELECT 1;